Significant Figures, Scientific Notation, Math, and Calculator Flashcards

Be sure to begin studying these flashcards now, because questions on these flashcards will be included on Monday's CHEM 110L lab quiz.


These flashcard sets cover the following topics:

Set #1 - Significant figures in numbers and writing these numbers in scientific (exponential) notation

Set #2 - Significant figures in calculations (adding, subtracting, multiplying, and/or dividing)

Set #3 - Performing chain multiplication and division on calculators


At this time, I am not able to explain on the flashcards why the answers that are shown (to simple questions dealing with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) are correct.  It is very important that you study and thoroughly understand pages 3 and 4 of my CHEM 110L lab manual.  Be sure to remember the following two important significant figure rules that students often get mixed up:


1. If you multiply and/or divide numbers, then the number of significant figures in the answer is equal to the least number of significant figures in any of the numbers being multiplied and/or divided.

2. If you add and/or subtract numbers, then the number of digits after the decimal point in the answer is equal to the least number of digits after the decimal point in any of the numbers being added and/or subtracted.


Select the flashcard sets below (preferably one at a time) and click on "Start Study Session" in the lower left hand corner.  Wait a few seconds until that flashcard set loads, and then click on "Start Session" (also in the lower left hand corner).  It is not necessary for you to change any of the default values for options that have been selected for you in advance.



Math/Calc. Set 1 - Significant Figures in Numbers - Determining how many significant figures are in numbers, and writing them in scientific (exponential) notation
Math/Calc. Set 2 - Significant Figures in Calculations - How to round numbers correctly when you add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers
Math/Calc. Set 3 - Chain Multiplication and Division - Learn how to do chain muliplication and division on calculators using numbers written in scientific notation

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