Shared Flashcard Set


Undergraduate 3

Additional Communication Flashcards




One state’s terrorists are another state’s freedom fighters. The use of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political reasons.
League of Nations 1937
“All criminal acts directed against a state and intended or calculated to create a state of terror in the minds of particular persons or groups of persons or the general public.”
Un Panel 2004
“Any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an organization to do or abstain from any act.”
U.S. Department of Defense
“The calculated use of unlawful violence to inculcate fear, intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.”
Maher Abdallah Ahmad, al-Jazeera correspondent.
“War is about killing and maiming people. It is dishonest to pretend it is not."
Timothy McVeigh
Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, left truck bomb in front of government daycare. Was a white Catholic, which proves that terrorism is not a matter of race or religion or even citizenship since he was an American citizen.
Edward Peck
(Reagan administration) Rejected definitions of terrorism since it would implicate the U.S. Longtime U.S. diplomat and deputy director of the Reagan White House Task Force on Terrorism.
Edward Peck
“They asked us to come up with a definition of terrorism that could be used throughout the government. We produced about six, and in each and every case, they were rejected, because careful reading would indicate that our own country had been involved in some of these activities.”
February 13, 1945 attacked by British at night with firebombs to show Germany what would happen if they didn’t surrender. American pilots shot survivors in water. Dresden was picked for its population (600,000 and 200,000 refugees). First reported in newspapers of neutral countries (Sweden, Switzerland, etc.).
Operation Thunderclap
February 13, 1945 attacked by British at night with firebombs to show Germany what would happen if they didn’t surrender. American pilots shot survivors in water. Dresden was picked for its population (600,000 and 200,000 refugees). First reported in newspapers of neutral countries (Sweden, Switzerland, etc.).
Associated Press. British government soon pulled the story (Dresden)
“Allied air chiefs have made the long-awaited decision to adopt deliberate terror bombings of German population centers as a ruthless hastening of Hitler’s doom”
Tokyo fire bombings
March 9-10, 1945 300 American B-29 Super Fortress, most devastating raid ever. Over 100,000 Japanese killed. Killed the most people in a 6-hour period in the entire world’s history. The New York Times reported at the time, "Maj. Gen. Curtis E. LeMay, commander of the B-29s of the entire Marianas area, declared that if the war is shortened by a single day, the attack will have served its purpose."
General Curtis LeMay
Led the fire bombings in Tokyo and 64 Japanese cities. Opposed the atomic bombs in Japan because he wouldn’t get credit for it. Believed that firebombing alone could win the war.
General Curtis LeMay
“I suppose if I had lost the war, I would have been tried as a war criminal.”
General Curtis LeMay
“You’ve got to kill people, and when you’ve killed enough, they stop fighting.”
Robert Fisk
British journalist. “Most decorated foreign correspondent in British history.” Fluent in Arabic. Lives in Beirut, Lebanon. Interviewed Osama bin Laden three times before 9/11. December 8, 2001 there was heavy bombing in Afghanistan by B-52’s. Many Afghans fled to Pakistan. Fisk was attacked by an angry mob in the streets but a religious “holy man” saved his life. BBC told reporters not to use the term “assassination” for Palestinian leaders terminated by Israelis. Instead they were to say “targeted killing” or killed in the “crossfire” since it absolves the blame and becomes a neutral killing.
Robert Fisk
“If I was one of those grief-stricken men, I too would have attacked Robert Fisk.” They were “truly innocent of any crime except that of being the victims of the world.”
Robert Fisk
“Challenge authority- all authority- especially so when governments and politicians take us to war.”
Robert Fisk
“After the allied victory of 1918, at the end of my father’s war, the victors divided up the lands of their former enemies. In the space of just seventeen months, they created the borders of Northern Ireland, Yugoslavia, and most of the Middle East. And I have spent my entire career- in Belfast and Sarajevo, In Beirut and Baghdad- watching people within those borders burn.”
Sabra and Shatila refugee camp massacres
September 16-18, 1982. 1700 Palestinians killed in Lebanon. Phalangeous Christians allied with the Israelis. Refugee camp in Israeli occupied Lebanon. Israel recognized responsibility for the Palestinian refugees but allowed Christian Lebanese Phalangist militia to enter the camp and for three days they raped, murdered, mutilated, etc. refugees.
Cluster bombs
About 100 countries have signed the ban on cluster bombs. Cluster munitions, cluster bombs or sub-munitions are airdropped or ground-launched explosive weapons that eject smaller munitions: a cluster of bomblets. Because cluster bombs release many small bomblets over a wide area they pose risks to civilians both during attacks and afterwards. During attacks the weapons are prone to indiscriminate effects, especially in populated areas. Unexploded bomblets can kill or maim civilians long after a conflict has ended, and are costly to locate and remove. Post WWI most countries banned poison and chlorine gas.
Baruch Goldstein
Israeli reserve officer. 1994 went into a mosque on the West Bank and killed 29 worshipping Palestinians.
Baruch Goldstein
He was not called a terrorist but was instead called “deranged, extremist, etc.” “Deranged by fanaticism” –Israeli ambassador, London
Osama bin Laden
First came onto the scene in the Afghan-Soviet war. Was an extremely wealthy Saudi Arabian engineer. Later disowned by family and exiled from Saudi Arabia. Became friends with leader Haqqani and rose through the ranks of the mujahedeen military. Became known as a charismatic leader and a fierce fighter. Created al-Qaeda in the summer of 1998 with Ayman al-Zawahri. Not given immediate respect, so he attacked U.S. embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam. He also attacked the U.S.S Cole of the coast of Yemen. Masterminded 9/11 and essentially is the reason behind the War on Terror which has led us to the War in Iraq.
Osama bin Laden
“The U.S. has set a double standard, calling whoever goes against its injustice a terrorist.” 1997 interview with Peter Arnett on CNN.
Lebanese Civil War
(1975-1990) Estimated 150,000 to 230,000 civilian fatalities. Could have been a product of the aftermath of the Cold War, but historians argue that it could have come from much earlier. The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire left Lebanon disintegrating as well.
Armenian Genocide
Ottoman Turkish killed 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. 20th century’s first genocide. New York Times first published articles about the genocide and now recently journalists universally are agreeing that the facts are “disputed”. New York Times now discredits the event as “controversial” claims. Called “pro-Ottoman forces” when they can clearly be classified as Turkish, people are afraid to publish the truth so they skew it.
April 18, 1996 Israeli massacre of 106 Lebanese civilians at the UN camp at Qana (followed the Hezbollah mortar attack from the same village on a group of Israeli soldiers laying booby-trap bombs on a nearby hillside) Time magazine ran a picture of a dead Lebanese baby with the caption “Killed in crossfire” when in reality she had been killed like the other refugees. July 30, 2006 the Qana Massacre was an air raid led by the IAF (Israeli Air Force). Attacked a 3-story building which killed 28 civilians, 16 of which were children.
John Foster Dulles
Secretary of State under Eisenhower. Hung around with the rich and powerful. Dulles began listening to the British who were claiming that “Mossadegh is leading Iran towards communism” which was not true. British wanted to remove Mossadegh from office to regain their share of oil profit. The removal must be covert/secretive.
John Foster Dulles
“For us, there are two sorts of people in the world. There are those who are Christians and support free enterprise, and there are the others.”
Allen Dulles
Brother of John Dulles and also the Director of the CIA. If Mossadegh were to be removed from power, then a leadership vacuum would occur and the communists Soviets would easily be able to gain control of the region and of the oil. The coup could be achieved cheaply ($1 million) so U.S. decided to get involved.
