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Cold War/Vietnam
Undergraduate 3

Additional History Flashcards




TET Offensive
North Vietnamese Army (NVA)and then Viet Cong attacked key cities and major bases all across South Vietnam.
Militarily, the enemy was detected and suffered a great loss of around 30,000 men; Viet Cong wiped out.
Public approval/opinion (USA) of the war declined.
President Lyndon B. Johnson ended the escalation and sought peace with North Vietnam
1970's Oil Embargo
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)established an oil embargo against the US.
Henry Kissinger (expert in foreign policy) resolved the conflict with an agreement to drop the embargo in 1974.
Oil prices in the US skyrocketed.
Soviet Union rapidly expanded military and became more aggressive.
Henry Kissinger, a respected expert on political science and foreign policy, proposed a stable balance of power between the US and SU.
Relaxation of tension between US and SU.
June 17, 1972, 5 of Nixon's men apart of his re-election staff broke into the national headquarters of the Democratic Party located at the Watergate Complex.
Men arrested and apprehended.
Alexander Butterfield, Nixon's Aide, disclosed that all conversations in the Oval office were recorded.
Nixon refuses to give up tapes, until the supreme court ordered him to surrender them as evidence.
Upon impending impeachment, Nixon resigned and General Ford became the new president; Ford chose Rockefeller as his VP.
Equal Rights Amendment
Congress approved the amendment in 1972.
Declared that discrimination against sex and gender unlawful.
Fight intensified Ford's presidency
Phillis Shaffy was a fierce advocate of the ERA.
Failed ratification, and stirred up social tension between the two major political parties.
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
On August 2 1962, the USS Matixx (a US naval destroyer)was coducting surveillence in internation waters during a raid on North Vietnamese Territory.
Gun boats from the raid fired upon the destroyer, prompting a bill that passed quickly through the House and Senate only five days later on August 5, 1972.
Expanded US government involvement in Vietnam.
Berlin Wall
In 1948, the Soviets were unsuccessfull in attempt to rid Berlin of US presence; prompted steady stream of refugees traveling from East to West Berlin.
On August 13 1961, the Soviet Union encircled West Berlin with a high concrete wall with barbed wire, guards, and attack dogs.
Public disaster for the SU.
After 28 years, the people of East Berlin tore down the wall shortly after Reagan's speech demanding the Soviet Union to tear it down.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet Union began installing nuclear missiles in Cuba.
On October 16 1962, the CIA presented photos of soviet nuclear missiles under construction in Cuba.
Kennedy declared a naval blockade on Cuba.
US delivered a letter to the Soviets stationed 500 miles off the coast of Cuba stating that the US was justified in launching a nuclear strike.
Soviets send two diplomatic letters to President Kennedy.
Kennedy agrees to the terms of the first letter and promises to never to invade Cuba.
Bay of Pigs Invasion
April 17th, 1961 an attempt to provide military US aide to Cuba after a rebellious movement caught fire.
US released 1,300 cuban exiles in Cuba hoping to start a rebellion.
Overall failure with no rebellion and no need for military assistance.
Decline in public approval.
Drove Castro further into the arms of the Soviets.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Local minister who organized boycott against the public bus system.
50% of the bus services came from blacks; succesffull boycott.
Headed the Montogomery Improvement Association, and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
Passive retaliation/resistance; moral high ground with direct and peaceful confrontation.
Always respectful; looked presentable and professional with suit and ties (Sunday best)
Brown V. Board of Education (Topeka)
Oliver Brown, a black welder from Topeka Kansas, declared a case against segregation.
Daughter was forced to go to a school on the other side of town instead of the school nearby because she was black and could not be enrolled in a white school.
Supreme court ruled unanimously that Plessy V. Ferguson incorrect, and declared segregation unconstitutional.
General Douglass MacArthur
Criticized Truman.
Called for an expansion of the War in China, and declared no substitute vistory.
In response to public criticism, Truman fired MacArthur on April 11 1951.
Approval ratings of Truman plummeted.
Fair Deal
In 1949, Harry Truman proposed federal aid to education, civil rights programs, and national insurance.
Democrats regained the House and Senate.
Most of the deal was blocked by congress because of the social spending.
House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
Looked into espionage allegations.
Richard Nixon (young congressmen from California) lead the investigations and accused Alger Hiss of perjury.
Hiss denied claims.
HUAC interviewed soviet spy Wittercer Chambers
Convicted and guilty of perjury; served three years in prison.
Juilius and Ethel Rosenburg accused of passing intel of atomic weaponry to the soviets.
First time ever that the death penalty was given in a treason case.
National Security Council Paper 68
Issued by Dean Acheson in 1947.
Congress passed the National Security Act.
United the military branches under the secretary of defense (formerly the secretary of war).
Created the National Security Council to advise the president.
Established the Central Intelligence Agency to gather foreign intelligence; handled only foreign affairs not internal diplomatic issues.
Redefined US defense policy and lead to largest peace time.
Marshall Plan
Devised by secretary of state G.C. Marshall in March 1948.
By the late 1940's, Italy had a growing communist party.
Massive economic aide program, "European Recovery Program", in 1953 was to restore economies of Western Europe; US spent approximately 13 billion dollars from 1948 to 1953.
Communist group in Czechoslovakia prompted the passage of the plan.
The plan in ended 1953.
Supply-side Economics
Tax-cuts would stimulate the economy.
Encourages riskier money investments.
Increase in tax revenues.
Iranian Hostage Crisis
60 Americans were taken hostage by the Islamist group apart of the Iranian government in November 1979.
In 1980, Carter ordered special forces into Iran and rescue the hostages; failed.
The helicopters in Desert I crashed and killed the soldiers.
Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and began stepping up its support for pro-communist insurgent movement across the world.
Carter announced embargo against the soviets.
Withdrew US from the 1980 Olympic games; ineffective and weak.
Iran-Contra Affair
In 1986-1987, the US sold anti-tank missiles and weaponry to Iran.
The profits would go to Contra.
Reagan Doctrine
policy of Us support to any country resisting communist inflitration and anti-communist groups; Nicaragua.
Massive military expansion; longest expansion since Vietnam War.
B-1 bomber and MX missile adopted.
New missiles employed to bases in Great Britain and Germany.
Operation Desert Storm
Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait in Aug 1990.
Saudi Arabian oil fields under threat; Bush organized an international coalition.
500,000 American Troops deployed along the Saudi Arabian-Iraqi Border (operation Desert Shield)
Iraq expelled from Kuwait by the end of February 1991.
US ground troops led by General Noma Schwarzkapt (operation desert storm).
Saddam Hussein remained in power until Second bush in power.
Reagan's Missile Defense Policy
"We win and they loose," -Reagan
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)took a long time to develop to space-based missile defense system that relied on particle beams; Knock missiles out of the sky like star wars .
Reagan engaged the Soviets in arms race they could simply not afford.
Viet Cong
Also known as the National Liberation Front.
Political organization in South Vietnam and Cambodia that fought against the US and South Vietnamese government.
Use of guerrilla warfare and regular army units.
"New look" national defense policy
US security policy set during Eisenhower's presidency.
Emphasized reliance on strategic nuclear weapons to deter potential threats, both conventional and nuclear, from the Eastern Bloc of nations headed by the Soviet Union.
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