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Wen Bing: Qi Level syndromes
Wen Bing: Qi Level syndromes
Health Care

Additional Health Care Flashcards




Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome outline
no aversion to cold, but yes aversion to heat, severe thirst, red tongue w yellow coating, rapid pulse

fever without chills
Qi level: Qi level: Evil heat constraint in Lu pattern
high fever, severe thirst, severe irritability, coughing and wheezing w sticky and yellow sputum that is difficult to expectorate, stifling sensation in chest, chest pain, red tongue w yellow coating, slippery and rapid, flooding, rapid pulse

clear heat and facilitate Lu Qi
Wen Bing: Qi Level: heat disturbing chest and diaphragm pattern (Mild version)
evil heat from exterior has attacked interior, UJ, chest, Ht and diaphragm

sl fever. irritability, insomnia, restlessness, sl yellow tongue coating

spread Qi/heat constraint and elim irritability
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: heat disturbing chest and diaphragm (Severe version)
heat and fever severe, patient has burning sensation in chest and diaphragm, severe thirst, severe irritability, constipation, red and dry tongue w yellow dry coating, rapid and forceful pulse

clear and drain heat/fire
Wen Bing: vigorous heat in Lu and St pattern
similar to yang ming jing syndrome in shang han lun- high fever, copious sweating, red face, severe irritability, thirst, desire for cold water, red tongue w yellow and dry coating, flooding rapid forceful pulse (4 Bigs)

clear heat, generate body fluids
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: yang ming fu excess: heat accum in intestines
fever, aversion to heat, yang ming tidal fever (Ri Fu tidal, lasts 24 hours (higher from 3-5), red complexion, red eyes, unconsciousness, delirium, sweating, abdominal fullness aggravated by pressure
T: thick yellow, dry coating, very dry, black, w prickles
P: deep, forceful

severe cases, may be frigid extremities(d/t heat accum in intestines causing Qi and Blood stag-yang and Qi cant get to limbs to warm them
Wen Bing: Qi Level: yang ming fu syndrome w phlegm-heat obstructing Lu
tidal fever w constipation, wheezing, SOB, copious yellow and sticky sputum, yellow and greasy tongue coat, pulse is forceful and large (esp on rt side and 1st position

drains heat, purge accum down, opens up lu qi, transform phlegm
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: yang ming fu syndrome combined w SI vigorous heat
fever, irritability, thirst, abdominal fullness, constipation, dark scanty urine, painful and difficult urination, yellow and dry tongue coating, deep and rapid pulse that is wiry and forceful on rt side 3rd position

drains heat down, clears heat, promote urination
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: yang ming fu syndrome w yin and fluids deficiency
warm febrile pathogen easily injures yin and body fluids-patient has heat accum leading to yin and body fluids deficiency, which with heat cause constipation
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: yang ming fu syndrome w yin and fluids deficiency: MILD symptomes
after using purgative formulas which cause body fluid injury while draining heat from intestines, if there is lingering heat and constipation in later stage of febrile disease. purgative herbs have damaged MJ

protect St yin
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: yang ming fu syndrome w both qi and yin injury
body fever, abdominal fullness, constipation, dry mouth and dry throat, fatigue, SOB, yellow tongue coating, dry black coating, pulse is deep and weak, deep and choppy
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: damp heat lingering in 3 jiao
alternating chills and fever, stifling sensation in chest, oppressed sensation in epigastrium, distention in abdomen, scanty dark urine, greasy tongue coating

clear heat, promote qi movement, transform damp
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: damp heat pathogen constraint in GB channel
alt chills and fever (severe), more severe fever w sl chills, esp severe in afternoon, irritability and thirst, stifling sensation and oppression in chest and epigastrium, nausea and vomiting w bitter taste in mouth, yellow and greasy tongue coating, wiry and rapid pulse

harmonize Shao yang disorder and clear damp heat
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: damp heat obstruction in MJ
body fever, irritability, stifling sensation and oppression in chest and epigastrium, thirst but no desire to drink, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, fatgue, soreness, aching in extremities. sore swollen throat, scanty dark urine, maybe jaundice. red tongue w yellow greasy coating, pulse is slippery and rapid, soggy and rapid
Wen Bing: Qi level syndrome: damp heat in LJ
scanty and difficult urination. water retention and no urination, distention of head, body aching, nausea, vomiting, thirst w no desire to drink, white and greasy tongue coat, may also be unsonsciousness

use bland herb to leach out dampness, promote urination, aromatically open orifice, clears heat, mostly used for clearing dampness
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