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Medieval Europe Final Review
Final Review for Understanding Historical Change: Self and Society in the Medieval World--Prof. Gyug
Medieval Studies
Undergraduate 1

Additional Medieval Studies Flashcards




Pope Leo IX
papal legate (ambassadors with discretionary power); Responsible for schism of 1054 with Easter Orthodox Church- he excommunicated the patriarch in Constantinople;
Pope Gregory VII
(c. 1075) opposed to lay investiture (lay people appointing bishops). This put him in conflict with Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire. When Henry IV refused to adhere to the pope’s decree, Gregory VII excommunicated him. This upset the balance of power in the German states, where citizens and clergy refused to support an excommunicated sovereign. He went to Canossa to see Gregory to beg for forgiveness. Gregory VII dramatically increased papal authority in succeeding in this conflict.
Henry IV
This put him in conflict with Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire. When Henry IV refused to adhere to the pope’s decree, Gregory VII excommunicated him.
Pope Innocent III
One of the most powerful of the “lawyer-popes”, he summoned the Fourth Latern Council which declared a moratorium on new religious orders, required Jews to wear identifying badges, forbid clergy from participating in trial by ordeal, Catholics were required to receive communion and go to confession once a year. He was able to make many states into papal fiefs, and reigned in control of the Church from secular hands.
(13th century) a heretical group from Southern France, they maintained beliefs similar to the Manicheans- essentially that there were two deities, one good and one evil. They were subject to Inquisition (Béatrice de Planissoles) and eventually all-out crusade.
St. Dominic & the Dominicans
(1170-1221) St. Dominic was an educated Spanish priest who went to France to preach to the Cathars at the request of Pope Innocent III. He gained a group of followers which evolved into the Dominican order. A strict order, they maintained periods of silence, abstained from meat, and participated in compline. As they got involved with the inquisition, they took the nickname “Domini canes”. Reflects papal desperation with Cathars- violated Fourth Lateran Council.
St. Francis & the Franciscans
(13th century) St. Francis was moved by a profound religious experience and took a vow of poverty and began to care for lepers. St. Francis gained the respect and approval of Innocent III because of his dedication to poverty which helped him to compete with the Cathars who also devoted themselves to a life of simplicity and poverty. Though the order itself began as one of organized simplicity, it grew into a larger and more bureaucratic. Reflects papal desperation with Cathars- violated Fourth Lateran Council
Richard the Lionhearted
(1157-1199)- King of England, emperor of Angevin empire and loyal son of Eleanor of Aquitaine. Richard lead the third Crusade, but was forced to return to England when he heard that his brother was plotting against him.
Fredrick Barbarossa
(1152-1190)- Holy Roman Emperor who haulted the disintegration of his realm. He pit the nobility against minor nobility and forced the high nobility to recognize his authority over them. Thus, he harnessed regional tensions to establish power. Had difficulty maintaining authority in Lombardy, and when he forced his authority they, he was met with resistance by Pope Alexander III. Defeated at the battle of Legnano, Barbarossa was forced to retreat in reconcile, instead choosing a diplomatic path to increasing his influence in Italy. He ultimately circled the Papal states from the north and south.
Emperor Fredrick II
child emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. His imperial authority lead to a succession dispute, and Innocent III took his time deciding as civil war raged. He finally chose Ottto as a successor based on promises that Otto had made about Lombardy, Sicily, a crusade, and the spritual authority of the papacy. When Otto broke these promises, the Pope excommunicated him, and deposed him throwing his support behind Fredrick. Fredrick maintained his imperial status into adulthood, and did not make good on his promises. Furhter, he attempted, as did his grandfather Barbarossa to expan his authority into Lombardy. Innocent IV deposed him and excommunicated him, ultimately pluging the Holy Roman Empire into chaos preventing it from advancement.
Henry II
(r. 1154-1189)/Angevin Empire- as the so of Empress Matilda of the Holy Roman Empire (son of Henry of England) and Geoffrey of Anjou, Henry II was poised to inherit a vast realm. From his mother’s family he became King of England upon the death of his cousin Stephen. When his father died, he inherited Angevin territory, and was also duke of Normandy. From this inheritance he built an Angevin empire. He lead to the devlopment of English common law and by regaining control over ecclesiastical appointments, he centralized English law.
Edward I
r. 1272-1307) – helped to organize English bureaucracy and ultimately continued a tradition begun by Simon de Montfort of bringing an assembly together. While he constantly played with its composition, the assembly was meant advise and assist the king, and over the centuries, it developed into modern parliament. Additionally, he was among the first to legislate – or create new law – until that point kings were expected enforce a traditional code of law
Philip II Augustus
Philip II Augustus is responsible for bringing the Capetian dynasity and French sovereignty to a head. By defeating the German and Flemish allies of King John of England, Philip II brought an end to the Angevin Empire. Additionally made Paris the capital and initiated the practice of giving apanages.
Robert Guiscard
(1025-1085) –Began his career as a bandit in Italy, and by marrying Sichelgaita, a Lomdarb princess, he gained control of Salerno. With papal backing he and his wife attacked muslim Sicily. Taking control of the island, he again looked for war, this time attacking and defeating Byzantine armies, again with papal backing. He was about to attack Constantinople when Pope Gregory VII called him back as he was captured by Henry IV during the lay investiture crisis. His conquest was eventually recognized as the Norman kingdom of Sicily.
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