Shared Flashcard Set


Vocab Cards 1
For English class
Language - English
9th Grade

Additional Language - English Flashcards




avi/a- bird
avian- of or relating to birds; a bird
My bird-watching grandfather is obsessed with all things avian.
Types of avians: Ravens, bluebirds, robins, owls, crows, robins
aviatrix- a female pilot
My sister is going to flight school to become an aviatrix.
Famous aviatrixes: Amelia Earhart, Harriet Quimby, Katherine and Marjorie Stinson
bar/o- pressure, weight
barotrauma- injury caused by a change in air pressure, typically affecting the air or lung
I experienced severe barotrauma and my ears began to bleed during our hike, and we had to go home.
Places I might get barotrauma: In the mountains, underground, underwater
bariatrics- the branch of medicine that deals with the study and treatment of obesity
Leslie went into bariatrics when her obese sister had a heart attack and almost died.
Diseases studied in bariatrics: Type 2 diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, heart disease
bell/i- war
belligerence- aggressive or warlike behavior
Terrorists are known for their belligerence.
Groups known for being belligerent: Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, the Black Panther Party
bellow- emit a deep, loud roar, typically in pain or anger
The bear let out a bellow that made my hair stand on end.
Animals that bellow: Lions, whales, tigers
bene- good, well
beneficent- generous or good
She was a very beneficent person, and friends with everyone.
Beneficent deeds: Donating to charity, holding a door for someone, reading to the blind
benevolent- well meaning and kindly
I try to be kind and benevolent to everyone I meet.
Benevolent people: Ghandi, Mother Teresa, Audrey Hepburn
bi/n- two, twice, once in every two
binary-relating to, composed of, or involving two things
My transgender friend doesn't consider themselves part of the gender binary.
Binaries: Day and night, Democrat and Republican, boy and girl
bicolor- having two colors
My bicolor bedroom gets many odd looks from guests.
Bicolor animals: Zebras, leopards, siamese cats
bibliopole- a person who buys and sells books
He became a bibliopole and made thousands of dollars from the books he sold.
Places you might find a bibliopole: At a yard sale, at a library, in a coffeeshop
bibliotheca- a library
The students spent almost all their time in the bibliotheca during finals week.
Things you would find in a bibliotheca: Books, computers, magazines, shelves, librarians
bio- life, living matter
biocentrism- the view or belief that the rights and needs of humans are not more important than those of other living things
I became a vegan around the same time I became biocentric.
Biocentric religions: Islam, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism
biocide- a poisonous substance
The doctors worked desperately to find an antidote for the biocide she had swallowed.
Biocides: Cleaning fluid, apple seeds, gasoline
blast/o- cell, primitive, immature cell
blastocoel- the fluid-filled cavity of a blastula
I could see the blastula's blastocoel under the microscope.
The blastocoel is surrounded by: Micromere, macromere, blastoderm, vegetal pole
blastopore- the opening of the central cavity of an embroyo in the early stage of development
We are studying blastopores as part of our Parts of Underdeveloped Cells unit.
The blastopore in near: The blastoderm, the blastocoel, the primary mesenchyme
capt, cept
capt, cept- take, hold
deception- a misleading falsehood
I couldn't tell whether I was being deceived, she was a good liar.
Common deceptions: Fake ids, costumes, fake accents
susceptible- likely or inclined to be affected by something
Teetering on the edge of a cliff, I was very susceptible to falling.
I am susceptible to: Arthritis, poor eyesight, bad acne
cardi/o- heart
cardiodynia- pain in the region of the heart
Heart attack victims often experience cardiodynia beforehand.
Songs about figuritive cardiodynia: Jolene, Don't Go Breakin' My Heart, that one song from Grease I think it's called "Sandy" or something
cardiopathy- heart disease
Her love of fast food made her susceptible to cardiopathy.
Types of cardiopathy: Angina, claudication, heart failure
carn/i- flesh, meat
incarnadine- flesh-colored; of a carnation or pale red color
I couldn't finish my portrait because I ran out of incarnadine paint.
Incarnadine things: Peaches, carnations, fancy wood
carnage- Great destruction of life, as in battle; bloodshed; slaughter; massacre; murder; havoc
Odysseus has seen much carnage in his life.
Famous carnages: The Civil War, World War II, the War of 1812
cata- down, against, completely, intensive, according to
catamount- a medium-sized or large wild cat
Due to an incident during a camping trip, I am terrified of catamounts.
