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Religious Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




the world of thought; spiritual world; apprehended by thought; where inner illumination occurs
the world of bones; physical world; apprehended by senses; where the twins battle
Name the two worlds fashioned by Ahura Mazdā and discuss the relationship between them.
Ahura created two worlds: the spiritual (mēnōg, world of thought) and the physical (gētīg, world of bones). The spiritual is apprehended by thought and the physical by senses. Together the worlds make up the order of the universe. Ahura is the eternal source of light in both worlds. Mazdeans pray in front of a light source to connect them to the spiritual world. Inner illumination is believed to occur in the spiritual world. In the physical world, the Amesha Spentas and yazatas battle Angra Mainyu and the daivas.
Spenta Mainyu
the Holy Entity; prime manifestation of Ahura’s illumination; represents truth; helped by Amesha Spentas; Good religion counsels people to side with Spenta
Angra Mainyu
the Hostile Entity; chief force of darkness; represents lie; helped by daivas
Amesha Spentas
the Holy Immortals; aid Spenta Mainyu by protecting the physical world by inspiring good thought, deeds, and words; helped by yazatas; revered by Zoroastrians who try to develop their characteristics
became confused about the world and allied with Angra Mainyu; represented by dregvant (wicked) things such as desire and wrath
aid Amesha Spentas by destroying daivas
people who ally on the side of order
Who are the cosmic twins and their helpers? What is the relationship of these entities to human beings and the natural world?
The cosmic twins are Spenta Mainyu (the Holy Entity) and Angra Mainyu (the Hostile Entiny). Spenta is the prime manifestation of Ahura’s illumination, whereas Angra is the chief force of darkness. Amesha Spentas (Holy Immortals) aid Spenta by protecting the physical world by inspiring good thoughts, deeds, and words. Amesha Spentas helpers are called yazatas. Daivas became confused about the world and allied with Angra. They are represented by dregvant things such as desire and wrath.
In the physical world Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu represent truth and lie. Along with their helpers, the twins battle in the physical world. A human can choose to affiliate with either one. The Zoroastrians revere Amesha Spentas and try to develop their characteristics. The Good Religion counsels people to gain wisdom and side with Spenta. These people are called ashavan. With the ashavan’s help, thruth will prevail over lie and the world will end.
When did Zarathustra live?
Many sources differ on the exact time period Zarathustra lived in. It varies from the 19th-6th century B.C.E. In Zoroastrian literature it is said that he lived 258 years before Alexander. Based on this and a few other clues, historians date his life 628-551. However, the archaic language of the Gāthās suggests that this data can be moved back at least 4 centuries (1500-1000). The Bronze Age hit central Asia around 1800-1500. The Gāthās reference things like chariots that occurred at the onset of the Bronze Age.
What stories are told about Zarathustra's life?
Zarathustra was of the Spitāma clan who breaded horses. Both his conception and birth were marked by a bright light radiating around him. Zarathustra was a herder with few flocks. He was not very wealthy or powerful. He was the middle child out of five brothers. He married Hvovi and had 3 daughters and 3 sons. He became a priest like his father. As a priest he chanted hymns and performed rituals. He asked questions of Ahura and the exchanges were recorded in the Gathas. He was disturbed by other priests who drank too much and sacrificed animals. He tried to turn people towards the worship of Ahura. This caused him to make some enemies. At the age of 77 he was assassinated by a rival cult. Throughout his life he was constantly struggling for his life against the daivas.
When did Zarathustra live (alternative views)? What stories are told about his life?
Many sources differ on the exact time period Zarathustra lived in. It varies from the 19th-6th century B.C.E. In Zoroastrian literature it is said that he lived 258 years before Alexander. Based on this and a few other clues, historians date his life 628-551. However, the archaic language of the Gāthās suggests that this data can be moved back at least 4 centuries (1500-1000). The Bronze Age hit central Asia around 1800-1500. The Gāthās reference things like chariots that occurred at the onset of the Bronze Age.
Zarathustra was of the Spitāma clan who breaded horses. Both his conception and birth were marked by a bright light radiating around him. Zarathustra was a herder with few flocks. He was not very wealthy or powerful. He was the middle child out of five brothers. He married Hvovi and had 3 daughters and 3 sons. He became a priest like his father. As a priest he chanted hymns and performed rituals. He asked questions of Ahura and the exchanges were recorded in the Gathas. He was disturbed by other priests who drank too much and sacrificed animals. He tried to turn people towards the worship of Ahura. This caused him to make some enemies. At the age of 77 he was assassinated by a rival cult. Throughout his life he was constantly struggling for his life against the daivas.
Trace the development of the Zoroastrian religion in the Achaemenid Era
(550-330) The Achaemenid had some familiarity with Ahura Mazda. The rulers of that time united two Iranian tribes (Persians and Medes) who had priests called magi. Zoroastrian magi were present at the royal court as seers and counselors. The magi were well trained in rituals which they performed in temples. The Zoroastrians thrived during this period until they were conquered by Alexander.
