Shared Flashcard Set


Lung Physiology
All of Dr. Sanderson's Lectures

Additional Medical Flashcards




What are the normal partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide coming into the lungs?

PaO2 = 100


PaCO2 = 40

What are the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the venous blood coming back to the heart?

PvO2 = 40


PvCO2 = 46

How many times does the airway tend to branch?
About 23 times from trachea to alveoli.
Describe the patterns of diameter, length and cross-sectional area in the airways as you move deeper into the lungs?

Diameter: Diameter decreases from trachea (1.30 cm) down to the alveoli (0.04 cm)


Length: Length decreases from the trachea (12.0 cm) down to the alveoli (0.05 cm)


Cross-sectional area: Cross-sectional area decreases from trachea (2.54 cm2) down to about the bronchioles (~ 2.00 cm2), then dramatically increases from bronchioles to alveoli (104 cm2).

Describe the parts of the conducting zone and the transitional/respiratory zone.

Conducting zone runs from mouth/nose up to about the 16th branch of the tree, including the tracea, bronchi, bronchioles and terminal bronchioles.


The rest of the tree is respiratory, including the respiratory broncholes, alveolar ducts, and alveolar sacs.

What's in an alveolar wall?
Two cell layers and a basement membrane. But, it's all super thin so that gas exchange can occur!
Alfred Hilberbuckle decides to rent a 20 ft snorkle to loof for gold at the bottom of the Bering Sea. Besides the obvious dangers of undersea mining, why is Alfred probably going to die?

A snorkle adds to the dead space in your airways. His total ventilation is going to remain about the same, and his dead space is going to increase, so his alveolar ventilation (the air that he can actually use for respiration) is going to decrease.


Remember the equation:

VTotal = Vdead + Valveolar


Bad plan Alfred. There are easier ways to make a buck.

What is physiological dead space? Give and example of something that could increase physiological dead space.

Physiological dead space is the sum of normal anatomical dead space plus any additional dead space caused by a disease.


One example of increased physiological dead space occurs in the event of a pulmonary embolism. If the PE is blocking the blood flow from doing normal gas exchange in part of the lung, that part of the lung becomes dead space.

A patient presents with a PE, and after a few hours they seem to have adjusted to the increase in phsyiolgical dead space in their lungs (for the moment). What goes on here?

If the patient breathed just as they had before the PE, you would expect their alveolar ventilation to be less than what it was before the PE.


But the patient does not breath the same way that they did before. They increase their total ventilation. The blocked blood gets directed through other areas. The patient will increase their total ventilation according to the amount of increase in dead space. They do this by increasing their breathing rate (or their depth of breathing, which is more efficient). You have to get past more dead space to get to the alveolar ventilation you need.

What is the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere?

Oxygen makes up around 21% of the gas in the air, and the total barometric pressure on earth is around 760 mm Hg.


This means that the partial pressure of oxygen is about 760 x 0.21 = 160 mm Hg

Why is it pretty hard to breath on Mt. Everest?
The overall barometric pressure decreases with altitude. So even though oxygen still makes up about 21% of the gas in the air, you are multiplying 0.21 by a smaller barometric pressure to yield a smaller partial pressure of oxygen overall.
What is the partial pressure of oxygen in your airways, and what the heck does your nose have to do with it?

Your nose helps your lungs by warming and moisturizing the air. It does this by adding water vapor to the air in the airways.


The addition of water vapor, however, dilutes out the oxygen. The total barometric pressure remains 760 mm Hg, but the water vapor is known to contribue about 47 mm Hg of that. This means that the partial pressure of oyxgen is:


PO2 = 0.21 x (760-47) = 150 mm Hg

What are the factors of diffusion that influence gas exchange?

1. Thickness of the alveolar wall

2. Surface area of the respiratory part of the lung,

3. Partial pressure gradient, aka the concentration gradient

4. The properties of the molecules aka conductivity


These come together in Fick's Law, which states:

Volume of gas crossing =

((Area) x (Diffusion K) x (Pgas - Pblood))/(Thickness)


What is diffusing capacity? How do emphasyema and interstitial disease affect it?

Diffusing capacity is like Fick's Law, but ignoring the gradient variable:


DL = (Area x K)/Thickness


Emphysema increases area, which decreasesdiffusing capacity.


Interstitial disease increases thickness, which also decreases diffusing capacity.

What is diffusing capacity? How do emphasyema and interstitial disease affect it?

Diffusing capacity is like Fick's Law, but ignoring the gradient variable:


DL = (Area x K)/Thickness


The bigger diffusive capacity is, the more efficeint your lung is.


Emphysema increases area, which decreasesdiffusing capacity.


