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Social Studies
8th Grade

Additional Social Studies Flashcards





      Manifest Destiny – belief that it was the destiny of the United States to expand its borders from “sea to sea” across the North American continent.

      Westward Expansion

      War with Mexico

      Annexation of Texas

      Gold Rush




North West Ordinance 1787




      Created an organized system for settlement of government lands in the Northwest Territory

      Had to be at least 5,000 men who owned at least 50 acres

      60,000 people

      An existing form of self-government.


   New land for farmers


Economic, Political, and Social Roots of Manifest Destiny




   New land for farmers

   New trade routes and markets (Santa Fe Trail)

   New opportunities to start a business


   Expansion of our nation’s borders/territories

   Expansion of slavery


   Removal of Native Americans

  Refuge for persecuted groups (Mormons)


Relationship Between the Concept of Manifest Destiny and the Westward Growth of the Nation



The United States government and its citizens believed that the nation’s destiny or fate was to expand westward from sea to sea

Causes of the
United States-Mexican War




      Annexation of Texas

      Viewed as a “War of Aggression” by many Americans


     President Polk’s desire to expand the United States (Manifest Destiny)

Border disputes concerning the southern boundary of Texas (Rio Grande was claimed by Texas and disputed by Mexico.)


Effects and Impacts of the
United States-Mexican War




      Effects and Impact

     Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) ends the war

      Grants the United States the Mexican territory of New Mexico, Arizona and California

     United States paid Mexico $10 million for the Gadsden Purchase to help repay Mexico for the annexation of Texas in 1845


Areas Acquired to Create the United States




      Louisiana Purchase

      Mexican Cession

     New Mexico, Arizona, California

      Gadsden Purchase

      Oregon Territory

      Alaska Purchase

Seward’s Folly


      loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole

      Regions: North, South, West, Slave States, Free States

      States: Texas, California, Kansas, Nebraska

Cities: Washington, D.C.


Physical Characteristics of the Environment and their Influence on Population Distribution, Settlement Patterns, and Economic Activities in the US




      Gold in California

     Rush of settlers to California; pushed many American Indians off their lands; population of California quickly rises to the amount required for statehood

      California’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean

     Led to an increase of immigration from Asian nations

      Rocky Mountains

Location between eastern and western parts of the United States resulted in a need for the Gadsden Purchase to put in a railroad train for transport of goods from East to West


Missouri Compromise, 1820




         Sponsored by Henry Clay

         Allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state

         Allowed Maine to enter as a free state

Nullification Crisis, 1828

          Tariff of Abominations: resulted in higher tariffs

          In 1832, a lower tariff was passed

        Still angered South Carolinians, led by John C. Calhoun

        South Carolina declared the federal tariff null and void within its borders

        Delegates to a special convention urged the state legislature to take military action and secede from the union if the federal government demanded customs duties

        To prevent a civil war, Henry Clay proposed the Compromise Tariff of 1833

        The Government lowers the tariff and backs down

Nullification Crisis, 1828

         Tariff of Abominations: resulted in higher tariffs

         In 1832, a lower tariff was passed

       Still angered South Carolinians, led by John C. Calhoun

       South Carolina declared the federal tariff null and void within its borders

       Delegates to a special convention urged the state legislature to take military action and secede from the union if the federal government demanded customs duties

       To prevent a civil war, Henry Clay proposed the Compromise Tariff of 1833

       The Government lowers the tariff and backs down

Compromise of 1850

         Sponsored by Henry Clay

         Allowed California to enter the Union as a free state (pleased the North)

         The rest of the Southwest was left open to slavery, depending on a vote of the people (popular sovereignty) who settled there (pleased the South)

         Ended the slave trade in Washington, DC

         Allowed those owning slaves to keep them (pleased both sides)

         INCLUDED The Fugitive Slave Law

       Required the return of escaped slaves to their owners (pleased the South, angered the North because they felt it was immoral)

Henry Clay

      Senator from Kentucky

       known as “The Great Compromiser” for his ability to smooth sectional conflict through balanced legislation

      Sponsored the Missouri Compromise in 1820

      Admitted Missouri as a slave state

      Admitted Maine as a free state

Kansas – Nebraska Act, 1854

        Allowed for Kansas and Nebraska to be organized on the basis of popular sovereignty

     That is, the people would vote themselves to decide if they would be Free or Slave

John C. Calhoun

        Senator from Massachusetts

        Known as “The Great Orator”

        Worked to create compromises with the southern states that would delay the start of the Civil War

Daniel Webster

        Senator from Massachusetts

        Known as “The Great Orator”

        Worked to create compromises with the southern states that would delay the start of the Civil War

Roles Played by Significant Individuals During the Civil War

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederate States of America

Ulysses S. Grant

         Commander of the Union Army

         September 1861; he was promoted as a general

         After a series of victories, including the capture of Vicksburg, Lincoln gave him command of the Union Army

         He created an overall plan concentrated on Sherman’s march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate Army in Virginia

         Grant accepted Lee’s surrender in 1865, ending the war.

