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History of the Civil Rights Movement
Undergraduate 3

Additional History Flashcards





Stanley Levison


1960's, a jewish speech writer who wrote a lot of kings speeches and was involved with SCLC, because he was a one-time communist, kings closest confidants encouraged him to distance himself from levinson, but king had committment to levison even when others wanted him purged, brought a lot of negative attention from gov to king ....used his connection to levison as an excuse to put bar taps in his hotel room = shows how red baiting was used to debunk civil rights by associating it with communism.
Ella Baker

fired from her job cuz of NAACP activity, highlander folk school, 1960s - organizers of the raliegh conference (1960), instrumental in founding SNCC (1960), advocate of group centered leadership, upset with SCLC men for being patronizing and single-leader oriented, involved in the freedom summer, important because demonstrated power of grass roots organization and didnt want to be the leader/didnt mind working behind the scenes for little glory, great mediator/EMPOWERED OTHERS


Orval Faubus
Governer of Arkansas, known for 1957 Little Rock Crisis. took stand against the little rock desegregation of public schools, important cuz he went against the federal government and ordered troops to keep african american kids out. Eisenhower had to send in national troops to enforce the federal court order of Brown v. Board of education decision, which this act was protesting.
massive resistance
mid-1950's white virginia response to brown v. board decision in which white public schools shut down rather than integrate. Championed by Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia...starts in VA students harassed or school shut down rather than desegregate, this was it is not in violation of the 14th amendment. white citizens council exerts economic influence by increasing rents, DEEP SOUTH IS MOST MASSIVE RESISTING, MIDATLANTIC STATES STALL AND DRAG THEIR FEET.
Robert F. Williams
late 1950s to 1960s - wrote negros with guns...defended the two boys in the kissing case as a community organizer in the NAACP. "meet violence with violence" - thaught self defense was central to the mission - media and white liberals misunderstood his notion of armed self-defence. shows how armed self defence can lead to violence. organizer for freedom rides, housed white family that met a black mob and people tried to call him up for kidnapping, signed by Hoover from FBI
James Farmer
Founder of CORE in 1942, involved in organizing the 1961 freedom ride, took movements across state of direct action techniques that other civil rights groups borrow from, has charismatic leadership style, and CORE eventually moves to black power but Farmer insists on keeping it interracial. He bridges the power gap between extreme black power and moderates. CORE pioneers sit ins in chicago and midwest and then brings it to the south.
freedom summer
1964 SNCC and CORE, bob moses was directer and it was rural mississippi; mississippi was a closed society/ think of james meredith in 1962, medger evers assassinated in 1963****2 core volunteers were killed, ...headed by robert moses.....goals were voter registration(COFO was also doing freedom houses)....major intent was voter registration in mississippi, which was targeted because they had the lower voter registration numbers, nonviolent but local harassed volunteers, this is when tensions develop in SNCC started to turn towards black power cuz it involved workers from south and volunteers from north, which exacerbated gender and racial tensions, volunteers from north had to pay for themselves to go down so they were more middle class, violence from freedom summer increases moral outrage which leads to 1964/65 legislation, MFDP comes out of freedom summer.
Gunter Machine
political machine composed of white southern $ democrats, ruled montegomerey, AL; used race baiting to get votes, this local political faction effects world cuz it changes King.
1964-65, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party with fanny lou hamer was vice chair; born out of the freedom summer of 1964, was an alternative to democratic party of mississippi because at the time, it was less loyal to the ideals of freedom than was MFDP, they said. challenged johnson to deliver civil rights legislation. significance cuz it shows blacks were willing to participate in politics. first black political group spurned by civil rights, in 1964 fanny lau challenged demos at the democratic national convention.
1914 established in jamaca. Universal Negro Improvement Association - Marcus Garvey and black seperatists, had millions of members at its peak, shows the appeal of black nationalism even b4 civil rights movement cuz they are the biggest black group ever. garvey brought it to new york holding a UNIA national convention in the US in 1920.
Charles Hamilton Houston
1930's & 40s: The man who killed Jim Crow, trained thurgood marshall, he's the one that got the NAACP to get into legal stuff, black lawyer...changes NAACP structure by giving legal branch more autonomy, introduces liberation through litigation to NAACP. had 2 prong strategy: 1, make south realize they need to make things seperate AND equal, and 2, destroy them completely when they realize this is impossible = dies before brown v. board, but had set the stage for NAACP to use the courts to fight white supremacy.
John Lewis
1963 elected chairman of SNCC......1960's student involved in SNCC/Selma march; one-time chair of SNCC and a freedom rider...current rep for atlanta area in georgia legislature....KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT 1963 MARCH ON WASHINGTON. 1965 led march in selma, alabama, in what became known as "bloody sunday" after state troopers attacked the marchers in violence.