Interstitial disease increases thickness, which also decreases diffusing capacity.



What is the difference between diffusion limited exchange and perfusion limited exchange? Give an example of each.

Both refer to ways in gas exchange is limited in the plasma. They are controlled by different features.


Diffusion limited exchange refers to when the partial pressure of the gas is limited by how fast the gas can diffuse across the alveoli. CO diffuses into the plasma very quickly, and is also taken up by Hb very quickly. The partial pressure gradient never gets a change to build up.


Perfusion limited refers to exchange being limited by the rate of perfusion of the blood through the alveoli area. Nitrous oxide doesn't bind to anything but it saturates the plasma very quickly, so the thing that limits how much NO can get in the blood is how fast blood can move through, so that fresh blood arrives.

What is good matching (in terms of the lung?)

In an ideal exchanger, you would have perfect matching of gas and blood flow at every site of exchange. If there were three sites, each site would get 1/3 of the gas and 1/3 of the blood.


Also each site would have the same value of A-a gradient:

PArterialO2 - PairO2

What's a shunt in the lung? Why is it a problem?

Blood moves through the vessel, but there is no gas exchange. Blood moves through the lung without ever getting oxygenated. Maybe more air is put into the other exchange sites, but the blood can only take up so much oxygen and so the overall oxygen in the blood will decline.

Partial pressure of oxygen in the blood coming out of the lung will be lower. The partial pressure of oxygen in the air coming out of the mouth on exhalation will be as normal.


The A-a gradient will increase.

What happens where the blood vessels of gas exchange become occluded (PE)?

This essentially makes the air part of the gas exchange here extra dead space. No gas exchange can occur here, so again the matching is not quite right.


The A-a gradient is elevated still.


Blood coming together at the end of the lungs will have the partial pressure of oxygen that is normal and expected. Air coming out of the mouth upon exhalation will having more oxygen than usually since the oxygen was put in dead space and not given the opporunity to exchange.

What are Q and V? What do they have to do with matching?

Q refers to the blood flow through the pulmonary arteries (perfusion) and V refers to the air flow through the alveoli (ventilation).


Matching refers to whether or not the ratio of V/Q is the same at every exchange site. We want them to agree,. If they do not the A-a gradient can increase.



What is the A-a gradient?

PAO2 refers to the PO2 in Alveolar gas.

PaO2 refers to the PO2 in the arterial blood in the alveolar wall.


The A-a gradient refers to the difference between these two numbers. In an ideal exchange, A and a would be the same and all the air you breathed in would get into your blood, but this doesn't happen in real life.


Any-who: We want out A-a gradient to be small. Lung disease causes the A-a gradient to increase.

How do you measure the A-a gradient in practice? What is a typical A-a gradient in a human?

You take blood from an artery to get the blood gas to determine the value of PaO2 and PaCO2


You then calculate PACO2 which is equal to PinO2 (at sea level this is 150 mm Hg) and subtract 1.25 x PaCO2.


To get the A-a gradient, subtract the measured PaO2 from the calculated PAO2.


A typical A-a gradient is greater than zero there is normal shunting and mismatching going on, as well as blood mixing between oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.


A healthy A-a gradient is -5 to -10.

Give an example of a normal physiological shunt.
The bronchoiole arteries that go to the conducting parts of the airways. Oxygenated blood comes out of the aorta to feed them, but the deoxygenated blood dumps back into the pulmonary vein (which should be oxygenated).
Where does gas exchange occur?
Alveolar Space
What is the name ofthe volume of gas used for breathing?
Alveolar Ventilation
What factors determine the efficiency of the lung as a gas exchanger?
Area, Gas gradient, thickness, gas constant, mathcing.
What three things contribute to the A-a gradient?
Matching, shunts and blood mixing.
What is the partial pressure of H2O in the airway?
47 mm Hg
What is the PO2 of oxygen entering the lung?
40 mm Hg
What volumes is tidal volume comprised of?



Dead space ventilation and alveolar ventilation.

What is the alveolar gas equation? What does it tell you about CO2 and hyperventilation and hypoventilation?

The partial pressure of a gas in the alveoli is proportional to the volume of the gas divided by the Total Volume in the Alveoli.


When you hyperventilate, you are producing the same about of CO2 but are having a larger volume of air in the alveoli each minute. This decreases the partial pressure of CO2 in the blood. Become alkalitic.


When you hypoventilate, you are producing the same amount of CO2 but have a much smaller volume of air in the alveoli each minute. This increases the partial pressure of CO2 in the blood. Become acidic.

Why does PACO2 stay the same during excercise?
Your respiration rate and thus your alveolar ventilation increases, but your CO2 production increases proportionally. You PACO2 therefore doesn't change. This is not an example of hyperventilation, even if you are breathing harder!
What is the respiratory quotient?