Robert E. Lee

         When the South seceded, Lincoln offered Lee the command of Union forces but Lee refused

         Resigned from the U.S. Army and returned to Virginia to serve with the Confederate forces

         In 1862, Lee was appointed to command the Army of Northern Virginia

         His battle strategies are admired to this day, but he was criticized for having a narrow strategy centered on his native Virginia

         He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in 1865

         Congressional Medal of Honor recipient

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States

         Born in Chile, South America

William Carney

         Served with the 54th Massachusetts Regiment (Union) during the Civil War

         He was the first black soldier to receive the award

      Reason for citation: when the 54th’s sergeant was shot down, this soldier grasped the flag, led the way to the parapet, and planted the colors there. When the troops fell back he brought the flag, under a fierce fire in which he was twice severely wounded

Philip Bazar

         Was a navy seaman in the Union Navy

         Won the Medal of Honor for his distinguished service in the Civil War

      Reason for citation: on board the U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba during the assault on Fort Fisher on January 15, 1865

      As one of a boat crew detailed to one of the generals on shore

      Bazar bravely entered the fort in the assault and accompanied his party in carrying dispatches at the height of the battle

      He was one of six men who entered the fort in the assault from the fleet


Loyalty to local interests instead of national concerns

In the United States, the differences between northern southern, and western areas increased throughout the early 1800s.

Different cultures and business practices existed in the three sections of the country and these concerns often conflicted.

Farming was the main livelihood of all three sections

Major Events of the Civil War

         Firing on Fort Sumter

         Fort Sumter, South Carolina

         A federal fort in the Charleston Harbor

         Was fired upon by Rebel forces to begin the Civil War

         April 12, 1861

         P.G.T. Beauregard, Confederate

         Major Robert Anderson, Union

Battle of Antietam, 1862

         The Confederacy started to draft soldiers to meet the demand for the troops and the Union followed suit in 1863

         The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest single-day battle of the war

         Occurred in Maryland on September 17, 1862

         Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 23, following the Union victory at Antietam

Battle of Gettysburg


         July 1 – 3, 1863

         92,000 Union troops fought 76,000 Confederate troops at Gettysburg, PA

         The fate of the Confederacy was sealed on July 4, 1863 with Union victories at Gettysburg (turning back a Confederate invasion of the North) and Vicksburg (giving control of the Mississippi River to the Union)

The war continued for two more years as the South sought independence and Lincoln demanded union

Siege of Vicksburg

         The North captured this strong hold to gain control of the Mississippi River and divided the Southern states.

         75-day siege

         Northern Army led by Ulysses S. Grant

Emancipation Proclamation

         Changes the nature of the war

         No longer a war only to preserve (keep) the Union

         Now became a war to free the slaves

         The proclamation freed only the slaves in the rebelling territories

         Issued in September, 1862, after the Battle of Antietam

         Went into law January 1, 1863

Assassination of Lincoln

        April 14, 1865

        Shot by John Wilkes Booth


     Southern sympathizer

     Had wanted to kill Lincoln and keep the war going until the South won

Ford’s Theatre, Washington, DC

Lee’s Surrender at Appomattox Court House

        Robert E. Lee – Leader of the Confederate Army

        Ulysses S. Grant – Leader of the Union Army

        Lee surrendered to Grant

        Brings the Civil War to a close

        April 9, 1865


·       Protective Tariffs

·       Increasing divide between north and south

·       Manufacturing Society v. Plantation Society

·       Kansas – Nebraska Act

Missouri Comprise

Civil War

·       Secession

·       Slavery and states’ right

·       Abraham Lincoln

·       Confederate States of America


150 years ago.. Dates of the Civil War: 1861-1865

·     1861: Fort Sumter, South Carolina

·     1862: Antietam

·     1863: Gettysburg

1865: Surrender at Appomattox Court House

Impact of Tariff Policies on  Sections of the United States before the Civil War

·       North- high tariffs help the industrial North by making their prices more competitive against cheap imports; had most of the nation’s manufacturing

·       Northern response – Northerners liked tariffs because it caused Americans to buy American-made products by increasing the cost of European imported manufactured goods

West – the West backed government spending on internal governments such as new roads and canals, and they were financed bytariffs

Impact of Tariff Policies on  Sections of the United States before the Civil War

South – the South, which had little industry and imported most non-agricultural goods, saw high tariff as a burden imposed by the more industrialized and populated north. Sold most of their cotton to foreign buyer’s on credit.

Southern response- Southerners opposed tariffs because the South’s main trade partners were European nations. High tariffs on raw materials forced the south to sell their materials for low prices, while higher price for the products they purchased from their European trade partners.

Impact of Tariff Policies on  Sections of the United States before the Civil War

South – the South, which had little industry and imported most non-agricultural goods, saw high tariff as a burden imposed by the more industrialized and populated north. Sold most of their cotton to foreign buyer’s on credit.

Southern response- Southerners opposed tariffs because the South’s main trade partners were European nations. High tariffs on raw materials forced the south to sell their materials for low prices, while higher price for the products they purchased from their European trade partners.

Effects of Political, Economic, and Social Factors on Slaves and Free Blacks

Sectionalism and  Civil War

-         Political

Missouri Compromise – Missouri entered the Union as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state. This Missouri Compromise also stated that all new states entering the Union with a latitude north of the 36.30’ line would be free states.

Compromise of 1850 – California admitted as a free state; slave trade abolished in Washington, DC; stronger fugitive slave laws would be passed to help slave holders recapture runaway slaves.

Effects of Political, Economic, and Social Factors on Slaves and Free Blacks

Southern plantation system – relied on slavery; slaves had no property and no rights

Northern industrial economy- slave trade abolished in north; large population

Effects of Political, Economic, and Social Factors on Slaves and Free Blacks

-         Social

Religion drew slaves together among plantatioins; communicated through spirituals

Racism develops in both the North and South

Impact of Slavery on Different Sections of the United States

Sectionalism and Civil War

·      West

·      Fight over whether or not to extend slavery into the territories

Maintain balances of the free and slave states in the Senate

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