Shared Flashcard Set


ITIL Foundation v3
Computer Science

Additional Computer Science Flashcards





What is ITIL?


1. Rules for achieving recognized IT standards                  


2. Good advice about how to manage IT services             


3. Advice on managing projects                                      


4. Advice on the technical requirements for infrastructure






2. Good advice about how to manage IT services             


What is an IT service provider?


1. An internal IT department                                         


2. An external outsourced IT provider                            


3. Either an internal or external IT provider                    


4. A business unit                                                         






3. Either an internal or external IT provider             


Who "owns" ITIL?


1. The U.S. government                                             


2. Microsoft                                                               


3.  The U.K. government                                            


4. The Open Group                                                    






3.  The U.K. government


Which of these is not a stage of the ITIL service lifecycle?


1. Service Design                                                         


2. Service Implementation                                            


3. Continual Service Improvement                                 


4. Service Operation                                                    





                       2. Service Implementation                    



The knowledge management process maintains and updates a tool used for KM. What is it called?


1. Service Management tool                                      


2. Knowledge base for service management               


3. Service Knowledge Management System                


4. Service Management Database                              





   3. Service Knowledge Management System                   



A service must provide which of the following to deliver business value?


1. Suff. cap, agreed lvl of sec, alignment to org's project mgmt methodology

2. Suff. cap and agreed lvl of sec.                                 

3. Agreed lvl of sec, and alignment to org's pm meth.     

4. Agreed level of security                                            






2. Suff. capacity and agreed level of security       


On Incident Management, what is 1 of the key purposes of the Incident Management process?


1. Restore normal service operation ASAP                         

2. Prevent incidents from occuring by ID'ing root cause     

3. Prevent changes from causing incidents when change      occurs

4. Ensure that the Service Desk fulfills all requests from      users     





1. Restore normal service operation ASAP (while  minimizing adverse to the business)


A service catalog contains which of the following?


1. Details of all services being developed                      

2. Details of all services being considered                     

3. Details of all services currently available to the users 

 4. Details of all services                                               






3. Details of all services currently available to the users 


The predicted costs and benefits of a proposed new service are documented in which of the following documents?


1. Project Plan                                                            

2. Service Strategy                                                      

3. Business Case                                                          

 4. Improvement Register                                               






3. Business Case


The agreement between an IT service provider and their customers regarding the services provided is called what?


1. Service Charter                                                         

2. Service Contract                                                        

3. Service Level Agreement                                            

4. Service Targets                                                          






3. Service Level Agreement 


What is meant by the term "Request Fulfillment" in the ITIL framework?


1. A way to manage changes that users request in the IT   environment

2. Delivers non IT-relatedbusiness components                 

3. Process for managing requests from users to IT dept.    

4. Report produced on the # of P/W resets by IT dept.      






3. Process for managing requests from users to IT dept.


What should be considered when drawing up a Capacity Plan?


1. Business Plan to streamline its operations                    

2. Poss. of relocating a business operation (svc desk)       

3. New advances in IT                                                    

4. Plans to reatructure the IT dept.                                  





1. Business Plan to streamline its operations                    

2. Poss. of relocating a business operation (svc desk)       

3. New advances in IT                                                    


An availability Plan should consider the requirements for what period?


1. Next 24 hours                                                         

2. Next week                                                               

3. Next month                                                             

4. Next 12 to 18 months                                               






4. Next 12 to 18 months


Which of the following is true about Change Management?


1. ALL changes must be approved by the Change          Advisory board before implemented

2. Emergency changes are too urgent to need                approval before implementation                            

3. Low-risk changes may be pre-approved                     

4. The CAB is for technical assessment/approval of          changes only






3. Low-risk changes may be pre-approved


Which of the following is NOT a category of supplier in ITIL?


1. Strategic                                                                   

2. Operational                                                               

3. Preferred                                                                   

4. Commodity                                                                






3. Preferred    


Who should have access to the Security Policy?


1. Business users                                                           

2. IT staff                                                                      

3. Senior management                                                    

4. Everyone                                                                   






4. Everyone 


Which of the following statements is false?


1. Planning for various didaster scenarios affecting IT services is essential

2. Ensuring continuous business operations is the responsibility of IT

3. Just devise a recovery plan after a disaster (too many to plan for)

4. Continuity planning requires an understanding of business processes.




2. Ensuring continuous business operations is the responsibility of IT



(IT has to ensures serviuces are available; business has to have a business continuity plan)


What is the purpose of the Continual Service Improvement stage of the Service Lifecycle?


1. It is concerned with management of improvement      across the whole service lifecycle

2. Considers only the improvements needed for business outputs

3. Focuses on improving operational processes in the      service lifecycle

4. Manages improvements between PM and live op svcs






1. It is concerned with management of improvement      across the whole service lifecycle


What is the Deming cycle?


