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Theology study guide
theology bible study
Undergraduate 2

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Verbum Dei
Vatican 2, explains how one can interpret the bible. Modernity and premodernity. Academic Method. Truthfulness of bible. Catholic church convened vatican council to address modernity: allowed biblical scholars to use scholarly methods to study bible. One of three legs of stool. Church tradition, teaching authority, All have to coincide.
short answer;document from second vatican council, modernity of study of the bible
the Dead Sea Scrolls
in order to understand the gospel we have to understand what was going on in Judaism at the time (different from that of Jewish life in the Old Testament)
· Dead Sea scrolls, give people a library with information of Judaism at the time, that gives us insight into Jesus’ life and times.
· Documents found by the Dead Sea by the Essenes used to get insight into Jewish life
the Oral Torah
One of the two ways in which moses received the torah. Believed to have been transmitted orally from God to moses on Mount Sinai
the trajectory started by pharisees, relating to god through commandments, serious interpretation of what they are trying to say; further interpretation of oral torah
short form; continuation of pharisees process of interpreting torah with precision, expansion of oral torah; gives a sense of where judaism is going.

· Comes into being about 500 AD
· Relating to God through the commandments and being serious about what the commandments actually say
o Don’t work on Sabbath, can you cook? Walk? Emergency? etc.
· Create an oral Torah, then create the Talmud, which is further interpretation of the oral Torah.
o Historical commentary from Rabbinic school’s interpretations as far back as 100BCE
· Continuation of the Pharisees process of interpreting the Torah with precision. (Expansion of the oral Torah)
· Significance – gives us a sense of the direction of where Judaism was going (the two types – Christianity vs. Rabbinic)
o Talmud causes Rabbinic Judaism to become dominant strand of Judaism
*synoptic gospels
Matthew, Mark and Luke
*the Priority of Mark
· Matthew and Luke used Mark INDEPENDANTLY of one another.
· Mark was written first.
· Overlapping of Matthew and Luke occurs where Mark did not have that info -> therefore, must be some Q.
Significance – Shows us that Mark was the first Gospel written, and gives some proof of the existence of Q.
*Q, M, and L
Matthew and Luke composed of Mark and Q.
o Parts of Matthew and Luke that are similar but not found in mark, are explained by Q.
· Passages in only Matthew or only Luke are M and L, things that are unique to each.
o Things not found in others.
Importance – in sorting out sources of the gospels, Matthew and Luke are made up of combination of Mark, Q and unique material to each.
Gospel of Thomas
gives credence that a document like Q could have existed. consisted of a list of God’s sayings

· List of 114 sayings of Jesus.
· Found in 1945 in Egypt.
· Gives credibility that a document like Q could have existed.
· Reconstruct Q document from Matthew and Luke, doesn’t have stories, just lists of sayings.
o Just like the list found in 1945.
o No longer argument against existence of Q.
comparison comparing something known and something you want info about, a riddle that people didn’t understand not even disciple. Teaching tool to teach audience of gospel, audience in gospel didn’t understand it.
passion narrative
Narrative of the crucifixion of Jesus
the messianic secret
cannot understand Jesus as the messiah until the crucifixion. All of his ministry is not important until you see that he has died for the salvation of all.
· Cannot understand the meaning of the Messiah or that Jesus is the messiah until his death
Sermon on the Mount
God speaking to Moses on mount sinai. Here moses received the oral torah which later was written down.
the Pharisees in Matthew
Founder of Christian movement – Jesus
· Founder of Rabbinic movement – Pharisees
Implies that Christian church is built on better understanding of God than
He emphasizes the Pharisees and their interaction with Jesus because the Pharisees are the founder of the Synagogue who is in competition with Christianity.
a “thanksgiving” in a letter
(Standard part of a Pauline letter in which he gives thanks to god and sometimes refers to topics that will be found later in the letter)
· Paul’s greeting, “Grace and Peace” followed by a Thanksgiving, thanking God for an aspect of the recipient, and mentions topics to be brought up later in the letter.
In the book of revelation, this is the end of the world and how it is going to happen according to John.
cognitive dissonance
reason we have apocalyptic literature.
· Ex: if Jews are God’s chosen people, how did the Holocaust happen?
o No agreement on understanding.
· Ex: Roman persecution of Jews.
· Book of Revelation – written when this was going on.
o God has a plan, even though things don’t make sense here, it does make sense to God.
What are the basic elements of apocalyptic literature?
World is out of kilter and to such an extent that you can see a breakdown of human morality, natural disasters. in heavens you can see that the stars moon and sun act differently. God will step in and to situation and rid world of chaotic evil and replace it with a new world with no evil, sadness, tears,. things will go from bad to worse and god will step in and clean the slate. Although things are chaotic and out
in apocalyptic material, there are many things given that we cannot explain. Purposefully ambiguous/mysterious – readers encouraged to figure it out themselves. (Appeals of apocalyptic material since reader is challenged to figure something out)
· 666 is the name of a person.
· Reader would do well to understand who that person is.
· The evil beast would mark all followers with this symbol.
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