Shared Flashcard Set


Skin Diseases
Microbreal diseases of the skin and wounds ch 19
Undergraduate 2

Additional Microbiology Flashcards





Signs and Symptoms: Infection of the hair follicle (pimple), Sty (eyelid base), Spread of infection to surrounding tissues can produce funcles (carbuncles = multiple growth of funcles together)

Pathogen: Staphylococcus, Faculatively anaerobic, G+, tolerant of salt and desiccation two types Staphylococcus epidermidis (90% of skin), Staphylococcus aureus 

Pathogenesis: Spread by direct contact or formites, when eneterd in blood cause bacterimea (generalized inflammation, malaise and fever) Grape like clusters from pus

Epidemiology: S. Epidermis extensively present on skin, lacks virulence factors of S. Aureus. 

Treatment: dicloaxcillin (symisynthetic penicillin), vacomycin used to treat resistant strains

Prevention: hand antisepsis, proper procedures in hopsitals to minimize MRSA infections. 


Staphylococcal Scalded Skin syndrome



Signs and Symptoms: Reddening and wrinking of the skin, Begins near the mouth, spreads all over the body, followed by large blisters (clear fluid), pathogenic and virulence factors some S.Aureus strains one or two different exfoliative toxins cause SSSS

Pathogenesis: Toximenia, no scarring because dermis is unaffected, death is rare but may be due to secondary infecitons

Epidemiology: primarily in fants, transmitted by person to person spread of bacteria

Diagnosis, treatment, prevention: Characteristic loughing of skin, treated by antimicriobial drug (methicillin), widespread presence of S.Aureus makes prevention difficult, Immunocrompormised individuals are more susceptible

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