1. A set of questions for managing processes                  

2. A set of standards for quality management                 

3. An approach for managing quality improvement           

4. Is concerned with the delivery of security controls        






3. An approach for managing quality improvement


What is the Continual Service Improvement approach?


1. Used to manage processes in the operational environment

2. Focused on the delivery of quality management systems into IT

3. Used to managed improvement activity in line with business requirements

4. Focused on the intro of projects into the op. environ.






3. Used to managed improvement activity in line with business requirements


Which statement about asset management and configuration management is NOT true?


1. AM is concerned only with purchased items like HW and SW

2. AM considers the value of items, and CM considers interdependencies between items

3. CM may include locations and documents

4. CM info is held in a database called the Configuration Repository





4. CM info is held in a database called the Configuration Repository


(It is held in a CM System, which may hold multiple CMDBs)


How is the 7-step Improvement Process in the CSI lifecycle stage used?


1. To manage improvement initiatives in line w/ business requirements

2. To gather, analyze and present data to assist in decision making.

3. Used to format the improvement reports delivered to the business

4. To manage the improvement program across the org.





2. To gather, analyze and present data to assist in decision making.


The ITIL framework refers to a number of operational functions. What is meant by the term function?

1. A collection of technical infrastructure elements designed to manage an IT service

2. Manages the requirement of controlling costs in an IT Department

3. Used to deliver the security requirements across the service lifecycle

4. A unit of the organization specialized to deliver particular processes or activities





4. A unit of the organization specialized to deliver particular processes or activities


Event management is a key operational process in Service Operations. What is its purpose?

1. Detects events that are significant for the management of the service and ensures the appropriate actions are taken.

2. Monitors the infrastructure of the IT services and guarentees that no outages occur during peak times.

3. Manages failures in the infrastructure and ensures that services are restored to normal ASAP

4. Monitors the underlying causes of failures and ensures that changes are made to prevent further failures from taking place.




1. Detects events that are significant for the management of the service and ensures the appropriate actions are taken.


How is the process of Access Management used in the Service Operation stage of the Service Lifecycle?

1. AM is used to manage the security technology in the infrastructure

2. AM is used to ensure the correct people are able to use the correct systems correctly.

3. AM is used to ensure the Active Directory entries are audited for accuracy

4. AM is used to maintain security controls over the business environment





2. AM is used to ensure the correct people are able to use the correct systems correctly.


Problem Management is important in Service Operation phase. How does the process define a problem?

1. Problem=an incident that has become extremely serious and is causing significant business impact

2. Problem=an issue that has no solution and needs to be raised to the senior management for a decision

3. Problem=the unknown, underlying cause of 1 or more incidents

4. Problem=a set of incidents that have been linked together in a customer report





3. Problem=the unknown, underlying cause of 1 or more incidents


Service Operation lifecycle stage has a number of key objectives. Which of these best reflects these key objectives?

1. SO should ensure day-to-day service is delivered IAW the agreed to requirements of the business

2. SO ensures the financial obligations of the IT dept. are met and reportd to the business

3. SO should ensure the details of the IT infrastructure are captured in the Service Asset DB

4. SO should agree on the strategy for delivering IT services to the business


1. SO should ensure day-to-day service is delivered IAW the agreed to requirements of the business


The release and deployment process covers a concept called early-life support. What is meant by early-life support?

1. Refers to the end of the project life cycle and mgmt of the post-implementation project review

2. Refers to the handoff between service transition and service operation, ensureing support for the new or changed service in the initial stages of operation.

3. Refers to the intro of new processes in the operational environ., using service transition processes to ensure a complete integrationof the new processes.

4. Refers to the step in the release and deployment process where the project team delivers the documentation of the infrastructure to the service management team.





2. Refers to the handoff between service transition and service operation, ensureing support for the new or changed service in the initial stages of operation.


How does the process of Knowledge Management work in the service lifecycle?

1. KM is solely concerned with the transfer of knowledge when implementing new/changed services.

2. KM is used across the lifecycle stages of continual service improvement and service operation to ensure that improvements are managed effectively

3. KM is used solely in the service operation stage to ensure that operation issues are managed effectively

4. KM is used across the whole service lifecycle to ensure that appropriate knowledge is delivered to enable informed decision making


4. KM is used across the whole service lifecycle to ensure that appropriate knowledge is delivered to enable informed decision making


The Service Transition stage has a number if different processes. Which is the process most concerned with the management of the whole approach to Service Transition?


1. Transition management and support

2. Transition planning and support

3. Service transition release and deployment

4. Change management






2. Transition planning and support


Which of the following is a key aspect of the service design stage?


1. Service solutions

2. Vision

3. Service asset

4. Service model


1. Service solutions


Service solutions for new or changed services. The design of service solutions is 1 of the major aspects of service design. Its purpose is to ensure the at the continuing needs of the customer will be met to their satisfaction.


Which of the following is the single point of contact for IT users on a day-by-day basis?