Kermit Roosevelt
: (37 years old, grandson of Teddy Roosevelt) was placed in Iran by the U.S. to run the coup against Mossadegh. He began to spread rumors on the ground and Mossadegh did nothing to stop it because he believed in free speech. Kermit went to the Shah to have him issue a decree to dismiss Mossadegh from office. When the Shah refused, Kermit flew in the Shah’s twin sister from Rome and bought her gifts (mink coat?) to try to get her to persuade her brother. The Shah still said no. Next Kermit called Norman Schwarzkopf to come visit. After the failed coup, (Shah fled to Rome after) Roosevelt didn’t give up. He hired rioters to create “chaos and anarchy” and these rioters seized radio and police stations. The second coup attempt was successful and Mossadegh was arrested. The U.S. successfully ended the first democracy in the Middle East and it is still ended to this day.
Operation Ajax
U.S. t run the coup against Mossadegh
Mohammad Reza Shah
Knew that Mossadegh had widespread support from the people. Kermit Roosevelt approached him to issue a decree to remove Mossadegh from office. Shah knew that if he did try to remove Mossadegh then the people would blame/criticize/hate him, which would leave him in a much worse position than he was currently in. He refused to issue the decree. After Norman Schwarzkopf’s visit, the Shah issues the decree to remove Mossadegh and then flies out of town. Iranian soldiers went to arrest Mossadegh but they in turn were arrested. The Shah then fled to Rome with his wife. When Mossadegh was arrested on the second coup attempt, by the order of the Shah, a military strongman became the new prime minister. The Shah returned to Iran. He then executed former followers/supporters of Mossadegh.
Mohammad Reza Shah
“I owe my throne to God, my people, my army, and to you.” (Talking to Kermit Roosevelt)
Norman Schwarzkopf
Friends with the Shah during WWII. He came to visit the Shah and at this point in time the Shah was extremely paranoid. They met in the Royal Ballroom at a table in the very center of the room. The Shah was worried about hidden microphones so he stood on top of the table during the meeting. Norman convinces him to issue the decree to remove the Shah.
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
British built the company in Iran and paid for all of the equipment. Thus, Britain owned 84% of the company and Iran owned 16%. After Mossadegh was removed the Shah regained power, the oil money was redistributed. Britain=40% U.S.=40% Iran=20%
Mohammad Mossadegh
(Populist) Became Iranian Prime Minister after WWII (1951) the Shah was no longer the main head of political power even though he still was the Shah. Man of the Year by Time Magazine in 1956 and was declared the “Iranian George Washington”. Started the first democracy in the Middle East in Iran. The two houses of Parliament took back the 100% of the oil and effectively pushed the British out. The Brits tried to stage a coup to remove Mossadegh from office but it didn’t work. The UK embassy shut down and all UK citizens were deported (1952). Time Magazine called Mossadegh a communist leader like China. The second coup attempt was successful and Mossadegh was arrested and tried for treason. He was sentenced to three years in jail and the rest of his life on house arrest.
The special police force of Iran trained by the U.S. and Israel to keep the Shah in power. To “snuff out enemies”
U.S. Embassy Takeover
Generation of Iranians in the late 1970’s hated the U.S. and turned to radical religion since freedom of speech was repressed. U.S. had no idea how much the population of Iran hated the Shah. In 1979, the Shah came to Texas for cancer treatments at the invite of President Carter. The U.S. Embassy was attacked and American civilians were held hostage. The attackers burned the American flag and the likenesses of Carter and the Shah. Taken over on November 4, 1979 by Iranian students. 50 marines guarded embassy. The story was on TV worldwide immediately. 54 hostages were taken. Became at nightly vigil with Ted Koppel. The whole crisis made America look extremely weak (*today there is conspiracy theories saying that the present-day President of Iran was involved in the hostage situation. Right age, similar picture, etc.) America was desperately trying to rescue the hostages and there was a lot of secret intelligence work going on. U.S. was not sure if the hostages had been moved. Hostages were released in January 1981 immediately after President Reagan was sworn in to office after beating incumbent President Carter in the presidential race. Freed by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Ted Koppel
“The Iran Crisis-America Held Hostage Day _” The show was such a success that after the crisis it became Nightline.
Colonel Charlie Beckwith (“Chargin’ Charlie”)
had full command of Operation Eagle Claw in order to save the American hostages. Member of newly created Delta Force. April 24, 1980 the operation was set in to motion. FAILED. Tried to involve too many branches of military. Helicopters flying over 1000 miles of desert with sand, cargo plane and helicopter collided and members of Delta Force burned to death on the ground. 8 soldiers died. After the crash Beckwith called off the mission altogether.
Operation Eagle Claw
save American Hostages in Iran. April 24, 1980
First Iraq War
Hussein launched an attack against Kuwait and thought that the rest of the world would not care. WRONG. Most countries respect sovereignty (don’t just go march into another country). It was relatively easy for Iraq to take over Kuwait. Iraq v. Iran war over one million dead in the ten years that preceded Kuwait. U.S. gave support to Iraq over Iran and the war was fought to a standstill/standoff. Old Bush said that Iraq could not take over Kuwait and built a coalition of forces. The exiled government of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia paid for the entire war in order to expel Iraqi forces (Old Bush was very successful at not gaining any debt from the war, foreign policy was excellent). In 1991 there was a peace treaty with Saudi Arabia to look for WMDs
Scott Ritter
U.S. Marine that is an expert on WMDs. Was an inspector of WMDs for the UN .He quit in 1998 said that there were no weapons. Hussein kicked the inspectors out of the country in 1998 anyways. In 2002, Ritter went back to Iraq as a private citizen and Hussein let him speak to Parliament. Five days later Iraq said that the inspectors were allowed to come back into the country, this was supposed to render the need for war unnecessary thus saving thousands of lives.
Seymour Hersh
• “The most important thing to know about Scott Ritter is that he was right. He told us again and again in 2002 and in early 2003 as President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair prepared us for war in Iraq that there were no weapons there. The Iraqi WMDs, the main sales tool for war, did not exist”
Judith Miller
reporter for The New York Times, Pulitzer Prize winner, expert on chemical weapons, used leaks as stories that there was proof of WMDs in Iraq. After the U.S. took over Iraq, the New York Times ran the largest correction in their history of her articles about WMDs, since we found out that they don’t exist.
Downing Street Memos
surfaced in the London Times in May 2005. There was a July 2002 meeting in London of top UK government officials. Prime Minister Tony Blair, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and Chief of MI6 Sir Richard Dearlove known as “C” throughout the memo. C met with George Tenet the Director of the CIA and tells UK officials what he heard.
Downing Street Memos
1. By mid-July 2002, eight months before the war began, President Bush had decided to invade and occupy Iraq.
2. Bush had decided to “justify” the war “by the conjunction of terrorism and WMDs.”
3. Already “ the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.”
4. Many at the top of the administration did not want to seek approval from the United Nations (going “the UN route”). ->No patience with the UN route
5. Few in Washington seemed much interested in the aftermath of the war.
Downing Street Memos
If America expected to gain the help of the UK, then they would have to go the UN route in order to appease the UK public. America would have to exhaust that channel. Tony Blair’s party is a party of pacifists and they would not want to see their leader take them into a war that could have been avoided or into one that the UN did not approve of.
Downing Street Memos
Leader of France Jacque Chirac, trying to dissuade war. Led to backlash in the States and a large anti-French movement. French fries became “freedom fries” which is really pointless since French fries were invented in Belgium.
Downing Street Memos
The memos had little effect on the general American public. In the UK there was hardly any newspaper that wasn’t running some sort of story on the memos. In America, there were hardly any newspapers that were running the story. Most Americans are still unaware of what the Downing Street Memos even are.
British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw
“If you are really thinking about war and you want us Brits to be a player, we cannot unless you go to the UN.”
