Shared Flashcard Set


The Witch of Blackbird Pond
7 questions for the quest
6th Grade

Additional Other Flashcards




Describe the time and setting of this story in a brief paragraph
1687, small town in Whethersfield, Connecticut in the soon to be United States of America, the weather varies on the season, sometimes hot and sometimes freezing and snowy, the houses were poor and rich, depending on the owner of the house, small meeting house for the services
Describe the main character in the story. Give at least 4 details about the main character's personality and backround.
Kit, a young girl in her late teens, originally from barbados, family died, had to move to Whethersfield with her aunt and uncle, at the beginning was selfish and uptight, became more helpful and caring towards the end, didn't care about William Ashby even though he wanted to marry her, loved Nat Eaton
In a brief paragraph, describe the main conflict in the story
a few dilemmas, one is who should marry who, another is Hannah and Kit being blamed to being a witch
Do you think this book is a good historical fiction? Why or Why not?
no, in the book women could marry who they cose, in real life that is not so, in real life women would not be treated with as much respect as they did in the book,but something that was good was that men were the head of the household and the character of Matthew Wood was put in to make sure of that
Explain what you learned about Quakers and Puritans from this book
puritans did not like quakers because of their religion, quakers were blamed of witchcraft, quakers were banished, punished, or even hung by puritans, puritans went on "witch hunts" to find the quakers
How could you apply the ideas of prejudice, relationshipss, or family values to your own life?
family values was an important aspect of twbp because it was what made people strong back then and they relied on each other, in my life, people rely on each other for... happiness, sometimes money and food, homes, and hospitality
Name 4 characters, (besides Kit,) from the story and identify 1 characteristic for each person.
Nat Eaton: doesn't care about rules and makes up his own, a rebell in a way
Judith Wood/Ashby: sometimes a bit selfish and self-centered
Mercy: patient
John Holbrook: cared about people and his town because he went to war for their sakes and almost died doing so
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