Shared Flashcard Set


Relc 240
Catholicism Final
Religious Studies
Undergraduate 3

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




Law of Guarantees
November 1870 - stated that the Pope had all the honors and immunities of a king in the Vatican. Pope Gregory XVI refuses to accept it. Pope was to received 3.5 million lira annually for compensation; was allowed to appoint bishops. It was King Victor telling the Pope what he was allowed to do and Gregory did not like that.
Faribault Controversy
May 1892 - Disagreement between Bishop John Ireland and Bishop Corrigan about the public school system
John Keane's Speech at Harvard
"Revealed Religion" - Spoke of the better relations between Catholics and Protestants. All people seek religious understanding and the symmetry between religious perceptions show that there was one true religion. Christianity was the most complete and consistent. No comparison of Catholicism and Protestantism was mentioned.
Peter Abbelen's memorial to Rome
1886 - He was the victor apostolic of Milwaukee who focused on German immigrant community. Fought off hierarchy which wanted to Americanize German Catholics. He charged that the Americanization as separating Germans from the church. Charged prejudice against German Catholics and said they were tired of being "2nd rate". He wanted national parishes be put in place, that German vicar generals be appointed to German dioceses and that German children would be required to attend German parishes.
Testem Benevolentiae
Pope Leo the 8th. Condemned watering down Catholic docrine to win converts but declared the church willing to accommodate its rule of life to various customs if required for the salvation of souls. He condemned the notion that external guidance was unnecessary if one felt the Holy Spirit
Sapienti consilio
June 1908 - American church lost its status as missionary church in this Papal Bull. It removed American church from jurisdiction of Propaganda Fide and put it under the Sacred Consistorial Congregation.
Four Parts of Michel's movement
1. Makes people equal with priest - creates "priesthood of the faithful"
2. The presence of Christ was moved from the tabernacle to the hearts of the people
3. Christ was now a part of every Catholic's life; results in secular organization
4. The liturgy becomes the focus of all life
Senate Resolution 231
February 22, 1950. After Senator McCarthy accuses 205 individuals to be communists, this is the investigation of communism within the state department. Senate named Millard Tydings as the chairman This fight against communism allows Catholics to join with the Americans in common cause; they are considered good, loyal Americans.
Greater Houston Ministerial Association
September 2th, 1960 - "Peale" group focuses Kennedy to meet to discuss his ideals about being Catholic. He states he believes in an Aemerica where separation of church and state is absolute.
McCollum case
A school issue; freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion; freedom from religion similar to French state following the French reolvution (meant placing the state over the church). McCollum was a devout athiest who objected to religious classes, stated her son was osracized for not attending any. Sued school board in July 1945.
National Catholic Welfare Conference
John J. Burke was the founder. August 11-12th, 1918 delegates met to plan participating with other denominational groups and provide military chaplains, religious literature, safeguarding the morals of Catholic troops. Benedict gave approval to what become known as the NCW council in April 1919.
Federated Colored Catholics of the United States
1924 - Formed at the National Catholic Welfare Council. Turner was President. Formed because black students were not being accepted into seminary and to protect the rights of black Catholics. By 1932, the federation claimed to represent almost half of the black Catholics (between 200 and 250K.)
Ad Petri Cathedram
June 29, 1959 - Pope John's 1st writing that said there still remains too great a difference in the distribution of wealth and blamed this on the concept of private property which he said was at times defective and downright unjust and is only believed by those who are interested only in their own benefit and convenience.
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