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(Showing 1-9 of 9 results)

OVID Metamorphoses - Book9

OVID Metamorphoses - Book9| Achelous and Hercules, Hercules and Nessus, The death of Hercules, Alcmena and Galanthis, Dryope, Iolaus and Callirhos's sons, Miletus, Bablis, Iphis

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 8  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/18/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book8

OVID Metamorphoses - Book8| Scylla and Minos, The minotaur and Ariadne, Daedalus and Icarus, Daedalus and Perdix, Maleager and the Calydonian boar, Achelous, The Naiads and Perimele, Philemon and Bau

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 12  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/18/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book7

OVID Metamorphoses - Book7| Medea and Jason, The Rejuvenation of Aeson, The punishment of Pelias, Medea's flight, Theseus and Aegeus, Minos and Aeacus, The plague at Aegina, The birth of the Myrmidons

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 10  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/18/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book6

OVID Metamorphoses - Book6| Arachne, Niobe, The lycian peasants, Marsyas, Pelops, Tereus, Procne and philomela, Boreas and orithyia

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 9  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/13/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book5

OVID Metamorphoses - Book5| Perseus, Minerva and the muses, Calliope's song: the rape of proserpina. Arethusa, Triptolemus and lyncus, The daughters of pierus

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 9  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/13/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book4

OVID Metamorphoses - Book4| The daughters of Minyas, Pyramus and thisbe, Mars and venus, Leucothe and clytie, Salmacis and hermaphroditus, The daughters of minyas, Ino and anthamas, Cadmus and harmon

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 11  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/13/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book3

OVID Metamorphoses - Book3| Cadmus, Actaeon, Semele, Teiresias, Narcissus and Echo, Pentheus and bacchus, Acoetes and the lyndian sailors, Pentheus and bacchus

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 11  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/06/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book2

OVID Metamorphoses - Book2| Phaethon, Callisto, The raven and the crow, Ocyrhoe, Battus, Aglauros, Europa

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 9  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/06/11 

OVID Metamorphoses - Book1

OVID Metamorphoses - Book1 | Prologue, The creation, The four ages, The giants, Lycaon, The flood, Deucalio and pyrrha, Python, Daphne, Io, Interlude: pan and syrinx, Phaethon

Author: AlExAkE  Cards: 14  Subject: Classics  Level: Undergraduate 3  Created: 06/06/11 


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