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LEED Materials & Resources 1
1/2 of total info on LEED NC 2.2 Materials & Resources
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MRp1 -Storage and Collection of Recyclables- Intention and Implementation
Intention - Reduce waste from building occupants, reduce waste going to landfills, provide accesible storage locations on-site
a) Methods of Approach: separation, collection, and storage
b) Collection sources: recycling chutes, collection bins, can crushers, cardboard balers
c) Mandatory materials to be collected: glass, paper, metal, plastic, cardboards
d) provide instruction to occupants
e) encourage activities to promote recycling
Note: there is NO required minimun area for the storage location for LEED, but the reference guide does offer "guidelines."  The most important thing to understand is that the recycling area should be accessible and on-site
MRc1.1 -Building Reuse- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve and retain cultural resources, reduce waste, reduce environmental impact with regards to manufacturing and transportation of materials
Implementation - 
a) Reuse 75% of EXISTING building structure: 1) exclude - windows, doors, non-structural material, MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing), elevator equipment, any hazardous materials 2) include - flooring, framing, roof, exterior structure (envelope/shell)
b) Calculations use square footage
c) If addition to an existing building is more than 2 times the original, credits MR1.1+1.2 are NOT APPLICABLE.  However, if this is the case, the materials can be used for MRc2.1+2.2 as waste diverted from disposal. 
MRc1.2 -Building Reuse- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve and retain cultural resources, reduce waste, reduce environmental impact with regards to manufacturing and transportation of materials
Implementation - 
a) Reuse 95% of EXISTING building structure: 1) exclude - windows, doors, non-structural material, MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing), elevator equipment, any hazardous materials 2) include - flooring, framing, roof, exterior structure (envelope/shell)
b) Calculations use square footage
c) If addition to an existing building is more than 2 times the original, credits MR1.1+1.2 are NOT APPLICABLE.  However, if this is the case, the materials can be used for MRc2.1+2.2 as waste diverted from disposal. 
MRc1.3 -Building Reuse- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Extend the life cycle of existing building stock, conserve and retain cultural resources, reduce waste, reduce environmental impact with regards to manufacturing and transportation of materials
Implementation -
a) maintain 50% of EXISTING non-Structural Elements: 1) Exclude - MEP and elevator equipment 2) include - walls and partitions, doors, cielings, floor coverings
b) Calculations use square footage
Notes: If items like walls and doors (aka Fixed items) which are found onsite are used for the same purpose they were intentionally built for (i.e. a door is used again as a door), then they ARE counted toward this credit...  If items are reused for something else (i.e. door is reused as a table), they are NOT counted toward this credit, but can count toward MRc3.1+3.2
MRc2.1 -Construction Waste Management- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Divert construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators
Implementation - 
a) Develop a construction waste management Plan to, at a minimum, identifies materials to be diverted: 1) Techniques of Diversion - Salvage, Refurbish, Recycle, or Reuse 2) Include - doors and windows; flooring, paneling, cabinetry and beams; recycled cardboard, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastics, clean wood, glass, gypsum board, carpet and insulation; MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) 3) Exclude - soil, rock, and vegetation; any hazardous materials
b) designate a space/site in construction area for separation process
c) Track recycling through construction process (general contractor keeps all of the records: i.e. receipts of recyclable and waste diversion pickups)
d) Diversion can include donation to charitable organizations
e) Calculation based on either weight or volume
MRc2.2 -Construction Waste Management- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Divert construction and demolition debris from landfills and incinerators
Implementation - 
a) Develop a construction waste management Plan to, at a minimum, identifies materials to be diverted: 1) Techniques of Diversion - Salvage, Refurbish, Recycle, or Reuse 2) Include - doors and windows; flooring, paneling, cabinetry and beams; recycled cardboard, metal, brick, acoustical tile, concrete, plastics, clean wood, glass, gypsum board, carpet and insulation; MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) 3) Exclude - soil, rock, and vegetation; any hazardous materials
b) designate a space/site in construction area for separation process
c) Track recycling through construction process (general contractor keeps all of the records: i.e. receipts of recyclable and waste diversion pickups)
d) Diversion can include donation to charitable organizations
e) Calculation based on either weight or volume
MRc3.1 -Materials Reuse- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Reduce waste, Reduce processing of virgin resources and materials
Implementation - 
a) 5% of all project materials (based on cost) is to be from salvaged, refurbished, & reused items: 1) materials do NOT need to come directly from project site.  Any approved REUSE material is ok. 2) Include - beams, floors, posts, paneling, doors/frames, cabinetry, brick, and decorative items; Furniture may also be included only if it is included consistently through MRc3.1-7 3) Exclude - Recycled Items (addressed in MRc4.1-4.2), MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing), and elevator equipment
b) Calculations based on COST (cost of reused materials/total materials cost)
Notes1: There are two ways to determine the total materal cost (which will be used throughout the LEED process and you should know for the exam).  Whichever option is chosen must be used consistently throughout all of the LEED credits. 1) Option 1: (45% rule) - use 45% of the total construction cost 2) Option 2: Use ACTUAL materials cost, benefit would be that if the actual material cost was less than the default 45% of construction cost, it would be easier to achieve the 5-10% thresholds.
