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9th Grade

Additional History Flashcards




original people of Austrailia,
the original people of New Zealand who created a pact with briatina (treaty of wittangi) it protected maori rights but gave britian sovereignety over islands
Treaty of Wittangi
In 1840 it was created and protected maori rights but gave britain sovergnty over the islands
deprived of the right to bote, The reform act of 1812 kept the people this.

nobles favoring a return to the old order, they supported Charles X

coup d' etat
it is a quick seizure of power, Napoleon III used this to get rid of the National Assembly and become ultimate ruler
July Ordinances

Charles X issued this, it was designed to dissolve the assembly, end press freedom, and restrict voting rights. This was designed after Charles X allowed people to vote but they only elected more people into the National Assembly.

July 1830

July 27th - angry parisisian workers and students rose up against the king (Charles X)

July 29th - after the 3 glorious days, they forced Charles X to abdicate the throne, so he fled to Great Britain 

Louis Phillipe
because of Charles X he was next in line for throne , He had no ties to aristocracy. He was called the "Citizen King" because he dressed and behaved like a middle-class person, but at heart he favored the wealthy and the working class started demanding more voting rights and political reforms, He refused demands so they went to prime minister Guizot he too refused so they started plotting afainst Guizot and so louis sent troops and then they turned against him and joined civilians and this forced louis to abdicate and flee to Great Britain
1848 Revolution
In 1848 Guizot canceled a banquet featuring demonstration. On February 22nd, crowds fled shouting protests against Guizot, Louis sent in troops.  They turned against Louis and joined the civilians. This forced Louis to abdicate and flee to Great Britain, civilains proclaimmed France a republic.
Second Republic
After the forced Louis Ohillipe to abdicate the throne, the revolutionary leaders proclaimed the second republic of france and set out to create a new constitution.  It featured many democratic reforms and legislative branches called the National Assembly.  They had rights like the election of prez and extension of voting rights to all adult men (9Mil men set out to polls in 1848) In 1848 Napoleon was elected president, he hoped to evebtually become president he wanted to dissolve the national assembly so he led a coup d'etat and got full power and in 1852 he became emperor of france
Louis Napoleon
1848- men elected him to power, he hoped to use the power to make him an emperor.  He tried to gain support from powerful groups (army, church, middle class, and peasants) it have church more control over education. The support of the catholics created an uproar in Paris and the NA restricted right to keep the mob under control 1/3 men lost vote rights. He used this to his advantage convincing the people that the republic was a failure, on dec 2, 1851, he directed a coupdetat he got rid of NA and his opponents and reestablished the voting rights. Then he called for a plebiscite asking the people to give him the power to create a new French constitution, he had complete legislative and executive control, in a 2nd plebiscite, a large % of people approved the transformation into a hereditary empire and in 1852 he vecame NIII Emperor of France. He restricted press and limited civil liberties. He had a successful economic program. He led Crimean War and won, then he went intot the Franco-Prussian war and loss severly and got captured.  
Second Empire
This is when the revolutionary Leaders proclaimed the second republic of france and set out to create a new constitution it featured many democratic reforms and set up a legislative branch called the NA election of prez and extension of votin rights to all men were given. Napoleon became king he hoped to use power to make him an emperor. Wanted to dissolve the NA so he organized a coup d'etat and he got control, got a plebiscite to announce him herediary emperor got control. then went into the crimean war and won and then got into the franco prussian war and got captured and the gov turned into the 3rd republic
it is asking the people to give more power to them,  N3 did this to the french 2 times, the first time to create a new constitution, the 2nd to make turn the gov into a hereditary emperorship
Crimean War
In 1854- Napoleon III led France into the Crimean War, he pitted France and Great Britain against Russia, it arose from the interests they lead in the ottoman empire. The war started by a dispute btw Fr and Russia over which had the right to protect the Christains in the empire visiting the holy lands. The Ottoman empire sided with Fr. July 1853, Czar Nicholas I (Russia) seized ottoman territory in the Balkans. This upset GB and Fr. They wanted to protect interest and trade in the middle east. After OE decalred war on Russia in Oct, 1853 GB, FR, and Sardinia joined the conflict. In the Fall of 1854- Fr and GB armies invaded the Russian ruled Crimean Peninsula, north shore of Black Sea, not a lot of fighting cuz weather and Disease, Florence Nightingale improved hospital care and saved many lives. In the fall of 1855, FR and GB defeated Russia, who lacked supplies, reinforcements and rrs. In 1956 Treaty of Paris ended the war, it gave back territory and seized and banned warships and forts around the black sea 
Franco-Prussian War
1870 conflict with prussia ended N3. July 19th, 1870 he declared war on prussians, Prussia had easy 6 week defeat in war. German forces crossed mtp Fr and little armed resistance. Sept 2, Napoleon was prisoner, when crowd found out on 4th they collapsed the 2nd empire they endured a prussian seige for 4 months before a truce was signed
The COmmune of Paris
During revolt, workers established a socialist gov known as the commune of paris. Leaders of the commune refused to recognize the National Assembly and called for th econversion of France into a decentralized federation of independent cities.  They declared war pm tje propertied classes and the church . It advocated an end to gov support for religion the adoption of a new revolutotionary calender and intruduced a 10 hour work day. The NA in a bitter civil war reasserted its control over Paris. Armies pushed past the Commune's barricades throughout the strife-ridden city. Supporters of the commune burned public buildings, including the Tuileries Palace and the ciry Hali. During the "Bloody Week" in May 1871, the Assembly's powerful mitlitary forces arrested nearly 40,000 people and killed more than 20,000. The horror of rebellion set back the political and social advances made by workers and caused distrust btw Frances middle and working classes
The Third Republic
Royalists and Republicans fought over what the form of government should be after n3 was captured. In 1857 a new constitution made France once again a republic.  The third republics constitution provided a 2house legislature. They eleced a prez who served for 4 yrs with little power, every official act required the full support of both houses of legislature to be signed into a new law. The cabinet of ministers were responsible for gov. policy and the post of premier was created to handle all executive business.  Boulanger, panama crisis, and the dreyfus affair were all threats to the republic but it proved how strong it was.
Boulanger Movement
He was a popular war hero, he urged fr people to seek revenge against prussia.  He launched a campaign to demand the elecion of a new legislature in 1888. He won support from royalists and others hwo opposed the republic.  In 1889 his supporters urged him to overthrow the third republic with a coupd'etat. When the gov ordered him arrest for treason he fled to Belgium. His movement collapsed
Panam Scandal
When the panama company collapsed and the panama project failed, 1000s of fr stockholders lost all money invested.  Charges of dishonesty and poor managerial practices erupted. Scadal spread to highest gov officers. Members of both houses were accused of accpeting bribers to get more funding for troubled project.  Benefited Frances growing socialist movement. 1893 50 socialists won seats in National Legislature
Dreyfus Affair