Jacque Chirac Prime Minister of France
“France is not pacifist. We are not anti-American either. We are not just going to use our veto to nag and annoy the U.S. but we just feel that there is another option, another way, another more normal way, a less dramatic way than war, and that we have to go through that path. And we should pursue it until we’ve come to a dead end, but that isn’t the case.”
Vice President Dick Cheney
“Simply stated, there is no doubt that he (Saddam Hussein) now has weapons of mass destruction (and) there is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies and against us.” (August 26, 2002)
Andrew Card, Bush White House Chief of Staff
“ You can’t roll out a new product in August.”
Paul Wolfowitz, former Bush Defense department official
“For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was one reason everyone could agree upon.”
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
"We know where they are.”
Hans Blix, UN Chief Weapons Inspector
“It occurred to me that the Iraqis would be in greater difficulty...if there truly were no weapons of mass destruction, of which they could yield possession.”
Joseph Goebbels
as the minister of propaganda for Hitler’s administration. He was a master at making the public believe that the war was just, that the war was necessary, that Germans had a right to the world. its finest.
Joseph Goebbels
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
Joseph Goebbels
“There was no point in seeking to convert the intellectuals. For intellectuals would never be converted and would anyway always yield to the stronger, and this will always be “the man in the street.” Arguments must therefore be crude, clear and forcible, and appeal to emotions and instincts, not the intellect. Truth was unimportant and entirely subordinate to tactics and psychology.”
2 Knight-Ridder Journalists
Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel
Jonathan Landay and Warren Strobel
both raised serious questions about WMDs and their actual existence in Iraq. Both wrote for the Knight-Ridder newspaper. Got their facts from people on the ground and they had the best reporting of the facts even though they receive little to no recognition for it.
George Tenet
CIA director under Clinton and Bush. Failed to interpret intelligence about 9/11 biggest failure in CIA history. Also told Bush that we would be able to find the WMDs easily, which was a fail since there were none in existence. Bush awarded him with the Medal of Honor
Medal of Honor
highest honor the country can give to military personnel
Tommy Franks
Allowed Iraq to erupt into rioting. Bush gave him the Medal of Freedom.
L. Paul Bremer
Head of the provisional coalition in Iraq. Had the idea to punish the Iraqi policemen and army men so he dissolved both agencies. This left 400,000 out of work. The newly unemployed now had a new reason to hate the West, especially the U.S., and they were easy recruits for the insurgents. Bush also awarded him the Medal of Freedom.
Medal of Freedom
highest honor the country can give to a civilian.
Toppling of Saddam Hussein’s Statue
1961-89 the Berlin wall was up. 192 people killed trying to cross it; was an iconic symbol of the Cold War period (1947-89) March 20, 2003 the Iraq war began. April 9, 2003 the Saddam regime was falling and the U.S. troops had no problem racing through Iraq to Baghdad. They thought they would be treated as liberators. Looked as if there were a lot of Iraqis (jubilant) having a demonstration. Lots of media coverage because it happened to be across the street from the Palestine Hotel which is where most of the reporters were staying. Statue of Hussein comes down and Rumsfeld and Brokaw both stated “looks like the fall of the Berlin Wall.” Was liberation day in Iraq, celebration orchestrated media event. Most of the Iraqis in the crowd were exiled by Saddam and flown back into Iraq by the U.S. Marines put an American flag over his head, but a colonel switched it with an Iraqi flag because he didn’t want it to look like we were conquering Iraq, wanted to be seen as liberators. Attached ropes to statues of tanker, put Iraqi kids in and pulled it down.
Jessica Lynch
rch 23, 2003. 19 years old, from small town in Virginia. Army supply clerk, 11 of the soldiers in her unit were killed when the convoy made a wrong turn and they found themselves in enemy territory. She was taken prisoner and 8 days later (April 1, 2003) special ops (Navy Seals and Rangers) in four helicopters raid the Saddam Hussein hospital were she was being treated. They met little resistance and the raid was “successful” in rescuing Lynch.
General Vincent Brooks
“Some brave souls put their lives on the line to make this happen, loyal to a creed that they know they’ll never leave a fallen comrade.”
Victoria Clarke
American communications consultant, served as Assistant Secretary Defense for Public Relations under Donald Rumsfeld. Helped orchestrate the propaganda for the rescue of Jessica Lynch
Congressman Jim McDermott
was criticized by conservatives for his bashing of Bush and the prediction that no WMDs would be found. Said his trip was paid for by Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency, the ISS, but the charges were eventually dropped.
Congressman Jim McDermott
“I think the President would mislead the American People.” September, 2002 during a trip to Baghdad
Mara Liasson, NPR correspondent
“These guys are a disgrace. Look, everybody knows its 101, politics 101, that you don’t go to an adversary country, and enemy country, and badmouth the U.S., its policies and the president of the United States.”
Pat Tillman
player for the Arizona Cardinals who joined the U.S. Army Rangers after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Platoon was split into 2 after the discouragement of platoon leader David Uthlaut, and the two separated units ended up firing at each other when they believed they were under ambush. Pat Tillman was killed by fratricide (friendly fire) with three close shot in the head but the Army released his death as a “fallen hero” even before the family was notified (against policy). An Afghan Militia Forces Allied soldier was also killed with Tillman. After his death, he was awarded the Silver Star for bravery in the line of duty; this award was to further the propaganda that he died a war hero and was not killed by friendly fire. He was also awarded the Purple Heart and promoted to the rank of corporal. Sent a confidential memo after the Silver Star award that he might have been killed by friendly fire. Dannie Tillman (mother) refused to accept the facts that were released surrounding Pat’s death and continued to seek out the truth. After his death, uniform and body armor were burnt (against protocol) and the notebook he kept was never recovered. Family told 5 weeks after nationally televised memorial service that Pat was killed by friendly fire.
Pat Tillman
“I play football. It just seems so unimportant to everything that has taken place.”
Mary Tillman (mother)
“The administration used Pat. They tried to attach themselves to his virtue and then they wiped their feet with him.”
Mary Tillman (mother)
“The fact that he was the ultimate team player and he watched his own men kill him is absolutely heartbreaking and tragic. The fact that they lied about it afterward is disgusting.”
Patrick Tillman Sr. (father)
• “After it happened, all the people in positions of authority went out of their way to script this. They purposely interfered with the investigation, they covered it up. I think they thought they could control it and they realized that their recruiting efforts were going to go to hell in a hand basket if the truth about his death got out. They blew up their poster boy.”
Sen. J. William Fulbright
“To criticize one’s country is to do it a service and pay it a compliment. It is a service because it may spur the country to do better than it’s doing. It is a compliment because it evidences belief that the country can do better than it is doing.”
STRATFOR has published a daily intelligence briefing since its inception in 1996. Before the end of 1999, however, STRATFOR had introduced a subscription service through which it offered the majority of its analyses. At the time of the September 11, 2001 attacks, STRATFOR made its "breaking news" paragraphs, as well as some notable analyses predicting likely actions to be taken by al-Qaeda and the Bush administration, available freely to the public.
Senator Hiram Johnson
served under FDR as a Republican, but still helped Democrats. Voted against League of Nations but not against the United Nations.
Senator Hiram Johnson
• “The first casualty, when war comes, is truth.” Reference to U.S. entering WWI
Peter Kalischer
first to cover assassination of President Diem (November 1963) also first to cover fall of Saigon (1975). Also extensively covered the Buddhist crisis. First coverage of Dienbienphu
Peter Kalischer
“The correspondent always has one advantage over the soldier. When the fighting gets tough, the correspondent can haul ass. He can say he’s got to file the big story. The soldier has to stay.”
