Shared Flashcard Set


Molecular Genetics
maddison and Juliens Q-cards
12th Grade

Additional Biology Flashcards




Describe what happens in all the stages of Mitosis
Interphase - G1:rapid growth after mitosis

S phase: Dna synthesis

G2: growth befor division

Prophase: nuclear membrane disolves, centrioles move to opposite poles and spindle fibers attatch to the centromeres of replicated chromosomes

Metaphase: chromosomes line up at the center of the cell (equatorial plate)

Anaphase: spindle fibers contract and cromatids are pulled to either side of the cell

Telophase: nuclear membrane reforms, cell plate (in plant cell) forms down the middle, cleavage furrow  forms (in animal cells)  cytoplasm splits


Explain the process of cloning

nucleus is removed from a mature cell. it is tricked into re-entering its embryonic state. This Nucleus is then placed into an enucleated cell and then it is planted into the surrogat mother
What are the stages in meiosis and give a brief description of each. Where does meiosis occur

Meiosis I:occurs in the ovaries and the testies

Prophase I: nuclear membrane disolves, crossing over occurs, cetrioles move to poles, spindle fibers form

Metaphase I:homologous chromosomes line up at the eqatorial plate

Anaphase I: segregation occurs, one member of each homologous pair is sent to opposite ends of the pole

Telophase I: nuclear membrane begins to form, chromosomes in nucleus are NOT identical

Interphase II:no doubling of dna. this is just time between meiosis I and meiosis II

Prophase II: nuclear membrane dissolves and spindle fibers form

Metaphase II:chromosomes line up at equator and spindle fiber attatch to  centromere

Anaphase II:sister chromatids move to opposite poles as the attachment beteween the two chromatids breaks, nuclear membrane begins to form around the chromosomes

Telophase II: division of the cytoplasm 4 haploid daughter cells are produced all with unidentical DNA


compare Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis: 1 division; 2 daughter cells, exact same dna, 2n(diploid), no synapsis, growth of an organism, asexual reproduction, replases old cells

Meiosis: 2 divisions; 4 daughter cells, Dna not the same, n (haploid), synapsis occurs to form tetrad, produces gametes

If non disjunction occurs during anaphase I how many chromosomes will be in each of the four daughter cells. What about if non disjunction occurs in Anaphase II?

Anaphase I: n+1, n+1, n-1, n-1

Anaphase II: n+1, n-1, n, n

Outline the steps in transcription

Initiation: RNA polymerase binds the sense strand to the dna which opens the helix.

Elongation: rna polymerase starts building single stranded mRNA. uracil is used instead of thymine

Termination: rna polymerase reaches end of gene and recognizes this because of a specific termination sequence (stop signal). mRNA detaches from the DNA strand and the DNA reforms

Outline the steps in translation

Initiation: ribosome binds to nRNA strand. translation begins when the ribosom reaches the start codon

Elongation: transfer RNA is responsible for carrying the amino acids. methionine is carried to the p site. the second tRNA enters the A site and a peptide bond formss between methionine and the second amino acid. this process continues until it reachesn the stop codon

Termination: ribosome reaches stop codon. a release factor recognizes the stall form the ribosome and causes the subunit to detach the nRNA and the new polypeptide is released

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