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NEU Warner Fall 2010 Ch 9
These flashcards cover most slide material from Warner's fall 2010 organic chem 1 section
Organic Chemistry
Undergraduate 1

Additional Organic Chemistry Flashcards




Give a brief overview of elimination and the general things that go on in all elimination reactions

Elimiation requires that 2 bonds be broken and 2 bonds be made. Both of the broken bonds are to C. One new pi bond to C is made during this process

How do elimination and substitution compare in terms of entropy? What does this result mean?

Elimination is entropically quite favorable to substitution and therefore becomes preferential over substitution as the temperature is raised

What would happen if you were to break in the CX bond first when undergoing elimination?
X- would be slow to break away but once the positive carbon is rendered a negatively charged base ion would react very quickly with the residual hydrogen. Therefore the first step of this reaction is the rate determining step
What would happen if you were to break the CH bond/make the BH bond first in an elimination reaction and how would this affect the reaction?

The base would be slow to react with the hydrogen but once the carbon has the lone pair of electrons the X would be very quick to break away. Therefore, the first step is the rate determining step for this reaction

What would happen if you were to make and break the bonds simultaneously in an elimination reaction and what effect would this have on the overall reaction?

The transition state in this case could have different variants and therefore neither a specific rate determining step nor true mechanism can be derived from this information


What are some general facts about the concerted mechanism of elimination?

It's a one step mechanism with one transition state. The rate law is k[alkyl halide][base], so the reaction is second order. In the end, that means that the reaction is an elimination, second order reaction (or E2)

What are some factors which would affect the value of k in the E2 elimination?

The leaving group (I>Br>Cl>>F), the substrate (tertiary>secondary>primary), the nature ofthe base and the solvent

What does the selectivity factor more accurately quantify?

It quantifies the preference for forming the more substituted (and therefore more stable) alkene

Why might a less regioselective compound still be more chemically selective?

If the based used is very small by comparison then that is the likely case

Which product goes through a reaction process with more free energy release (and therefore less stability): a more substituted alkene or a less substituted alkene? 

The less substituted alkene will result in the higher free energy

In regards to the effects of steric hindrance in the regiochemistry of the E2 reaction, what effect would a larger halide have on the final products from various reagents?

A larger halide would give results that favor the more stable substituted double bond

In regards to the steric hindrance in the regiochemistry of the E2 elimination, what effect would a larger organic base have on the products: would the more stable 2-butene or the less stable 1-butene form?

For a larger base more of the less stable 1-butene will form. For smaller organic bases more of the more stable 2-butene product will form

What is so strange in regards to alkyl flourides and their regioselectivity in the E2 reaction?

They will end up forming more of the less substituted product (about 7:3)

Is it better for the base to attack a hydrogen at the more or the less substituted carbon?

It's better for it to attack at the less-substituted carbon; that way the resulting organic compound will be more stable in terms of regioselectivity

Let's say that an organic compound with a 1-ene and 4-halide were to react with OH-. Would the major product result in a 1,3-diene setup or a 1,4-diene setup?

The 1,3-diene setup would be the major product. In this case there would be a pattern of sp2 carbons which is a good thing for the compound's stability

What are the primary differences between anti-periplanar/trans-coplanar elimination and syn-periplanar/cis-coperiplanar elimination?

With anti-peri/trans-co the halide is distinctly negative while the base and the hydrogen are bonded; this is due to the fact that the hydrogen and the halide are opposite each other in the orientation. In syn-peri/cis-co the hydrogen and halide are on the same side as each other in the orientation and therefore get pulled off together

In regards to the syn/anti versions of the E2 reaction, what do each refer to?

Anti elimination means that one component of each carbon which branches off and is lost is from opposite ends (and they don't eclipse each other or any atoms in the compound). Syn elimination means that one of the components eclipses the other and each branch off right from there and leave the compound alone in regards to R group positioning

Why does the stereochemistry of the E2 elimination prefer the E product over the Z product?

Not only is the free energy of the anti conformation lower than that of the gauche but the free energy of the E state is lower than that of the Z state

What is important to note about the stereochemistry of the E2 reaction in cyclohexanes?

