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Neo, Romanticism, Realism Test 2
Chapter 30
Art History
Undergraduate 3

Additional Art History Flashcards





Gros- Napoleon in the Plaque House at Jaffa- 1804- Neo-Classicism

  • Scene where Napoleon touches men who have the plague to cure them. References to he "King's Touch" suggesting that Napoleon had the power to heal
  • He shows Napoleon in a mostly positive light, fearless and in control. Painting counteracted negative publicity.
  • Places them in an exotic setting of the East attention to middle eastern architecture, attire, and terrain.
  • Use of order, orders the three arches. Mosque motif, one arch contrasts with the others representing muslim faith. 

Ingres- Apothosis of Homer- 1827- Neo-classicism

  • The poet Homer is crowed at the Ionic Temple. The two women at his feet represent The Iliad and The Oyssesy.
  • He uses a symmtrical composition to surround Homer with with famous writers, musicians, artists, philosphers, and poets.
  • Uses lots of color, clarity, and order.
  • Theme- All arts go back to Homer
  • Similar to Raphael's School of Athens-inspired composition

Goya- The Third of May 1808 - 1814 Romanticism

  • After an uprising in Madrid, Depicts the day that napolean's soldies executed Spanish peasants. 
  • Goya portrays theatrical horrified expressions on the peasants faces. The peasant about to be shot is shown throwing his arms in the air in a cruciform gesture- reminiscent of Christ's crucifixiction.
  • Use of Timberism enhances the drama of the event. Uses the peasants white shirt as a light source possibly symbolic of the light of Christ.
  • Captures a specific moment in time.
  • Theme- is of resistance and patriotism of the Spanish people.
  • Gericault- The Raft of the Medusa- 1818- Romanticism
  • Depiction of historical moment in time. Of 150 men that shipwrecked on the African coast. They had to built a makeshift raft. Raft drifted for 12 days and their were only 15 survivors.
  • Gericault scientifically observed the incident for accuracy. He examined corpses, interview survivors and had a model of the raft constructed.
  • Use of strong diagonal from the dead at the bottom left corner to a survivor with hope and resuce at the top right corner.
  • Uses a blend of idealism with realism. Uses a nude man to show a heroic, idealized, and mythological character but puts socks on him to include realistic feature to grond the event.
  • Use of strong dramatic emotion in clouds, waves, the sail, and the twisting bodies.
  • Bodies come into the viewers space, allows viewers to participate in scene.
  • Use of timberism-influenced by Baroque art




Courbet- Burial at Ornans- 1849- Realism


  • Convey's death as a matter of fact, fact of life.
  • No use of strong emotion- expect for in the women
  • Use of wavering line, all the heads are at the same leve
  • The Grave it in the center of the foreground and comes into the viewers space.


Millet- The Gleaners- 1857- Realism


  • Subjects were found in everyday world. Depiction of three peasant women gleaning the last wheat scraps to bring home to feed their families.
  • Puts the three women in monumental proportion giving them a heroic sature while performing backbreaking work.
  • He doesn't show much of individualistic features so they can be represented as the universal worker.

Manet- Luncheon on the Grass- 1863- Realism

  • He depicts a nude woman amongst two clothed men during a picnic in a park. The men pay no attention to the nude woman.
  • This painting creates a sense of distrubance and uncomfortableness and caused controvery with the public.
  • This confusion challenges Titian's painting asking why nude women can't be exceptable? Pastoral Concert- depicted as goddesses.
  • Uses timberism creating strong contrast between lights and darks
  • He eliminates middleground
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