Types of catamounts: Cheetahs, leopards, panthers, bobcats
catachresis- The use of a word in a way that is not correct, for example, the use of mitigate for militate
She used too many catachresises to be our main speaker.
Common catachresises: Hopefully, literally, ironic
caust, caut
caust, caut- to burn
atmocausis: treatment of disease by application of steam
My cut was healed with atmocausis.
People who might perform atmocausis: Doctors, physician assistants, nurses, quacks
cauter: a hot iron for searing or cauterizing
I burned myself on a cauter while working at the farm.
Uses for cauters: Ironing clothes, marking animals, melting metal
cede, ceed, cess
cede, ceed, cess- go, yield
intercede:Intervene on behalf of another.
I interceded their argument before it got two ugly.
I might intercede: An abusive relationship, a fight, an announcement that will cause trouble
procession: a group moving forward
We moved in a procession during graduation.
Common processions: Parades, military marches, students walking in line
ceive, cept- take
misconceive: fail to understand correctly
He often misconceived her sarcasm as genuine stupidity.
I might misconceive teasing as: sincere malice, flirting, anger
contraceptive: capable of preventing conception or impregnation
Many cases of teen pregnancies are caused by failure to use contraceptives.
Types of contraceptives: Condoms, birth control pills, abstinence
celerity: swiftness of movement
He was amazed by the runner's natural celerity.
Jobs that require celerity: Doctor, athlete, dancer
accelerate: begin to move more quickly
The race car accelerated and moved to the front of the line.
Things that would cause me to accelerate: a serial killer, Slenderman, a bear
cent/i-hundred, hundredth
centurion: (ancient Rome) the leader of 100 soldiers
I looked a like a true centurion as I led the parade.
Famous centurions: Agathius, Gordius, Marcellus the Centurion
centipede: a small creature (bug) with 100 feet
She brought a jar of centipedes and worms for show and tell.
If I found a centipede, I would: run, squash it, pull its legs off
concentric: having a common center
I made a concentric piece with three circles for art class.
concentric things: a propeller blades, a target, a rainbow
ethnocentric: inclined to regard one's own social group as superior to all others; evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one's own culture
Many white people are ethnocentric, whether they realize it or not.
Famous ethnocentric people: Hitler,the KKK, the Black Panther Party
acephalous: not having a head or a clearly defined head
The Headless Horseman is a famous acephalous fictional character.
Animals that live after becoming acephalous: Chickens, fruit flies, cockroaches
bicephalous: having two heads
Genetic mutation often results in bicephalous animals.
Famous bicephalous characters: The Two-Headed Monster, Zack and Wheezy, Zaphod Beeblebrox
cerebration: the working of the brain, thinking
The Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz wanted to have cerebration.
Common topics of cerebration: the meaning of life, one's love interest, school work
cerebralgia: a headache
The constant noise was causing him cerebralgia.
Things that give me cerebralgia: My brother, dubstep, my poor eyesight
certifier: someone who assures
The certifier swore to her that her child was ok.
Certifiers in daily life: Doctors, reporters, scientists
certitude: the feeling of conviction about something, especially an opinion or religious faith
She stood for her Jewish beliefs with certitude.
I have certitude for my stances on: gay marriage, atheism, One Direction
chrom/o, chromat/o, chros- color, pigment
achromatrichia: a grayness of hair
His disease caused him to have early achromatrichicia.
Celebrities with achromatrichicia: George Clooney, Helen Mirren, Blythe Danner
monchromatic: having only one color
We are painting monochromatic portraits in art class.
Things that can be monochromatic: a painting, a group of people, an outfit, a Rolling Stones rainbow
chron/o- time
chronometer: an instrument for measuring time
Everyone went to me for the hour, as I was the only one with a chronometer.
Types of chronometers: Stopwatches, hourglasses, clocks
achronism: without time; the state of timelessness; deficiency of time
Class is so boring it feels practically achronist.
Places that seem to cause achronism: Waiting rooms, school, home when I'm doing these flashcards
chrys/o- gold, yellow
chrysalis: a quiescent insect pupa, especially of a butterfly or moth
The caterpillar emerged from the chrysalis as a gorgeous butterfly.
