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Final Exam Review Cards
Undergraduate 1

Additional Philosophy Flashcards




3 Views of Justice
1. Cephalus':justice involves paying one's debts and not lying

2. Polemarchus': justice is rendering to each his/her due; justice is doing good to friends and harm to enemies

3. Thrasymachus': justice is the rule of the stronger

Socrates poses questions that disqualify these views.
Psychic Harmony
balance between three parts of soul (reason, spirit, and appetitive)

socrates says justice is psychic harmony b/w the reason, spiritual, and appetitive parts of the soul while ruled by justice
Myth of the Ring of Gyges
When the ring is put on, the wearer becomes invisible. By becoming invisible, all benefits of acting justly disappear (one can do as he pleases without fear of retribution.) Both a just man and an unjust man act the same when they know they will not be found out.
3 Parts of Soul
1. Reason: searches for truth & knowledge; rules other parts of soul

2. Spirited: delights in victory, honor and pride; involves emotions

3. Appetitive: biggest/strongest thing in the human; food- drink- sleep- sex; unreasoning

(remember: all three must be balanced for psychic harmony to exist)
4 Types of Cities
1. Timocracy: related to the spirited part of the soul; similar to Aristocracy but has private property; breakdown of guardian class but guardians still rule; sharp distinction between guardians and producers; no long a sense of brotherhood/togetherness; guardians can have private property and possessions which leads to exploitation of producers; Timocratic soul loves honor and victory (this is found when attention to education is not paid); Timocrats have enlarged soul

2. Oligarchy: related to the appetitive part of the soul; life of money making; ruled by the rich and few; cynical about pursuing glory; divided into rich and poor, poor have no resources, rich only spend money on their own interests and not the common good; Oligarchic soul loves money; reason and spirit are forced to work in desire for money; don't want to be ruled by quests for honor or glory, just want money; divided within itself b/c the life of a moneymaker does not give substantial use of the soul

3. Democracy: related to the appetitive part of the soul; breakdown of unity is complete; no universal good; no universal govt.; individuals are encouraged to take on unique lifestyles and be tolerant; tolerate pluralism; Democracy in Athens was not at all like Plato described Democracy; Democratic soul pursues unnecessary desires; no inhibitions regarding spending

4. Tyranny: run by someone who is only out to see his own gain, not the good of the city; Tyrant not generally thought of as someone who is tyrannized; Tyrant soul must be dominated by no real notion of whole self, no conception of good of whole; lust is the motivation
The Just City
Allegory of the Cave
4 Charges Against Socrates
1. physicalist
2. sophist
3. corruption of youth
4. impiety
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