Highlander Folk School
est. 1932 in tennessee...important in 1950s, TRAINED ORGANIZERS...helped spurn citizen schools....clark worked with highlander folk schools in conjunction with highlander folk school to get schools across south to educate blacks. it played a critical role in the American Civil Rights Movement. It trained civil rights leader Rosa Parks prior to her historic role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, as well as providing training for many other movement activists including Martin Luther King, Jr., James Bevel, Bernard Lafayette, Ralph Abernathy and John Lewis in the mid- and-late 1950s. The resulting backlash of the school's involvement with the Civil Rights Movement led to the school's closure by the state of Tennessee in white teachers!!
Women's Political Council
formed in 1946 formed by mary burks and jo ann robinson. organization that was part of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. Members included Mary Fair Burks, Jo Ann Robinson, Irene West, and Uretta Adair. The WPC was the first group to officially call for a boycott of the bus system during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. All about registering to vote but was critical to montgomery bus boycott. faught for banning literacy tests.
Bayard Rustin
Kings unofficial political advisor, He is credited as the chief organizer of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom pro-gray rights, made him a target. Helped organized SCLC and CORE. refused to register for draft. important cuz indruced gandian notion of nonviolence to king!
James Meredith
1962 - enrolls in ole miss cuz and because he was black, causes riot and kenedy sent federal government has to step in, meredith was shot and not killed, unaffiliated with any group but then groups come and "march against fear" in 1966, starts black power cuz its at this march that stochley charmicael declared black power and wilkins leaves, disgusted. important cuz it shows the power of one person....also shows how even after brown v. board, still violence...he was just fighting for his rights as an american, not a black. also was the straw that broke the backs of undecided in SNCC and catulpulted them to black power.
Diane Nash
Chairman of the 1960s Nashville Student Movement, BEHIND THE SCENES OF EVERYTHING. birmingham, selma, all over the south. was a founder of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and a major participant in the Southern Christian Leadership Conferences' Birmingham campaign and Selma Voting Rights Movement. In these capacities and others, Nash was a key force in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. organized sit-ins with forman in nashville, organizes freedom rides, was at founding conference of SCLC, pioneers "jail no bail", whereby she says that they will not pay bail for unconstitutional arrests, which keeps jails full and makes statement= encourages Farmer to keep the freedom rides going, proponent of direct action,important cuz her role shows new wave of young women in the civil rights movement: shes a spokesperson for SNCC at some point, unlike older generation she speaks up and claims spotlight. JFK appointed her to comittee on civil rights, also included in discussion for civil rights act of 1964
March on Washington, 1941
1941 - A. Philip Randolph/baynard rustin organizes this and it doesnt happen, he was marching for the outlaw of discrimination in defense industry jobs, cuz black unemployment was high.....march doesnt end up happening because roosavelt passes executive order 8802, died before the end of the decade though....banning discrimination in defense industry jobs.crazy cuz blacks felt like hitler was doing to jews was US was doing to them...war boiled their concerns.
Septima Clark
1956 - lost lost her job cuz of NAACP affiliation. "mother of the movement" established CITIZENSHIP SCHOOLS, in conjunction with the highlander folk school. became SCLCs education director, teacher who lost her job when they found out she was affiliated with SCLC, highlander folk school, taught people to read and register to vote. significant cuz she embodied the role of women at the time as "behind the scenes organizers" - shows how civil rights contributes to the womens rights movement...fought to equalize teachers pay. where? south carolina, tennessee, deep south
Civil Disobedience
Civil disobedience is the active, professed refusal to obey certain laws...usually meant to signify nonviolent resistence. distinction between civil disobedience and the law, and the kind of civil disobedience that is not against the law. NAACP doesnt approve of ANY kind of civil disobedience; doesnt like direct action; most extreme kind is SNNC form...king and SCLC champion nonviolence and some activitists thought this made king seem politically naive...proponents of civil disobedience say its inherently spiritual, democratic. those against it say we have legislative and judicial mechanisms to change laws, so direct action is illegitimate.
Albany Movement
 1961-62: Laury Pritchett thwarted the efforts of the albany movement in albany, was police cheif in albany, georgia. Pritchett's advocation of nonviolence in his mass-arrests resulted in very little media coverage of the protests, he filled far-out jails first and dispersed anything that could look like a mob so there was no media coverage. and the movement accomplished little change in Albany. King leaves albany and this encourages the start of SNCC cuz they are fed up with king & this kicks off the mainstream civil rights movement. Significance of Albany is that it is seen as failure at the the time, but it was because of albany that king learned he needs to target police = a setback that leads to a greater victory. king realizes that this time, bull conor will be a perfect target in birmingham, AL. king wanted to pack the jails so that he could get a victory on the national level. In burmingham campaign, national news was CRUCIAL. people saw police dogs on TV.
