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State Board herbs: Astringents Herbs
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Wu Wei Zi

sour, warm, Ht, Kd, Lu


stabilize Kd and bind essence for stopping diarrhea, enuresis, vag discharge, contain leakage of Lu Qi and stop cough, inhibit sweat and generate fluids, calms Ht shen, recently used to improve hepatitis conditions


CI in cases w exterior syndrome, interior excess heat, or early stages of coughs or rashes

Wu Mei

sour, warm, LI, Lv, Lu, SP


inhibits leakage of Lu Qi and stops cough, binds up intestines and stops diarrhea, generates fluids and alleviates thirst, expels woundworms and alleviates pain, stops bleeding

-can use for corns and warts as a plaster

Fu Xiao Mai

sweet, sl salty, cool, Ht


stops excessive sweating due to Qi or Yin xu, nourishes Ht and calms spirit for palpitations and insomnia, irritibility

Rou Dou Kou

acrid, warm, LI, Sp, St


Binds up the intestines and stops diarrhea due to deficient cold of Sp/Kd, warms the MJ and moves Qi, alleviates pain


CI in cases of hot diarrhea or hot dysentery

He Zi

bitter, sour, astringent, neutral, Lu, St, LI


Binds up Li and stop diarrhea (can be used for both hot and cold conditions depending on other herbs in formula),

contains leakage of Lu Qi, stops coughing, benefits throat for chronic coughing, wheezing, and loss of voice due to Lu xu


CI in exterior patterns or internal accum of stag of damp heat

use raw for chronic cough and loss of voice, roasted for chronic diarrhea and dysentery

Chi Shi Zi

sweet, sour, astringent, warm

Sp, St, Li


Binds up the intestine and stops diarrhea, contains blood and stops bleeding (uterine bleeding, excessive menses, blood in stool, also for leukorrhea), promotes healing of wounds (chronic non healing ulcers, weeping damp sores)


With caution during pregnancy, CI in cases of hot diarrhea in early stages of dysentery, and excess accum of damp heat, antagonizes Da Huang, and counteracts Yuan Hua and Huang Qin

Chun Pi

bitter, astringent, cold, Li, St


Bind up Li and stop diarrhea, clears heat and dries dampness, cools blood and stops bleeding (for hemorrhoids causing bleeding and uterine bleeding), kills parasites (for roundworms and externally for skin sores and tinea)


CI Sp/St def cold, Kd yin xu

Lian Zi

sweet, astringent, neutral, Ht, Kd, Sp


stabilize Kd and contain essence (premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea, leukorrhea), tonify Sp, stop diarrhea, nourish Ht and calm spirit


CI in cases w abdominal distension or constipation

Qian Shi

sweet, astringent, neutral, Kd, Sp


stabilized the Kd and retains essence, tonify Sp, stop diarrhea, strengthens the Sp, eliminates damp, stops vaginal discharge


crush before using

Jin Ying Zi

sour, astringent, neutral, Ub, Kd, Li


stabilizes Kd and retains essence, binds up the intestines and stops diarrhea, also for prolapsed rectum or uterus and excessive uterine bleeding


CI in patterns due to excess pathogenic influences, esp heat

overdose or long term use may cause such side effects as abdominal pain or constipation

Fu Pen Zi

sweet, astringent, sl warm, Kd, Lv


augments and stabilizes the Kd, binds up essence, and restrains urine, assist yang and improve vision


-use with caution in patterns of yin xu w heat


CI in cases of urinary difficulty

Hai Piao Xiao

salty, astringent, sl warm, Kd, Lv, St


stops bleeding for uterine bleeding, retains the essence, controls acidity and alleviates pain, resolves dampness and promotes healing (used topically in powdered form for chronic non healing skin ulcers or damp rashes of long duration)


if used too long, can lead to constipation

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