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Sigma Chi Final Test
The Official Study Guide for the Final Test Andy Ryther

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Circumstances leading to and major details, facts and dates of founding.
Sigma Chi was born out of a matter of principle. The Delta Kappa Epsilon Chapter was casting votes for the Erodelphian and the chapter was torn between voting for a brother because he was a brother, or another student because he possessed superior poetic talents. The six in opposition were invited to a dinner, and showed up supposing it was good-natured, only to be confronted and told that two of them would be expelled and the others chastised. The protested and ended up all being expelled in 1855. After that the 6 men joined up with William Lewis Lockwood and created the Sigma Phi Fraternity at Miami University on Commencement Day, June 28th, 1855.
Benjamin Piatt Runkle
“courageous in spirit and idealism”
1. Fearlessness
2. Idealism
3. Leader
Specific Contributions to Sigma Chi
1. Originally threw down his badge on the table.
2. Joined Lockwood in Designing the White Cross
3. Brought the vision of Constantine to Sigma Chi
Thomas Cowan Bell
“the qualities of learning”
1. Good-Natured Personality
2. Love of learning
3. Lovable
Specific Contributions To Sigma Chi
1. His aunt Lizzie’s house was informally known as the first chapter house of Sigma Chi
2. He was the “elder statements” of the founding group
3. He installed an atmosphere of friendship in the Fraternity.
William Lewis Lockwood
“honest and trustworthy through life”
1. Superior organizational skills
2. Polished manners and cultured
3. Refined in his tastes
Specific Contributions to Sigma Chi
1. His Organizational Skills were largely responsible for the survival of the young Fraternity.
2. He was the treasury of the Fraternity
3. Brought culture and appreciation of the arts to Sigma Chi
Daniel William Cooper
“ruler of spirit”
1. Known as the balanced Wheel
2. Self-Control
3. Level- Headedness
Specific Contributions to Sigma Chi
1. Contributed much to the moral and spiritual foundations of the fraternity
2. First Consul of Sigma Chi
3. Kindly and generous Spirit
Franklin Howard Scobey
“courteous and loyal in his friendship”
1. Agreeable nature
2. Belief in Principle
3. Embodiment of the spirit of Sigma Chi
Specific Contributions to Sigma Chi
1. Could be relied on for cheering up the group
2. Generosity provided for his friends and was the definition of courteous
3. Embodiment of the spirit of Sigma Chi
James Parks Caldwell “true to principle”
1. Spirit of youth
2. Creative genius
3. A strangely sensitive and delicate organization
Specific Contributions to Sigma Chi
1. He brought literary genius to Sigma Chi
2. Loyalty
3. A Quick mind and youthful enthusiasm
Benjamin Piatt Runkle
Born in West Liberty, Ohio, Runkle was the founder who pulled off his badge and threw it on the table. Known throughout his life for his fearlessness, matched perhaps only by his idealism. He believed Constantine was a heroic character and was inspired by his story and being extremely loyal to Sigma Chi, he once fought a man for sneering at his badge. He was the only one of the Founders to become Grand Consul. He had the most noteworthy military career of any of the Founders and became a Major General by the time he was 36. He preferred to stay in the service than live a civilian’s life until he retired and became an Episcopal Priest and was buried with full military honors in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.
Thomas Cowan Bell
Born at Bellbrook, Green County, Ohio, Thomas Cowan Bell was 23 when Sigma Chi. Bell was one of the “elder statesmen” of the founding group and sought wisdom and learning as a student. Bell is best remembered for his exemplification of qualities of learning and friendship. He was one of the kindly and lovable sort, and came into the Sigma Chi movement naturally. He was good hearted, believed in securing the good things of life and immediately dividing the same with his companions. Naturally he was a leader and teacher of men. He enlisted in the Union army where he won a commission and received high commendation. He rose to become lieutenant Colonel. His life’s work was teaching. He served as superintendant of schools in Nobles county, Minnesota as well as many other positions in the school system across the country.
An Understanding of the struggles of the Emperor Constantine and how his battles were influential to the founders while establishing Sigma Chi.
