JAPANESE - Vocabulary (basic)

Study basic Japanese words. Memorise each set, and then mix them together to make sure you have them all down. Remember to practice them every day.

For more on Japanese, go here.



JAPANESE - BV 001 - good/ii, bad/dame, yes/hai, no/iie, good afternoon/konnichiwa, goodbye/sayounara, this/kore, that/sore, thank you/arigatou, thank you (formal)/arigatou gozaimasuI (formal)/watashi
JAPANESE - BV 002 - Words also used in English (audio) - karaoke, kamikaze, karate, anime, manga, futon, romaji, tsunami, samurai, ninja
JAPANESE - BV 003 - Question words - doko/where, nan/nani/what, dare/who, naze/why, itsu/when, dou/ikaga/how, ikura/how much, ikutsu/how many
JAPANESE - BV 004 - Meeting and Greeting - ohayou/good morning, konnichi wa/good afternoon, konban wa/good evening, oyasumi/goodnight

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