1890s 3rd republics greatest crisis. 1894 Alfred Drefus (Fr army officer) was convicted by a military  court of selling secrets to Ger and sentenced to life on Devil's island(off coast of French Guiana in SA). Fr army was influenced by anti semitic views and its suspicion tell on dreyfus who was a jew. He protested his innocence and it soon became known that another officer was the real traitor and the evidence in the case had been forged. 1899 a new trial but military court was unable to admitt error and sentenced Dreyfus guilty. Dreyfus finally won in a civilain court. It divided france

French Gov

republic, constitutional monarchy, absolute monarchy, constitutional monarchy, republic, hereditary emperorship, republic

The Reform Act of 1832
This lowered the property qualifications for voting and gave more middle class males the right to bote. The proportion of voters increased from 1 in 100 to 1 in 32.  It took representation rights away from ares that had declined in population. 143 seats freed in House of commons, heavily populated cities increased representation.
to divide and share electoral districs more fairly
Charists (People's Charter)
It was an important reform group of working class that proposed political changes.  They supported voting rights for all adult men, no property qualifications for voting, a secret ballot, salaries for members of parliament so that the middle class and lower classes coupld take seats, and equal electoral districs.  Submitted 2 petitions to parl, one w/ over 3mil signatures on it. parl rejected it. they had little success and faded awa in the 1850s.
Secret Ballot

allowed people to vote without other people knowing who they voted for.

