_____________Functions are unfamiliar, unplanned, and widely overlooked.
It is suggested that the _________ intellectual contributions of the sociologist are found primarily in the study of unintended consequences of social practices.
According to the Author, the manifest purpose of buying consumption goods is the
Hindus venerate cows because cows are a symbol of
According to many experts. cow worship is the
According to the author, _________ may be the reason for India's lower agricultural efficiency.
According to George Herbert Mead, the self
For Mead, the essential psychological problem of the self-hood or of self'conscious is how the individual can
According to Mead, the individual himself as such, _______ from the particular standpoints of other individual members of the same group, or from the generalized standpoint of the social group as a whole which he belongs.
for Mead, ______ provides a form of behavior in which the organism or the individual may become an object himself
The fact that an individual knows that he/she can depend only upon the other and on nobody else, gives a special consecration to
A married couple without children is considered
A husband, wife, and child is
No matter how close a triad may be there is always the occasion where two of the three members regard the third as
According to Goffman, communication in the traditional sense involves expression that the individual
For Goffman, the expression that an individual _____involves a wide range of action that others can treat as symptomatic of the actor, the expectation being that the action was performed for reasons other than the information conveyed in this way.
Goffman's article is primarily concerned with communication or expressions that are
According to Goffman, in everyday life, there is a clear understanding that _____ are important.
As Goffman would see it, when an instructor "lays down the law" on the first day of class, he is proceeding on the understanding that _______is/are very important.
For Goffman, sources of information and carriers of information that are available about individuals are referred to as
For Charles Horton Cooley, _____are "spheres of intimate association and cooperation."
According to Cooley, the unity of the primary group is
Which of the following, according to Cooley, is NOT one of the most important spheres of primary group intimate association and cooperation?
According to Cooley, the general fact is that children, especially boys after about twelfth year, live in ________ where their sympathy, ambition, and honor are engaged even more often than they are in the family.
Which social theorist argued that there were two social classes in society characterized by their relationships to the means of production?
The social class that must sell their labor for a wage in order to survive is referred to as the
the social class the owns the means to production is referred to as the
Karl Marx argued that social classes were defined by their relationship to the
The mode of production characterized by the dominance of the owners of industry over the mass of individual workers is called ____________.
___________is the technologically advanced, classless society of the future, in which all productive property would be help in common.
What is the concept Marx used to describe the pervasive ideas that uphold the status quo and sustain the ruling class?
it was int he work _______that Marx most completely explained his beliefs on class including the idea that "(t)he history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle."
Marx believed that a new social class had been created by the capitalist mode of production. Which of the following is that class?
Which of the following is one of the three broad issues in the study of social class based on Marx's and Weber's work suggested in the textbook?
Gilbert defines ________as "groups of families more or less equal in rank and differentiated from other families above or below them with regard to characteristics sch as occupation, income, wealth and prestige"
In the Gilbert-Kahl model of the class structure the group located directly beneath the capitalist class is the ______________
According to the Gilbert-Kahl model of the class structure, what class derives its income largely from the return on assets?
The Gilbert-Kahl model of the class structure is built around_______.
In the Gilbert-Kahl model of class structure, which of the social classes is most likely to be university educated?
When did class inequalities rise steeply in the latter half of the 20th century?
the years between 1946 to approximately 1973 are referred to in the Gilbert text as the ____________________.
For Cooley, the "_______________ has been broken up by the growth of an intricate mesh of wider contacts which leaves us strangers to people who live in the same house."
Primary groups are primary in the sense that they
The complex system that included a group's beliefs, values, dress, and way of life is called _____________.
What is culture made up of?
Which of the following is an example of non-material culture?
Material culture consists of
What is the relationship between biology and culture in shaping human behavior?
The discussion of birthday traditions included in the text demonstrates that
Norms, values, laws, and customs are all examples of
The research technique in which sociologist is the researcher, but is also involved in the activities being studied is called
When choosing a research method, the most important thing for sociologists to consider is
How scientific is sociology?
The scientific method was first described by
Which of the following is not a step in the scientific research process?
Studies that are based on interpretive observation are called __________.
In what ways does sociological knowledge differ from philosophy and personal belief?
Sociological study that starts with a specific research question focused on some generally-held principle is called
The _______________ is the overall logic of the research project, included what observational method will be used.
In order to develop a research design, a sociologist must
To study the difference in academic achievement between male and female athletes, one might look at rates of graduation among university students involved in sports. This is an example of ____research.
Preindustrial societies are those that
Which of these types of society has the greatest amount of social differentiation?
Which of the following is not a characteristic of foraging societies?