Homer Plessy
SEPERATE BUT EQUAL 7 to 1, homer plessy was 1/8th black and sat in the white car in louisiana....staged!= plaintiff in plessy v. ferguson (1896) set precedent for seperate but equal, said that seperate but equal does not violate the 14th amendment. Initiated the era of jim crow, which was unprecedents racial violence....plessy was arrested for violating louisiana state segregation laws, and The resulting "separate-but-equal" decision against him had wide consequences for civil rights in the United States. The decision legalized state-mandated segregation anywhere in the United States, as long as the facilities provided for both blacks and whites were "equal".
civil rights act of 1964
1964 reinforced equal protection under the law according to the 14th amendment and upheld voting rights under the 15th amendment. PASSED BY JOHNSON. Was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States that outlawed major forms of discrimination against blacks and women, including racial segregation. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations"). empowers congress to enforce the laws and gives federal authority to supercede state laws....the act could be a produce of fear because it contained the unknown in the future, but it could also be ap product of hope because LBJ felt pressure to DO SOMETHING...wilkins chapters show that LBJ felt connected to the movement. BOTH HOPE AND FEAR MOTIVATE the passage of the '64 bill.CENTERPIECE OF ANTIDESCRIMINATION LEGISLATION.
voter education project
started in 1962 Voter Education Project (VEP) raised and distributed foundation funds to civil rights organizations for voter EDUCATION and REGISTRATION work in the American South. Important because it showed how the civil rights movement would shift their focus away from demonstrations and more towards the support of voter registration.NAACP, CORE, SCLC, SNCC(saw it as a way to galvanize black community). kennedy supported this cuz he thought it would be less demonstrative than lunch counter sit ins but it actually results in more violence as southern racists resisted.
white citizens council (WCC)
1954 American White Supremacist organization founded in mississippi 1954 in response to brown v. board... WAS NOT OPENLY VIOLENT like the KLAN, but rather was about economic reprisal. resisted desegregation and tried to present themselves as christian, scientific, constitutional, nonviolent and merely supporting states rights, in order to disassociate themselves from the Klan. started council schools white only...used economic by increasing rents, losing blacks their jobs, etc. SUPPLIED ECONOMIC COERCION to blacks and white who were challenging Jim crow. VERY DECENTRALIZED, varied state by state, WEAK ARGUMENTS -- segregation was not scientific, and maybe the states rights argument was the strongest of everything they presented, but even THAT was weak...
Eugene "Bull" Connor
1960s Commissioner of public safety/police chief in Birmingham, who promoted mob violence to combat demonstrations against segregation. Said "he would break bones and it was contageous"...fought segregation using fire hoses and dogs, famous symbol of bigotry that is important because his TELEVISED violence helped spur the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
voting rights act of 1965
passed by Lyndon B Johnson to outlaw discriminatory voting practices that had been the cause of so much disenfranchisement (revocation of the suffrage) in the African American community after the passing of the 1964 civil rights act.
Freedom Rides
1961 was the first one announced by CORE. goal was to get movement outside of the cities, across state lines, cross geographic borders, drew massive media attention (significant), the first one was organized by CORE and james farmer, 1961 was the first one, from DC to NOLA, and it attacked the basic premise of white supremacy: that blacks and whites couldn't mix. Activists rode segregated interstate buses and violated jim crow laws. also wanted to get in rural areas, nationalized the movement, mobilized people and money, riders exhibited the brutality of mobs to southern political leaders. started the big, violent response to jim crow !! made violence pervasive....CORE and SNCC were both involved
smith v. allwright
1944 - supreme court rules a white-only primary is unconstitutional......D. party in south didnt let blacks enter voting parties; significant because it banned all white parties. EVENTUALLY IMPORTANT cuz it changes demoncratic party form being a white segregationist party to being and blackandwhite liberal party in the south. also shows the importance of having liberal judges in the civil rights movement becuase some of these same people rule in the brown v. board decision. Overturned the D. parties use of all white primaries.
Raleigh, NC Conference of 1960
ella baker organizes to network between all different civil rights groups, ends in the formation of SNCC!! (1960), she rejects the idea of the conference becoming a leg of SCLC and criticizes leader-centered leadership of SCLC, encourages group-centered leadership.southwide student conference on resistaance to segregation; this is hwere baker makes her more than a hamburger speech
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