1. IT operations

2. Service desk

3. Incident Management

4. Process manager


Which of the following is the MOST strategically focused on achieving service levels?


1. Release and deployment management

2. IT operations management

3. Business relationship management

4. Service level management






3. Business relationship management


Your organization is in the process of developing multi-level service level agreements. Which of the following is NOT a layer within a multi-level SLA?


1. Service level

2. Corporate level

3. Customer level

4. Strategic level


Which process of capability management focuses on future business requirements?


1. Component capacity management

2. Service capacity management

3. Business capacity management


1 | 2 | 3 | All of the above


Which stages of the ITIL framework represent the revolving lifecycle stages of the lifecycle hub-and-spoke design?

1. Service strategy, service operation, and continual service improvement

2. Service design, service transition, and continual service improvement

3. Service strategy, service design, and service operation

4. Service design, service transition, and service operation


In the context of service level management (SLM), which of the following encompasses all issues related to a particular service for a given customer group?


1. Service-based SLA

1. Customer-based SLA

3. Customer level SLA

4. Service level SLA


Which of the following statements about critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) from the Continual Service Improvement lifecycle stage is/are CORRECT?


1. A service should have no more than 2-5 associated CSFs during any point in time

2. No more than 2-7 KPIs should be defined for each CSF


1 | 2 | Both | Neither






1 only


Which of the following is NOT a known service desk structure?


1. Core service

2. Follow the sun

3. Centralized

4. Local


Which of the following statements about serviceability is/are CORRECT?


1. Customers require SLAs containing reliability targets

2. Maintainability is the primanry service agent within SLAs for the business and customers availability

3. Reliability and maintainability targets within the operational level agreements (OLAs) should refer to the end-to-end service

All | 1 | 3 | 2 and 3 only


Which of the following is a model that helps to define roles and responsibilities?


1. IT service management (ITSM)

2. Availability management information system (AMIS)

3. Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)



Which of the following are the MOST attractive sources for best practices?


1. Public frameworks

2. Standards

3. Propreitary knowledge


All | 1&3 | 1&2 | 2&3


What is the purpose of service operation?


To coordinate....


Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the service asset and configuration management (SACM) process?


1. To ensure that the assets required to deliver services are properaly controlled

2. To include details of how assets have been configured and the relationships between assets

3. To determine the most appropriate release-unit level for each service asset or component

4. To ensure that accurate and reliable information about assets is available when and where it is needed


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of value as created through services?


1. Achievement of objectives

2. Value is defined by the service provider

3. Affordable mix of features

4. Value changes over time and circumstance


Which of the following is NOT a phrase of release and deployment management?


1. Coordinate change deployment

2. Release build and test

3. Review and close

4. Release and deployment planning


What helps to decide if an application will be bought or built?


1. Application portfolio

2. Release and deployment management

3. Application management

4. Application service provider


Which of the following statements regarding external customers is/are correct?


1. The cost of a service is not provided to external customers

2. Drivers for service improvement are motivated by the need to keep external customers

3. External customers are involved in the building, testing, and deployment of services

4. Funding for services is generated directly from external customers that use the service

2&3 | 1, 2&4 | All | 1


Within the scope of transition planning and support, which of the following should be included in a release policy?


1. The anticipated frequency for each release type

2. The detailed planning of the build

3. The deployment and testing of specific changes or releases


All | 1 | 2 | 1&3


Within the IT service continuity management (ITSCM) process of business continuity management (BCM), which key activity is part of the requirements and strategy stage of the lifecycle?


1. Policy settings

2. Initial testing

3. Risk assessment

4. Develop IT service continuity plans


Which of the following statements about the overall service improvement plan (SIP) is/are CORRECT?


1. Reports should be created outlining the process of the SIP

2. Reviews meetings with customers should be held at least every quarter

3. Actions identified during review meetings need to be assigned to the provider only


Which of the following is used to manage the lifecycle of a single change?


1. Standard change

2. Request for change (RFC)

3. Change model

4. Change record


Which type of metric is used by continual service improvement (CSI) and tracks the performance of end-to-end services?


1. Technology metrics

2. Service metrics

3. Improvement metrics

4. Process metrics


Which of the following statements about baselines is/are CORRECT?


1. Baselines should be established but do not need to be documented

2. Collecting data at the beginning or during first measurements is essential, regardless of the data's integrity





2. Collecting data at the beginning or during first measurements is essential, regardless of the data's integrity



Which of the following BEST describes availability?


1. The ability of an IT service or other configuration item (CI) to perform its agreed function when required

2. The measure of how quickly and effectively an IT service or other CI can be restored to normal working after a failure.

3. The ability of a third-parth supplier to meet the terms of their contract

4. A measure of how long an IT service or other CI can perform its agreed function without interruption


Which of the following is the purpose of the access management process?


