Shared Flashcard Set


PSY Unit 6
Undergraduate 2

Additional Psychology Flashcards




what is set point?be ab,e to provide and recognize examples of external and internal cues for eating

(1) a range of body fat + muscle mass your body tends to maintain


External cues= Portion size, taste , smell, apperance


Internal cues= Growing stomach, feeling fullness

for the stale popcorn study be able to describe the basic features of the experiment, the independant variable and the outcome
(2) in the stale popcorn study they took a group out to dinner()so they were full) then to a movie. gave one group med size bucket of stale popcorn+ another group a large bucket of stale popcorn. those with the larger bucket ate 34 to 1 more than those w/ medium
be able to define stress, acute stressors, and chronic stressors. be able to identify examples of each
(3)term psy and physical response to a stimulus that alters the bodys state of equilibrium. short term duration. long term duration
be able to describe yerkes dodson law
(4) states that effective performance is more likely if the level of arousal is suitable for activty
what are the three phases of the general adaption syndrome (gas) what is the fight or flight response and during which phase of gas is it activated

(5)(overall stress response from prolonged stress)


1. alarm- Body mobilizes its resources to fight or flee

2.Resistance - Body mobilizes its resources to achieve homeostasis in the presence of the stressor


3.Exhaustion- Continued efforts to achieve homeostasis lead to exhaustion and damage of the body



what are the two phases of the cognitive appraisal with regards to the perception of stress? define these two phrases and be able to describe what occurs after the second phase of cognitive appraisal

(7) 1 likelyhood of danger or primary appraisal ex am i in danger then what can i do about it

2 secondary appraisal-determination of the resources available to deal w/ the stressor 

after secondary appraial coping comes which takes some courage of action regarding stressor or persons reactions

define learned helplessness. what did animal studies show? how is this related to stress
(8)reduced  ability to learn a solvable avoidance task after exposure to an inescable adversive stiumulus is thought to play a role in depression
what is a type a personality? what specific feature is associated with the increased risk of heart disease
(10) type a people are competitive hard driving ambitious and impatient ex heart attack prone person is a keen and ambitious man "engines are full speed ahead"
for cold virus study, be able to describe the basic features of the experiment and what predicted colds among those who were exposed to the virus
(11)conen had participants volunteer to get a virus sprayed up their nose. the participants that were under more stress before hand were 3 times more likely to catch the virus
what effect does stress have on wound healing? be able to briefly describe the research findings on the relationship between the two
(12)effect stress has on wound healing- people who exhibit greater sympathetic nervous system responses to stress also show most changes in immunesystem functioning. exposure to chronic psy stressors can increase inflamation and risk for autoimmune disorder
be able to list the stages of change. how do these stages relate to changing health impairing behaviors
(13) 1 precontemplation- has no mention of changing the problematic behavior will often deny that theres a problem may change them if under a lot of pressure but then will relapse. Contemlation- realizes theres a problem think about doing something about it. real action is seen as far in future.preparation-plan of action to change some may still have mixed feelings about change very aware of problem. Action-change behaviors and environments receive most support. maintence consoldating the gains they have a relapse prevention must have strong commitment friends + fam may be less supportive still vulnerable.

These changes relate to health impairing behaviors because it can prevent them from having a response
define thought suppression. how is this related to the rebound effect

(15) A coping strategy that involves purposely trying not to think about something emotionally arousing or distressing.



Research shows that trying NOT to think about something can have the paradoxical effect of causing that “suppressed” thought to pop into consciousness more than it does when you are not trying to suppress it. Which is the rebound effect.

what is the difference between perceived social support and enacted social support? which of the two seems to act as a buffer agaisnt stress

(16)Perceived social support- the subjective sense that support is available should it be needed.




Enacted social support- specific support behaviors provided by others.


Perceived social support provides the buffer against stress. 

regarding the harlow rhesus monkey study, what was the prevailing view of mother child attachment prior to this study? describe the two types of artificial mothers used in the study. be able to describe the general results of the studies in regards to preference and physiological health.

(17)previous view was nourishment was the most important for development. 1st mother a wire mother-nourishment

2nd mother was a cloth mother physical mother

infant monkeys spent more time with terry cloth mother

monkeys with cloth mom had better health. 3 factors associated with better health. 1 texture 2 warmth 3 ability of mother to move

describe fields touch study with premature infants, including the procedures and outcomes
(18)randomly assigned premature infants to recieve 15 minutes of massage, three times per day, or attention control condition. infants who were massaged gained 47 percent more weight performed better on neonatal assessments. and were discharded earlier from hospital. slept more, and closer bonds with parents
what is stress induced analgesia
(19)The more stress that is put on you the less you notice the pain. Ex)Rats on hot plate. When put under stress the longer it takes them to realize the plate was hot
be able to define the nocebo effect.


A variation of the placeboo effect in which the person expects a negative outcome instead of a positive one

what is psychophysiological death (aka voodoo Death)?include in your definition the physical cause of death. how is it an example of the nocebo effect

(21)When a religious leader puts a curse on someone, death sometimes occurs. Research has shown that expectations of sickness can ,in fact, cause sickness which is the nocebo effect. Physical causes of death are heart attacks.