Bugs that make chrysalises: Beetles, moths, butterflies
chrysolite: a yellowish green or brownish variety of olivine, used as a gemstone
The algae-ful water sparkled like chrysolite.
Chrysolite might be used on: earrings, rings, necklaces
cide, cise- cut, kill
algiocide: pain killer
Many diseases can only be treated with algiocide.
Types of algiocide: Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Tums
excide: to cut out, to cut off
She excided a snowflake from the paper.
Acceptable things to excide: Cake, paper, wood
circum, circle- around, about
circumfluent: flowing around, surrounding
The water circumfluent our boat was a beautiful sight.
The ocean is circumfluent: Islands, ships, fish
circumlocution: the use of many words where fewer would do
It was easy to tell when she was lying, her explanations were full of circumlocution
Circumlocutions: Sales pitches, senate filibusters, presidential debates
claim, clam- shout, speak out
claimant: a person making a claim, especially in a lawsuit or for a government
The claimant stated that I was guilty.
Things claimants often say: "They are innocent," "They are insane," "You are lying."
clamant: forcing itself urgently on the attention
My hunger that I originally thought i could ignore became clamant very quickly.
Clamant issues: Global warming, the economy, foreign policy
clar- clear
clarity: the quality of being clear
The paper lacked clarity and was hard to understand.
People that should speak with clarity: Presidents, lawyers, political activists
declaration: a formal or explicit statement or announcement
His anguished declaration of love took her completely by surprise.
Famous declarations: The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, The Schuman Declaration
clud, clus- close
exclude: to restrict or to prevent participation or involvement in a situation or activity
His friends often excluded him from their group.
Things I want to exclude from my life: ignorance, hatred, One Direction
recluse: a reference to living a solitary life and avoiding any contact with other people
The crabby recluse had no friends and always kept to herself.
Things recluses might do to pass the time: Play solitaire, watch tv, read
cline- lean
anticline: forming a ridge in which strata lean against each other, inclining in opposite directions
Mountains are particularly large anticlines in the Earth.
Famous anticlines: Mount Everest, the Richat Structure, pyramids
halocline: a vertical gradient in the saltiness of the ocean
Several marine animals can only live in certain levels of halocline.
People who care about haloclines: Marine biologists, salt marketers, fish
co- with, together, joint
co-omnipotence: joint command; jointly all-powerful
Their leadership was co-omnipotent.
(typically) co-omnipotent leaderships: king and queen, husband and wife, oligarchy
coadjutant: helping another or others; a person who helps
She was very coadjutant, people always went to her for advice.
Coadjutant actions: Holding a door for someone, helping someone clean their house, loaning someone money
col- together, jointly
coleopterist: a person who studies or collects beetles
My little sister is obsessed with bugs, I bet she'll become a coleopterist.
Bugs that coleopterists study: Carpet Beetles, Dung Beetles, Merchant Grain Beetles
collate: collect and combine in proper order
com- together, common
comity: courtesy and considerate behavior towards others
His comity made him very well-liked in the town.
Comity that few people actually do: acknowledging one has been rude and apologizing, keeping one's rude opinions to oneself, helping old ladies across the street
combings: hairs or other materials removed with a comb
My friend's brush was full of combings.
Combings one might find in a brush: Animal fur, dandruff, shampoo flakes
cogn/i- know
cognate: related, connected
He was sure the murders were somehow cognate.
Cognate books: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings; Little Women and Little Men; The Wizard of Oz and Wicked
cognize: perceive, know, or become aware of
She never cognized that Hawaii was a state.
Things I recently cognized: British tv is actually pretty funny, Bach was German, DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid
con- with, jointly
concatenate: together in a chain or series
Harry Potter is a concatenate set of books.
Concatenate things: Movies series, paper links on a chain, pages in a book
congregate: to gather with others in one place
They had all congregated in one room.
Places where people congregate: Cafeterias, conventions, meetings
contra/o- against, opposite
contradistinction: a distinction make by contrasting the different qualities of two things
Her venn diagram displayed a perfect contradistinction.
Things people might make contradistinctions between: alligators and crocodiles; soups and chowders; tumblr and facebook
controvert: deny the truth of
Despite my reasoning, he still controverted my claims.
I controvert the claim that: Family Guy is funny, Ugg boots are terrible, Biology isn't hard
corp/o- body
corpulent: (of a person) fat
After the holiday season, he had become very corpulent.
