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Psych 131 Exam 2
Undergraduate 4

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Based on Ben Franklin effect, you are most likely to increase your liking for Tony when...
b. you lend Tony $10
After spending two years fixing up an old house themselves, which involved many hours of tedious work, Abby and Brian are even more convinced that they made the right choice of house. According to the dissoance theory, this is an example of...
d. Justifying their effort
Your friend Amy asks you what you think of the shoes she just bought. Privately you think they are some of the ugliest shoes you have ever seen, but you tell her you love them. In the past, Amy has always valued your honest opinion and she doesn't care that much about the shoes- they were inexpensive. b/c the external justification for your fib was____, you will probably_____
c. low, decide you like the shoes
Meghan has been accepted to two top graduate schools. According to cognitive dissonance theory, under which of the following conditions will she experience the most dissonance?
c. Right after she decides which program to attend and notifies them of her decision
You are required to sell $30 entertainment books for a club fundraiser. How could you use the technique of low-balling to improve your sales?
b. start by selling the books at $25, but once the customer has retrieved his or her checkbook, tell him or her you made a mistake and the books are actually $5 more expensive than you thought.
Suppose you are babysitting for two boys, brothers who are ages 6 and 3. The older child often beats up his younger brother. What world be the most effective way to make him stop?
a. Threaten the older child with mild punishment, like sitting in time-out for 5 minutes-and hope that he obeys .
Which of the folling techniques relating to post decision dissonance could a clothing store use to increas customer satisfaction?
d. Make all sales final
A school principal who wants to reduce vandalism has several students who are notorious for graffiti give a speech to the entire school about the negative aspects of damaging school property. Which of the following should the principal do to make it most likely that these students will actually stop vandalizing the school, according to research ussing the hypocrisy paradigm?
c. After they make the speech, he should ask them to remember times they have committed vandalism
Imagine that before a test, he professor told Jake that if he is caught cheating, he will be expelled. Imagine that the professor told Amanda that if caught cheating, her only punishment will be to write a short paper about why cheating is wrong. If both students don't cheat, what would dissonance theory predict?
a. Amanda will feel more honest than Jake will
Bess undergoes treatment for drug addiction. According to cognitive dissonance theory, after she leaves the clini, Bess is most likely to stay off drugs if the treatment at the clinic was...
d. voluntary (she chose to undergo treatment) and a very difficult ordeal
All of the following are examples of informational social influence except..
c. When you get to college you change the way you dress s that you "fit in"better, that is, so that people will like you more
Which of the following is most true, according to social impact theory?
d. All of the above are true, according to social impact theory.
In Asch's line studies, participants who were alone when asked to report the length of the lines gave the correct answer 98 % of the time. When they were with the confederates, however (i.e., all of whom gave the wrong answer on some trials), 76% of participants gave the wrong answer at least once. This suggests that Asch's studies are an illustation of...
c. Public compliance without private acceptance.
Which of the following situations demonstrates mass psychogenic illness?
b. During the past week complaints of dizziness and fainting spells spread throughout the form though no physical cause can be identified
Whereas____may be the mechanism by which women learn what kid of ody type is considered attractive,___explains their attempts to obtain such a shape through dieting and other means
c. informational social influence; normative social influence
Which of the following is most true about informational social influence
a. When deciding whether to conform, people should ask themselves whether the other people know more about what is going on than they do.
Brandon knows that society considers underage drinking to be wrong; he also knows, however, that on a Saturday night at his university, many of his friends will engage in this behavior. His belief that most of the public would disapprove of underage drinking is ____, while his perception that many teenagers drink under certain circumstances is____
a. an injuctive norm; a descriptive norm
Tom is a new student at his university. During the first week of classes, he notices a fellow student from one of his classes getting on a bus. Tom decides to follow the student and discovers that this bus takes him right to the building where his class meets. This best illustrates what kind of conformity?
b. Informational social influence
Which of the following best describes an example of normative social influence?
d. Sarah is flying on an airplane for the first time. She is worried when she hears the engine make a strange noise but feels better after she looks at the flight attendants and sees that they are not alarmed.
Which of te following had the least inflience on participants willingness to keep giving shocks in the Migram studies?
e. Participants aggression
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