William Howard Russell
Irish reporter with the Times spent 22 months covering the Crimean War, considered one of the first modern war correspondents. Helped diminish the distance between the battlefield and the public. Liked to dress up and made his own uniforms. Account of war, poem, “Change of the Light Brigade”.
Crimean War
October 1853- February 1856. Conflict between Russian and an alliance of British, French, Ottoman and Kingdom of Sardania. Considered one of the first “modern wars” since it introduced new technical changes, which affected the future course of warfare (railway and telegraph use). First time public was kept up-to-date with the day-to-day happenings of the war (William Russell)
Joe Rosenthal
won the Pulitzer Prize in 1945 for his iconic image of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. Taken on February 23, 1945. On his arrival, the flag had already been raised but he continued on up the summit. Group of marines were raising a larger flag on a piece of pipe and others were standing by to lower the smaller one as soon as the large flag was flying. American people saw photo as a symbol of victory. Couldn’t join army because of his bad eyesight. Worked for the AP.
Joe Rosenthal
“I took the photo, the marines took Iwo Jima”
Iwo Jima
Some of the fiercest fighting in the Pacific. Were supposed to take the three airfields on Iwo Jima. First American attack on the home islands. Had naval and air support to lay heavy artillery on the Japanese targets. 35 day campaign, and U.S. Marines won 27 medals of honor. Most medals given in any battle in history.
Sgt. Lou Lowery
Marine Corps. Photographer known for taken the first flag-raising picture at Iwo Jima, which resulted in Joe Rosenthal’s famous picture.
Isaiah Thomas and the Massachusetts Spy
soldier and reporter during the American Revolution. Issued it three times a week in Boston, and then semi-weekly under his sole ownership. Began to espouse a Whig cause, which the government soon tried to repress.
General “Fightin’ Joe” Hooker
Fought on Lincoln’s side. Didn’t live up to his name. Didn’t like the media, especially the criticism. Back then there were no “by lines” authors were not mentioned. Didn’t like that the articles were anonymous, so said that any journalist that covered him must use their name. Contributed to the use of by lines in later stories. Soldiers need entertainment; “Hooker’s girls” -> nickname hookers.
Mark Kellogg
Killed in the Battle of Little Bighorn by Sioux and Cheyenne. Only press coverage of Custer and his men in the days leading up to the battle. Considered the first Associated Press reporter to be killed in the line of duty. He was a stringer; stories were picked up around the country.
Stephen Crane
One of he most innovative writers of his generation. Author of The Red Badge of Courage about the Civil War, which he wrote without any battle experience. Agreed to be a war correspondent for the Spanish-American War and his ship sank off the coast of Florida leaving him adrift for a few days in a dinghy. Later described in The Open Boat. Also covered the Greco-Turkish war, died of Tuberculosis, penniless and in debt. Captured his own town in Puerto Rico during the Spanish American War.
Peggy Hull
covered WWI although she was not accredited and she got thrown out. Wrote for El Paso Texas Times. Went alongside General Jack Black Pershing in search of Pancho Villa. They became friends and she got exclusive stories. Covered the Russian Revolution, first woman to be an accredited war correspondent.
Floyd Gibbons
WWI, reporter for the Chicago Tribune. Colorful/flamboyant. Dreamed of being on a ship sunk by German sub. Dream came true. He was on lifeboat on interviews of survivors. “Lazy Louts” -> stayed behind the lines, got a bullet through shoulder and eye. Wore an eye patch and then took less risks. Traditional male correspondent.
Martha Gellhorn
third wife of Ernest Hemmingway. Fall of the Spanish Republic to Nazis, covered the Spanish Civil War. One of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century. 60-year career, reported on nearly every major conflict. One of the first to report from Dachau concentration camp, lacked credentials to see D-Day landings. Followed the war wherever she could find it. Was denied re-entry to S. Vietnam after returning to NY to meet with her editors. Had trouble getting her South Vietnamese orphan story published.
Ernest Hemmingway
Machismo. Covered Spanish Civil War drove ambulance during WWI. He was seen as a soldier. Injured, one of the first foreign journalist in Paris when freed by allies in WWII
Robert Capa
best war photographer of all time. Came after WWI. Is the moment of death photograph real or fake? No one really knows. Taken in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War, thought to be a Republican but later discovered it was an anarchist. Outside of Spain, most believe the photo to be real and not staged. Covered Spanish Civil War, first Indochina war, Chinese resistance to Japan and WWII. He was a Pacifist and hated war. Covered the beaches of Normandy.
Robert Capa
“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough.”
Edward R. Murrow
radio broadcast journalist that was always smoking, became famous for his WWII coverage that was followed by millions of Americans and Canadians. Revolutionized radio broadcasting with live reporting and honest eyewitness accounts. First covered the annexation of Austria. Provided live broadcasts from London of the blitz. Previously news had been delivered through newspapers and newsreels in movie theaters, his radio broadcast heightened the American appetite for radio news and thrilled listeners to hear live news while it was happening. Reported the exhausted physical state of survivors of the Buchenwald concentration camp and mentioned rows of stacked bodies. Refused to apologize for his harsh reporting. Helped in the downfall of Senator McCarthy and the Red Scare. Used excerpts from McCarthy’s speeches to criticize him and point out where he continuously contradicted himself.
Edward R. Murrow
“This is London”
Edward R. Murrow
“Good night, and good luck”
Edward R. Murrow
“I pray you to believe what I have said about Buchenwald. I have reported what I saw and heard, but only part of it. For most of it, I have no words... If I’ve offended you by this rather mild account of Buchenwald, then I’m not in the least sorry.”
Marguerite Higgins
Attractive, young blonde for the New York Tribune. Popular American reporter covered WWII, Korean War and war in Vietnam. Advanced the cause for equal access for female war correspondents. Was there for the liberation of Dachau concentration camp when she was 24 and was wearing U.S. military uniform racing ahead of American troops. Picked up surrendering Germans and threw their weapons in the back of the jeep. SS surrendered Dachau to her. She was later on the cover of Life for covering Korea (1950-53) and received a campaign ribbon from the Army for her help in the SS surrender. Also covered the Nuremberg war trials and the Soviet Union blockade of Berlin. Korean war she was ordered out of the country even though she was one of the first on the scene. Said they had no time to make separate accommodation for women and they did not belong in the war scene. She appealed and was allowed to stay since they said everyone held her in the highest esteem and her ban was lifted. First woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1951 (reporting on Korea) award was for international reporting and she shared it with five male correspondents. Posthumously awarded the highest award by South Korea, the Heunginjang, daughter and grandson accepted the award.
Marguerite Higgins
"Want us to lose the war so that they can prove they're right."
Ernie Pyle
won the Pulitzer Prize in 1944, died in combat in WWII in 1945. In 1928 became the country’s first aviation columnist (4 years). Wrote from the perspective of the common soldier instead of reporting on military movements. “The Ernie Pyle Bill” was so that men in combat were to receive “fight pay” just as airmen received “flight pay” Congress said that men in combat would get $10 extra per month. In Pacific, got in argument with U.S. Navy that actual names of soldiers could not be used, and he got a partial victory since the ban was lifted just for him. Was killed by a Japanese machine gun traveling in a jeep with Colonel Coolidge and three other men. He was killed instantly when struck in the left temple. Great micro reporting of foot soldiers, trenches, sailors, airmen, etc. Not as hard-hitting reporting but there was still a place for it. Most read journalist of WWII.
