Shared Flashcard Set


Social Psychology
Chapter 9
Undergraduate 4

Additional Psychology Flashcards





What is prejudice?

A negative attitude and prejudgment of a group and its members
What are Stereotypes?
Expectation and beliefs about an individual based on his or her membership to a group
What is discrimination?
Unjustified negative behavior toward a group or its members
What is racism?
An individuals prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behavior towards people of a given race
What is sexism?
An individual's prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory bheavior toward people of a given sex or institutional practices that subordinate people of a given sex.
Social Role Theory
Sex differences and stereotypes are magnified by the unequal social roles occupied by men and women
What is a Stereotype Threat?
A test or performance anxiety that is induced when there is a pre- existing stereotype regarding an ability based on membership to a group
What is Realistic Conflict Theory?

The theory that maintains that prejudice will be greatest when there is competition for scarce resources


Example of scarce resources: money, jobs, land, scholarships, and college admissions

What is the Scapegoat Theory?

Comes from the Frustration- Aggression Hypothesis which are ideas that when frustrated, people may displace their anger onto a substitute target


Scapegoating: When frustrated or angry people vent their anger on groups who are unable to retaliate.

What is an ingroup?
"Us" - a group of people who share a sense of belonging, a feeling of common identity.

Think of it as they are "IN" the group
What is an outgroup?
"Them" - a group that people perceive as distinctively different from or apart from their ingroup.
What is the glass ceiling?

an unofficially acknowledged barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder. It does not allow them to advance in their professions regardless of their qualifications or achievements

What is the ingroup bias?

The tendency to favor one's own group


The tendency to treat members of one's ingroup more favorably than members of the outgroup.

What is the outgroup homogeneity?
The tendency to view members of the outgrpup as being more similar and members of one's group as diverse.

They are are "all alike" and different from "us and our" group.
What is Social Categorization?
The tendecny to divide one's social world into "us" vs. "them"
The Authoritarian Personality
People who are prone to prejudice not because of external factors, but because of internal factors ( because of who they are, what makes them)
What is the ultimate attribution error?

The tendency to make dispositional attributions about an entire group and to discount or dismiss situational explanations


Example: a sterotype is a dispositional attribution

What is Social Identity Theory?
The theory that people facor ingroups over outgroups in order to enhance their self- esteem
Describe the congitive biases that affects the development and maintenance of stereotypes. Specifically, what role do heuristics, vivid information and attributional styles play in human inferential processes?
Our expectations and beliefs about an individual are based of our membership in a group, which shapes our stereotypes. Heuristics allows us to overestimate the frequency of an event because of how easily the examples come to mind. We remember the things we notice. We are more likely to remember vivid people and events and ignore statistical info. Depending on our styles, we either focus our attention on the person and not on the situation.
Describe the traits of the authoritarian personality presented in lecture. According to the psychodynamic interpretation, how do background variables affect the prejudice and hostility typical of the authoritarian personality?

Some of the traits of the authoritarian personality consist of prejudice towards all groups, rigidness in their beliefs, intolerance of weakness, sumbissive to authority, highly punitive and sexually repressed.


Depending on their background, it could be that parents used overly harsh discipline and the unconscious hostility toward the parent is displaced toward groups that are powerless. 

According to social categorization theory, how do people divide their social world? How does the ingroup bias affect the allocation of resources? What is outgroup homogeneity?

People divide their social world into "us" ( a group of people sharing a sense of belonging)  vs. "them" (a group that people perceive as being different or apart of their group)

Ingroup bias feeds favoritism and one is more likey to allocate (distribute) to ones group.


Outgroup homoegeneity is the tendency to view members of the outgroup as being more similar and the members on ones group as being diverse.


What are the tenets of social identity theory? Describe the research presented in class that has examined the relationship between group identity and self- esteem. Does the research support or refute social identity theory?



We categorize people according to groups and we identify them in certain groups to enhance our self- esteem. We have a favorable bias towards our own group.


Some of the research that examined this relationship was Cialdini & Richardson where college students in low self- esteem condition or control condition were asked to rate rival school. The college students in low self- esteem conditions rated rival school less favorable and own school more favorably. The research supported social identity theory which showed that derogating another gorup and increasing the status of ones group may increase self esteem.

What are the tenets of realistic conflict theory? Describe the archival research presented in class that examined attitutudes toward Chinese immigrants during the gold rush, the building of the trascontinental railroad and the post- civil war era.

 Prejudice will be greatest when there is competition for scarce resources. Such as money, jobs, land and scholarships.

 Chinese immigrants were described as "depraved, bloodthirsty and inhuman."

 Continental railroad: Described as "sober, hard-working, industrious and law abiding"

 Post Civil War: Described as "criminal, crafty and stupid"

What are the tenets of the contact theory of prejudice? What are the conditions that must be present for contact to reduce prejudice?

It is the idea that creating environments that promote contact among people so that it will reduce prejudice. There would have to be communication, understanding and appreciation toward differenent points of view.


The necessary conditions would be mutual interdependence, a common goal, equal status, inform and interpersonal contacts, multiple contacts, and scoial forms of equality.

Describe the jigsaw classrom. How were the principles of contact theory applied to reduce prejudice in an elementary school classroom? What were the results of the study?
Students were put in racially mixed froups of 5, each student was given one part of a lesson and required to teach it to the rest of the group & then would be tested in an hours.Teachers were allowing norms of equality. The principles of contact theory were applied to reduce prejudice because there was equal status in the classroom. The results showed that prejudice did in fact descrease, the self esteem of minority children increased and school attendance also increased.
Describe the doll preference style conducted by Kenneth and Mamie Clark. Did African American children prefer to play with white dolls or black dolls? Discuss the implications of this study as they apply to segragation and self- esteem?

Kenneth and Mamie Clark (1947) demonstrated that many African Americans held Anti Black prejudices. When the clarks gave African American children a choice between black dolls and white dolls, most chose the White.

It implied that being excluded has a serious and long-lasting effect on the self- esteem on children

Describe the Robbers Cave study presented in lecture. How was harmony between the Eagles and Rattlers eventually restored?

The Robbers Cave study had two different groups of 11 year old boys, they weere put in separate geographically remote areas of a summer camp. The gorups were unaware of the others' existence and group identity emerged. Then they brought the two groups together & set them up in competitive situations. Eagles hated the Rattlers and Rattlers hated the eagles. It all got out of hand & when they tried peace negotiations, they were ineffective.


They were able to create a superordinate goal, mutual interdependence and then harmony and liking was restored.

How does social role theory explain why gender stereotypes have become exaggerated?
The sex difference and stereotypes are magnified by the unequal social roled occupied by men and women
Describe the study by Rubin presented in class. How did parents'  descriptions of their newborns differ according to the baby's sex?
First time parents of 15 boys and 15 girls asked to describe their baby within 24 hours after birth. Daughters were secribed as softer, smaller, and more finely features. Sons were described as stronger, larger and more alert, better corrdinated.
What does the term "glass ceiling" refer?
an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession, especially affecting women and members of minorities.
How are female executives who assume a "male" leadership style rated with regard to their competence and overall attractiveness?
Women who display "masculine" styles of leadership are viewed as more competent but less attractive.
What are the traits of individuals who score high on measures of homophobia?
They tend to be men, they are older, less educated and are more common in rural areas, midwesterns & southern states.
What is a hate crime? What are the statistics on hate crimes cited in lecture?

Criminal actions intended to harm or intimidate people because of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or other minority group status.




6 in 10 racially biased incidents targeted at blacks.

3 in 10 targeted whites

Hispanics targeted in 6.7 percent of incidents

Asians in 3 percent of all incidents

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