Pastoral societies are based on the domestication of animals. In addition, they are characterized by
In ___________ societies, hand tools such as hoes and digging sticks are used to cultivate crops.
The type of research that is more open to interpretation of what people do is called _______research.
Based on what you read you think that people whose parents are divorced are more likely to become divorced themselves. As you begin your research you state your belief that if a person's parents are divorced that person is more likely to become divorced themselves. This is an example of a ___________.
Most sociologists would probably agree that in the nature-nurture debate,
Within sociology, the process by which groups and individuals within those groups are brought into conformity with dominant social expectations is called ______.
Socialization serves as a form of social control because
Which of the following is false in regards to socialization and conformity?
Which of the following is true about peers as agents of socialization?
Religion is a powerful socialization agent. What is the impact of religion during one's childhood?
Psychoanalytic theories of socialization are based on the work of Sigmund Freud, whose theoretical contribution related to socialization is
Social learning theory views identity as
Sociologists who study the large paterns of social interactions that are vast, complex, and highly differentiated are using
Which of these is an example of something a sociologist would consider from the microlevel analysis of social interaction?
Which of these would interest a sociologist who prefers macro-analysis of social interaction?
Sociologists use the term ________ to describe the order established in social groups at any level.
According to Peter Berger, it can be said that the first wisdom of sociology is that
According to C. Wright Mills, __________do not possess the quality of mind to grasp the interplay of man and society, of biography and history, of self and world.
According to C. Wright Mills, in this course of a single generation, one-_______ of mankind is transformed from all that is feudal and backward into all that is modern and advanced.
The sociological imagination enables its professor to
According to Berger, there is a ______ motif inherent in the sociological consciousness.
______was long identified in the history of sociology for her 1853 translation and abridgment of Comte.
______ spearheaded national and international anti-lynching campaigns and was an active organizer for African American civil rights.
______ was a leading figure in the German feminist movement.
______self-identified as a sociologist, taught sociology, and worked as a social investigator.
Poverty is a persistent problem in the US and none of its intended solutions are more controversial than
The UofM's "Panel Study of Income Dynamics" found that in 1978, ___% of families depended on welfare for more than half of their income
Many of the thing social scientists study generate deep emotions and firm convictions in most people. This make
According to feminists, _________ is a key reason why eating problems predominate among women.
According to Thomas Silber, many well trained professionals have wither misdiagnosed or delayed their diagnoses of eating problems among African Americans and Latina women due to
"A thing the value or meaning of which is bestowed upon it by those who use it" to defines a/an
According to Leslie White, human beings differ from the dog and all other creature because they
According to Leslie White, human social organization would be impossible without
Which of the following is a symbolic behavior?
_______functions are those consequences that are familiar, planned, and generally recognized.
"Means tested" public assistance programs are
Which of the following would be an example of anomie?
According to Robert Merton, an innovator is an individual who has
The contact hypothesis
Ehreneich's first low-wage job in Key West was as a:
In Robert Merton's terms, people who overzealously and cruelly enforce bureaucratic regulations can be classified as
When viewing the global economic system, sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein draws on the
A farmer is called to help sandbag a levy that is about to flood his town. the farmer is stationed between two correctional center inmates who are required to assist in the flood-control efforts. As a result of this experience, the farmer has developed a new found respect for inmates. This example would be consistent with which perspective?
What percent of the total available wealth did the richest 20 percent of people in the US own in 2002?
Which of the following would be the best example of absolute poverty?
Which sociological perspective's approach to deviance focuses on why rule violation continues to exist in societies despite pressures to conform and obey?
Which theory was used by Edwin Sutherland to emphasize that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions with others?
Amalgamation refers to the process of
Which sociologist used the term "differential association" to describe the process by which exposure to attitudes favorable to criminal acts leads to violation of rules?
In Mexico, what percent of the population has a high school education?
Which of the following is surprising about Mexico, according to Forbes magazine?
Mexican schoolchildren are taught that the election of Benito Juarez in the nineteenth century proved that all Mexicans
Du Bois poses the question, "Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger in mine own house?" By this, the author alludes to
Monica, a new student at Valley High school, becomes friends with a group of teenagers who use marijuana and remain seated during the singing of the National Anthem. Although Monica had never used marijuana and used to sing the Anthem, she begins to engage in the same behavior as her new friends. This is an example of
An important tenet of labeling theory is the recognition that some individuals or groups have the power to define labels and apply them to others. This view shares the emphasis on the social significance of power as purported by the
A bank president is found guilty of tax evasion. In addition to paying the government all the money he owes with substantial interest, he is sentenced to three years' probation and a $50,000 fine. At the same time, a female teller at the same bank is found guilty of stealing $500. the teller is sentenced to a prison term of no less than four years. This differential treatment would be of particular concern to sociologists using the
The Red Scare of 1919 clearly linked the anti-immigrant to the anti-_____sentiment.