Constantine was born 272 A. D. and grew to become a fine soldier, ultimately achieving the rank of supreme Emperor of the Roman Empire. According to legend, Constantine, before going into battle, saw a cross in the sky with the Greek words “ en toutoi nika.” Derived from the Latin translation “in hoc signo vinces” its meaning is, “In this sign you will conquer.” Early the next morning, Constantine dreamed that a voice commanded him to have his soldiers mark upon their shields the letter X with a line drawn through it and a mark across the top because this was a holy cause. This battle is considered an important event in religious history; many believe this marks the beginning of Christianities surge in popularity over the pagan beliefs previously held in favor by the masses. Its significance for Sigma Chi, however is Constantine’s discovery of the noble principals in which he believed and for which he was willing to battle. The Founders drew inspiration from the story of Constantine and thus from Constantine’s vision. The significance of the design of the
Sigma Chi badge, The White cross and of our public motto, “In hoc Signo vinces is therefore evident. The words of our founders remind us however that only as the ideals for which this badge stands take possession of my heart and becomes exemplified in my life will I ever know the true meaning of the White Cross of Sigma Chi.
The Jordan Standard
The standard with which the Fraternity started was declared by Isaac M. Jordan to be that of admitting no man to membership in Sigma Chi whose is not believed to be:
A Man of Good Character……..
A Student of Fair Ability…….
With Ambitious Purposes…….
A Congenial Disposition…….
Possessed of Good Morals…….
Having a High Sense of Honor and
A Deep Sense of Personal Responsibility.
Meaning of the Jordan Standard
To ensure that our Fraternity is sustained by young men worthy of membership, The Jordan Standard represents a set of prerequisites that are used to evaluate potential members before they are invited to pledge.
The Sigma Chi Creed
I believe in fairness, decency and good manners. I will endeavor to retain the spirit of youth. I will try to make my college, the Sigma Chi Fraternity and my own chapter more honored by all men and women and more beloved and honestly respected by our own brothers. I say these words in all sincerity; That Sigma Chi has given me favor and distinction; that the bond of our fellowship is reciprocal, that I will endeavor to so build myself and so conduct myself that I will ever be a credit to our Fraternity.
George Ade
Purdue 1887
The Meaning of the Spirit of Sigma Chi
Sigma Chi’s aspire to be gentlemen in every sense of the word. These honorable traits are the traits that brothers of Sigma Chi believe to be over arching and acceptable to all Sigma Chi’s without a sense of hypocrisy.
The Spirit of Sigma Chi
The Spirit of Sigma Chi, as conceived by the Founders more than 150 years ago yet visible and alive today, is based on the theory that…
…Friendship among members, sharing a common belief in an ideal,…
…and possessing different talents, temperaments, and convictions,…
…is superior to friendship among members having the same temperaments, talents, and convictions, and that…
…Genuine friendship can be maintained without surrendering the principle of individuality or sacrificing one’s personal judgement.
The meaning of the Spirit of Sigma Chi
The establishment of Sigma Chi was a protest against artificiality and false pretense, a plea for personal independence, for congeniality and genuine friendship as the only natural basis of associations in a college brotherhood. It was the founders belief that a fraternity that has members of different temperaments, talents, and convictions, will thrive better than the fraternity that has members who are alike.
A Ritual
A ritual is any established ceremony, set of rites, protocols or traditions that is repeated for certain occasions or at certain intervals. At its most fundamental level, ritual serves to create a common experience for it’s participants, thereby bonding them together in a closer way
Understanding the Purpose of Sigma Chi as outlined in the Governing laws
The fundamental purpose of Sigma Chi Fraternity is the cultivation, maintenance and accomplishment of the ideals of friendship, justice and learning within our membership.
Grand Consul
L. Wayne Tucker,Baylor 1985,He acts as chairman of the executive committee, Grand Chapter and the Sigma Chi Corporation. He generally oversees the activities and operations of the fraternity and signs all charters and official documents.
Grand Pro Consul
Dennis Santoli, Western Reserve 1967
He is in second in command to the Grand Consul. He is Vice Chairman of the Executive Committee and Chairman of the committee that chooses the finalists and winner of the international Balfour Award. Serves as the Grand Consul when needed.
Grand Quaestor
Micheal Greenberg, Illinois WesylanThe Grand Quaestor is the treasurer and financial controlled of the Fraternity. He is responsible for and oversees all it’s funds. He over sees financial regulations and the budget, issues and signs all warrants for the payment of money.
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