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Scleroderma interventions
Raynaud's phenomenon:
1. keep fingers and toes warm
2. dress in layers
3. drug therapy (vasodilators)
4. biofeedback
Pulmonary artery problems:
1. drug therapy (anti-coagulation)
2. oxygen (nasal)
GI problems:
1. drug therapy
2. dietary modifications
3. treatment of infection
Fibrosis of skin
1. protective gloves (cotton, insulated, mildly compressive)
2. drug therapy
Mytosis (inflammatory muscle disease)
1. cessation of exercise
2. drug therapy (low dose oral steroids)
Fibrosis of lungs:
1. drug therapy
Scleroderma sequelae and recommendations
1. poor circulation (as in Raynaud's phenomenon)
- dressing in layers of clothing and clothing style modifications for neutral warmth
- biofeedback: guided imagery to concentrate on improving distal circulation
- education to encourage skin inspection
- ax modifications to prevent trauma to finger and toes
2. contractures
- splinting @ optimal resting length
- use of silicone gel in palms of hands
- use of electrical/mechanical vibration (muffled) to stimulate rapidly adapting type A-nerve fibers and decrease burning sensation in hands
3. Facial disfigurement and alteration in body image and self-identity
- "look good/feel better" programs
- work with people to help them choose adaptations and new accessories to ease their adjustment to their changing appearance
- support groups
4. Thoracic spinal lesions can result in paraparesis, neurogenic bowel/bladder, altered mobility, altered ADL
- neuro rehab and biomechanical approaches to indicate
5. space occupying lesions in brain procedure stroke-like symptoms
- rehab for functional deficits
4 Stages of HIV/AIDS
1. acute infection: flu-like response to initial contact with the virus

2. asymptomatic disease: HIV replicates and affects the immune system, but no visible signs other than blood abnormalities are detectabl

3. symptomatic HIV: signs and symptoms appear

4. advanced disease, or AIDS: severely compromised immunity; CD4+ level drops to below 1000/m3
Rehab interventions for immunological system disorders
1. interventions for impairment level problems
- counsel people to be compliant with screening and treatment regimens
- set personal goals to invest behaviorally in one's health
- provide support to those dealing with immunological system disorders that are chronic illnesses
- provide supportive counseling and social support for psychological disorders that can develop
- refer to MD for drug therapy and complementary medicine as indicated for accompanying physical and/or psychological disorders
interventions for activity levels for immunological system disorders (self-care, work, leisure/sports, rest)
1. adaptations and training to do self-care tasks with greatest ease while conserving energy
- alter grasp and pinch patterns and level of demand of UE
- alter size of feeding utensils and tooth brushes to accommodate decreased ability to open mouth
- prevent shearing forces on skin during specific personal ADL tasks

2. work
- work capacity evals
- modifications to work site to allow participation in component tasks and ax
- counseling and intervention for transition to disability status when work is no longer possible

3. leisure/sports
- modify specific tasks and axs
- eval interests and skills to introduce new leisure or sports axs of interest to the person to transition to less physically demanding tasks as a disease process
4. rest
- monitor and intervene to maximize the ability to be well positioned during sleep
- monitor sleep habits and patterns and intervene when strategies are needed to relax and unwind or to schedule time and opportunity for relaxation
Interventions for participation problems for immunological system disorders
needs assessment to determine individual issues the person has with mobility, social, or political access to their personal, home, or community environments

ID and facilitation of procurement of system changes to allow person access and ability to participate as a contributing member of society
acute hospitalization rehab for immunological system disorders
early mobilization

preservation of function


psychological/emotional support

prevention of long term disability
inpatient rehab for immunological system disorders
1. evaluation and restoration of fxal abilities
- self-care
- energy conservation and work simplification
- use of Pizzi Assessment of Productive Living for Adults with HIV (PAPL) for persons with HIV

2. restoration of ax/exercise tolerance

3. achievement and maintenance of quality of life

4. role readjustment intervention

5. planning to return to the community
- access to environment
- participation issues
home care rehab for immunological system disorders
1. use of a collaborative assessment (COPM) to set client goals

2. eval and restoration of functional ability

3. restoration of activity/exercise tolerance

4. community mobility
- to inner and outer boundaries of home environment
- into the street/block
- further ability to venture out into the community
community-based rehab for immunological system disorders
1. school related
- transition from home schooling back to school for child returning
- transition of having student return to class for classmates

2. work related
- participatory as per ADA

3. population-related intervention
- coalition-related and grant funded initiatives for prevention and outreach programs
Diabetes rehab
1. preventative exercise
2. education concerning compliance and need for medical management of condition
3. psychological and emotional support to improve self-care habits
4. lifestyle readjustment to complications when and if they occur
- low vision
- safety assessment and intervention
- physical adaptations
5. protective issues regarding peripheral neuropathy
- safety assessment
- edu concerning risk associated with sensory loss
- skin care
- pain management
- adapted equipment/techniques to facilitate participation in lifestyle
- IADLs supporting compliance of self-management
Early attention to wound management (diabetes)
1. teach skin care and inspection techniques
2. teach person to self advocate quickly when changes are observed
Diabetes assistance in problem solving and modifying self-care as changes occur in medical status of the condition
1. problem solve resources for specialized treatment
2. teach person to recognize changes in their functional status that warrant further attention and intervention
Lyme disease rehab
1. Joint pain and swelling
- provide education regarding acute arthritic flares
* rest
* anti-inflammatory medicine compliance
* splinting or wrapping to protect inflamed joints and prevent over-stretching of enlarge joint
* teach energy conservation and work simplification
2. following flare, in sub-acute phase, provide gradual re-introduction of normal performance of daily tasks and activities
heat cramps
characterized by a normal body temp, nausea, diaphoresis, muscle twitching or spasms, weakness, and/or severe muscle cramps
heat exhaustion
rapid pulse, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, cool pallid skin, mental confusion, headache, and/or giddiness but no fever
heat stroke
hot, dry red skin; a body temperature higher than 104 degrees; slow, deep respiration; tachycardia; dilated pupils; confusion; progressing to seizures and possibly loss of consciousness
Arnold-Chiari Syndrome
malformation of the lower area of the brain stem that may prevent brain fluid from passing freely from the brain into the spinal cord.

infants' symptoms: vomiting, mental impairment, weakness

adolescent symptoms: Dizziness, weakness of the legs, headaches, double vision, or deafness may be present

may be also experienced: Swelling of the optic nerve region, involuntary rapid movement of the eyeball, muscular incoordination, palsies, and abnormal sensations
Myasthenia gravis
chronic autoimmune neuromuscular disease characterized by muscle weakness that increases during periods of activity and improves after periods of rest

muscles often involved: muscles such as those that control eye and eyelid movement, facial expression, chewing, talking, and swallowing; sometimes muscles that control breathing and neck and limb movements are involved
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