Notes2: Materials counted toward MRc3 can not be counted toward MRc1,2,4,6,7
MRc4.1 -Recycled Content- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Reduce impact from extraction and processing of virgin materials, Increase the use of recycle content in buildings
Implementation - 
a) 10% of Total Materials Cost is to be from recycled content
b) There are two types of recycled material: 1) Post Consumer - material that has already been used and will be reused for another application (plastic, paper, metal) 2) Pre Consumer - material from the manufacturer that has NOT been used and will NOT be reused (sawdust, flyash)
c) Post consumer materals can count fully toward this percentage, while only half of the pre consumer materal can count
d) Calculation of percentage based on COST
e) For materials or items that are PARTLY made up of recycled content, the amount of recycled content is calculated by weight
f) Include anything except MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and elevator equipment: 1) furniture may be included only if it is included consistently through MRc3.1-7 2) For steel products with no information available, we can assume 25% post consumer recycled content
MRc4.2 -Recycled Content- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Reduce impact from extraction and processing of virgin materials, Increase the use of recycle content in buildings
Implementation - 
a) 20% of Total Materials Cost is to be from recycled content
b) There are two types of recycled material: 1) Post Consumer - material that has already been used and will be reused for another application (plastic, paper, metal) 2) Pre Consumer - material from the manufacturer that has NOT been used and will NOT be reused (sawdust, flyash)
c) Post consumer materals can count fully toward this percentage, while only half of the pre consumer materal can count
d) Calculation of percentage based on COST
e) For materials or items that are PARTLY made up of recycled content, the amount of recycled content is calculated by weight
f) Include anything except MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and elevator equipment: 1) furniture may be included only if it is included consistently through MRc3.1-7 2) For steel products with no information available, we can assume 25% post consumer recycled content
MRc5.1 -Regional Materials- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region.  This supports indigenous resources and reduces environmental impacts from transportation.
Implementation - 
a) 10% of Total Material Costs to be from extracted, processed, AND manufactured material within 500 miles of construction site
b) Calculation of percentage based on COST
c) For materials or items that are PARTLY made up of regional materials, the amount of regional material content is calculated by weight
d) Include anything except MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and elevator equipment, Furniture is included provided it is included consistently in MRc3.1-7.
e) Reused and salvaged materials that satisfy the requirements of MRc3.1-3.2 may also count toward MRc5.1-5.2 ... this is the only synergy with materials counted toward MRc3.1-3.2
MRc5.2 -Regional Materials- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region.  This supports indigenous resources and reduces environmental impacts from transportation.
Implementation - 
a) 20% of Total Material Costs to be from extracted, processed, AND manufactured material within 500 miles of construction site
b) Calculation of percentage based on COST
c) For materials or items that are PARTLY made up of regional materials, the amount of regional material content is calculated by weight
d) Include anything except MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and elevator equipment, Furniture is included provided it is included consistently in MRc3.1-7.
e) Reused and salvaged materials that satisfy the requirements of MRc3.1-3.2 may also count toward MRc5.1-5.2 ... this is the only synergy with materials counted toward MRc3.1-3.2
MRc6 -Rapidly Renewable Materials- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Reduce the use of "long cycle" and finite raw materials
Implementation - 
a) 2.5% of Total Material Cost is to be from rapidly renewable materials and products: 1) use materials that are harvested within a 10-year cycle or shorter = bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheatboard, strawboard, cork
b) calculation of percentage based on COST
MRc7 -Certified Wood- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Encourage and support forest management through the use of certified wood
Implementation - 
a) 50% of new wood materials and product cost are required to be certified in accordance with the FSC's (forest stewardship council) Principles and Criteria for wood building components: Framing, flooring and subflooring, wood doors, etc.