The most massive affirmative action program in the US history was/is
Crime is a violation of
According to world systems analysis, a core nation is a nation that
A single women who engages in illegal acts of prostitution in order to support herself and her children is
A women is born into a homeless, single-parent family. She is very talented and as an adult, becomes a wealthy, world-acclaimed pianist. This scenario most clearly represents which type of stratification system?
Karl Marx argued that social, economic, and political inequalities are dependent on
According to Portes, bilingual students:
In 1998, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 227, the:
Capitalism is an economic system in which
Karl Marx used the term "proletariat" to refer to
The notion that peripheral nations move from having traditional or less developed institutions to those characterized of more developed nations is known as
Which of the following would be an example of segregation?
The former policy of the South African government that was designed to maintain the separation of Blacks and other non-Whites from the dominant Whites was known as
In Karl Marx's view, social relations during any period of history depends on who controls the
Karl Marx used the concept of class consciousness to refer to
The manifest purpose of buying consumption goods is the
In which of the following nations is income inequality the highest?
Which of the following statements about multinational corporations is true?
Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect the class's objective position?
Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant political, economic, and social inequality?
Which of the following have the women volunteers in the Philippines accomplished through the establishment of the Pan-Cordillera Women's Network for Peace and Development?
What country does the text use as a case study to illustrate colonialism, neocolonialism, and the domination and exploitation of a peripheral, developing country by a core industrialized nation?
Sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf suggests that among the most powerful groups in society are
Structural or institutional discrimination
Interracial love if often stereotyped as
Of the following, which Latino subpopulation is the second largest
"Mainstream organizations" tend to be
Slavery in the US was one of the first....
The term "social control" refers to
Arnold gets an "A" on organic chemistry exam because he copies most of his answers from Stanley, the "class brain" who is sitting next to him. According to Merton's anomie theory of deviance, Arnold would be classified as a(an)
Which of the following has a role in maintaining social control?
Only ______ of Americans have an income over $250,000.
In 1970 one in every 10 families was female headed. Which of the following statements about today's female-headed families is correct?
A tax that takes higher proportions of income at lower levels is a
A women who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the US Postal Service. She has experienced
Author Paul Collier states those countries at the bottom of the world economy are living a reality closer to the conditions of the
How many people in the world do author Paul Collier state are falling behind, falling apart, and stuck at the bottom?
"Sanctions" are defined as
Wealth is
An ascribed status is a social position
Which sociological perspective emphasizes literally could not operate if massive numbers of people defied standards of appropriate conduct?
Which of the following terms refers to going along with one's peers, with peers defined as individuals of a person's status who have no special right to direct that person's behavior?
A minority group is a group
Which group is at the top of the color hierarchy in Mexico?
The impoverished majority in Mexico are referred to as the
Which of the following is not one of the forms of capital distinguished by Pierre Bourdieu?
Kohn assigned families to classes on the basis of
The literature on social class and patterns of association suggest that people at higher class levels __________.
Which of the following terms is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?
Which of the following statements about racial groups in the US is true?
A system of stratification under peasants were required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection was known as a(an)
About how many people are imprisoned in non-governmental, privately run prisons in the US-a significant means of formal social control?
A college student is caught cheating on an exam and is brought before a college-wide disciplinary committee, which decides to expel the student from the school. The committee's action is an example of
Ethnocentrism refers to
The work of a group that regulates relations between various criminal enterprises involved in the smuggling and sale of drugs, prostitution, gambling, and other illegal activities is called
According to the text, which of the following forces is in part responsible for the domination of the world marketplace by a few nations?
Which of the following statements about crime rates is in the US is correct?
What racism prevails in a society, members of a subordinate groups generally experience
Underreporting of crime in the US
Which type of crime is unlikely to be reported in victimization surveys?
Which sociologist is responsible for creating control theory?
An ethnic group is a group
Which of the following statements is true relative to stigma and deviance in the US?
Prejudice is to discrimination as
Some sociologists have suggested that in the southern US in the pre-civil rights era, an African American individual was born into a status that would always be subordinate to the status of all the White members of the community. This would be an example of a(an)
Which sociological perspective would most likely be concerned with the stigmatizing nature of formal social controls that require convicted sex-offenders to register with police agencies and have their picture published in newspapers to make their identities publicly known?
