Shared Flashcard Set


Group Communication
Managing Conflict
Undergraduate 2

Additional Communication Flashcards




It is about disagreement. It includes 4 elements: 1- an expressed struggle 2- between at least 2 interdependent people  3- who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others  4- to achieve specific goals
Expressed struggle
When the disagreement is expressed verbally or, more often, nonverbally. Signs of conflict include furrowed brows, grimacing facial expressions, and flashes of frustration evident in the voice. If the conflict persists, words are ususally exchanged and unmanaged tempers may flare. 
Between at least 2 interdependent people
What happen to one person has an impact on others in the group. 
Incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference
Conflict often occurs because 2 or more people want the same thing, yet both can't have it. If resources are scarce or if something or someone is blocking what the others want, conflict is likely. 
Achieving a goal
People in conflict want something. Understanding what the people in conflict want is an important step toward finding a way to manage the conflict. 
Conflicts have negative impact when:
1- keep the group from completing its tasks  2- interferes with the quality of the group's decision or productivity  3- threatens the existence of the group.
Causes of Conflict
Differences in personality, perception, information, culture, and power or influence. People are unique, they have attitudes, beliefs, and values will inevitably surface and cause conflict. No matter how much we try to emphasize with others, people still have individual perspective on the world. People differ in the amount of knowledge they have on different topics. People have different levels with power, status, and influene over others that increase conflict. People with power use it to influence others, and most do not like to be told what to do or think. 
Misconceptions about Conflict
1- Unless participants in the group share the same attitudes, beliefs, and values (unlikely) there will be some conflicts. 2- Not all conflicts occur because of misunderstandings, however, they occur because of disagreement with the other. 3- Not all conflicts can be resolved. (for abortion/against it)
Types of Conflict
1- Pseudo-conflict  2- simple conflict  3- ego conflict
**Pseudo-conflict** (fake or false)
Occurs when individuals agree, but because of poor communication, they believe that they disagree. How to manage them : 1- Ask others what they mean by terms or phrases they use. 2- Establish a supportive rather than defensive climate if misunderstanding occur. 3- Become an active listener.(stop,look,listen,question,paraphrase,paraphrase feelings)
**Simple Conflict**
Occurs when 2 people's goals or ideas are mutually exclusive or incompatible. (Example: I wants to do X, the other wants to do Y.  
When someone says but simply disagree with his or her point, consider using these skills:
1- clarify your perception and your partner's perseption of the message  2- keep the discussion focused on issues, not personalities  3- use facts that support your point rather than opinions or emotional arguments. 4- use a structures problem-solving approach to organize the discussion: define, analyze, identify several solutions, evaluate the solutions, select the best one. 5- when appropriate, look for ways to compromise. 6- Make the conflict a group concern rather than a conflict between just 2 people; ask others for information and data. 7- If there are several issues, decide which issues are the most important , and then tackle them one at a time. 8- Find ideas of agreement. 9- If possible, postpone decisions until additional research can be conducted. Such a delay may also lessen tensions.  
**Ego conflict**
The most difficult one because people think they are being personally attacked. (defensive mode). They are charged with emotions. Solutions: Seek to cool the emotional climate by lowering the voice and speaking more calmly. 
When someone attempt to ignore disagreements. It is a lose/lose situation for the person and the other. 
A try to make a conflict go away by giving in to the wishes of others. A lose/win situation. 
When people stress winning a conflict at the expense of one or more other people. Winning i often about power, and power is exerting control over others. Group members who seek power and position are often the ones who talk the most. A win/lose situation. 
Attemp to find a middle ground. A solution that somewhat meets the needs of all concerned. A lose/win situation. 
To have a high concern for both yourself and others. Group members who use a collaboration style of conflict management view conflict as a problem to be solved rather than as a game in which some people win and others lose. Group that take the time to collaborate have better results. 
**X-Y-Z Formula**
A strategy for constructively express how you feel toward others in conflict. Example: When you do X, in situation Y, I feel Z. When you are the subject of someone's emotional outburst consider: 1- acknowledge the person's feeling  2- determine what specific behavior is causing the intense feelings 3- assess the intensity and importance of the issue  4- invite the other person to join you in working toward solutions  5- make a positive relational statement. 
Manage your emotions
Under the state of anger, you may regret what have been said. Managing emotions during conflict include: 1- be aware of your anger level  2- breath 3- use self-talk  4- monitor your nonverbal messages  5- avoid personal attacks  6- avois gunny-sack (pulling old problems issues from the past) 
A type of thinking that occurs when a group strives to minimize conflict, maximize cohesiveness, and reach a consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Groupthink results in an ineffective consensus, too little conflict often lowers the quality of group decisions. When the group does not take the time to evaluate positive and negative consequences of alternative decisions, the quality of its decision is likely to suffer. 
Symptoms of Groupthink
1- Critical thinking is NOT encouraged or rewarded  2- Members believe that their group can DO NOT WRONG. 3- Members are TOO concerned about justifying their actions. 4- Members apply pressure to those who DO NOT support the group  5- Members often belive that they have reached a true consensus  6- Members are too concerned about reinforcing the leader's beliefs. 
Suggestions for reducing Groupthink
1- Encourage critical, independent thinking  2- Be sensitive to status differences that may affect decision making  3- Invite someone from the outside the group to evaluate the group's decision-making process  4- Assign a group member the role of devil's advocate  5- Ask group members to subdivide into small groups to consider potential problems with the suggested solutions  6- Consider using technology to help your group gather and evaluate ideas.
Occurs when group members support and are commited to a decision.
Suggestions for reaching consensus
1- Help keep the group oriented toward its goal. 2- Be other-oriented and sensitive to the ideas and feelings of others. Listen without interrupting. Make an honest effort to set aside you own ideas and seek to understand the ideas of others. 3- Promote honest interaction and dialogue. 
How to orient the group toward its goal
1- Use Metadiscussion 2- Keep the focus on the group's goal rather than on specific startegies to achieve the goal 3- Display known facts for all group to see.  4- Do not wait until the very end of the deliberations to suggest solutions. 
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