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Interventions test 1
Undergraduate 2

Additional Nursing Flashcards








Given to Rh- mothers with Rh+ fetus prevetning antibidies forming against the Rh factor of mom.  Given at any time that there is bleeding in pregnancy and @ 28 weeks gestation then again after delivery

HELLP Syndrome
  • Hemolysis Elevated Liver Enzymes Low Platelets
  • approx 12% of women with PIH get this (basically a severe form of eclampsia)
  • Symtoms:RUQ pain, proteinuria, aspirtaion pneumonia, fetus quits growing, epigastric pain or lower chestpain. Also n/v, general maliase, severe edema, distended liver and s/s of preeclampsia, 
  • Labs: hemolysis of RBC's, thrombocytopenia (below 100k), elevated alainine aminotransferase and serum asparate amino transferase
  • interventions: monitor VS, FHR, s/s of hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, subscapular liver hematoma, renal failure, dimly lit room, IV with dextrose c hypoglycemia, fresh frozen plasma, pure platelets, IV dextrose, no epidural, get infant out!
Spontaneous Abortion
  • habitual- spontaneous loss of 3 or more consecutive pregnancies
  • inevitable- membranes rupture and cervix dilates.  Imminent that miscarriage will occur.
  • missed- uterus retains porducts of conception 2 or more months after fetus died.  Prolonged retention of conception may cause DIC
  • septic- infection accompanies abortion s/a with lack of sterile technique during therapeutic abortion
  • lab work: HCG, H&H, WBC, clotting factors
  • interventions: pad count, vag rest, bed rest, VS, emotional suport D&C if needed
Iron deficiency Anemia
  • causes: low iron diet, heavy menses, unwise wt reduction, recent pregnancy <2yrs
  • symptoms: fatigue, h/a, pica, pallor
  • Treatment: prenatal vitamins, diet rich in dark green leafy veggies, meat, legumes, ferrous sulfate Rx ingested with OJ
MegaBlastic Anemia
  • Causes- multiple pregnancies, use of hydantoin, oral contraceptives, gastric bypass
  • Symptoms- severe fatigue, SOB, diarrhea, anorexia, nausea, h/a, forgetfulness, irritabillity
  • treatment- supplement with 400microgram of folic acid, green leafy veggies, oranges, dried beans
Sickle Cell Anemia
  • Causes- inherited anemia by an abnormal amino acid. Bactiuria is common in prgnancy with Sickle Cell
  • Symptoms- severe abdominal pain, unusual swelling of fingers and toes, chronic anemia, pallor, muscle spasms, leg pains, painful swollen joints, fever, vomiting, hematuria, seizures, coma, paralysis
  • Treatment- sckle cell screening, periodic exchange transfusions of RBC, control HGB levels, increase fluids, O2, no iron, penicillin, flu shot (influenza B), folic acid,, CBC, VS, FHR, hypotonic slaine IV solution
Heart Disease
  • symptoms- SOB c less than normal exertion, excessive fatigue, cough, cyanosis of nail beds/lips, edema, irreg pulse,  difficult/rapid respirations,possible chest pain,
  • complications- preterm labor, increased risk for blood clots, HTN, increased risk for miscarriage. for baby- possible placental perfusion, IUGR, fetal mortalitiy
  • treatment: ECG, bedrest, O2, epidural, heart cath, swan ganz catheter, no pushing during delivery, forceps use or vacuum extractor, lay on left side, TEDS postpartum, antibiotic prophylactically, early ambulation
  • causes- women of color, multiple prgenancies, primiparas <20 or >40, hydramnios, low socioeconomic background, underlying heart disease, diabetes with vessel or renal involvement, essential hypertension
  • assess for- edema,
    BP >140/90, proteinuria 1-2+, wt gain more than 2lb a wk in 2nd trimester, 1lb wk third trimester, monitor urine output for oliguria, visual disturbances, hepatic disfunction, epigastric pain pulmonary or cardiac involvement, hyperreflexia
  • treatment- monitor antiplatelet therapy, promote bedrest, nutrition and emotional support, admin prescribed meds, frequent BP, dly HCT, FHR, US, magnesium levels, test for fetla lung maturity
  • same as preeclampsia but more severe form
  • monitor and treat the same but also look for seizures or coma
  • fetus quits devleoping with seizure
  • C-section delivery or possible induction if parameters allow
  • possible fetal demise
Magnesium Sulfate
  • Uses- prevent seizure activity, inhibit uterine contractions
  • method of delivery- infused piggyback, loading dose for rapid therapeutic level, infused over slow rate and dose post loading dose
  • Clacium gluconate at bedside in case of mag overdose
  • watch for signs of resp distress (less than 12/min)
  • monitor I&O (at least 30 out every hour to continue)
  • monitor deep tendon reflexes (at least a +1)
  • max rate 150mg/min
Trauma/Shock in Pregnancy
  • history of pregnancy and trauma
  • ng, foley, hip roll to prevent supine HTN
  • IV with large bore needle (18g)
  • Lactated ringers, correct low HTN with ephedrine or dopamine
  • monitor liver enzymes, abd bleed (paracentesis), bladder (cath to assess for blood)
  • choking- chest thrust only
  • burns- fluid and electrolyte loss, treat with IV.  Burns heal  fster in prgenancy
  • postmortem C-section- <20min of death and fetus >24wk, fetus best survived within 5 minutes of death
  • tetanus, rabies are ok to give
  • call poison control,
  • rhogam if Rh-,
  • monitor contractions (may have to give tocolytic to stop)
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