Shared Flashcard Set


12th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




The Metamorphosis
Franz Kafka wrote the German short story The Metamorphosis. This story is about a young man that is the sole provider for his family turning into a bug. The shocking elements and symbolic signs that his life is unique is that he doesn't even care that he is a bug, just that hes going to be late to work. The familys reaction aswell as his employers can show the cons working society. This short story is signifigant because of its use of symbolism to highlight the rediculous nature of our society.
Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley an English novelist in 1818. The novel is about a an individual named Frankenstein that creates a monster using science that later becomes harmful and ends his life. The monster had the desire to learn and fit in with society but constant neglect due to his appearance caused him to be dangerous. Frankenstein has elements of isolationism and romance. Shelley's novel is one of the earliest warnings that scientific research divorced from morality is an open invitation to personal and social disaster.
Impressionism: Sunrise
Impression: Sunrise is a French Impressionist Painting done by Claude Money in 1872. The piece of art was originally rejected by the Paris salon and given the name Impression, that later became adopted by the artist of the time. The piece of art is of a misty harbor that has mast of ships appearing as well as small sailboats. The part of the painting that sticks out the most is the sun. The sun is bright and shows the sun rising over the harbor. This piece of art is significant because it is the shows the transition of realistic paintings to later strokes of broken color.
Panel for Edwin R Campbell No. 4
The Gleaners
The Gleaners was a painting made put on display in the Paris Salon in 1857 by French Artist Millet. This art shows women scavenging grain after a harvest shown in the background. The women consisted of the three main age groups, young, middle-aged and old and were definitily part of the lower class. The painting is made with light earth tones such as yellow rather than bright green and other common beautiful colors. The Gleaners is signifigant because it shows the lower class wokring hard to get by without technology and the lifestyles of many to make it a realism painting.
The Hay Wain
The Hay Wain is a British painting made in 1821 by John Constable. The painting shows the beauty of nature outside of the newly growing cities and contains green shrubbery as well as a cottage. An appreciation of the sublime nature is seen with the natural lighting as well as the appreciation and happiness on the plot of land. Instead of working in a dirty city a man works in a beautiful landscape with another man fishing and a dog running around. This picture is the epitome of a Romantic painting because of the fine detail in this pastoral painting.
K. Marx
Karl Marx was a German Sociologist born in 1818. He is best known for his bible of socialism The Communist Manifesto. He foretasted the proletariat attempts to eliminate capitalism and exposed many of the flaws of the bourgeois. He wanted a classless society free of every inequality including sexual inequality.
S. Freud 
Sigmund Freud was an Austrian psychologist born in 1856. One of Freuds main topics was the belief of each Psych containing 3 parts: The ID, The Ego, and The super Ego.These 3 parts should stay in equilibrium and mental health effects were exposed if they were not. Freud also believed in analyzing peoples dreams, that the dreams revealed the controlled thought of the brain. In addition he felt that by having people speak and say words spontaneously without inhibition can uncover traumas buried in the unconscious. Freud is signifigant to early modernism because he challenged the beliefs of the enlightenment and researched deeper into a topic that was rarely explored.
N. Bonaparte I     
G. Flaubert      
Gustave Flaubert was a french novelist born in 1821(Early 19th Century). He is one of the first French writers to advocate for novels that were not conventional and did not consist of good morals and philosophical views. His best known work is Madame Bovary which caused scandal because it consisted of adultery. The main character, Madame Bovary was not the typical happy character but was unhappy and misguided. G. Flaubert is signifigant to the rearlism era because he was one of the first french writers to focus on the common or poor lifestyle rather than the aristocrats.
Sturm and Drang
2nd Indust. Revolution            
Darwinian Evolution
Charles Darwin showed the evolution of plants and animals in England during the mid 19th Century.  He then wrote Descent of Man where he applied his findings to humans and portrayed them as the outcome of millions of years of evolution. He called the process Natural Selection or "Survival of the fittest which disturbed the church and other scientist. The opposite view as Darwin is called creationism, and is about the creation of man from bible.  Darwininan Evolution is signifigant to the 19th century thinking process because he challenged the church with the growing use of science aswell as challenging the evangelicals.
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