Shared Flashcard Set


Mod 4
Not Applicable

Additional Nursing Flashcards




A child with leukemia is being discharged after beginning chemotherapy. Which of the following
instructions will the nurse include when teaching the parents of this child?
a) provide a diet low in protein and high carbohydrates
b) avoid fresh vegetables that are not cooked or peeled
c) notify the doctor if the child's temperature exceeds 101 F (39C)
d) increase the use of humidifiers throughout the house
Answer B

fresh fruits and vegetables harbor
microorganisms, which can cause infections
in immune-compromised child. Fruits and
vegetables should either be peeled or
cooked. The physician should be notified
of a temperature above 100F, a diet low in
protein is not indicated, and humidifiers
harbor fungi in the water containers.
A client with hemophilia has a very
swollen knee after falling from bicycle
riding. Which of the following is the first nursing action?
a) initiate an IV site to begin administration of
b) type and cross-match for possible
c) monitor the client's vital signs for the first 5 minutes
d) apply ice pack and compression dressings to the knee
Answer D

rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE)
are the immediate treatments to reduce the swelling and bleeding into the joint. These are the priority actions for bleeding into the joint of a client with hemophilia.
A client and her husband are positive
for the sickle cell trait. The client asks the
nurse about chances of her children having
sickle cell disease. Which of the following is
appropriate response by the nurse?

a) one of her children will have sickle cell disease
b) only the male children will be affected
c) each pregnancy carries a 25% chance of the
child being affected
d) if she had four children, one of them would
have the disease
Answer C

In autosomal recessive traits, both parents
are carriers. There is a 25% chance with each
pregnancy that a child will have the disease
An 8 year old child has been diagnosed
to have iron deficiency anemia. Which of
the following activities is most appropriate
for the child to decrease oxygen demands
on the body?
a) Dancing
b) playing video games
c) reading a book
d) riding a bicycle
Answer C

reading a book is restful activity and can keep
the child from becoming bored. Choices a, b, and
d require too much energy for a child with
anemia and can increase oxygen demands on the
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