Ernie Pyle
“Are you alright?” –to Colonel Coolidge (last words)
Homer Bigart
The elder statesmen of war correspondents, considered a “reporter’s reporter” and an “enduring role model”. First NY Times full time reporter in Vietnam. Won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for this Telegraphic Reporting- International for his work in WWII and one for his International Reporting in Korea. He and seven other reporters flew bombing missions for “The Writing 69th” over Germany. B-17 bombing formation suffered heavy losses. He fired a machine gun and wondered if he shot down an American plane. He was also on a bombing run in Japan, surrendered but kept dropping bombs. No college, no foreign languages and was always sloppily dressed. He had a speech impediment and often played dumb to get the news. Other reporters called him the professor. Thought that Marguerite Higgins should be back in Tokyo (bureau chief) and not in Korea. She was brave and so he felt that he had to go out and get shot at himself and he resented her for that. Shared the Pulitzer with Higgins. Sent to South Vietnam for six months and he realized the war was a mistake. Made enemies for bucking the pressure to report optimistically and was sent out of the country by President Ngo Dinh Diem for criticizing him regularly.
Homer Bigart –why he never wrote a book
“I like it over at the end of the day”
Homer Bigart
“I never thought we’d be stupid enough to send ground troops over there in the first place, after the experience in Korea” (talking about Vietnam)
Homer Bigart
“That’s the story kid, it doesn’t work.”
Newsweek called him "the best war correspondent of an embattled generation”
Homer Bigart
Homer Bigart–(1962) the last paragraph of the last story that he wrote from Vietnam (New York Times) less than 500 U.S. soldiers had been killed at this time
• “No one who has seen the conditions of combat in South Vietnam would expect conventionally trained United States forces to fight any better against Communist guerrillas than did the French in their seven years of costly and futile warfare... Americans may simply lack the endurance—and the motivation—to meet the unbelievably tough demands of jungle fighting.”
Edward Kennedy
1 of the 17 journalists that got to witness the surrender of the Nazis and he let out the news a day before it was supposed to go out. He lost his credentials because of it.
Edward Kennedy
“One of the most disgraceful, deliberate, and unethical double-crosses in the history of journalism.”
Tim Page
English stringer photographer during the Vietnam War (3.5 years). Does not shy away from his drug accounts that his encountered in Vietnam and talks of them frequently (also a large part in his book “Page after Page”). Injured in action four times. Said he was living on “free time” after a near death experience (motorcycle accident), which allowed him to go into dangerous situations that any others would not. First two injuries were by shrapnel, third was when his cutter was mistaken for a Viet Cong and the airmen strafed the ship leaving him adrift with over 200 wounds, the fourth was when he jumped out of a helicopter to help load wounded soldiers when at the same time a sergeant stepped on a mine and blew a 2-inch piece of shrapnel into his head. In recovery became involved in the Vietnam Veterans peace movement and served as a caregiver. Arrested at the New Haven Doors concert when Jim Morrison was arrested on stage but charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence.
Tim Page
Book Requiem contains photos taken by all photographers and journalists killed during the wars against the Japanese, French and Americans.
Tim Page
“Most extravagant...and wigged out crazies running around Vietnam” –Michael Herr
Neil Davis
Australian combat cameraman during Vietnam. 1964 went to Borneo to cover conflict between Malaysia and Indonesia. Long remembered for his reporting on the Indochina war. Chose to film the war from the South Vietnamese perspective, which was unusual. Known for his neutrality and on one occasion crossed to shoot from the Viet Cong and communist perspective. Main objective was filming the affects the war and combat had on individuals. During Tet Offensive covered Saigon and Hue. Was wounded on several occasions and almost lost a leg but recovered and returned to work. Stayed behind in the evacuation and filmed while the infamous T-54 tank number 834 broke through the gates to the Presidential Palace in Saigon. Footage remains a symbol of American failure to stop Communism in Vietnam. Was first broadcast on NBC News Special Report: Communist Saigon narrated by Jim Laurie. Killed in Bangkok on September 9th, 1985 while filming a Thai Coup attempt that ended after only a few hours. Were covering a radio tower that had been seized and he set up his camera facing the tank and got ready to deliver his report. Without warning the tank fired in their direction and shrapnel hit both. Davis died instantly and his camera fell to the ground still rolling. The last scene on the film is fatally wounded Latch crawling for cover.
Ho Chi Minh
Young Vietnamese was studying in Paris and scrapping out a living as a photographer’s assistant. Came from French-Indochina. He was entranced by the 14 points and went out and bought a pinstriped suit. Drew a petition of 8 points for Vietnamese independence and went over to President Wilson’s hotel to meet him and was laughed at. Went back to Vietnam as a nationalist. WWII Germany took over France who controlled a large part of Asia. France quickly worked out a deal with Japan about Indochina and gave no resistance and a large majority of the rice to Japan. People of Indochina were dying and starving. The only resistance to the Japanese came from Ho Chi Minh and his underground rebels. Their guns were stolen from the Japanese and the U.S parachuted others in. Two million Vietnamese starved to death during WWII and thus, they hated the French. Ho Chi Minh had 5000 men under arms after WWII and wanted to throw out the French and any Vietnamese who cooperated with them. Truman was President after WWII and Ho sent him a letter; if the American champion of democracy would make Vietnam a protectorate and then eventually be given independence from France, Vietnam would be a fertile field for American capitalism and enterprise and a Naval base could be established at Kamran Bay (1945). He got no answer from Truman and decided to declare independence on his own. Created a constitution that borrowed heavily from the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Formally read to a half million people in 1945 in Hanoi and a flight of U.S. fighter planes flew overhead and people thought America was saluting them when really the pilots were just joy riding and checking out why so many people were gathered.
Wilson’s Fourteen Points (January 8, 1918)
People all over the world have the right to self-determination. Speech delivered 10 months before the armistice with Germany. Was meant to tell the country that WWI was being fought for moral reasons and for the post war peace in Europe. Inspired Ho Chi Minh to draft his own 8 points and tried to talk to Wilson about the independence of Vietnam. Had he been able to talk to Wilson, speculation that Vietnam would be a very different place today.
Viet Minh
national independence coalition formed in 1941 led by Ho Chi Minh. Formed to seek independence from the French for Vietnam. Opposed Japan with the support of U.S. and the Republic of China during Japanese occupation (WWII). Fought the French and Japanese and then fought the French again during their re-occupation after the war. Fought the U.S. during the Vietnam War. Created a military school in 1946. The French feared students from the military school. Many went on to fight as generals in the Vietnam War.
Harry Truman
was President after WWII and was sent a letter from Ho Chi Minh. (Did he ever receive it?) Had he letter not been ignored and America had intervened in Vietnam early on, then Vietnam might not be the communist nation that it is today. Ho Chi Minh had to turn to China for support during the French-Indochina war because U.S. backed France. China was a communist nation and now the Vietnamese are communist as well.
French Indochina War (1946-54)
Both French and Vietnamese sides were supplied with U.S. weapons. Indochina in 1947 the anti-French movement grew from 5000 men to 100,000 men underarms and became a true civil war. French stronghold in the south. U.S. supported France because they were anti-Communist.
General Giap
Senior general of Viet Minh and led the attack on Dienbienphu. Aided Ho Chi Minh.
Cereal bowl valley tactic put artillery in the bottom of the valley and waited for the Vietnamese to attack and essentially be blown up by mines. Vietnam was now getting artillery from China and used manpower to take it apart and then haul it up the mountains and pointed it at the bottom of the valley. Anti-aircraft artillery shot down French planes. French artillery general shot himself. Dienbienphu fell to the Vietnamese and ended the French empire. They went to the negotiating table. French asked Eisenhower for help and he helped with weapons but that was all since he refused to engage in another conflict so quickly after WWII and while still engaged in Korea. He was elected to bring the U.S. out of the Korean War and Vietnam would have sucked them in.