The hydrogen involved and the halide should be in an axial position in order for the reaction to proceed. Axial anything is typically more unstable than its equitorial counterparts

What happens in regards to the stereochemistry of the E2 elimination in cyclohexanes when there are 2 axial hydrogens and one axial bromide? What about no axial hydrogens?

In the case of 2 axial hydrogens you'd get 2 products and if there is anything such as an R group then the double bond attached to the carbon linked to the R group will form the major product. In the case of no axial hydrogens in cyclohexanes there would be no E2 product at all

What are some general properties regarding the dissociative mechanism for elimination?

It is a 2 step mechanism with 2 transition states (first step is rate determining), the rate law = k[alkyl halide] (which is first order) and therefore the reaction is first order elimination, or E1

What are the similarities and differences between the E1 and SN1 reactions?

They're both kinetically the same reaction subject to the same rate determining factors. The only difference is the final result after the RD step and thus E1 conditions are the same as SN1. This just adds one more reaction a carbocation can undergo

How do larger nucleophiles and larger tertiary halides affect whether a E1 or SN1 reaction will take place (and therefore result in a ene or more complex ane product)?

The larger the nucleophile and the tertiary alkyl halide the more the ene (elimination product) will be favored

What is important to note when looking at a graph of the free energy of an E1 reaction with a 1-ene and 2-ene product?

Although the end results have differing free energy amounts (the 2-ene product in this case) the first step (the RDS) is equal for both; once this product is formed and stabilizes a little bit the two tracks split off from each other as soon as they start to rise in free energy again

What is important to note about the stereoselectivity of the E1 reaction in regards to a cyclohexane with a halide?

It can undergo an E1 reaction at higher temps if the halide is equitorial (but not axial). A hydrogen will replace the halide which will then be paired up with another hydrogen through a 1,2-H shift; this will then undergo an E1 reaction and will result in a racemic mixture of a cyclohexene with a double bond (this racemization factor is given that the central carbon and surrounding carbons have at least similar groups or no groups attached)

What conditions will favor an E1 reaction over an E2 reaction?

E1 is favored when a weak base is present (often the solvent) and a protic polar solvent

Under what conditions is an E2 reaction favored over an E1 reaction?

An E2 reaction is favored by a high concentration of a strong base and an aprotic polar solvent

What is the difference between E1 and E2 in terms of reacitivty in various degrees of alkyl halides?

Tertiary then secondary alkyl halides undergo E1 reactions but primary aklyl halides can also undergo E2 reactions

For the SN1 reaction what are the stereochemical products compared to the reactants?

Both isomers (R and S) are formed (racemization)

What is the stereochemistry of the products of an E1 reaction?

Both E and Z isomers are formed (but more of the E is formed; this is determined by the complexity around the double bond)

What is the stereochemistry of the products formed from the SN2 reaction?

Only the inverted product is formed

What is the stereochemistry of the products formed from the E2 reaction?

Both E and Z isomers are formed from the anti elimination. If the beta carbon has only one hydrogen then the orientation of the ONE stereoisomer depends on the configuration of the reactant

What are the expected products of primary alkyl halides when comparing SN2 and E2 reactions?

Substitution is primarily expected but if steric hindrance is present in the alkyl halide or nucleophile elimination will be favored

What products are expected from primary alkyl halides in regards to SN1 and E1 reactions?

They can't undergo SN1/E1 reactions

Would a secondary alkyl halide be more likely to undergo SN2 or E2 reactions?

They could undergo both. However, the stronger and bulkier the base and the higher the temperature, the greater the percentage of elimination

Would a secondary alkyl halide be more likely to undergo SN1 or E1 reactions?

It could undergo both and there are no outstanding conditions or restrictions on this option

Would a tertiary alkyl halide be more likely to undergo SN2 or E2 reactions?

It could only undergo elimination

Would a tertiary alkyl halide be more likely to undergo SN1 or E1 reactions?

Both would occur and there are no outstanding conditions or restrictions on either

What reaction should be used if you want to get an alkene from an alkyl halide?

Always use the E2 (the E1 is rarely appropriate for synthesis)

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