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Mrs. Reardon, page 22-26
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Oh Fleur
I tried to call you but the circuits were busy. We've missed you down at school, really we have. I mean what good is a color coordinated phone if you can't use the thing. Anna, poor thing. We've missed you dreadfully. How are you feeling?
Get that away from me. Get Away.
I'm sorry.I...
She doesn't like fur Fleur.
I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know that. I'll just take it off then.
Let me hang it up for you.
Right here on the chair is fine.
You certainly pulled out all the stops tonight, didn't you?
Oh, thank you. Bob and I are going to the theater, but I did allow some time to visit with you folks. I suppose you might say I'm on official business as representative of the teachers social committee, but Mrs. Pentrano stopped up at the apartment and told me Mrs. Adams was here. I did want to meet her. Bob's gone down to the car to get a little gift for Anna that the committee allotted money for. I bought it this afternoon when Bob and I were out shopping but we left it in the car. now can I give my little Anna a hug?
What did you get me?
Gifts are supposed to be a surprises, Anna. It's not very much but it's a way to know that the faculty thinks of you when you're...ill. I was very limited in the amount of money the committee made available...
Can I make you a drink?
I'm sorry but I don't drink. I gave up smoking in June. My what are you eating?
If you didn't eat let me fix you a plate.
This is just fine. I just want a nibble. As I was saying, I was very limited in the amount of money the social committee made available. As you know, it's twenty five cents a day if you're out on at least four consecutive days- Catherine, you weren't out four consecutive day so nothing accumulated to get you a gift though you are getting a card in the mail- but, Anna was out four days in a row, which gave me only one dollar to work with ordinarily, but the committee is allowed to grant up to ten dollars if it looks like the teachers going to be really sick, so you got the full ten dollars.
It's nice it's so exact.
I know its ridiculously complicated but its the only way to be fair. Is Mrs. Adams here?
She's in the John I know she'd be happy if you could stay a while and meet her. She'd feel badly if you just dashed off.
What are you making?
This Zucchini is excellent. You must tell me how to prepare it sometime. I never ever thought of preparing zucchini.
I have a few more ingredients to get and then I'll tell sis you're here. She'll be very excited.
Now I want you to know, Anna, that we're all with you. We all want you to get better and rest and come back to us soon. We all talk about how much we miss you at the lunch table. You always had a funny story and so much spirit; we just don't know what to talk about any more. You just go right on eating. I thought you'd be finished with supper by now. The zucchini is really excellent. Bob and I got in such a fight over whether we should have bough you a religious article or not. I told him in times like these you'd appreciate something of faith and he said I was crazy. He doesn't think anyone believes in religion anymore. Of course, I see the fallout of religious conviction in the children during our my guidance sessions with them. It isn't that they don't believe in religion, children don't even think about it any more. I thought you'd like a nice gold cross with a chain, but Bob said even if you were religious you'd have plenty of them and i told him I never saw you wear one at school.
I don't wear crosses.
That's just what I told Bob. Since I didn't see you wearing any crosses I was fairly sure that you wouldn't appreciate a faith gift which is why we got you what we finally did. It's so difficult to believe in anything, although I did a paper on this called IS GOD DEAD? for a Problems in Modern Living course I took with Dr. Nobinsky whose main problem at the time was senility...He's dead now...and I called my study IS GOD DEAD? Now the title wasn't very original but I felt I had translated the comples reasons why nobody believes in religion any more. To put it in a nut shell, the reason everyone is so schizophrenic and paranoic today is because man is finally being able to do what he previously thought only a God could do. So because scientific miracles are all around us. we're searching for more brilliant images to worship. You don't believe in religion at all?
Not since Mr. Fisher's puppy.
Mr. Fisher's puppy?
oh, yes. You know Mr. Fisher, that nice old man with the gas station on Bay Street? the Mobil station.
I don't use Mobil. I've been going to the Gulf at the corner of Clove and Victory. They're giving mugs.
Anyway, Mr. Fisher with the Mobil station had a puppy two years ago and he doesn't have a puppy anymore.
I wonder what could be keeping Bob.
well, Faith Farber was driving me to school which used to drive me crazy watching her twisted leg search for the gas pedal.
Oh, my. I should think it would, you poor thing.
I had to watch the road closely because her reflexes are so bad sometimes she used to put on the windshield wipers instead of the brakes...
Oh, that could be dangerous...
when this little puppy comes running right out in front of the car, but we stopped in time.
thank god.
and hes wagging his tail a mile a minute and looking so grateful
that is cute...
Old Mr. Fisher comes running out of his Mobil service station and he took one look and passed out banging his head on the concrete. That was the last day I wore crosses.
Oh, my, yes, I need water. Excuse me.
Come on in!
Bob what took you so long?
we were just going to have dessert. Shall I make enough for you?
Just a nibble for me.
I'll just fix myself a drink
We got them at Prussacks. I really hope you like them.
And if they think I'm paying thirty five dollars for the lousy garage downstairs, they're crazy.
I thought something warm...
I don't want them. Get them out of here.
pardon me?
You can get a good pair of wool gloves for half that and they'd be just as good.
Of course. I've got the receipt and you can just go back down and get something you would like.
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