Which of the following is not one of the types of marital relationships distinguished by Rainwater?
The class advantages or disadvantages that a child inherits are not just economic but also _______.
The kind of research Lareau used was ______, which is rare because it is expensive and time-consuming.
At one time, amny Puerto Ricans were effectively barred from serving in the Chicago Police Department because they failed to meet the height requirement. This is an example of
Which term is used in the sociological literature to describe a loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective?
Which term is used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the means of production?
In Immanuel Wallerstein's view, the global economic system is divided between nations that control wealth and nations from which resources are taken. This view is called
Exploitation theory is a
Which of the following is a core nation?
According to Rosenhan, which of the following patient characteristics was NOT found to be evident in the mental hospitals under investigation?
In Karl Marx's view of class conscious workers in revolt, who will guide the working class in its struggle?
According to the author, from 60 to ___% of those in prostitution were sexually assaulted in childhood.
_______law specifically prohibits inducement into prostitution by sexual abuse, pornography, or by exploiting the need for food, shelter, safety, or affection.
Many psychiatrists believe that the preference for sexual partners of a particular sex is merely a secondary manifestation of something that lies much deeper in the individual. They refer to this as "the ________ personality."
It is commonly believed that homosexual males are
Very little is known about homosexual behavior in the rest of the world. This lack of knowledge stems from
According to Monroe et al. 1969, a number of societies have what they call
In _______, the Zpotec Indians believe that "effeminate males" are born not made.
According to the author, ________starts with assignment to a sex category on the basis of what the genitalia looks like at birth.
In the lecture, the 'Achievement Gap' differentiate between two similar States revealed that:
Linguist Marjorie Swacker recorded question-and-answer sessions at academic conferences. Women were highly visible as speakers at the conferences studied, but it came to volunteering and being called on to ask questions, women contributed
For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of
From childhood, men learn to use talking as a way to get and keep
For males, talk
For women, talk
Institutions such as prostitution and slavery, which have existed for thousands of years, are so deeply embedded in cultures that they have become
In 1988, ______ described prostitution as "dynamic and adaptive sex work, involving a transaction between seller and buyer of a sexual service."
According to the author, there have been huge growth in ________ in the US: strip clubs, nude dancing, escort services, tanning salons, massage parlors, phone ans computer sex.
According to researcher Debra Boyer, most prostitutes began prostituting between ages of
The building blocks of gender are
Some societies have three genders- men, women, and
At ______, sex characteristics become evident, and most societies put children through their most important rites of passage.
Through naming, birth announcements, and dress, parents create
_____refers to a form of subtle sex discrimination where women receive mixed messages about their abilities, intelligence, and accomplishments.
______refers to a sexually oriented behavior that, at face value, looks harmless or even playful.
Bernard points out that in the area of sexual relations, Kinsey and his associates found different responses in from one-to two-thirds of the couples they studied. Kinsey interpreted these difference in terms of
In a study of happily married, middle-class couples, __________ concluded that projection in terms of everyday needs was distorting even simple, everyday events, and lack of communication was permitting the distortions to continue.
In a laboratory-based study of married couples conducted by David Olson, a most interesting finding was that husbands perceived themselves as
According to Bernard, there is a/an _______ in marriage, that resides in the cultural prescriptions, proscriptions, and expectations that constitute marriage.
The Racial-Ethnic 'Achievement Gap' in education refers to:
The ______ of Puritanism differs only in degree, not in fundamental principle, from that of monasticism; and on account of the Puritan conception of marriage, its practical influence is more far-reaching than that of the latter.
According to Weber, ________ is bad ethically only in so far as it is a temptation to idleness and sinful enjoyment of life, and its acquisition is bad only when it is with the purpose of later living merrily and without care.
Worldly Protestant, _______ acted powerfully against the spontaneous enjoyment of possessions; it restricted consumption, especially of luxuries.
According to Steve Baker, the director of BYU's honor code office, _____% of students are ever brought to see him.
At Notre Dame, _____% of the university's student body lives on campus and there is general agreement about the positive effects of single-sex dorms.
At Baylor, ______involves a willingness on part of the administration to adopt behavioral standards.
______requires students to get their parents' permission before pursuing a romantic relationship.
According to Smith, any attempt to talk about women in Islam involves venturing into an area characterized by
According to Smith, the Holy Koran
In her article, Smith points out that
According to Smith's discussion of traditions int he Muslim world
According to the Holy Koran
According to Smith's discussion of life within the Islamic world
Following the Irish potato famine of the 1840s, thousands of Irish workers settled in the cities and towns of the northeastern US, and _______ was seen as a means of integrating this "uncouth and dangerous" element into the social fabric of American life.
