Shared Flashcard Set


VETT 212 Sm Animal Diseases and Medical Care III
Wk 2 ~ Male Anatomy & Dzs/ ~ Male/Female Neoplasias
Veterinary Medicine
Not Applicable

Additional Veterinary Medicine Flashcards




What is the scrotum?
- The sac of skin that houses the testes
- helps regulate their temp, must be sl cooler than body temp to produce spermatozoa
- cremaster muscle passes through inguinal ring, attaches to scrotum to adjust position of testes relative to the body
- warm conditions, muscle relaxes and testes hang down away from warm body
- cold conditions, muscle pulls testes up tight against the body wall to help warm them.
What is the prepuce?
The sheath of skin that encloses the penis when it is not erect
What is the main hormone that influences the male system?
What other hormone may affect the male system?
Luteinizing hormone (LH), sometimes called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) in the male
What are the 3 main parts of the penis?
How are sperm produced?
- produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes
- spermatozoa produced by meiosis
- “parent” cells stay toward periphery of the tubule and “daughter” cells are pushed toward the center as they divide
- primary spermatocytes divide to produce secondary spermatocytes, which divide to produce spermatids
- the spermatids undergo physical changes to become spermatozoa
- while undergoing transformations, spermatids are attached to large “nurse” cells called Sertoli cells.
Sertoli cells
- provide mechanical and nutritional support to developing spermatozoa
- help shield them from the body’s immune system (proteins on the surfaces of the genetically unique spermatozoa would stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against them if not shielded – would cause an autiimmune rxn)
- sertoli cells also produce a sm amt of estrogens under stim of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) from the anterior pituitary gland
7. What structures do spermatozoa pass through from their site of production to their release from the penis?
- Seminiferous tubules of the testes
- immature spermatozoa detach from Sertoli cells, enter complex of ducts that make up the rete testis (rete is complex network of something in the body)
- go through efferent ducts of the testes
- to epididymis (storage site and place for them to mature b4 expelled by ejaculation)
- Via the vas deferens (aka ductus deferens) move from the epididymis (in the scrotum) up to the urethra (w/in the pelvis cavity) when ejaculation occurs
- in the urethra, they mix w/ secretions from accessory repro glands to form semen
Define Glans of the penis
the tip, or distal, free end of the organ. Structure and appearance vary considerably among spp.
Define Os penis
bone in the penis of the dog, the urethra runs through a groove in the ventral surface of the os penis. Rarely of clinical significance unless fractured (very rare) or unless uriniary stones lodge in the urethra, where it enters the groove in the os penis and obstruct urine flow
Define Bulb of the glans
enlargement near the rear of the glans; made up of erectile tissue that is derived from the corpus cavernosum urethrae; during breeding, becomes engorged w/ blood more slowly than other erectile structures, does not reach full size until after ejaculation, once enlarges, is clamped in place by contractions of the muscles of vagina and vulva for 15 – 20 minutes
What are the 3 main parts of the penis?
Roots – attach it to the brim of pelvis; consist primarily of 2 bands of connective tissue, called the crura, covered by the ischiocavernosus muscles

Body of the penis – mainly made of 2 bunches of erectile tissue (composed of a spongy network of fibrous connective tissue and many tiny, blood-filled spaces called sinuses).
Two erectile structures are: corpus cavernosum urethrae (smaller) – forms a sleeve around urethra as it passes through body of penis - and corpus cavernosum penis (larger)

Glans of the penis – the tip, or distal, free end of the organ. Structure and appearance vary considerably among spp
If a male adult cat is brought into the clinic and he does not have testicles in the scrotum, what is an easy way to determine if he is indeed neutered or if he has retained testicles (cryptorchid) ?
HCG stimulation test is a useful dx method for detection of cryptorchid testis.

In sx, the most practical solution to locate undescended testis is to follow the intact ductus deferens
Define and describe phimosis
When the penis cannot be extruded from the prepuce. May be congenital due to a sm orifice or persistent frenulum. Acquired inflammation or neoplasia reduces the size of preputial orifice or increases the size of the penis. Depending on severity of size, may go unnoticed until breeding, Tx – sx enlarge the opening or sx excision of masses
Define and describe phimosis
When the penis cannot be extruded from the prepuce. May be congenital due to a sm orifice or persistent frenulum. Acquired inflammation or neoplasia reduces the size of preputial orifice or increases the size of the penis. Depending on severity of size, may go unnoticed until breeding, Tx – sx enlarge the opening or sx excision of masses. Emergency – will rapidly dry and become necrotic/gangrenous. Poss dysuria from compression of urethra. Tx – cold packs to decrease swelling/lubricants. May need to incise the prepuce to replace penis and place temp purse string suture in the prepuce to prevent reoccurance
Define orchitis. What are the causes of this?
Infxn of the testicles. May be caused by fight wounds, injury, systemic infxn (Brucella canis), extension from prostate or UT infxns. Signs acute dz – stiff gait, hard swollen testicle(s), pain, self inflicted scrotal dermatitis. W/ chronic infxn, testicles are small, firm, nonpainful. May result in sterility. Dx – exam, semen exam, UA. Tx – abx or castration
What can greatly increase the chance of development of a Sertoli cell tumor in dogs?
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