Shared Flashcard Set


Toshba Flascards
Test 3-10-11
8th Grade

Additional Other Flashcards








Helps us better understand the Mishna by defining terms, or anticipating what the Gemara is going to say, and lastly telling us the הלכה when there is a מחלו



What is a סוגיה?

And what are the different parts of it?

What does the סוגיה do?


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There are different parts of the סוגיה : 

סוגיה : is the smallest intact piece of text from the Talmud

Think if the סוגיה as a cell

The smaller parts of the סוגיה are:

מימרא :opens the discussion usually is a quote from the Mishna

שאלה : Clarifying question asking for more informations

תשובה : Answer 

קושיא :Like the Nucleus - challenge to logic  

תירוץ :The resolution tot he challenge

The סוגיה  is explaining the opinion on the Tana Kama and the opinion of Rabbi Shemon


What does the Tana Kama say about reloading and unloading a ______

Fill in the blank ...

If it hadn't have said ____ I would have done _______.


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Tana Kama - You do need to unload but don’t load

Rabbi Shemon - You have to unload and reload


עזוב תעזוב

Not unloaded it twice


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The functions of the ________ is to tell us where to look inthe codes of law, when there is a Mschloket in the Talmud and where I want to know what Jewish law says about something


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אין משפט נר מצווה

What is a ברייתא?
Something from the Tanaim that got left out of the Mishna but brought up later to give them credit 
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