1. To provide users with the rights to make use of IT services, data or other assets

2. To proactively prevent incidents from happening and minimize the impact of incidents that cannot be prevented

3. To detect events, understand them, and determine the appropriate control action

4. To ensure that normal service operation is restored as quickly as possible and the business impact is minimized


Which of the following represents a value that service strategy provides to the business by adopting recommended best practices?


1. Guarentees regulatory and legislative compliance

2. Makes service quality, customer satisfaction, and user perception better

3. Allows the service provider to promptly and effectively respond to changes in the business environment

4. Lines up IT service provision with business objectives and goals





3. Allows the service provider to promptly and effectively respond to changes in the business environment


Which type of metric captures KPI and CSF information?


1. Improvement metrics

2. Process metrics

3. Technology metrics

4. Service metrics


What needs to be drafted once the service catalog has been created and the SLA structure determined?


1. Business case

2. Service level requirments

3. Customer agreement portfolio

4. Change schedule


Which of the following determines the effect that a loss of service would have on a business and when (during a given time period) the loss of service is most harmful?


1. Business capacity management

2. Business case

3. Business perspective

4. Business impact analysis


Which role is often given to the person who carries out the process owner role?


1. Facilities management

2. Account manager

3. Information security management

4. Process manager


Which of the following is the BEST description of IT service management?




Which of the following has the same goal as event management?


1. Instrumentation

2. Tuning

3. Incident management

4. Service analytics


Which of the following is an example of the management information systems and tools aspect of service design?


1. Financial information and budgets

2. SLA

3. Service catalog

4. Customer and user satisfaction survey


Which of the following is an advantage of service automation?


1. Capacity can be handled with less restrictions

2. It can help to reduce the utility and warranty of services

3. It can help to increase costs

4. Time of access restrictions can be increased


Which of the following is a value that is a result of implementing good service transition?


1. Reduced frequency and duration of service outages

2. Allows the service provider to promptly and effectively respond to changes in the business environment

3. Improved quality of service (QoS)

4. Improved control of service assets and configurations


Which of the following ensures the consistent and effective design of new or changed IT services?


1. Change evaluation

2. Serviceability

3. Deliverable

4. Design coordination


Which of the following statements about the definitive media library (DML) is NOT CORRECT?


1. It contains authorized versions of all software configuration items (CIs)

2. It includes a physical store to retain master copies

3. It contains master copies of controlled documentation for a system

4. It consists of a single software library or file-storage area


Which of the following is a responsibility of the process practiitioner?


1. Creating or updating records to prove that activities have carried out correctly

2. Appointing people to the required roles

3. Managing the lifecycle of all incidents

4. Supplying goods or services that are required to deliver IT services





1. Creating or updating records to prove that activities have carried out correctly


When implemented correctly, what can improve the quality of service, reduce costs, reduce risks, and resolve production trade-offs?


1. Service portfolio

2. Service automation

3. Service owner

4. Service catalogue






                            2. Service automation


Which of the following is NOT contained in the service design package (SDP)?


1. Service transition plan

2. Security management information system (SMIS)

3. Organizational readiness assessment

4. Service level requirements (SLR)






2. Security management information system (SMIS)


Which of the following BEST describes a known error?


1. A problem that has a documented root cause and a workaround

2. A change of state that has significance for the management of an IT service or other CI

3. A measure of the effect of an incident, problem, or change on business processes

4. An underlying cause of 1 or more incidents to an IT service





1. A problem that has a documented root cause and a workaround


Which of the following areas are used to define value?


1. Business outcomes

2. Marketing mindset

3. Perceptions

4. Preferences


1, 3&4 | 1, 2&3 | 1, 2&4 | All






1, 3&4


What does the acronym "RACI" stand for?







Which of the following is/are responsibilities of a process manager?


1. Appointing people to the required roles

2. Ensuring that all activities are carried out as required throughout the service lifecycle

3. Ensuring that the appropriate process documentation is available and current

4. Delivering a specific IT service

1&2 | 4 only | None | 3 only








Which of the following represents the initial activity for a normal change?


1. Create a change proposal

2. Assess and evaluate the change

3. Create a request for change (RFC)

4. Coordinate change deployment






3. Create a request for change (RFC)


In the context of availability management, at which level are the potential effects of component unavialability on service availability only considered?

1. Service availability

2. Reactive activities

3. Component availability

4. Proactive activities


1. Service availability


What is the purpose of service design?


To plan out the services, governming practices, processes and policies required to realize the service provider's strategy and to facilitate the introduction of services into supported environments. It helps to ensure quality service delivery, cost-effective service provision, and customer satisfaction.


What is the purpose of service strategy?


To define the perspective, position, plans, and patterns that a service provider needs to execute to meet an organization's business outcomes. It provides a clear service provision model that conveys how service assets are used to supply services.


What is the purpose of service transition?


To ensure that new, modified, or retired services meet the expectations of the business as documented in the service strategy and service design stages of the lifecycle. It involves establishing and perserving the integrity of service assets.