Volume of CO2 produced / volume of O2 used


Normally is 0.8


(Since some O2used goes into making water rather than making CO2)

What is the alveolar equation for oxygen (based on CO2)?
PACO2 = PinO2 - (PaCO2/R)
What happens to PAO2 and PACO2 during hyperventilation? During hypoventilation?

During hyperventilation: PAO2 goes up and PACO2 goes down.


During hypoventilation: PAO2 foes down and PACO2 goes up.

What sort of Pa are we looking at when we are talking about the A-a gradient?

We are talking about the Pa at the end of the exchange area where all of the blood is mixing together.


The other Pa, which refers to the blood right at the exchangers, equilibrates rapidly to be the same as PA (so there really isn't an A-a gradient there!)


What is the space between the lungs and the chest wall called? What does it do?


It is called the plural cavity. It is held at a negative pressure. It helps things slide across one another and transmits pressure changes from one to antoher. Increasing the volume of the chest decreases the pressure in the pleural cavity.
When does inhalation tend to stop?
When the pressure inside the lungs is equal to the pressure in the outside world.
What are some ways we can change the size of the chest wall?

Diaphragam contracts in increase the size of the space, external intercostals also contract to pull the rips up and out.


Inhalation is active. Exhalation is more passive.


Internal intercostals can be used to pull the ribs down for forced exhalation.

Describe pleural pressure, relative alveolar volume, and alveolar pressure during a cycle of breathing.

Pleural pressure starts off slightly negative and becomes increasing negative during inhalation and returns close to zero during exhalation.


Relative alveolar volume starts off near zero, increases with inhalation, and decreases with exhalation.


Alveolar pressure starts off near zero, decreases with inhalation, but then increases  back to zero at the end of inhalation. Then the pressure increases to positives during exhalationa and returns back to zero at the end of exhalation.


What is your Tidal Volume? Functional Reserve Volume? Vital Capacity? Residual Volume? Total Lung Capacity?

Tidal Volume = Amount you breath in or out in a normal breath


Functional Reserve Volume = The amount of air that remains in your lungs after a typical breath


Vital Capacity = The largest amount of air you can breath out with forced expriation after the biggest amount of air you can take in with forced inhalation


Residual Volume = the air that stays in your lungs even after you have forced exhale


Total Lung Capacity = the amount your lungs can hold (including reserve volume) after the biggest forced inhale possible.

Describe what a Flow Loop looks like and how you read it.
How are radius and resistance related? How are length and resistance related?

Resistance is proportional to 1/radius4.

A small increase in radius makes a big decrease in resistance!


 For comparison, resistance is directly proportional to length.

How do you calculate flow rate through an airway?

Air Flow Rate = (P1-P2)/Resistance


It's the difference in pressure from one side to the other divided by the resistance.

Does the airflow rate get faster or slower as air moves down through the respiratory system to get to the alveoli?

You might think that the airflow rate would get faster, since the radius ofeach path through the airway is getting smaller (and a small decrease in radius causes a huge increase in resistance, and an increase in resistance reduces flow rate)...


BUT: Remember that the overall cross sectional area of all the paths to the alveoli together (added in parallel), make the resistance wicked low and thus the airflow wicked slow by the time it gets to the alveoli!

In fact, by the time you get to the alveoli, it's really diffusion that is moving the oxygen along, not so much the airflow from lung mechanics. Who knew!?!


Another fun fact is that the decrease in airflow rate is what allows particulates in the air to fall out, which is why we need the cilliary escalator to get that ish out of there.

What's the deal with asthma?
Hyperactivity makes the smooth muscle in the airway contract, reducing the radius of the airway and increasing the resistance. This makes it hard to breath!
How does the airway respond to low PACO2?
Smooth muscle contracts, increasing resistance. The lung thinks, hey, if CO2 is high, then this part of the lung is not getting oxygenated, so why send air there?
Name four airway factors that can increases resistance.

1. Smooth muscle contraction


2. Inflammation/Hypertrophy


3. Obstruction


4. Airway collapse

How might you measure resistance in clinic?

Use spiraometry to get a forced vital capacity! Breath way in, the breath out as hard and fast as you can!


Use the forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1).


Normalize the value to the patiet's FEV overall.


A normal value of about 80% of the air you get get out of your lungs can get forced out in one second.

How does FEV1 respond to Obstructive airway disease? Restrictive diseases?

Obstructive Diseases: FEV1 is reduced, <70% is abnormal. Their resistance is increased, so it is hard to move air as fast.


Restrictive Diseases: FEV1 is increased. Their numbers can be >90%. They cannot take in quite as much air in, but their airways stay open more so they can get their air out faster.

