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Humanistic Psychology
Final Exam Review
Undergraduate 3

Additional Psychology Flashcards




Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

1. Discourse Analysis : i
Def: 1st- Study of language and context. it is an approach that emphasizes how versions of the social world are produced within naturally occurring written or spoken discourse.

a- study of language and context
b-concerned with how participants construct themselves and others through their discourse
c-how these selves may be undermined

All branches concur that discourse does not neutrally reflect world/social relation but actively constructs/alters them.

Each discourse represents a particular way of understanding the world.

individual actors are products and producers.

it is more small scale talk and interaction rather than being concerned societal discourse.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

1. Discourse Analysis : i
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

1. Discourse Analysis : ii
combines philosophy, theory and method.

physical objects and events exist independently of peoples thought and speech, but they have meaning only through discourse.

e.g.- cancer- people view it as an illness but would not necessarily describe it in the same way.
3 possible discourses
1- behavioral risk
2- result of medical mismanagement
3- gods will

examines naturally occurring talk, documentary methods, conversational analysis.

Discourse analysis takes meaning from above the utterance level to focus on the participants roles and their institutional or ideological motives.

6 strategies for focusing on the discourse of risk assessment and risk communication
1- abstraction
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

1. Discourse Analysis : iii
The idea that discourse constructs the world, rather than representing it, has also has been popular within the sociology of science.

Importance of Scientific discourse in relation to scientific persuasion and practical reasoning.

empiricist repertoire - formal context,impersonal style, natural world speaks for itself

contingent repertoire - reference to personal and social contingencies in scientific action and belief.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

2. Phenomenological: i
def: aims to describe , understand, and interpret the meanings of experiences of human life. e.g. what it is like to experience a particular situation.
theory vs research methods (approach)

distinctive features:philo and psych edmond husserl
- emphasizeed centrality of human context in understanding life
-participants in the human condition. (researchers and readers)
-retain continuity with which is evident and familiar to us.

Husserl- lifeworld- Lbenswelt everyday experiences that we live and which we reflect upon. considered to the phenomenological inquiry. e.g. concepts such as happiness only have meaning in the lifeworld.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

2. Phenomenological: ii

Amedeo Giorgi
Alfred Schutz known for method of philosophical enquiry. Through the work of A G- phenomenology was translated into empirical research procedures.
-Concerned that psychologists should focus on qualitative meaning of experiential phenomena rather than their measurement.

Gather concrete descriptions of specific experiences and then search for bare bones of meanings of a phenomenon that relate to all cases of its occurrence.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

2. Phenomenological: iii
Data collection Methods of phenomenological research.

interview and narratives-
diaries an documentary methods (less frequently used)

whatever the method of data collection phen. researcher becomes mediator between the voices and experiences of the research respondents and the broader community of interested people.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

3. Reflexivity: i
Def: awareness of the self in the situation of action and of the role of the self in constructing that situation.

thus, distinct from reflectivity in its focus on the constitutive role of the self.
e.g. escher painting.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

3. Reflexivity: ii

Distinctive Features
rather than being absent feel it damnit

Although the reflexive turn is synonymous with post modern writing the constitutive role of the researcher has been long understood.

Central analytic preoccupation of phen. is the social construction of the realities that each researcher inhabits.
a research interview - interviewer is not neutral information gatherer but rather active co-participant with interviewee in social construction of research data.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

4. Reliability/validity: i

Reliability is the extent to which research produces the same results when replicated.

Validity is the extent to which the research produces an accurate version of the world.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

4. Reliability/validity: ii

Distinctive Features
Scientific Research- measured using reliability, validity, and generalizability.

however, compared with quantitative research (scientific research) qualitative research has been less concerned with traditional applications of these measures.

concerned with findings being reproducible, but it can be argued that this is impossible because different researchers will always produce different versions of the social world.

Strategies to improve reliability:
-meticulous records
-documentation of process of analysis- so that others can follow the process

Validity: Internal and external
Internal- has to do with the investigator conclusions of data collected
External- degree to which conclusions are appropriate in other locations
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

4. Reliability/validity: iii
Advocates of qualitative research argue that it cannot and should not be judged by conventional measure of quality such as validity, reliability, and generalizability.

they reject position of naive realism, there is (to them) not one unequivocal social reality which is independent of researcher and can be reached through the rigorous application of scientific method.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

5. Triangulation: i

Systematic comparison of findings on the same research topic generated by different research methods. Such comparisons are often portrayed as as a procedure of validation by replication but the portrayal is misleading.

Validation in social sciences might be achieved in the collection of corroborating findings from the same respondents and on the same topic, but using different methods.
Bloor & Woods:
Keywords in Qualitative Methods

5. Triangulation: ii


It is clear that validation cannot be accomplished by corroboration of methods with different findings but that is not to say that it is not important.

Comparisons may serve to deepen and extend the analysis.

It is the stimulus to analysis that such comparisons may provide that has been one of the main reasons for the growth and popularity of research designs which employ multiple methods.

Triangulation is admirable, but validation is chimera.
Triangulation Handout
The completeness application of the term triangulation in sociology falls so far outside the definition or use of it in land surveying, it is difficult to see why it is applied at all in this context.


several types of logical error, because the term (goal of completeness) focuses on filling the gaps and fails to relate to the original concept.

Deduction: is the conclusion that one comes up with in natural science, and
One universal concept then bring on the methods

Induction: relates to the overall incompleteness and is what you use to study for social sciences or triangulation.

Study all the methods, finally get the concept
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