What is the purpose of service operation?


To coordinate and carry out the activities and processes required to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to business users and customers. It also administers the technology that is used to support and deliver services.


What is the role of the process owner?


The process owner is responsible for ensuring that a process is fit for purpose. Responsibilities include: sponsorship, design, Change Management, and continual improvement of process and its metrics. This role os often assigned to the person who carries out the process manager's role.


What are KPIs?


Are these statements about KPis true?


1. Additional KPIs can be added as an organization matures.

2. The first contact resolution KPI for incident management should increase when problem management is implemented.


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to help manage an IT service, process, plan, project, or other activity. They are used to measure the achievement of each Critical Success Factor (CSF). Additional KPIs can be added as the maturity of the service increases, not as the organization matures. Also, problem management seeks to decrease incidents from reoccuring. When this occurs, the first contact resolution KPI should decrease, not increase.


What is a key interface for problem management in the service design stage of the service lifecycle?


Capacity management is a process of the service design stage. 


Some problems like performance issues may need to be investigated by capacity management teams and techniques. It can assist in assessing proactive measures for problems, and problem management can help influence  decision quality for the capacity planning process.


What is a key interface for problem management in the service strategy stage of the service lifecycle?





Financial management for IT services


What is a key interface for problem management in the service transition stage of the service lifecycle?

Change management

What is a key interface for problem management in the service transition stage of the service lifecycle?


Release and deployment management


Which of the following statements about the definitive media library (DML) is NOT correct?

1. It contains master copies of controlled documentation for a system

2. It contains authorized versions of all software configuration items (CIs)

3. It includes a physical store to retain master copies

4. It consists of a single S/W library or file-storage area


4. It consists of a single S/W library or file-storage area


It may, but in reality it will contain multiples, for instance  separate from development, test, or live file store areas


What are some sub processes of capacity management?


Service capacity management: responsible for understanding the performance and capacity of IT services (how the current services supporting the business are delivered).

Component capacity management: focused on the IT infrastructure supporting service provision.

Business capacity management: focused on future business requirement.


What does service strategy offer as a value when it adopts recommended bast practices?


It allows the service provider to promptly and effectively respond to changes in the business environment.


By enabling prompt and effective response by the service provider, an increased competitive advantage over time is ensured.


What does business relationship management (BRM) do?


BRM is responsible for maintaining a positive relationship with customers. It ID's customer needs and ensures that the service provider is able to meet those needs with an appropriate catalog of services. It is strongly linked with Service Level Management (SLM).


BRM does not negotiate warranty terms for SLAs; SLM does that.


What types of communication are present in service operation?


-Performance reporting;

-Training on new/customized processes;

-Comms related to changes;

-Routine operational comms;

-Comms between shifts;

-Comms in projects;

-Comms related to exceptions and emergencies;

- Comms of strategy, design, transition to scv ops teams


What is a configuration item (CI)?


Any component or other service asset that needs to be managed to deliver an IT service.


-Its info is in a config record in the config mgmt sys (CMS)

-Svc asset and config mgmt maintain through lifecycle

-CIs under control of Change Management

-H/W, S/W, real estate, people, formal documentation (e.g., SLA)


What is a Configuration Record?


A Configuration Record (CR)is a set of attributes and relationships concerning a Configuration Item (CI). Each CR documents the lifecycle of a single CI. CRs are stored in a Configuration Management Database (CMDB) and maintained as part of a Configuration Management System (CMS).


What is an up-to-date service portfolio?


An up-to-date service portfolio is an output from service management portfolio (SMP). SMP is the process responsible for managing the service portfolio. SMP ensures that the service provider has the right mix of services to meet required business outcomes at an appropriate level of investment. SMP considers services in terms of the business value that they provide.


What are some of the outputs of Service Level Management?


-Service improvement plan: a formal plan to implement improvements to a process or IT service.

-Updates to Request for changes (RFC): RFC=formal proposal for a change to be made, not a change record or the change itself.

-Updated requirements for underpinning contracts: Underpinning contract=contract between IT service provider and a third party.


What is service management?


A set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services.


Which of the following service design aspects specifically includes the service catalog?


1. Design of management information system and tools

2. Design of measurement methods and metrics

3. Design of technology and management architectures

4. Design of service solutions




1. Design of management information system and tools




Which of the following is NOT an objective of service portfolio management (SPM)?


1. To control the services offered to its customers

2. To study the viability of the current services and determine when they need to be retired

3. To record and trace each of the service's investment throughout the service's lifecycle

4. Providing a clear service provision model that conveys how service assets are used to supply services



4. Providing a clear service provision model that conveys how service assets are used to supply services


This is one of the objectives of service strategy, not SPM


Which of the following is NOT a recognized sourse of IT best practices according to ITIL?


1. Propietary knowledge

2. Industry standards

3. Training

4. Auditors


Which of the following is a reason an organization might want to adopt ITIL best practices?


