Shared Flashcard Set


Module 10
Human Development and Diversity

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Traditional sequence of O&M instruction


Human guide techniques

Self-protection Techniques

Search patterns, sound localization/discrimination

Hand-trailing and direction-taking

room familiarization

Long cane techniques: human guide, diagonal cane

Basic two-point-touch technique, stairs

floor and building familiarization

solo and drop-off lessons




corner familiarizations

beginning street crossings [perpendicular versus parallel crossings]

Crossing complex street configurations and signalizations,

auditory traffic alignment

Neighborhood familiarization

solo, and drop-off lessons

Small and medium business districts

Seeking public assistance

Special considerations: alleys, parking lots, gas stations, strip malls

Public transportation: taxis, buses, subways and light rail systems

Large Business/Downtown Districts:

Accessible pedestrian signalizations

Construction sites

Public transportation: taxis, buses, subways, light rail systems, trains

Special configurations: escalators, elevators, revolving doors, round-abouts and traffic circles, traffic islands, solo and drop-off lessons

Indoor and outdoor shopping malls

solo and drop-off lessons

Rural Travel:

Walking in the street,

crossing streets without sidewalks

Railroad crossings

The five-point travel system indicates knowledge of route shapes, compass directions, landmarks, the designated names of hallways or streets, and the route reversal.

Role of the family in O&M instruction for young children

Significant family involvement.  

Establish consistent communication patterns.

 Preplan goals with parents during IEP process.  

Be a parent educator.

Help parents identify early blind manneristic behaviors.   

Parents need to interact and encourage growth in child.

Focus of O&M instruction for older adults

learner-centered approach

Provide initial objectives that are meaningful, readily attainable, and lead to successful experiences.

Teach to the level of independence the student chooses. The O&M specialist must respect the student’s choices and be ready to offer more instruction at a later time. 

Share evaluation reports and encourage self evaluation   Schedule time and duration of lessons that reflect any limitations in the student’s abilities

 if students are distraught for the majority of the lesson time, a referral to the rehabilitation agency’s social worker or rehabilitation counselor may be indicated. It is important to inform the student of your concern and to request permission to make the referral in order to maintain an open and trusting relationship.

Due to the number of problems some older adults with vision loss may have, a team approach may be needed. consult with a physical therapist in the evaluation of a support cane and scooter 

 review their homes and workplaces to see what modifications can be made to improve accessibility and safety and to reduce the possibility of falls. Lighting, color contrast, rearranging furniture, changing architectural features, and constructing landmarks to easily distinguish the student’s residence from others on the street are some of the modifications to investigate. Use memory techniques and devices if a student has memory problems. The areas of mental functioning that typically decline with age relate to secondary memory that stores information such as abstract symbols and the relations between them, execution of tasks that are fast paced, tasks that require constant switching of attention between them, and tasks requiring free recall.

older adults with vision loss usually are able to learn O&M skills unless certain types of brain deterioration are present.

memory strategies that may be helpful are: rehearsal, association, categorizing, mnemonics, and visualization. Teach safety and self-defense techniques.

Role of the family in O&M instruction for adults and older adults
With the student’s permission, involve the student’s family members: Discuss O&M goals with the student and her family members together and discuss their feelings about the student’s independent travel and how it fits into their lifestyles. Ask family members what their hopes and expectations are for the student. Do they have fears and concerns about the student traveling independently? Their fears could be unfounded or based on their lack of experience with vision loss and insufficient knowledge about the positive outcomes of O&M training. Empower the student to tell family and friends what she expects from them when they are traveling together, whether the student is using human guide or a long cane… Discussing possible family reactions and possible responses to each reaction can empower the student to be assertive. When appropriate, include caregivers in your lessons, teaching them ways to support the student’s independence and safety. For some students who require personal assistance due to physical or mental health problems or mental health problems or a combination or problems, it may be necessary to teach the human guide technique to family members, hospice workers, or personal care attendants.
What are the biggest posture flaws of the congenitally blind?
Head position, looking down. Also wide base of support and out-toeing.
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