Operation Vulture
proposed to rescue French forces at Dienbienphu in 1954 via B-29 raids based in the Philippines. U.S. carriers sailed to the Tonkin Gulf. Up to 60 B-29s with 150 fighters were to be launched from carriers on Giap’s position. Vice President Nixon wanted to “put American boys in” but President Eisenhower said American involvement was contingent with the British and London declined. Eisenhower decided against the intervention since political risks outweighed the benefits.
Geneva Conference (1954)
Discussed unifying Korea and possibility of restoring peace in Indochina. Soviet Union, U.S., France, United Kingdom and Republic of China. Blame U.S. for obstructing the unification of Korea as a communist state. Korea was dropped without declarations or proposals. On Indochina they made the Geneva Accords, which were a set of documents that separated Vietnam into two sections. North to be governed by the Viet Minh and the south to be governed by the State of Vietnam. A “Conference of Final Declaration” said that a general election be held in July 1956 to create a unified Vietnam state. Not accepted by South Vietnam or the U.S. Three other ceasefires were signed covering Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Five star general in WWII. Entered election to crusade against “Communism, Korea and corruption”. 1953 used nuclear threats to end war with Korea and China. Helped remove McCarthy from power but left most political power to VP Nixon. Forced Israel, Britain and France to end invasion of Egypt. Gave support to the new government of South Vietnam due to “uprisings” in the North. Increased to 900 men for fear that the nation would fall.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
“You have a row of dominoes set up. You knock over the first one and they all will fall”.
“Domino Theory”
belief that if one nation fell to communism, then all nations surrounding it would also become communist. Main reason that the U.S. was involved in Korea in order to hold the line with China, and the main reason they were involved in Vietnam between the North and South.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Bernard Fall
prominent war correspondent, historian, political scientist and expert on Indochina. Predicted the failures of France and the U.S. in Vietnam for their lack of tactics and understanding of societies. Supported the U.S. resistance in S. Vietnam believing they could stop the country from falling to communists. Strongly criticized Ngo Dinh Diem’s American-backed regime and the tactics used by the U.S. military in Vietnam. Conflict escalated in 1960’s he grew increasingly pessimistic about victory for U.S. Predicted that if they did not learn from France’s mistakes then they would lose. Research considered invaluable but his negative outlooks were not taken seriously. 1964 concluded that the U.S. was losing and caught the attention of the FBI who started to monitor his movements.
Bernard Fall
“Hell in a very small place.” –book about Dienbienphu
Ngo Dinh Diem
first president of South Vietnam (1955-63). Led the effort to create the Republic of Vietnam after the Indochina war. Achieved presidential victory with U.S. backing for his staunch anti-communism (many believed to be fraudulent). Roman catholic pursued biased and religiously oppressive policies against Montagnard natives and Buddhist majority. Lost U.S. backing and was assassinated along with his brother. Canceled the 1956 elections ordered by the Geneva Accords to unify the nation because South Vietnam was not a party to the conference. Biased towards Catholics and only they received promotions, aid or weapons, villages converted to Catholicism en masse to receive aid or to avoid being forcibly resettled. 1963 Buddhist crisis killed 9 unarmed civilians and blamed it on the Viet Cong saying the violence was the protestors fault. In June, a Buddhist monk set himself on fire in the middle of a busy Saigon intersection. Photos were distributed around the world and for many represented the failure of Diem’s government. U.S. was frustrated with Diem’s bad image in S. Vietnam and in the U.S. and he used his anti-communist argument stating that the Buddhists were communist. Demonstrations against Diem continued throughout the summer so he set a raid on pagodas and vandalized them and beat monks. 30 civilians killed and 200 wounded. 1400 monks were arrested across the country and 30 wounded. Students at Saigon University and Hue University protested and Diem arrested them. Also arrested over 1000 high school students and sent them to re-education camps on charges of anti-government graffiti.
Madame Nhu
Diem’s sister-in-law and de facto first lady. She was a Catholic convert and former Buddhist. Inflamed the Buddhist crisis by mocking the suicides and referring to them as “barbeques”. Pushed for “morality laws” outlawing abortion, divorce, contraception, dance halls, beauty pageants, boxing, adultery and animal fighting. Known as the “Dragon Lady” Diem and her husband bowed to her angry tirades.
Madame Nhu
“If the Buddhists want to have another barbeque, I will be glad to supply the gasoline.”
Madame Nhu
“Let them burn and we shall clap our hands.”
Madame Nhu
“Power is wonderful. Total power is totally wonderful.”
Tonkin Gulf Incident
August 2, 1964 destroy U.S.S. Maddox was engaged by 3 N. Vietnamese torpedo boats. 4 N. Vietnamese were killed and six wounded. Boats were strafed by F-8 Crusader jet fighter bombers. One U.S. aircraft was damaged. Second attack said to have involved “Tonkin Ghosts” (false radar signals) and no real torpedo boats on August 4.
Tonkin Gulf Incident
• “It is not simply that there is a different story as to what happened; it is that no attack happened that night. [...] In truth, Hanoi's navy was engaged in nothing that night but the salvage of two of the boats damaged on August 2” –declassified National Security Agency historical study
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
allowed President Johnson to assist any Southeast Asia nation whose government was considered to be jeopardized by “communist aggression”. Legal justification for deploying U.S. conventional forces and declaring open warfare against N. Vietnam.
Rolling Thunder
US Second Air Division, US Navy, and the Republic of Vietnam Air Force aerial bombardment campaign from March 1965- November 1968. The four objectives of the operation (which evolved over time) were to boost the sagging morale of the Saigon regime in the Republic of Vietnam, to persuade North Vietnam to cease its support for the communist insurgency in South Vietnam without actually taking any ground forces into communist North Vietnam, to destroy North Vietnam's transportation system, industrial base, and air defenses, and to cease the flow of men and material into South Vietnam. Most intense air/ground battle during the Cold War period. N. Vietnam had air-to-air and ground-to-air weapons that created one of the most effective defenses that the U.S. had ever faced. Terminated as a strategic failure in 1968 since it obtained none of its objectives.
David Halberstam
later became prolific author. Replaced Bigart in 1962 for the New York Times when he was 28 years old. Eyewitness account of the self-immolation of the Buddhist monk in Saigon. He and Neil Sheehan debunked the claim by the regime of Diem that the Viet Minh had perpetrated the raids on pagodas, which the U.S. originally believed. Got into scuffle with secret police when one punched Peter Arnett when they were trying to cover the Buddhist protest. Left Vietnam in 1964 and won a Pulitzer Prize for his war reporting. Died in 2007 in car crash when driver (graduate UC Berkeley student) was driving him from the airport to the interview. Pleaded no contest to misdemeanor vehicular manslaughter. He was aggressive and not subjected to censorship so he would write what he saw, wrote negatively about Vietnam. He wrote about disillusionment, cover-ups, etc. He wrote things that upset Kennedy, so he invited the publisher of the NY Times to dinner at the White House. Told him to hire a more seasoned reporter to replace Halberstam but he said he wouldn’t. When he left he called the office and said to put Halberstam’s stories on the front page and he was informed that Halberstam was on vacation. He had to cancel his vacation to continue reporting. Wrote a few books Making of a Quagmire. Kennedy assassinated in 1963 and was replaced by Johnson who kept the no censorship rule.
President Johnson
“America will support the war if they know what’s going on”
Malcolm Browne
1961 one of the first Associated Press reporters stationed full time in Vietnam. Diem thought the Buddhists were plotting against him so started to raid Buddhist temples so the Buddhist got more vocal. They would call journalists and tell them to be at certain places and nothing would happen so the journalists started to ignore them in 1963. Browne kept in touch and was the only one there when an old monk got out of a car assisted by two other monks. The 2 monks covered the old monk with gasoline and diesel and the old monk lit a match and dropped it into his lap and went up in flames. The other 2 monks held up a banner in English saying “Buddhist monk burns for Buddhist rights”. Browne kept shooting roll after roll of film. They tried to put the monks corpse in a coffin but the limbs were stiff and hanging out of the coffin still smoking. Picture shown all over the world. Couldn’t get the smell of burning flesh out of his mind.