What does lung complaince mean?

Describes how easily it is to inflate the lung (and breathe). It is a measure of how volume changes as we change pressure: (delta V)/(delta P).


High complaince is easy to inflate, but hard to deflate.


Low complaince is hard to inflate, but easier to deflate.


You need a moderate complaince to have good breathing!


Complaince is the slope on a pressure-volume curve. It can change as you breathe (pressures and volume change).

What is specific compliance?
Measured complaince divided by total lung capacity. It allows you to compare complaince between individuals (since a baby would obviously have different pressure-volume curves than an adult, for example.)
How does the pressure-voume curve and compliance respond to restrictive lung disease? To obstructive lung disease? Make a note about the FRC for each type of disease as well.

Restrictive Lung Disease: It takes more pressure to cause increases in volume. The complaince (slope) is decreases.

(Note that is would bring the lung complaince curve further away from the chest wall complaince curve, causing the overall pressure-colume curve to settle between them at a location where the FRC would be decreased compared to normal. The lung is winning over the chest wall.)


Obstructive Lung Disease: It takes less pressure to cause increases in volume. Complaince (slope) is increased.
(Note the this would bring the chest wall complaince curve and the lung complaince curve closer together, and causing the overall pressure-volume curve to settle between them at a location where the FRC would be increased compared to normal. Chest-wall is winning over the lung.)

What is transmural pressure?

It is basically the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of whatever you are looking at.


You can compare the pressures between the lungs versus the chestwall, the chestwall versus the outside, or the lungs and the chestwall versus the outside,

Compare the complaince curves of the chest wall and the lungs.

The complaince curve of the chest wall is left of the complaince curve of the lungs. The chest wall is very springy and wants to expand even at low pressures.


But remember that lung and the chestwall work together in the patient, so the overall pressure-volume curve in a person is somewhere between the lungs and the chest wall.


At FRC (functional residual capacity), where you have just finished your normal exhalation, the complaince of the lungs and the chest wall balance one another out. Chest wall tries to expand, lungs try to contract, but since they are equal and opposite, nothing happens.

What happens in a pneumothorax?
Air gets into the pleural cavity, essentially seperating the forces of the lung from the forces of the chest wall. The lung collapses because the chest wall is not there with its balancing outward forces :(
What are key factors that contribute to compliance?

1. Elastic fibers

2. Collagen fibers

3. Surface Tension (surfactant)!!!!

4. Where you are on the P-V curve

Less surfactant, less complaince...

Why is a lung more complaint when it is filled with saline?



When the alveoli have saline in them, there is no surface tension, so complaince is increased. Surfactant works the same way!

What is LaPlace's Law?

It talks about surface tension and its influence on pressure! For the lungs, we use the equation:


Pressure = 2(Surface Tension)/Radius.

How does surfactant work?

It is a negatively charged phospholipid that sits on the surface of the alveoli and reduces surface tension by interacting with water molecules. It is secreted by Type II alveolar cells. It is hydrophobic.


With surfactant, surface tension is only proportional to surface area!

Tell me about the issues people with emphysema have with exhalation.

When you force an exhalation, you are forcing air to move along a gradient of high pressure in the alveoli to low pressure in the outside world. The pressure of the pleural cavity has become positive to force this change.


Unfortunately, the airway gradient runs through this positively pressured pleural cavity, and eventually the pressure of the pleural will be higher than the pressure in the airway, forcing airway collapse.


In healthy people, the airway collapsing force is not a problem because it comes into play high enough in the airway where there is cartiledge to keep the airway open.


But for people with emphysema and other obstructive airway diseases, they use a smaller exit (pursed lips) to increase the pressure in their airways to help keep them open against the pleural pressure. They also have to breathe out slower since increased air speed would lead to less pressure (Bernoulli's principle)


Identify the types of diseases in the following flow loop comparisons:



1. Restrictive Disease (like fibrosis)

2. Normal breathing, but with airway blockage

3. Normal Breathing

4. Emphysema (obstructive disease)

How does gravity affect what is going on in the lung?

Pleural pressure is more negative near the top of the lung and less negative near the bottom of the lung. At the top of the lung, the lung can sort of pull away from the chest wall. The weight of the lung generates a gradient of pleural pressure.


At the bottom of the lung, the alveoli are smaller than they are at the top of the lung.


Ventilation is greatest at the bottom of the lung and smallest at the top of the lung. At the top of the lung, the complaince curve shows that it will take a great change in pressure to cause small change in volume. This ain't helpful to ventilation.


Remember that different pressure yields different volume, and complaince can change along this curve. The complaince curve is not a straight line.

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