Trace the development of the Zoroastrian religion in the Parthian Era
(274-224)In the Parthian era all religions underwent a syncretism. Mithra was favored over Ahura during this time. In the Zoroastrian tradition, Mithra was one of the yazatas. The worship of Mithra spread throughout soldiers all through the Persian and Roman Empires. Both Chritians and Muslims mention magi in their scriptures. The old form of Zoroastrianism barely survived the Parthian era, although large fire temples were able to be constructed. The magi kept the traditions alive by passing it on from father to son.
Trace the development of the Zoroastrian religion in the Sassnaid Era
(226-651)Zoroastrianism was favored by the rulers of the Sassanid era. Imperial coins pictured rulers as Mazda worshipers and Zoroastrianism was institutionalized by the royal court. The priests were divided into two ranks: teaching and ritual. In seminaries the priests wrote down oral traditions including what had survived of the Avesta. Around the 200s, Kirdīr was in charge of the Zoroastrian religion. He believed in asserting religious dominance over other religions. Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus were persecuted. Kirdīr rooted out anyone who rejected the official Zoroastrian institution.
What happened to the Zoroastrian community after the Sassanaid Era?
Arabs who conquered Iran 636 CE were mainly Muslim. Life became difficult for the Zoroastrians in Iran and many converted to Islam. Others went into exile in India, China and Egypt. Those who fled to China and Central Asia were culturally assimilated. Two groups arose: the Iranis in Iran and the Parsis in India. The two groups have tried to maintain uniform beliefs and practices throughout the separation and cultural changes
Trace the development of the Zoroastrian religion in the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassnaid eras. What happened to the Zoroastrian community after this time period?
The Achaemenid had some familiarity with Ahura Mazda. The rulers of that time united two Iranian tribes (Persians and Medes) who had priests called magi. Zoroastrian magi were present at the royal court as seers and counselors. The magi were well trained in rituals which they performed in temples. The Zoroastrians thrived during this period until they were conquered by Alexander. The magi lost their royal patronage. Zoroastrians claim that Alexander’s army slaughtered priests and burned scriptures.
In the Parthian era all religions underwent a syncretism. Mithra was favored over Ahura during this time. In the Zoroastrian tradition, Mithra was one of the yazatas. The worship of Mithra spread throughout soldiers all through the Persian and Roman Empires. Both Chritians and Muslims mention magi in their scriptures. The old form of Zoroastrianism barely survived the Parthian era, although large fire temples were able to be constructed. The magi kept the traditions alive by passing it on from father to son.
Zoroastrianism was favored by the rulers of the Sassanid era. Imperial coins pictured rulers as Mazda worshipers and Zoroastrianism was institutionalized by the royal court. The priests were divided into two ranks: teaching and ritual. In seminaries the priests wrote down oral traditions including what had survived of the Avesta. Around the 200s, Kirdīr was in charge of the Zoroastrian religion. He believed in asserting religious dominance over other religions. Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus were persecuted. Kirdīr rooted out anyone who rejected the official Zoroastrian institution.
Arabs who conquered Iran 636 CE were mainly Muslim. Life became difficult for the Zoroastrians in Iran and many converted to Islam. Others went into exile in India, China and Egypt. Those who fled to China and Central Asia were culturally assimilated. Two groups arose: the Iranis in Iran and the Parsis in India. The two groups have tried to maintain uniform beliefs and practices throughout the separation and cultural changes
What core values are set forth in Zoroastrian teachings? How are these tied into the Zoroastrian conception of divinity and the world year?
truth, charity, labor and cleanliness; Zoroastrians have a responsibility to follow these ethics to bring about a comic restoration
What is the meaning of fire in the Zoroastrian religion? What types of fire are used in Zoroastrian ritual?
Ahura is the eternal source of light. Therefore, Zoroastrians pray in front of fire to activate the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. Fire worship of Ahura is believed to enhance the human faculty of wisdom. Fire is the holiest aspect of physical creation and acts as the channel of life, protection, and strength from Ahura. For daily worship it is acceptable to pray in front of any light source. There are 3 grades of fire used in Zoroastrian ritual. The highest rank includes 16 different types of flame. These flames are used to represent light from both the natural and social order of ancient Iranians. The flames come from different occupation and people, such as a potter, soldier and king. It takes over 3 years to complete the ritual for the highest ranking fire. It is considered a sin to let it die.
What happens after death to a Zoroastrian?
On the fourth day after death, the member is taken to a tower of silence to be eaten by vultures. Males, females and children each have a separated area inside the tower. After 30 days the bones are swept into a limestone pit where they turn into dust. The Zoroastrians believe the bones will be reassembled for the resurrection body. The earth and fire are sacred elements and cannot be polluted. This is why corpses cannot be burned or buried.
Zoroastrians believe that their soul will go to heaven, hell, or limbo depending on how often they chose to side with Asha(truth). On the fourth day after death, the soul is led to Chinvat Bridge which connects the spiritual and physical world. The bridge widens for the righteous and narrows for the wicked. Souls approaching heaven experience light (stars, moon and sun). In heaven they will feel joy, warmth and light. Souls in hell are tortured in darkness. If the person engaged in deeds both good and evil will go to limbo. There the soul experiences nothing. All souls remain in these places until the end of the world year. Then all souls will undergo a final purification.
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