Shared Flashcard Set


Intro to the Seance Room
Medium Missionary
Religious Studies
Not Applicable

Additional Religious Studies Flashcards




1.What is a physical phenomena seance?
Meeting of a group of dedicated people with one well grounded medium who sit in a darkened room and produce physical phenomena.
2. What is a clairvoyant circle?
It is very much the same as a seance except the developed medium does not go into trance. There is again, a dedicated group of individuals who sit ina circle either in a white light or dimmed light; whatever the medium prefers, and brings forth messages from the spirit world to those who have signed up in advance.
3. What is trance seance or cirlce?
A trance seance or circle in a dark room or a clairvoyant circle in a light room. it does not have to be in the dark, that is the medium's preference. Spirit takes over the mediums body and uses them to talk to sitters.
4. How does one request to attend a seance, clairvoyant circle, or trance circle?
By contacting the medium ahead of time, or as on our camp grounds; sign your name on his/her appointment book ahead of time.
5. Explain why is it not a good idea to ask a friend to join you at a seance if he/she has not signed up previously?
The medium takes the sign up sheet and meditates on the names that are there. He/she is prepared, and more importantly, our Spirit guides are prepared, and more importantly, our, our Spirit guides and loved ones are prepared for those who have signed up.
6. How would you conduct yourself in a seance?
All mediums are different. Until you get to know their ways, you should enter the seance room quietly, and politely sit down until further instructions are given. Remain quietly in your seat, awaiting further directions from the medium.
7. Would it matter if someone attended a seance under the influence of alcohol or drugs? why or why not?
Most certainly remember the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. It must never be.
8. Why would a medium change sitters from one seat to another in the room?
The medium's spirit people know what is best for the seance. Many times it is to balance out the energy in the room.
9. What is a cabinet attendant? Why do some mediums have a cabinet attendant?
A attendant is someone who sits with the medium while she/he is in trance to help control the circle. The attendant will guide the sitter to appropriately respond positively. The cabinet attendant will keep the singing and prayer going to insure that the vibrations are always high in the room. If the energy is high and the attitudes of the sitters are positive, then there is a successful circle. This individaul is also aware of phenomena that may be beginning to manifest in the room and can call the sitters attention to it.
10. Why do we sit in a cirlce?
We sit in a cirlce to permit the energy to flow through and around the group, and be drawn from the sitters and medium, to be centered.
Why is it beneficial to go to a Spiritualist Church and have a reading before a seance?
If you are not familiar with Spiritualism and seance, it is best to prepare yourself to know how to receive. Our Spirit loved ones also have to learn how to communicate. When you learnany new activity; such as swimming, dancing, cooking, etc., you always take it a step at a time, and then you ae pleased with the results.
12. Why do some mediums have a cabinet in their rooms and some do not?
Some mediums choose to sit in a cabinet. The purpose of the cabinet is to hold the energy (ectoplasm) together for the Spirit helpers to produce phenomena, especially for materialization.
13. Is a sitter allowed to leave in the middle of a seance (in the light or dark)? Why or why not?
No, it breaks the vibration of the circle. It is not fair to the other sitters, or the medium.
14. If in the dark, can we turn on a light? Explain your answer.
No, it would be dangerous to the sitters and the medium. White light dissipates the ectoplasm and can be snapped back too quickly to the medium and sitters' bodies and cause harm to them. Remember we are using electromagnetic energy, electricity. This is not a parlor game. If the medium wants light he/she will be prepared to use it.
15. What is a trumpet seance?
A trumpet looks like a megaphone and it is used to magnify the Spirit voices. it houses the ectoplasmic voice box and is used many times as a cabinet to buld the voice box. This tool is used during the seance to expand the voices of Spirit for all to hear clearly, and is generally done in the dark.
16. If the trumpet comes near you or touches you, what should you do? Explain.
Never touch the trumpet unless given permission by spirit. If you touch it, this could break the rods and cones of ectoplasm which are used to levitate the trumpet.
17. What is independent voice? How does it manifest?
Independent voice is a phenomena during which a distinct and separate voice is produced without a visible source or agent. Spirit creates a voice box some wherein the room and it can be in the drk or light. Pay attention to independent voice it is rare but important. A gift of Independent voice can be in the dark or light.
18. What is an apport and how is it produced? What is an apport seance?
An apport is a gift from spirit; raising and lowering of vibrations of an article from one place to another. An apport seance is a seance where Spirit brings in gifts for each sitter in the room.
19. What is a silk seance? What is a card writing seance? What do they demonstrate?
This is the gift of precipitation, usually done in red light or the dark. In pictures on silk, Spirit will precipitate their pictures on cloth, while you are holding it, and after it has been charged by Spirit and medium. In card writing, spirit writes messageson a card for each individual.
20. What are four reasons to attend a seance?
1. To experience the continuity of life.
2. To receive higher teachings from the
spirit world.
3. To receive healing.
4. To communicate with guides and loved ones.
21. Can spirit move the medium's body? Explain your answer.
Yes, if the medium has given permission to be moved by spirit. Spirit may transfigure over medium and walk her around the room.
22. Can a participant contact any spirit he/she chooses? Explain your answer.
No, not always. Remember, spirit may be busy, not know they can communicate or not know how to communicate.
23. Does it matter how a participant talks to spirit and the medium?
Yes, the participant should always be respectful to spirit and the medium.
24. Do our loved ones in spirit or our guides tell us what to do, how to live our lives or make decisions for us? Explain your answer.
No, spirit is here to guide and protect us. If they were to demand things of you, they would be interfering with your free will.
25. Is a participant allowed to move around in a seance room? Why or why not?
No, it can break down the energy. Spirit will instruct the participant how to behave in order to keep the vibration rate high.
26. Can participants touch each other or the medium in the seance room? Why or why not?
No, it an breakdown the energy and harm the one touched.
27. Name at least two examples of phenomena that can occur during a seance, excluding trumpet levitation, apports and manifestation.
Changes in temperature, fragrances in the room, flashes of light and noises.
28. What is phosphorous?
It is spirit light, the beginnings of materialization.
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