1. Advice on the tech specs of infrastructure

2. Advice on business strategy

3. Development of programming techniques

4. Management of IT services and budgetary controls


Which of the following is the correct description of a service?


1. Restores normal operations ASAP

2. Delivers value to customers, without ownership of specific costs and risks

3. Investigates the underlying cause of issues.

4. Monitors targets according to contractual obligations


What is this? "The result of carrying out an activity, following a process, or delivering an IT service".


1. A procedure

2. A work instruction

3. An outcome

4. An input


What is an IT service made up of?


1. A combination of IT, people and processes

2. A combination of best practices, IT and outcomes

3. A combination of best practices, outcomes and inputs

4. A combination of controls, outcomes, and inputs


Which of these is NOT a recognized type of service according to ITIL?


1. Core service

2. Supplier service

3. Enabling service

4. Enhancing service


Which of these statements is/are correct?


1. Internal services are delivered between departments or business units within the same organization


2. External services are those delivered to an external customer


1 only | 2 only | both | neither


Which of these statments describes an IT service provider?


1. A third-party service provider delivering components of services

2. A business unit responsible for IT processes

3. A function that provides controls for IT infrastructure

4. A service provider that provides IT services to internal or external customers


How many IT service provider types does ITIL identify?


1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 4


Which of these is NOT a characteristic of a process?


1. Delivers functions

2. Responds to a trigger

3. Delivers a specific result

4. Is measurable


Which of the following is an example of the management information systems and tools aspect of service design?


1. Service catalogue

2. Financial information and budgets

3. Customer and user satisfaction survey

4. Service level agreement






1. Service catalogue


Which of the following is/are the responsibility of the service owner?


1. Serve as the point of excalation for major incidents relating to the service

2. Appoint people to the required roles

3. Manage resources assigned to the process

4. Ensure that outgoing service delivery and support meet the agreed customer requirements


3 only | 2 only | None | 1&4 only






1&4 only


Which of the following has the same goal as event management?


1. Tuning

2. Instrumentation

3. Incident management

4. Service analytics






2. Instrumentation


Which of the following contains details of current and historic usage of IT services and components and also includes scenarios predicting business demands?


1. Configuration management system

2. Configuration baseline

3. Capacity plan

4. Charter




3. Capacity plan


Used to manage the resources required to deliver IT services.


Which type of external stakeholder of an IT service provider is the person or group who defines and agrees to the service level targets?


1. Suppliers

2. Userd

3. Vendor

4. Customers






4. Customers


Which aspect of service design must also be taken into account with each individual service solution design?


1. Financial information and budgets

2. Technology and management architectures

3. RFCs to resolve operational issues

4. Customer and user satisfaction survey






2. Technology and management architectures


What are the 4 major service design aspects for each individual service design solution?


1. Management information systems and tools

2. Technology and management architectures

3. Required processes

4. Measurement methods and metrics


Which of the following is one of the five major service design aspects?


1. Measurement methods and metrics

2. Vital business function

3. Shared service unit

4. Standard operating procedures


What are the five major service design aspects?


1. Service solutions

2. Management information system and tools

3. Technology and management architectures

4. Required processes

5. Measurement methods and metrics


Which of the following are objectives of the 7-step improvement process?


1. To define and manage the steps needed to identify, define, gather, process, analyze, present and implement improvements

2. To lower the cost of providing services

3. To ensure that IT services enable the achievement of required business outcomes


All | 1&2 only | 1 only | 2&3 only





2&3 only


To identify, define, gather, process, analyze, present and implement improvements is the purpose of the 7-step improvement process, and not an objective of the process


Which of the following is NOT an objective of service strategy?


1. Providing a method of identifying opportunities to supply services and a way to exploit them

2. Providing the ability to define how a value is produced and delivered

3. Providing a clear service provision model that conveys how service assets are used to supply services

4. Providing the ability to identify and manage risks so that their


Which is NOT a source of best practice?


1. Standards

2. Technology

3. Academic Research

4. Internal experience



2. Technology


Technology is an enabler of best practice, but not a source.


Which 3 are the characteristics of ITIL guidance that help to make it successful?


1. Prescriptive, best practice and solution specific

2. Publically available, prescriptive and best practice

3. Vender neutral, nom-prescriptive and best practice

4. Publically available, solution specific and vendor neutral





3. Vender neutral, nom-prescriptive and best practice


What is the ITIL term for customers of an IT service provider who purchases services as agreed in a legal contract?


1. Strategic customers

2. External customers

3. Valued customers

4. Internal customers




2. External customers


External customers=contract

Internal customers=no contract


Which is NOT a part of every process?


1. Roles

2. Inputs and outputs

3. Functions

4. Metrics




3. Functions


Functions are not part of a process, they carry out processes


In which areas would ITIL complementary guidance provide assistance?