b) calculation of percentage based on COST (of total new wood material cost): 1) for materials or items that are PARTLY made up of certified wood materials, the amount of wood is calculated as a percentage of the total weight, volume, or cost.
c) Exclude: 1) MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing) and elevator equipment 2) the value of any recycled wood fiber content of a product that counts toward MRc4 since the calculations for this credit only deal with NEW wood products
d) furniture is ok to be used in this calculation providing consistency in MRc3-7
e) Wood vendors which invoice FSC-certified wood products to contractors and subcontractors must be COC certified (chain-of-custody) by an FSC-accredited certifier.  Contractors and subcontractors do not need COC certification.
MRp1 -Storage and Collection of Recyclables- Referenced Standards
1. California Integrate Waste Management Board (CIWMB) 1999
MRc1.1 -Building Reuse- Referenced Standards
MRc1.2 -Building Reuse- Referenced Standards
MRc1.3 -Building Reuse- Referenced Standards
MRc2.1 -Construction Waste Management- Referenced Standards
MRc2.2-Construction Waste Management- Referenced Standards
MRc3.1 -Materials Reuse- Referenced Standards
MRc3.2 -Materials Reuse- Referenced Standards
MRc4.1 -Recycled Content- Referenced Standards
1. International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 14021-1999 = They define what "recycled material" is
MRc4.2 -Recycled Content- Referenced Standards
1. International Organization of Standardization (ISO) 14021-1999 = They define what "recycled material" is
MRc5.1 -Regional Materials- Referenced Standards
MRc5.2 -Regional Materials- Referenced Standards
MRc6 -Rapidly Renewable Materials- Referenced Standards
MRc7 -Certified Wood- Referenced Standards
1. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification Seal
MRp1 -Storage and Collection of Recyclables- Exemplary Performance
MRc1.1 -Building Reuse- Exemplary Performance
MRc1.2 -Building Reuse- Exemplary Performance
MRc1.3 -Building Reuse- Exemplary Performance
MRc2.1 -Construction Waste Management- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for diverting 95% instead of 75% waste (after MRc2.2)
MRc2.2 -Construction Waste Management- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for diverting 95% instead of 75% waste, which would yield 3 points total (MRc2.1,MRc2.2, Exemp. Performance on MRc2)
MRc3.1 -Materials Reuse- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 15% instead of 10%  reused items (after MRc3.2)
MRc3.2 -Materials Reuse- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 15% instead of 10% reused item, which would yield 3 points total (MRc3.1,MRc3.2, exemp. performance on MRc3)
MRc4.1 -Recycled Content- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 30% instead of 20% recycled content (after MRc4.2)
MRc4.2 -Recycled Content- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 30% instead of 20% recycled content (3 points total)
MRc5.1 -Regional Materials- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 40% instead of 20% regional materials (after MRc5.2)
MRc5.2 -Regional Materials- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 40% instead of 20% regional materials, (3 points total)
MRc6 -Rapidly Renewable Materials- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 5% instead of 2.5%  rapidly renewable materials
MRc7 -Certified Wood- Exemplary Performance
1. One additional point for 95% certified wood instead of 50%
MRc3.2 -Materials Reuse: 10%- Intention and Implementation
Intent - Reduce waste, Reduce processing of virgin resources and materials
Implementation - 
a) 10% of all project materials (based on cost) is to be from salvaged, refurbished, & reused items: 1) materials do NOT need to come directly from project site.  Any approved REUSE material is ok. 2) Include - beams, floors, posts, paneling, doors/frames, cabinetry, brick, and decorative items; Furniture may also be included only if it is included consistently through MRc3.1-7 3) Exclude - Recycled Items (addressed in MRc4.1-4.2), MEP (mechanical electrical plumbing), and elevator equipment
b) Calculations based on COST (cost of reused materials/total materials cost)
Notes: There are two ways to determine the total material cost (which will be used throughout the LEED process and you should know for the exam).  Whichever option is chosen must be used consistently throughout all of the LEED credits. 1) Option 1: (45% rule) - use 45% of the total construction cost 2) Option 2: Use ACTUAL materials cost, benefit would be that if the actual material cost was less than the default 45% of construction cost, it would be easier to achieve the 5-10% thresholds.
Notes2: Materials counted toward MRc3 can not be counted toward MRc1,2,4,6,7
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