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Undergraduate 3

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What is Global Hauren and Indonesian Chinese?


The Global Huaren (Chinese) cyberpublic promotes itself as an electronic watchdog for ethnic Chinese communities around the globe.

Example In 98, website mobilized worldwide protests againast anti-chinese attacks in Indonesia. Site caused tension between Indonesian and Global Hauren. Inodnesian Chinese felt it jeopardized attempts to commit selves as Indonesian Citizens

Learn it because its a big example of Net Activisim in our world. Cyber-based humanitarianism.

What is the Climax in Chinatown?
The death of Mrs. Mullray is the climax in Chinatown. Gitts desire was to save Mrs. Mullray, and get her and her daughter away from her father. This is the climax because he failed to acheive wha the desired.
What is Immobile Socialization?

Definition The theory that the Internet is being mobilized in a process of collective deliberatino and action in which people engage from their private realm.

Example Forums allow people to come in contact with diverse cultures. You may play an online game where your guild is composed of people from all over  the world.

Why we learned because we are engaging in different forms of collective practice online. We are broadening our views more then ever.

What is the Perception of Directional Movement?

North: up, a positive movement, a lifting, ascending

South: down, negative movement, a retreat

East: the rising direction;

   when read from west to east: direction of progress, new start, second chance

West: the setting sun direction;

   negative - close of something, end, or decline

   positive - as a culture, all the progress of our history has been westward

Why because each direction has different influences upon movement in media

What is a Wikipedian?

Definition a Wikipedian is a contributor to wikipedia that constantly edits and updates wikipedia. Concerned with Wikipedia as a whole rather than certain articles. Believe they are contributing to a greater good and support the goals of the community.

Example someone who checks their 'watch list' regularly and/or uses discussion pages to monitor article updates

Why the concept of Wikipedian relates to class because many people establish their identity through user pages nowadays

What is Visual Resolution?

Definition refers to the visual structure and intensity during a storys resolution. The visual intensity must be decreased in resolution. This is done using the principle of contrast and affinity. As the visual affinity increases, the visual intensity will decrease.

Example Jaws - final shot is long continuous wide shot as the survivors paddle to shore. When comparing visual affinity of the resolution to the visual contrasts of climax, we can see Speilberg created affinity for resolution.

Why because visual structure in a story has to have resolution too.

What is Children of "Bricoleurs?"

Definition the idea that children will adopt theories as needed to explain a given situation at hand and that children can embrace contradictory theories

Example a child viewing a computer as a conscious/human-like entity.

Why because this idea can break down the border between human psychology and the world of machines

What is the Informatics of Domination?

Definition according to Donna Haraways Cyborg Manifesto they are "major rearrangements in a world-wide social relations tied to science and technology." It is the idea of "Comfortable old" Hierarchies vs. "Scary new" Networks

Example Representation vs. Simulation, or Perfection vs. Optimization

Why it fleshes out the idea of cyberfeminism by showing what the movement is opposed to. It is a key part of Haraways social cyborg metaphor

What is Lara Craft Fandom vs. Fandom as "Resistance"?

Definition the fans of Lara croft are less interesting in rewriting hre rules than by fleshing out her as a character. There is no back-story for Lara, fans can essentially create their own back-story.

Example with Lara Croft, there is no tension between the audiences and the owners. Rather than seeing it as a tug of war, this type of media is more comlex and cooperative where audiences and owners work together.

Why this idea helps demonstrate a new form of Fandom culture

What is Narrativity?

Definition refers to the process by which a story is both presented by the filmmaker and interpreted by the viewer. It is different from narrative, which only has to do with the story iteself.

Example montage, or the juxtaposition of images. A filmmaker choses what to show, and what not to show, and is key to understanding him as a artist or story teller.

Why because many believe interpretation of narrative is subjective. In other words, the same story may appear different to 2 viewers.

What is Culture of Cyberspace?

Definition the "Mythology" of cyberspace as "gender-neutral, culture neutal" or beyond human culture. It sees Cyberspace as global and abstract and views Globalization as homogenization, creating a "one world culture" Its roots are from 1980s cyberpunk literature.

Example the increased use of acronyms in colloquial language is a direction reflection on how the interactions within cyberspace have become a culture of its own

Why cyberspace culture is influencing us and our culture outside of cyberspace, and we are influencing it with our culture as well.

What is Space and Narrative in Run Lola Run?

Definition In Tom Tykwers "Run Lola Run", narrative is tied to traversal of space. Character identification is based on physical as much as emotional factors. The Environment (Berlin) is meant to be interacted with rather than just observed. The navigation of space partially replaces character development. The story changes based on Lolas interaction with spaces.

Ex when Lola is hit by the white car, the rest of the story or narrative in the film changes

Why because it shows that games influence film

What is Semantic Resistance?

Definition refers to the user of "words as war" in regards to low-fidelity 'hacktivism' - political activism that makes use of the manipulation of electronic meadiums as a means to an end. While other methods of hacktivism involve hacking, semantic resistance relies heavily on the use of email as its medium for propagation. Goal is to create a global social resistance from the groundup, using 'poetic intervention'.

Ex 'New Media Activism' excerpt from which this term originates describes the Zapatista movement in Mexico. Used 'netwar' to accomplish their goals, and much of this involved hacking government servers and propagating a semantic resistance

Why New form of electronic resistance movement covered in the New Media Activism book.

What is Hybridity and Hypermedia?

Definition Hybridity refers to a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions. This idea refers to a person relying on their diverse cultural background the creation of hypermedia. Essentially, this person may combine art forms from their different cultural backgrounds into a new form.

Ex Digitally merging "Aztec" art with Taino Petroglyphs

Why because it helps create new forms of artwork and helps people establish their identity. Helps communicate memory, tradition, and culture.

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