Anti-Corn Law League
was supoported by the middle class. it was aimed to repeal the corn law (taxes on imported foreign grain). Wealthy landowners supported corn law.  1st major politcal pressure group in GB  When an irish crop failure forced GB to import much grain, parl responded to the pressure and repealed the corn law.


served 2 terms as prime minister (1868 abd 1814-1880). 1st he was a novelist.  He believed conservative party could save aristocratic traditions while cautiously adopting democratic reforms.  Je rea;ozed n;pcking change would be damaging to the conservative party which began to base its primary support among the upper middle class. 1967 it introduced a sonservative backed reform bill. He created the reform bill of 1867. he was conservative
Reform Bill of 1867
it extended vote to all male homeowners and most men who rented properyu. Increased electorate by 1 million men adding to it many working class voters.
hpy yjtpmr om 2837 at age 18 and reined for 64 years. the era of political reforms took place during the reign of her.
William Gladstone
served 4 times as a prime minister btw. 1868-1894. His 1st term was known as the Great Ministry becuz of social reforms.  He alwaus sought to apply morality to polotics.  A civil service reform of 1870 made appointments to most civil service positions dependant on competitive examinations. He created the Educatopm Act of 1870 wjocj dovoded tje cpintry into school districts which were maintained by local control.  The ballot act of 1872 was created by him also. It sarissfied old cjarist demand for secret ballot.  Je also created the redistribution Acot of 1885 which divided briatin into electoral districts in almost equal in population. He was a liberal
Great Ministry
Gladstone's 1st term, it was called this becuz of the social reforms he had created and how he applied morality to politics
Lord Durham
(1838)- British parl. ordered him to canada investigate. He urged self gov and made it possible,
Fabian Society
An organization whose aim was to peacefully and fradually prepare the way for a socialist gov. it promoted social injustice such as improving conditions and fair wages for workers. They favored parl. action over strikes and demonstrations. made up of middle class people
Labour Party
made by socialsists and trade unions in 1900.  It was to speak for working class. Supporters backed the reform minded liberal government elected in 1906.  Liberal and Labour members in parliament promoted gov reform to improve workers lines.  (1906-1914) new legislation provided working classes w/ old age pensions, a minimum wage, unemployment assistance, and health and unemployment insurance.
Parliament Act
This narrowed powers of the House of Lords by removing money bills from their control.
Emmeline Parnkhurst
with her daughters the founded the womens social and political union and ld a voting rights campaign and became known as the suffragettes
emmeline pankhurst and her daughters became known as the suffragettes with other people who demanded more rights for women
the group created by pankhurst to get more rights for women
Dominions of Canada

upper- english speaking

lower- french speaking

John MacDonald
prime minister of Canada
Class System of LA

1) Peninsulares (Colonial leadership)

2) Creoles (Colonial white aristocrats)

3) Mestizos (Mixed europeans and native ancestry)

4) Native People

5) Africans/African Europeans

Toussaint Louverture

african shipped to haitis to work in sugar cane . He was in control of the revolt.  He was shipped to alps and died

Catholic priest who wanted to improve conditions for th elower classes and was defeated and executed by spanish army
Mexican Rev

hidalgo- Catholic priest who wanted to improve conditions for th elower classes and was defeated and executed by spanish army

Jose Maria moreles- led armies of mestizos and some creoles and captured Southern Mexico for independence. He was defeated and executed. The spanish republicans revolt and Augustine D'Turbride declared independence(Military officer) deposed and republic formed

Simon Bolivar
creole from venezuela aka "the Liberator". He led the independence movements for venezuela, panama, columbia, and bolivia

Jose de San Martin

southern SA, he was  a creole, argentina defeated spanish army, he joined o higgins to free chile, both fought to free peru, turned over leadership of rev movement and bolivar
O Higgins
joined martin to free chile and peru and turned leadership of rev movement to bolivar
King JoaoVI /Pedro I

napoleon's peninsula campaign forced king joao in brzil to flee to Brazil. prince Dom Pedro was appointed as ruler of brazil. after independance was declared king joao refused to send troops to stop the independence movement

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