Shared Flashcard Set


Postmodernism Midterm '11
Fall Semester, 2011 w/ Dr. Kendrick's Postmodernism
Undergraduate 2

Additional Philosophy Flashcards





1. Be able to distinguish, define and articulate the philosophical systems that we covered in class


·      Christian Theism

o   God is infinite and personal

·      Deism

o   God is infinite but

·      Naturalism

o   God doesn’t exist (Gnostic)

·      Nihilism

o   Discounting God, and Discounting Reason

o   Nothing can be Trusted

·      Existentialism

o   A universal can be found through a leap of faith

·      Postmodernism

o   Universals only exist inside of what your group believes.


2. Be able to define the theological terms that define Christian Theism.



·      Personal


o   He has personality


o   Possess self determination


·      Transcendent


o   Beyond us and our world


o   Independent


·      Immanent


o   Active in human history

·      Omniscient


o   Present everywhere and at all times


·      Sovereign


o   God is supreme in rule and authority over all things


·      Good


o   Does not mean that God adheres to an arbitrary rules somewhere


o   But that there is an absolute standard and this standard comes from His Attributes


·      Intelligent


o   Capacity for reason and knowledge


·      Moral


o   Capacity to recognize between Good and Evil


·      Gregarious


o   a desire for human companionship


·      Creative


o   Able to imagine new things, though we have never seen them before


·      God can and does communicate with man.


o   General Revelation


§  God Speaks naturally


o   Special Revelation


§  God Speaks supernaturally


·      Autonomous


o   If man is autonomous, he can do things apart from God


§  From a Christian Theism, man is not autonomous


·      Redeemed


o   Bringing healing to man


·      Glorified


o   Total healing

  • Ethics
  •   transcendent
  • based on the character of God as good (holy and loving)
  • based upon the absolute character of God






3. Be able to define the following additional terms:


·      Presupposition

o   What we comet to when we can no longer explain why it is we are saying what we are saying

·      Worldview

o   “a worldview is a set of presuppositions which we hold about the basic makeup of our world.”

·      Open and closed System

o   Open:*God is involved in the Universe

o   Closed:*God isn’t involved in the universe

·      Particulars

o   something you can touch, feel everywhere, and all the time

·      Universal

o   is everywhere, all the time, for everyone (none exclusion)

o   gives purpose and meaning to everyone.

·      Metanarrative

o   is everywhere, all the time, for everyone (none exclusion)

o   gives purpose and meaning to everyone.

·      Absolute

o   Something that is true everywhere all the time

·      Autonomous

o   Apart from God

·      Structuralism verses Deconstructionism

o   Language is a social construct that attempts to express meaning from their experience.

o   All societies and cultures possess a common structure.

§  Structuralism

ú  would say that there is a commonality among the people populating the world

§  Deconstructionism

ú  crosses out “All societies and cultures possess a common structure”

·      Epistemology

o   The theory of how we know, or how we can be sure that what we think we know is correct

·      Faith

o   Knowledge

o   Mental Assent

o   Action



6. Be able to articulate how biblical Christianity has approached cultural tensions throughout the last 2,000 years.



·      The Church vs. the Jewish culture

o   Paul, the missionary. (Gal 3)

§  God’s Word is above man’s ways

§  Salvation is only by Grace through Faith.

·      The Church vs. the Roman culture

o   1st Cent Christians had to choose who they would serve.

§  God’s Word is above man’s ways

§  Salvation is only by Grace through Faith.

·      The Church vs. the Catholic Culture (Premodernity)

o   Christianity became wealthy, and men in leadership became greedy and over time systems were developed with mixed agreeable Scripture background.

§  What was the Church’s Response?

ú  God’s word is above man’s ways

ú  Salvation is by Grace through Faith

·      The Church vs. the Enlightenment culture (Modernity)

o   Schleiermacher: placed religion into emotional experience.  The result was religion that was subjection to the emotions of the individual.

§  What was the Church’s Response?

ú  God’s Word is above man’s ways

ú  Salvation is by Grace through Faith

[image][image][image][image]Wikipedia: Secular Jewish culture embraces several related phenomena; above all, it is the international culture of secular communities of Jewish people, but it can also include the cultural contributions of individuals who identify as secular Jews.


8. Be able to distinguish the good and bad qualities within postmodern thought


·      Good about Postmodernism:

o   The rejection of naturalism’s optimistic claim that man’s reason in a closed universe can discover a universal.

o   Language is closely associated with power. (not every story is a power play)

o   Our understanding of the world is colored by our experiences. No one is absolutely objective

o   The desire to dialog about truth rather than gullibly accepting the thoughts of others.

·      Bad:

o   Relying on emotion and feeling as a response to modernity’s reason based foundation

o   Stories are not always a power play

o   Rejecting the possibility and the attempt to be objective

o   Rejecting all claims to  universal truth that would bring meaning and purpose.

§  Matt 13:18-22

ú  Does not understand the Word

ú  V 20 Has no firm roots

ú  V 22- choked by the World

ú  V 23- 30x-60x-100x Fold



9. Be able to list numerous approaches that should be used when sharing with a postmodern thinker


·      Four Prescriptive Points

o   LIVE the Gospel

§  Truth demands confrontation (Schaeffer)

o   Invite people to EXPLORE God with you

§  We must move to a more invitational approach

§  We must move to a conversational approach

§  We must move from being well-equipped apologists to becoming a believing community.

ú  Non-Judgmental

ú  Loving/ Caring

ú  Growing

ú  Open to dialogue

ú  Stop providing answers to life’s questions and help others  discover God personally.


§  Let God’s Word be absolute- NOT your thinking

§  Lose your personal preferences regarding how church should be  done.

§  Seek to love first before considering doctrine

o   Seek God’s Glory rather than your own or that of your group


7. Be able to compare how liberal and conservative Christians approached modernity.


·      Liberals:

o   reduced the supernatural dimension of Christianity to make it more palatable to non-Christians.  They accommodated to the world view of their day


·      Conservatives:

o   developed what is known as evidentialist Christian apologetics to combat the attack of modernity and liberal Christian theology.

§  What was the message?

ú  God’s Word is above man’s ways

ú  Salvation is by Grace through Faith

5. Be able to articulate where each philosophical system looks for knowledge and truth

·      Christian Theism

o   K-God

o   T-God

·      Deism

o   K-Cosmos

o   T-Cosmos

·      Naturalism

o   K-Nature and Cosmos

o   T-Man

·      Nihilism

o   K-Disregards

o   T-Disregards

·      Existentialism

o   K- Within the objective realm, but meaning comes from the subjective realm

o   T- turn your brain off and leaps in faith

·      Postmodernism

o   K- Rejects Knowledge

o   T- Community


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