1. Adapting best practice for specific industry sectors

2. Creating service application interfaces

3. Specialized practices for IT recruitment

4. Integrating ITIL with other operating models





1. Adapting best practice for specific industry sectors

4. Integrating ITIL with other operating models


2 & 3 = more specific to software development and HR practices


Which is an objective of service transition?


1. To negotiate service levels for new services

2. To ensure that service changes create the expected business value

3. To reduce the impact of business critical service outages on key services

4. To plan and manage entries in the service catalog



2. To ensure that service changes create the expected business value


1=An objective of service level management

3=An objective of service operation

4=An objective of service catalogue management


Which lifecycle stage ensures that the impact of service outages is minimized on a day-to-day basis?


1. Service design

2. Service operation

3. Continual service improvement

4. Service transition




2. Service operation


1=Creates the blueprint for the service


3=Helps the org. to ID areas for improvement overall


4=Ensures the service moves into the live environment


Which is the BEST description of a service catalogue?


1. A document used by IT staff to ID activities that must be performed

2. A list of all Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

3. A list of all business requirements that have not yet become business services

4. The part of a service portfolio that is visible to customers


4. The part of a service portfolio that is visible to customers


Which of the following is concerned with policy and direction?


1. Capacity management

2. Governance

3. Service design

4. Service level management





2. Governance


Which is an example of an operational level agreement (OLA)?


1. Doc that outlines agreements between service providers in the same organization

2. Doc that outlines the responsibilities of both the IT service provider and the customer

3. Doc that describes to a customer how services will be operated on a day-to-day basis

4. Doc that describes business services and their service level targets to operational staff


1. Doc that outlines agreements between service providers in the same organization


A known error record has been created after completing diagnosis of a problem but before finding a workaround.


Is this a valid aproach?


1. Yes: a known error record can be created at any time it is prudent to do so

2. No: a known error record should be created before the problem is logged

3. No: a knowm error record is created when the original incident is raised

4. No: a known error record should be created with the next release of the service


1. Yes: a known error record can be created at any time it is prudent to do so


Which is used to communicate a high level description of a major change that involved significant cost and risk to the organization?


1. Change proposal

2. Change policy

3. Service request

4. Risk register




1. Change proposal


Which person or group is responsible for agreeing service targets with the service provider?


1. The user

2. The customer

3. The supplier

4. The service desk staff




2. The customer


Which of the following it TRUE regarding value?


1. Value is defined by the customer

2. Value is defined by the cost of the service

3. Value is determined by the features offered to the customer

4. Value is determined in financial terms only




1. Value is defined by the customer


Software and technology are examples of which of the four P's?


1. Processes

2. Performance

3. Products

4. Partners





3. Products


What is the MAIN reason for a service provider to understand the five aspects of service design?


1. To prevent security breaches in mission critical services.

2. To ensure a holistic, results-driven approach

3. To allow service design to cut costs

4. To prevent breaches of service level agreements (SLAs)


2. To ensure a holistic, results-driven approach


Service design is concerned with all of these, but they are not the main reasons.


What is the CORRECT set of steps in the Continual Service Improvement (CSI) approach?




What is the vision?;

Where are we now?;

Where do we want to be?;

How do we get there?;

Did we get there?;

How do we keep the momentum going?


Which three types of metric support Continual Service Improvement (CSI)?


1. Technology metrics, service desk metrics and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics

2. Process metrics, software metrics and financial metrics

3. Technology metrics, process metrics and service metrics

4. Service metrics, technology metrics and Key Performance Indicator (KPI) metrics


3. Technology metrics, process metrics and service metrics





Which part of Financial Management for IT services deals with predicting and controlling income and expenditure within an organization?


1. Accounting

2. Budgeting

3. Cost models

4. Charging




2. Budgeting



Accounting=recording/accounting for spending

Cost models=calculate the cost of providing services

Charging=cost recovery from customers


What is the PRIMARY process for strategic communication with the service provider's customers?


1. Service catalogue management

2. Service portfolio management

3. Service desk

4. Business relationship management


4. Business relationship management



Covers communication at a strategic level




Which of these recommendations are best practice for SLAs?


1. Include legal terminology in SLAs

2. Ensure that all targets in SLAs are measureable

3. Ensure that the SLA is signed by both customer and provider

4. Include the service hours and cost of delivering the service

1. 1 and 2  2. 2 and 3  3. 3 and 4  4. 1 and 4





2. 2 and 3


Which is the BEST description of a service-based SLA?


1. An agreement with an individual customer group, covering all the services that they use

2. An agreement that covers one service for a single customer

3. An agreement that covers service-specific issues in a multi-level SLA structure

4. An agreement that covers one service for all customers of that service




4. An agreement that covers one service for all customers of that service


Covers a particular service for one or multiple customers


Which is NOT a responsibility of service catalogue management?