Death in response to 

an extreme stressor


 Relation to the nocebo effect because people expects a negative outcome instead of a positive one 

be able to define and recognize examples of a job analyses

(22)systematic documentation of the conditions materials competencies and activities needed to successfully perform a job.


ex) KSAO 

what are KSAOs? what does the acronym stand for? in what ways are Ksaos useful to buisnesses




Other characteristics

that an individual must have in order to perform a job

what are the two basic types of errors that can be made in the selection process of personnel selection
(24) 1. false negative error- occurs when an applicant who would have been the most successful is incorrectly rejected. 2)- false positive error which occurs when a poor applicant is hired by the organization. bad customer service can cause damage or safety protocol violations. also costs with searching for new employee.
define general mental ability. what is the most popular mental ability test in business and industry?
(25)An overall measure of how well an individual follows instructions, learns new material , and solves novel problems. Most popular test is the Wonderlic Cognitive Ability Test. or (WPT-R)
define apitude. how is this different from general mental ability

(26)the ability to perform a certain kind of work. not the same as general mental ability. can be measured by task specific tests or work samples previous work expieriences.

aptitude is narrower than general mental ability.

ex public speaking

why is the myers- briggs tyoe indicator not reccomemended for personnnel selection purposes
(27)Not recommended for personal selection purposes because it doesn't measure personality or predict future job performance, Lack of reliability.
define graphology and be able to describe the findings related to predicting job performance

(28)The analysis of handwritting to infer traits and characteristics about an individual.


The findings related to predicting job performance are that graphology is used to evaluate personality for hiring purposes. Reasearch shows people who are trained in graphology do no better than untrained individuals at guessing personality characteristics. Has zero value in predicting job performance 

which is more likely to influence the stress response actual control over the situation or perceived control? how does predictability of outcomes influence ones response to stress
(9)perceived control is only helpful when you can see how much worse things could have been then you feel positive about what you have controlled. in face of a catastrophoic disaster such as a diagnosis of a teminal illness perceived control actually inccreasees stress . people can feel responsible for the catastophoic stressor. if you cant predict an event it is less stressful ex pop quiz
what are integrity tests? what do they predict?
(29)Tests designged to measure the probability that a job applicant would engage in theft and other counterproductive behaviors.
what are the two basic interviewing formats? which do employers typically prefer? which does research support?


Structured employment interview- An interview that is conducted with predetermined questions and scoring criteria that are used for all applicants


Unstructured Employment Interview- conducted without predetermined questions and scoring criteria or uses a method that is applied inconsistently to applicants



Many employers prefer unstructured formats. But research supports structured formats. 

which of the selection tools identified in the text is the best predictor of job performance? what does the research suggest about the value of general mental ability tests, work samples, and interviews as predictors of job performance? what approach to personnel selection is recommended in the textbook?
(31)wonderlic test common sense questions best indicator of job performance
define performance- based instruction. be sure to include the stages in your definition

(32) A training approach utilizing the phases of guided observation , guide practice, and demonstration of mastery.


1. guided observation – involves showing important work tasks to the trainee and explaining how to perform those tasks. Expected to describe the criteria for correct and incorrect work place behavior  and explain why those criteria exist.


2. Guided practice-  performance based instruction. Trainee actually performs the work task while trainer gives frequent feedback on the accuracy of their performance. Progressively gives less support until trainee can do them independently.


3.Demonastration of mastery- Trainee performs tasks independently while being observed by the trainer and continues until task can be performed at the level of accuracy , speed , and quality that was expected while on the job.

what is instructional design and how does it relate to workplace training

(33)Analyzing instructional content in order to develop the best method of presenting intructions, selecting examples , and developing appropriate tests.




Relates to work place training because it helps work trainers decide the best way to train new employees. 

what does obm stand for? what is behavioral pinpont? what is task clarification

(34)organizational behavior managment

The analysis and application of behavioral principles to improving functioning within the workplace



 a behavior that is precisely defined in unambiguous and measurable terms , must be precise and specific


 A clear and precise explanation of the work tasks that the employee is expected to perform. 

what are the benifits of performance feedback? how often should performance feedback be deliverd

(35) providing info regarding past performance in order to improve future performance. Benefits from feedback are more pay and better work done because of good performance and incentives for more pay are used, should be delivered frequently if it is to influence performance in a meaningful way.


be able to identify and describe the reasons that obm typically does not use punishment
(36)punishing procedures do not directly teach what an employee should be doing, just what they should not do. relying too heavily on punishment can have a damaging effect on the relationship between employees and their employers. when relationshi is poor employees might thwart new programs, produce poor products or services or simply quit.
what is behavior based safety? what did myers and colleagues discover about behavior based safety in 2010
(37)  safety using the standard obm techniques of pinpointing measuring and providing consequences. emphasze rewards but rewards have to be unnatural because the natural environment rewards employees for unsafe behaviors. myers reportes a 79% reduction in lost time injuries and a 97% savings in workers compensationn costs following the implemention of behavior based safety in  a petroleum oil refinery
personnel selection
collection and evaluation of information to detmerine whether to hire an applicant
Define Problem Focused coping
14. Coping focused on changing the environment itself or the way the person interacts with the environment
explain what contact comfort is.
positive emotions afforded by touch. these positive emotions also help humans with indegestion which is why babies who were massaged gained more weight
14.taking some course of action reguarding the stressor , its effects , or persons reaction to it
Emotion focused coping
14.coping focused on changing the persons emotional response to the stressor
Reactive coping
14. Involves responding to current or past stressors
Proactive coping
14. Responding to potential stressors , such as a possible upcoming medical procedure
What makes a coping strategy good or bad?
14.Neither good nor bad , but rather their effectiveness depends on context , the culture, and the situation
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