Since the mid-nineteenth century, the dual objectivies of educational reformers-_______ and ________ -have been intermingled; sometimes so completely that its impossible to distinguish between the two.
According to Bowles and Gintis, early educational reformers believed that education was to help preserve and extend
Denial of "______" is perhaps the single most consistent outcome of the education offered to poor children in the schools of our large cities.
The video, 'Inside the teenage Brain' made the point that:
According to the author, Public School 261 in District 10 has the capacity for 900 students, but there were _____students enrolled.
According to the principle of Public School 261, there are _____ computers for its 1300 students.
At Public School 24, students labeled "talented" or "gifted"
According to the principal of Public School 24, the reason for the 130 children in "special classes" can be traced to
Frequently genital mutilation is performed by
_______is reported to affect nearly all the female population of Somalia.
During the 1980s, women in ______ were shocked by accounts of mutilations being performed in local hospitals on daughter of immigrants.
What is the name of the Federal policy that mandates gender equity in education in federally funded schools?
what risk found by researchers among female athletes who are "highly involved" in sports?
A small body of scholarship suggests that traditional gender roles may be disadvantageous to men in that
When ted consoles his sister about a difficult romantic breakup, works a day shift as a construction worker, and sings nursery rhymes to his young daughter so that she may fall asleep, he is portraying
Which sociologist discussed the concept and coined the term "multiple masculinities?"
The belief that men play a variety of gender roles, including a nurturing-caring role and an effeminate-gay role, in addition to their traditional role of dominating women, is called
Which sociologist argued that to function most effectively, the family requires adults who specialize in particular roles?
Which of the following studied the minangkabau society in Indonesia, learning that men and women acted not as competitors but partners for the common good?
Which of the folloring terms is used by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to an emphasis on tasks, a focus on more distant goals, and a concern for the external relationship between one's family and other social institutions?
Which of the following terms by Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales to refer to concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family?
According to Talcott Parsons and Robert Bales, the expressive role is performed by
Although it does not explicitly endorse traditional gender roles, which sociological perspective implies that dividing between spouses is beneficial for the family unit?
Which perspective suggests that men may originally have become powerful in preindustrial times because their size, physical strength, and freedom from childbearing duties allowed them to dominate women physically, but in contemporary societies such considerations are not so important?
Conflict theorists would view gender differences as
Using an analogy to Marx's analysis of class conflict, conflict theorists would argue that women are in a position comparable to that of the
Which of the following publications was not one of the earlier important works to critique women's position in society and culture?
Which of the following statements about feminist movement is true?
Some radical feminist theorists view the oppression of women in male-dominated societies as
Which sociological perspective has influenced the creation of the feminist perspective the most?
In 2009, what percentage of children in their twenties lived with their parents?
In 2009, what percentage of all children in the US lived in a household with a grandparent?
The process that allows for the transfer of the legal rights, responsibilities, and privileges of parenthood to a new legal parent or parents is referred to as
Which of the following percentages reflects the number of married women in the US who are in the labor force?
Which of the following factors has contributed to the rise of dual-income families in the US?
After his divorce from Wanda, Willy has custody of his two young children. Fortunately, his job allows him to work from home on his computer, and he is able to earn a living to support his family and to spend as much time as necessary supervising and caring for his children. This is an example of a(an)
which of the following statements concerning step families is correct?
About what percentage of divorcees in the US have remarried?
The increasing divorce rate in the US is attributable to
Steve and Mary are married and then get a divorce. Steve then marries Rachel, anf they get a divorce too. Steve remarries Mary and lives with her until she dies. After Mary's death, Steve marries Beth and lives with her until his death. Steve's life would be an example of
what is the general term for a marriage in which an individual can have several husbands or wives at the same time?
Which of the following statements about polygamy is correct?
Which pattern of descent is most typical in the US?
Patrilineal descent refers to a
Males are expected to dominate family decision making in a(an)
A kinship system that favors the relatives of the mother is based on
a matriarchy is a society in which
Secularization is the
The US government maintains a policy of "separation of church and state." The relationship between the church and the government in the US illustrates
Which sociologist was perhaps the first sociologist to recognize the critical importance of religion in human societies?
According to your text, a table, an incense stick, and candelabra can all be considered
Which is the single largest faith in the world?
For Muslims, which of the following do they consider to be prophets?
In which way does Hinduism differ from other religions?
Which of the following attributes is true regarding Buddhism?
When did the religion known as Buddhism first develop?