1. Ensuring that information about live IT services is accurate

2. Ensuring that SLAs are maintained

3. Ensuring that information in the service catalogue is consistent with the service portfolio

4. Ensuring that all operational services are recorded in the service catalog





2. Ensuring that SLAs are maintained


This is a responsibility of service level management, not service catalogue management


Which is NOT an objective of supplier management?


1. Maintaining the supplier policy

2. Supplier categorization and risk management

3. Maintaining the service knowledge management system

4. Identifying opportunities for the continual service improvement register




3. Maintaining the service knowledge management system


Supplier management maintains the SCMIS, not the SKMS.


All other options are part of supplier management


Which process has the objective: "To ensure all service models conform to strategic, architectural, governance, and other corporate requirements"?


1. Service portfolio management

2. Design coordination

3. Service level management

4. Change management





2. Design coordination




Which statement about the emergency change advisory board (ECAB) is CORRECT?


1. The ECAB considers every high priority request for change

2. The review of completed emergency changes is one of the duties of the ECAB

3. The ECAB will be used for emergency changes where there may not be time to call a full CAB

4. The ECAB will be used when a full CAB has a large backlog of changes






3. The ECAB will be used for emergency changes where there may not be time to call a full CAB


Who normally chairs a change advisory board (CAB)?


1. Change manager

2. Service owner

3. Change initiator

4. Business relationship manager





1. Change manager



All of the others will most likely attend to contribute or take away information


What is the second phase in release and deployment management?


1. Review and close

2. Authorize changes

3. Release build and test

4. Release and deployment planning





3. Release build and test


This follows release and deployment planning, which is the first phase.


Review and close is the forth and final phase.


Which process has the objective: "to improve the quality of management decision making by ensuring that reliabe and secure information is available throughout the lifecycle"?


1. Knowledge management

2. Availability management

3. Service asset and configuration management

4. Change management




1. Knowledge management


KM is a process within service transition, but it is described as a whole lifecycle process ensuring that reliabe and secure knowledge, information and data is available and current through the whole lifecycle.


Which process helps to ensure that new or changed services are established in supported environments within the predicted cost, quality and time estimates?


1. Financial management for IT services

2. Capacity management

3. Transition planning and support

4. Change management




3. Transition planning and support



It acts like the glue binding together the service transition stage. It would therefore be responsible  for the planning and coordinating of resources required for service transitions.


Which should be done when closing an incident?


1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary

2. Check that the user is satisfied with the outcome

3. Record a known error record with the resolution

4. Perform an incident review for lessons learned

1. 1 and 2  2. 2 and 3  3. 3 and 4  4. 1 and 4


1. 1 and 2



1. Check the incident categorization and correct it if necessary


2. Check that the user is satisfied with the outcome


Which BEST describes hierarchic escalation?


1. Notifying more senior levels of management about an incident

2. Passing an incident to people with a greater level of technical skill

3. Using more senior specialists than necessary to resolve an incident to maintain customer satisfaction

4. Failing to meet the incident resolution times specified in a SLA




1. Notifying more senior levels of management about an incident



2 and 3 are functional escalation (higher/more tech skills to get it done).


A significant, unresolved problem is likely to cause major business disruption. Where is this MOST LIKELY to be escalated to?


1. IT service continuity management

2. Availability management

3. Incident management

4. Change management




1. IT service continuity management



Continuity management is involved with business disruptions


Which process will regularly analyze data to identify discernable trends?


1. Service level management

2. Problem management

3. Change management

4. Event management




2. Problem management



Event management looks for trends but in event data.


Problem management=incident data


Which is the BEST description of a service request?


1. A user request for information, advice, or a standard change

2. Anything the customer wants and will pay for

3. Any user request or demand entered via a self-help web-based interface

4. Any RFC that is low-risk and can be approved by the change manager without a CAB meeting




1. A user request for information, advice, or a standard change


Which service desk organizational structure is NOT described in "Service Operation"?


1. Local service desk

2. IT help desk

3. Virtual service desk

4. Follow the sun





2. IT help desk


Which function or process would provide staff to monitor events in an operations bridge?


1. Technical management

2. IT operations management

3. Request fulfillment

4. Applications management





2. IT operations management


What is a process owner NOT responsible for?


1. Defining the process strategy

2. Communication of process information or changes to ensure awareness

3. Developing IT plans that meet and continue to meet the IT requirements of the business

4. Identifying improvement opportunities for inclusion in the CSI register





3. Developing IT plans that meet and continue to meet the IT requirements of the business


What is the role of a person if they are categorized as "I" in a RACI matrix?


1. They are accountable for the outcome of the activity

2. They must perform an activity

3. They must be kept up to date on the progress of an activity

4. They manage an activity





3. They must be kept up to date on the progress of an activity


Which of these can be introduced to provide: improved detection and monitoring, pattern recognition,analysis and service optimization?


1. Service automation

2. The DIKW structure

3. Damand management

4. Standard changes




1. Service automation




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