Garrick Utley
first full-time television correspondent (NBC) covering the Vietnam War. Followed by Morley Safer.
Jim Robinson
NBC early newsman in Vietnam. Said Diem gave boring interviews. Was thrown out of Vietnam. Snazzy dresser.
Charles Kuralt
“On the Road” on CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. Took motor home on back roads in search of the American people and their doings. Didn’t like combat too much. First to cover Vietnam but not full time.
Morley Safer
Canadian reporter and correspondent for CBS News best known for his tenure on 60 Minutes. 1965 opened CBS news bureau in Saigon, followed Garrick Utley. Followed a group of U.S. Marines to the village of Cam Ne for a “search and destroy” mission. Evacuated the civilians and then burned the thatched roofed houses in the village with flamethrowers and Zippo lighters. Marines said huts could be hiding secret Viet Cong tunnels. His report was on CBS in August 1965 and was one of the first to portray a bleak picture of the Vietnam War. President Johnson was angered by the report and said that Safer “shat on the American flag”. Ordered a security check on Safer (Johnson believed him to be communist) and was told that he was Canadian not communist he replied, “Well, I knew he wasn’t an American.” He was against the war and was briefly banned.
Peter Arnett
joined Malcolm Browne with the Associated Press. He was 5’6” and 140 pounds and from New Zealand. He liked fights. Came to Vietnam in 1961 and was there when Saigon fell in 1975. His stories appeared in the Associated Press around the world. He carried a submachine gun into battle. Quoted a U.S. Army Major on destroying a village, “It was necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.” Became famous news reporter for CNN. Said he could have prevented one of immolation suicides by a Buddhist monk by simply kicking away a bottle of gasoline, but he did not, because he did not think that it was the job of a reporter.
Peter Arnett
Stayed in Vietnam longer, took more risks, and wrote more words read by more people than any war correspondent in any war in history.
Neil Sheehan
His mentor was Homer Bigart. In 1971 he broke the story of the Pentagon Papers in the New York Times. Daniel Ellsberg gave a big chunk of the documents to him. Covered the war in Vietnam from 1962-1964 as United Press International’s bureau chief. Debunked Diem’s claim that the raids on pagodas during the Buddhist crisis were the result of the Viet Minh with David Halberstam. Fall of 1966 he was the NY Times Pentagon correspondent and in 1968 began reporting on the White House. Won a nonfiction Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award for A Bright Shining Lie.
Horst Faas
head photographer for the Associated Press. He was German. He was the boss but he still went into combat. More time in combat than any other photographer. Hired Nick Ut, after he had employed his brother who was killed. Was called a murderer at the funeral of Nick’s brother. Coordinated South Vietnamese freelancers and stringers. Wounded by shrapnel, captured in Africa and had to eat his own press pass to stay alive.
Horst Faas
“Vot I like iss boom-boom. Oh, yes.”
Charley Mohr
one of the most respected war correspondents. Former marine. Great story teller and a fascinating military analyst. Covered Vietnam for Time Magazine and then the NY Times. Took part in the taking back of Hue after the Tet Offensive with a M-16. Always carried weapons with him and saved a wounded man and received a medal of bravery. Wasn’t against Vietnam, just didn’t like the way it was conducted. Quit Time Magazine because his stories were being changed, went to work at NY Times.
Charley Mohr
“Everyone thought I left because I was against the war. I just thought it wasn’t working I didn’t come to think of it as immoral until the very end.”
Charley Mohr was the
“Toughest of them all.”
Francois Sully
French journalist and photographer. One of the earliest to cover the Vietnam War and spent 24 years in Indochina. Most eccentric photographer. Accused of smuggling opium. Assigned to cover the battle of Dienbienphu. He escaped from behind Viet Minh lines. In March 1962, Diem and Madame Nhu wanted to expel Sully and Bigart because his stories were “helpful to the enemy”. He was the “insider’s insider” in Vietnam and had numerous sources in the Viet Minh and the Viet Cong, inside the Palace at Saigon and at grassroots levels in every province North and South. Helicopter burst into flames and he jumped out and died from complications from the 75-foot fall.
Francois Sully
Expelled from Vietnam for writing a story in Newsweek, (he was a stringer) “Vietnam: The Unpleasant Truth.” Diem wanted to send a warning to all journalists reporting the failings of the war. U.S. Mission said the expulsion would only worsen the already bad relationship with the press so Diem backed off.
Harrison Salisbury
was the first regular NY Times correspondent in Moscow after WWII. Won a Pulitzer Prize in 1955. Covered Kennedy’s assassination from the southern states where he was working on the civil rights movement. After reporting from N. Vietnam in 1966 he was one of the first journalists to oppose the Vietnam War. First American journalist to report from N. Vietnam after being invited by the N. Vietnamese government. His report was the first that genuinely questioned the war. Received a lot of heat from the Johnson administration and the political Right. Called “Harrison Appaulsbury” and was criticized by other journalists. 1989 witnessed the bloody student uprising of the Tiananmen Square reporting from Communist China.
Eddie Adams
Pulitzer Prize for the still photo of a Viet Cong prisoner being shot in the head at close range. The video was shown on NBC (prisoner shot by General Loan). Worked for the Associated Press in 1968 during the opening phases of the Tet Offensive. Would the execution have happened if the press had not been present? Video was taken of the event but the still photo is the most iconic and defining image.
Eddie Adams
“The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapons in the world. People believe them, but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths ... What the photograph didn't say was, 'What would you do if you were the general at that time and place on that hot day, and you caught the so-called bad guy after he blew away one, two or three American soldiers?”
General Loan
caught the Viet Cong “bad guy” after he had ordered a Viet Cong death squad. The death squad murdered S. Vietnamese policeman and their families (among which were General Loan’s family and godchildren). S. Vietnamese police chief. Executed the Viet Cong with a shot to the head.
“Ballad of the Green Beret”.
SSgt. Barrie Sadler wrote and sang
SSgt. Barrie Sadler
High school drop out, joined the air force and then joined the army. He did airborne training and then became a Green Beret combat medic. Wounded by a punji stick (dipped in feces) in Vietnam around his knee and it got infected. He wrote the song in the hospital and it was #1 on the charts in 1966. Sold a million copies in 2 weeks but it was a one hit wonder. 1978 dispute between country singer and shot and killed him (Lee Emerson) and was convicted for voluntary manslaughter in Tennessee. The judge reduced the sentence to the 21 original days that he spent in jail. Mid 80’s he was in Guatemala City and was shot in the head in a cab and later died in a coma in 1989. Mystery as to how he was shot.
“Where Have All The Flowers Gone?”:
written in 1955 by Pete Seegar and didn’t become popular until the Kingston Trio recorded it and then it was also recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary. It became identified with the Vietnam War but was only written about war in general
“Fish Cheer/I Feel Like I’m Fixin’ to Die Rag”:
recorded by navy veteran Joe McDonald and The Fish, got famous in the 1968 Woodstock movie.