Corpulent characters: Fat Albert, Patrick Star, Madea
corpus: a collection of written texts
I had acquired the entire corpus of Jerry Spinelli books.
People who might own corpuses: Librarians, fangirls, Darwinists
cosm/o- universe
cosmical: pertaining to the solar system as a whole, and not to the earth alone
Astronomers are fascinated with cosmical things.
Cosmical movies: Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien
cosmonaut: a Russian astronaut
My Russian pen pal is studying hard to become a cosmonaut.
Famous cosmonauts: Gherman Titov, Andriyan Nikolayev, Pavel Popovich
counter- opposite, contrary, opposing
counterculture: a way of life and set of attitudes opposed to or at variance with the prevailing social norm
I would like to become part of the goth counterculture.
Well-known countercultures: Hippies, geeks, punks
countermand: revoke (an order)
He countermanded his original order once he studied the possible consequences.
Orders I would countermand immediately: "Bite me," "Go jump off a bridge," "Please play that One Direction song again"
cranio- skull
amphicrania: a headache or pain affecting both sides of the head
The fall had given her severe amphicrania.
Things that give me amphicrania: loud noises, crying, lack of sleep
craniometer: a device for measuring the external dimensions of the skull
I felt a bit unnerved when the doctor put the craniometer around my head.
Reasons people might use a craniometer: They need to perform medical procedures on your head, they want to make you a hat, they need to know if your injuries are severe
cred- believe
credible: able to be believed, convincing
I highly doubted his information was credible.
Non-credible sources: Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, People Magazine
credo: a statement of the beliefs or aims that guide someone's actions
Before beginning the operation, he told us his credo.
My credoes: One Direction sucks, high school sucks, everyone should be treated with respect unless they don't do the same for you then have at them
crypto- hidden, secret
cryptogram: a text written in code
Indiana Jones tried desperately to decipher the cryptogram.
Common tricks used to write a cyptogram: writing backwards, pig latin, making up your own alphabet
cryptology: the study of codes, or the art of writing and solving them
My little brother is so obsessed with spy movies he'll probably go into cryptology.
People who might study cryptology: Private detectives, spies, historians
cumul- mass, heap
cumulate: gather together and combine
We cumulated our savings.
Things that cumulate: Water droplets, data, laundry piles
cumulus: a cloud forming rounded masses heaped on each other above a flat base at fairly low altitude
It was a very pretty day, there were many cumulus clouds in the sky.
People who study cumulus clouds: Meteorologists, astronomers, sky gazers
cycl- circle, ring
cyclic: occurring in cycles, regularly repeated
Her life had become boring and cyclic.
Cyclic things: The school week, the water cycle, work and consumption
cyclist: a person who rides a bicycle
The attire of the professional cyclist never fails to make me laugh.
The attire of the professional cyclist: helmet, tight shorts, shirt tucked in to said shorts
de- reduce, away, down, remove
deambulator: a person who goes for walks
We did our best to look like two ordinary deambulators on a morning stroll.
Types of deambulators: Dog walkers, baby stroller pushers, tourists, people who talk on the phone constantly
debar: to forbid, hinder, or prevent
I was debarred from ever returning to Target again.
Things our school has debarred: Wearing hoodies, being late to class, using phones
co- with, together, joint
co-omnipotence: joint command; jointly all-powerful
Their leadership was co-omnipotent.
(typically) co-omnipotent leaderships: king and queen, husband and wife, oligarchy
coadjutant: helping another or others; a person who helps
She was very coadjutant, people always went to her for advice.
Coadjutant actions: Holding a door for someone, helping someone clean their house, loaning someone money
dec/a, deka- ten
decathlon- an athletic contest consisting of ten different track-and-field events
My sister has been taking track, and is now training for a decathlon.
Things to take to a decathlon: Running shoes, water, shorts
decadal- pertaining to ten; consisting of tens
I find that the decadal computer codes are the easiest to learn.
decadal things: base-ten numbers systems, decades, the month December
deci- one tenth
decimate – kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage of
The aliens wanted to decimate the human race.
Things I want to decimate: One Direction, Crocs, high-schoolers
decimeter- a metric unit of length, equal to one tenth of a meter
My friend freaked out when she realized her measurement converter didn't cover decimeters.
Things that are a decimeter long: the palm of a hand, a computer mouse, a swiss army knife
dem/o- people
demographic- a particular sector of a population
It's hard to tell what demographic Glee is trying to appeal to.
