Shared Flashcard Set


FSHN 130 Final
Final Review
Undergraduate 2

Additional Biology Flashcards






-          Only needed in relatively small amounts

-          Jobs: Required for a lot for cellular regulation and functions

-          Foods: almost every food

-          Digestion: Don’t break, release them from the food – primarily done through mechanical digestion

-          Absorption: Small and large intestine through hepatic circulation

-          Toxicity: Can be rare due to kidney regulation of concentration. Can in some cases be poisonous I.E. fluoride.



Water  (functions)

o       Transports à hydration shell. Blood is water based, hydration shell takes things throughout the body (transports all things except for lipids).

o       Solvent: Breaks down bonds

o       Makes bonds: Condensation, meaning water has formed. Condensation is any chemical reaction that produces water. Condensation often occurs when molecules are joined together by the formation of a chemical bond, releasing water in the process. Typical adults produce about one quarter cup of water each day from condensation reactions.

o       Breaks Bonds: Hydrolysis. E.G. saliva helps break things apart. Small intestines chime has a large water base. After released in small intestine water is re-absorbed in the large intestine

§         Occurs inside cells

·         When the body doesn’t need energy, it stores it as glycogen…If needed the body breaks out through hydrolysis.

o       Cooling: (Evaporation). The body has a high heat capacity of about 102 degrees

§         Hydrogen bonds will absorb heat until broken

§         Any sort of chemical reaction will create heat

§         Sweat à release of water through skin. Salt will also be released, water follows salt

o       Lubrication: Water acts like oil in a car so everything can run smoothly. Water is in every join in the body

§         Arthritis: Bone on bone, causing inflammation

o       Protection:

§         I.E. Eyeball

·         Eyeball is hallow with fluid…fluid keeps pressure on retina to keep from pulling away from the eyeball

o       Gluacoma à Decrease in pressure

§         Spinal cord is bathed in spinal fluid. Protects from microorganisms making sure they don’t get in

§         Fetus à During development it is suspended in fluid. 

Water (deficiencies and how the body prevents them)

o       Dehydration:

§         Decrease in water internally

§         Decrease in blood volume

§         Decrease in blood pressure, blood wont move like it should to move material

o       4 components to control dehydration

§         1 antidiaretic hormone

·         When blood volume decreases stimulates the pituitary gland

·         ADH goes to the kidney

o       Says to decrease the amount of water excretion

§         Concentration in urine (less volume, dark color, odorous)

o       Increase sodium absorption in order to retain more water

·         Constricts blood vessels

o       Increases blood pressure

§         2 Renin à produced by the kidneys

·         Travels to the adrenal gland

o       Says to produce aldostenone (3)

§         Tells kidneys to store sodium/chloride

§         4 Angiotensia II

·         Produced by kidney and sent to pituitary gland

o       Produce more ADH

Stages of Dehydration

o       Stages of dehydration:

§         Heat exhaustion à sweat, cramps – do not dump people into cold water, they will go into shock

§         Heat Stroke à no sweating, stars, body feels cold/clammy

§         Death



-          Job



-          Job

o       Protein structure à disulfide bonds

§         Skin, hair, enzymes, nails, muscle

§         Primary, secondary, tertiary, quarternary

§         Insulin (critical structure)


-          Foods

o       All foods with protein

o       Nuts, meat, eggs, milk

 Sulfur (deficiencies)
Sulfur (toxicity
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