Tet Offensive
et=celebration for the new lunar year (Christmas, July 4th and new years combined). January 1968 half Vietnamese military went on holiday with a ceasefire. U.S. intelligence heard something big was coming from the enemy so they stayed on alert. Mid-January there was an attack on Khe San (diversion). End of January, Tet started and it became an urban war. Saigon had been mostly spared throughout the war. Attacked the airbase, restaurants, everything. S. Vietnamese fought harder than ever. Estimated dead N. Vietnamese= +58,000 (same amount of Americans killed over the course of the war). Viet Cong were virtually wiped out. Tet shattered confidence of the public and the Johnson administration. All happened on the tail end of his public relations campaign. Viet Cong broke into the Embassy compound but never got inside. The media reported that the Embassy was taken over. Short time Americans rallied around the flag to strike back at N. Vietnam but the media lost the war. The misreporting of Tet and negative coverage of war made victory seem unbelievable. OR Johnson lost the war because he never had a clear response to Tet and he seemed defeated when he gave speeches.
ancient city that had been spared for the entirety of the war. Was under attack by massive numbers during the Tet Offensive.
Khe Sanh
Northern area of S. Vietnam. 15-20,000 Viet Cong had surrounded it and put it under siege. Johnson had a meeting of Joints Chiefs of Staff; had to pledge that Khe San would not fall to the enemy. Attack was a diversion. Nine days later (Jan. 30) Viet Cong set attacks on every major city in the country. 205 dead Marines, 15000 dead Viet Cong. April 7 the siege ended and so did the Tet Offensive. Johnson announced he was ready for negotiations to end the war by limiting bombing runs. Ready to talk peace anytime, anywhere and was not going to run for reelection so he could devote his remaining time in term to ending the war. (He had won by a landslide in 1964)
Walter Cronkite
February 1968 went on camera for first time in career, put his opinion on war out. (Evening News with Walter Cronkite, came on every night at 6pm) “Dean” of TV newsmen. Most powerful newsman, constant analysis of Vietnam war.
Walter Cronkite
“It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out will be to negotiate, not as victors but as honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could.” –after the Tet Offensive (February 27, 1968)
Nick Ut
brother had been a freelance photographer for Faas but was killed. At his funeral, Nick approached Faas as a young boy and wanted a job. Came to the AP office a few years later and did odd jobs and then began shooting photos. Young girl (Phan Thi Kim Phuc) hit accidently by napalm in 1972 when she was 9 years old. Nick was horrified saying she kept yelling, “it’s hot! It’s hot!” he made sure she got medical care, and she ended up having 17 surgeries. She passed out after the photo was taken and he gave her to the hospital. Gave photo to Faas and he sent it to NY, they said they wouldn’t distribute it because readers would object to the nudity of the girl. Faas said bullshit and AP finally distributed the photo. Nick won the Pulitzer Prize. One of the most iconic/dramatic photos of the war. Now lives in CA. Girl went to med school in Cuba, got married and now lives in Canada. Still keeps in touch with “Uncle” Ut.
My Lai Massacre
Viet Cong had a presence there and it was nicknamed “pinkville” (McCarthy era “reds”= communist so pink= almost communist). Army Charlie Company was dispatched to My Lai. February 25 6 members were killed and 12 wounded from a minefield explosion. Revenge was on their mind. American intelligence got info that there was a Viet Cong battalion (crackerjack) in the area. Charlie was sent to take them out. Orders were vague so soldiers were primed to kill. Gave no specific orders about women and children. Medina showed up later and took part in the killing. Helicopters landed at 8am. No fire from the ground, 1 soldier was wounded because he shot himself. There were no Viet Cong’s in the village. Killing started immediately. 504 killed. No panic when the soldiers landed. Civilians were shot, bayoneted and beaten to death by rifle butts. They were herded into ditches and machine-gunned. Not everyone in Charlie Company took part in the killing. Young women were raped and then killed. Livestock was killed. PR people were there to record the battle. 11am Medina said lunchtime and 2 little girls came out of hiding. They gave the girls cookies. Then they burned and blew up the buildings. News release said they swept the area killing 20 Viet Cong. Army Investigation: 25 people were charged. 13 charged with premeditated murder and 12 charged with cover-up.
Hugh Thompson
Pilot of a Scout helicopter with 3 crewmen. Dropped smoke to mark the battle. Radioing back frantically and landed between the surviving civilians and the Americans. Told Calley to stop or he would fire on him, loaded survivors out of the ditch and saved a boy covered in blood and dead bodies out of a ditch. Thompson then sent a bigger helicopter in to save civilians. Vietnam government gave him a medal and right before that the U.S. gave him a Soldier’s Medal (highest level of bravery not involving the enemy). Died of cancer Jan. 6, 2006 from the herbicide sprayed on the jungle.
Lt. William Calley
member of Charlie Company. Made papers in Ft. Lauderdale when he messed up and let a freight train obstruct traffic. He was arrested and seen as a joke. One of his men said he was a kid trying to play soldier. “Lt. Shithead”. Calley was said to be 10 ft away when he was killing people. Probably personally killed at least 100 civilians. A little boy dragged himself out from underneath bodies in a ditch and began to run away. Calley caught and threw him back in the ditch and then shot him. Calley was the only one convicted. American people saw Calley as a scapegoat so Nixon capitalized on that. He was charged with life in prison with hard labor. He got a reduced sentence and only served 3 years on house arrest. He received an honorable discharge. 2009 Calley first “apologized” then went on the college circuit and got paid.
Lt. William Calley
“Just following orders” –orders from Medina 2009 “apology”
Capt. Ernest Medina
captain of Charlie Company. Ordered the company into My Lai and to kill anything and everything. Did not have a distinguished military career. He went into a minefield and rescued wounded men so he was awarded a Silver Star. Disagreement later of what was said by Medina. Given order to kill every living thing (general consensus).
Capt. Ernest Medina
“Chance to get revenge, open season. When you leave nothing should be walking, growing or crawling.”
Ronald L. Haeberle
Army PR guy at My Lai. Had 3 army cameras both black and white and color. Sent one back to the army and kept the other two. Provided all of the images for the massacre at My Lai.
Ronald Ridenhour
March 1969 (ex-GI) became a journalist, wrote 30 letters to Nixon and 23 Congressman and the Joint Chiefs of Staff about the army investigation because the story seemed off to him. My Lai was not big news to the world yet.
Seymour Hersh
Was told that there was a big story at My Lai. Used his own money to travel and interview Calley and others for five months. No one wanted to buy the story and then finally Dispatch bought it. Then the other media caught on and the story won a Pulitzer Prize.
Pentagon Papers
Published by NY Times and written by Neil Sheehan. Nixon tried to block the publishing and the Supreme Court said that he couldn’t stop them so the NY Times won and ran the story.
Daniel Ellsberg
Joined Marine Corp, went to Vietnam but never saw combat. United States Military Analyst. 1971 became disillusioned by the war. He kept it to himself that he thought the war was going to be a failure. Began compiling all documents related to the war. Resigned. Over 7000 pages mostly from U.S. documents (originals) and no one knew it existed. Thought the war was unjust and copied the papers and gave a good chunk to Neil Sheehan. Nixon charged Ellsberg with 4 crimes but the judge threw out the case because Nixon’s administration illegally wire tapped his phone and broke into his and his psychiatrist’s office looking for info. The case was dirty. (Similar to his downfall with Watergate).
only about 3% of news showed real violence or heavy combat out of 2300 stories. 76 stories had it, public support for Korean and Vietnamese war dropped 15% every time the number of casualties increased times ten. (example: 1,000 deaths becomes 10,000)
End of war in Vietnam
April 1975 Saigon fell. Aussie Neil Davis and Peter Arnett and George Esper all stayed. Esper went on streets and saw S. Vietnamese police colonel with a gun and started saying nonsensical things and then killed himself. Arnett said to write it the way they wanted and NY had no say. AP freelancer came into the office with N. Vietnamese soldiers saying he had secured their safety because he was an undercover Viet Cong. Left Saigon with Johnny Walker Black that Arnett had stolen from the New Zealand Embassy and Peter and Esper toasted on the plane.
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