Entertainment demographics: teenagers, African- Americans, Christians
demotic- relating to or involving ordinary people
I am studying demotic dialect for my Language Arts class.
Demotic pets: Cats, dogs, hamsters, fish
demi- half, less than
demigod- an important or revered man who is treated like a god
His was so popular he had almost become a demigod in the school.
Demigods: Barack Obama, Chuck Norris, One Direction
demiurge- a very strong, driving, and influential force or personality
Peer pressure can be a dangerous demiurge for many teenagers.
Demiurges in normal life: the president, popular people, media
dendro/o/i- tree
acrodendrophilous- a description of a species that lives or thrives in treetop habitats
I am writing an acrodendrophilous on monkeys.
Animals one might write an acrodendrophilous about: Birds, squirrels, and lemurs
dendral- pertaining to or of the nature of a tree; arboreal
My uncle the arborologist is interested in all things dendral.
Dendral colors: Green, Brown, Yellow
dent, dont- tooth
dentography- a written description of a tooth or teeth
Upon finding the animal, she made a mental note to write a dentography about it's huge teeth.
Animals you might write a dentography about: Alligators, dinosaurs, bears,
edentulous- being toothless or having lost teeth
My baby sister is still edentulous, so she can't eat solid foods.
Edentulous animals: fish, bugs, frogs
derm/a- skin
dermatodynia- localized pain, usually confined to the skin
One side effect of my medicine is prolonged dermatodynia in the hand.
Things that cause dermatodynia: Scraping your knee, cutting your hand, burning yourself
dermatopathy- any disease of the skin
My aunt is a doctor specializing in dermatopathy.
Dermatophy forms: Acne, Eczema, Skin Cancer
di/plo- two, twice
dichotomy- a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different
She tried to convince me that cats and dogs were a dichotomy.
Word sets that are dichotomies: Stop and go; never and always; to and from
dichromatic – displaying two colors
She always wore dichromatic outifts.
Dichromatic animals: Dalmations, leopards, zebras
di/s- apart, away, not, to the opposite
diffident- lacking self-confidence
She was going to perform in the talent show, but her diffidence got the best of her.
Diffident characters: Charlie Brown, Lizzie Mcguire, the kid from Diary of a Wimpy Kid
disacquaint- to render unacquainted; to make unfamiliar
We became disacquainted shortly after our fight.
Things I want to disacquaint from my life: People that drive me crazy, self-hating, Lady Gaga
dia- through, between, apart, across
dialect- a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific region or social group
Her proper English dialect gave many people the impression that she was smart.
Types of Dialects: Urban, Cajun, proper, Welsh
dialog– conversation between two people
The dialog in the movie sounded very forced.
Common topics of dialog: The weather, a movie, school work
dict- speak
malediction- a curse or an expression of slander
She was arrested for her malediction towards the King.
(G-rated) Words to express malediction: Traitor, brat, witch
contradict – to express the opposite of
Her habit of contradicting everything anyone said was very annoying.
Words of contradiction: No, au contraire, nuh- uh, you're wrong
domin- master
domineering– excessively controlling
Our new boss is very domineering.
Domineering people: Hitler, Mao Zedong, King John
predominate– to have more power than others
The American president predominates most other country leaders.
People who predominate: Parents predominate children, teachers predominate students, bosses predominate employees
don/at- give
condonation- the overlooking of or an implied forgiving of an offense
What she had said to me was admittedly quite difficult to condone.
Acts that should not be condoned: Rape, murder, arson
donative- a gift for a special or exceptional purpose
The flowers and box of chocolates were a very considerate donative.
People who might ask for donatives: The Salvation Army, starving artists, Wikipedia
deduction– a subtraction of an amount
abduct- to lead, take away, or carry off improperly, whether by force or fraud
My brother is certain that he will be abducted by aliens.
Famous abduction cases: the Weinberger kidnapping, the Patty Hearst kidnapping, The Greenlease kidnapping
du/o- two, twice
dubious- fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided
His argument left her quite dubious over his claim.
Things I am dubious about: The existence of a God, the use of Algebra, the efficacy of Goji Berries
duet- a musical composition for two voices or instruments
Me and my friend will be singing a duet for the school talent show.
Famous duet songs: Baby It's Cold Outside, Don't Go Breaking My Heart, Don't You Want me Baby
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