Shared Flashcard Set


Mikey's Story
A story created by Mikey
12th Grade

Additional Other Flashcards




In the beginning, things are seemingly fine in the Johnson household. The father is the owner of a company almost making seven figures and his wife who is a stay at home mom. They live in a lovely house in the Los Angeles and they don't have to worry about a thing.
Rising Action
When all of a sudden, on the TV, they hear "meteor shower incoming to the Los Angeles area get to a basement immediately" This is when a meteor hit the family's abode, fortunately, no one was injured but instead they were all given powers. They were not the only ones in the LA area who were given superpowers. A man who went by the name "The Destroyer" and his goal was to terrorize the city.
The Johnson's knew that had to do something about this situation and together they both teamed up to stop The Destroyer so they used their newly given superpowers. They knew this would draw a lot of attention to themselves so they needed to use a mask to not let them be spotted. This was important to them because they had clout and they could not afford to get spotted. The ultimate battle was set and they knew this was going to be of great proportion.
Falling Action
After the fight, the Johnson's won but they left a lot of damage to the city. They were lucky in the fact that they were not going to have to pay too much because the mayor realized that it was not 100% their fault. They didn't know who the heroes that saved the day were but the philanthropist family known as the Johnson's would save the day again.
After the debts were paid off the Johnson's vowed that they would always fight for the people of the United States and make sure that people would always be safe. They maintained anonymous and always looked out for the people. They also wanted to benefit and donate money. They lived their lives in the shadows going wherever they were needed.
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