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Lecture 14 - Security PART 1
Alejandro Saucedo - Comp2008 Lecture 14 - Security PART 1
Computer Science
Undergraduate 2

Additional Computer Science Flashcards




What are the most common security Threats?
  • Eavesdropping and Wiretapping (Secretly listening)
  • Key interception: Stealing the key
  • Impersonating a person, address or computer
  • Data Duplication: Replay attack (Copying an encrypted message which has a command and excecute it again)
    • Combat this by time stamping or adding nonces to messages
  • Cryptanalysis: Deciphering the ciphertext without key
  • Social Engineering: Take advantage of people
  • Physical Security
What is symetrc encryption?
  • There is one key used to convert between plaintext and ciphertext and back
  • Sender and receiver both need to know the key
What is the key distribution problem?
  • How do you give out the secret key?
  • How do you know that a published key is authentic?
  • Session key
    • Random (not predictable) key used for a short period of time
    • Distributed keys using public key infrastructure
What is the algorithm for DES?
  1. Start with 56-bit key and 64-bit input block
  2. Expand 56-bit key into 16 48-bit round keys
  3. Split input block into two 32-bit locks (L & R)
  4. Repeat the following steps 16 times (once per each round key)
    1. L = R (Save L as temp somewhere)
    2. Perform f(round key, R) which means
      1. Expand R to 48-bits xor with round key
      2. Split into 8 6-bit sections
      3. Substitute each section with a 4-bit replacement using a lookup table
    3. R = L xor with output of previous step
What are the security characteristics of DES?
  • No algoritmic weakness (even after 30 years of study)
  • Brute force key will take forever
    • 256 possibilities which if you tested one every microsecond would take 2000 years
  • EFF managed to crack it in 3 days using parallel programming
    • 1800 chips, 24 seach units on each chip
What is the algorithm for DES?
  1. Run DES on plaintext
  2. Run DES on output of step 1
  3. Output of step 2 is ciphertext
What are the security characteristics of DES?
  • Brute force on this takes a lot longer 
  • Vulnerable to 'meet in the middle' attack
    • plaintext -> middle text --> ciphertext
    • Run through all possible keys on plain text
    • store the intermediate results (Need a lot of storage)
    • Find which kays make the intermedate result equal to the input of the second DES
    • In other words find the keys that produce the same middle text
What are the characteristics of 3DES?
  • Makes meet in the middle attack a lot harder
  • Still in major use and effectively unbreakable
What is the algorithm for 3DES?
  1. Run DES on plaintext
  2. Run DES on output of step 1
  3. Run DES on output of step 2
  4. Output of step 3 is ciphertext
What are the possible variants of 3DES?
  • Variant 1
    • Uses three different 56-bit keys
    • Estimated to be secure until 2030
  • Variant 2
    • Use the same key for 1st and 3rd
    • Estimated to be secure until 2020
  • Longer Keys
    • The algorithm is used for 56-bit keys
    • Using a longer key would involve making a new algorithm
    • Therefore you can't just use longer keys for DES
What is the algorithm for AES?
  1. Start with either a 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit key and 128-bit input lock (in a grid of 4x4 bytes known as the state)
  2. Turn 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit key into 11, 13 or 15 128-bit round keys (respectively)
  3. xor input block with first round key
  4. Repeat the following steps 10, 12 or 14 times (one for each round key except for the initial one)
    1. Split input into bytes and substitute each byte using a lookup table('S' box)
    2. Perform a left rotation on the grid
      • Shift each byte in a row n places to the left, where n is the row number starting from 0
    3. Each column is multiplied with a constant matrix
    4. xor output of last step with round key
What are the only security issues with AES?
  • Best key recovery attack
    • Four times better than exhaustive search (128 key to 126 key)
  • Relatd key attack on AES-256:
    • Given 299 input/output pairs from four related keys in AES-256 
    • Can recover keys in time ~299
What are the principles of Ciphers?
  • Use a dictionary or lookup table
  • Monoalphabetic cipher: Replace one letter in the alphabet with another
  • Block ciphers: Take a block of input and a key, then encrypt using a function
What is a one-time pad?
  • XOR key with plaintext to get ciphertext
  • Decipher by XORing key with ciphertext
  • Length of the key has to be at least hte length of the plain text
  • Key must be random (not predictable) and should never be reused
    • Reusing a one time pad makes it trivial to crack
What are the Block cipher modes?
  • Electronic Code Book
  • Cipher block chaining
  • Output Feedback Mode
  • Cipher Feedback Mode


What is Electronic Codebook Mode?
Break apart the input into blocks of the block size of the cipher and pass each one of those block through the cipher.
How is the Cipher Block Chaining implemented?
  1. Uses random initialisation vector (different for every message, not predictable) which is sent at the start of the message
  2. This is XORed with the first block of the plaintext
  3. It is then encrypted using a key
  4. Repeat steps 5-6 until all text is encrypted
  5. The next block is then XORed with the ciphertext from the previous one
  6. It is then encryted using a key
What does output feedback mode consist of?
  1. Uses random initialization vector (different for every message, not predictable) which is sent at the start of the message
  2. It is then encrypted using a key
  3. This is then XORed with the first block of plaintext
  4. Repeat the following steps until all text is encrypted:
    1. The output of the encryption of the last one is then encrypted using a key
    2. This is then XORed with the next block of plain text 
What does the cipher feedback mode consist of?

Values to encrypt X, Ciphertext C:

Xi = Concat(Xi-1[s:], Ci-1)

X0 = Initialization Vector

Ci = E(xi)[:s] XOR mi

  1. Uses random initialization vector as first value to encrypt using key
  2. Divides the output into two sections - the first section, of size s
  3. Takes the first section of size s and XORs it with the first message, resulting in the first block of Ciphertext
  4. The last n-s bits of the first value used to encrypt and concatenates it with the ciphertext obtained in the previous step to obtain the next value to encrypt
  5. These steps are repeated until you obtain the complete ciphertext



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