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Final Exam
Part I: Cumulative
Undergraduate 2

Additional Psychology Flashcards




List two examples that demostrate how woman's role has changed throughout the history of human sexuality.
  •  In the Middle Ages there were two concepts of women:  one was women as sinful as Eve the temptress, the other was women as saintly as Mary being pure.
  • However, female sexuality is accepted.
What are two factors that may cause a socially desirable response from a participant?
  • Participants may fear their identities could be exposed.
  • Participants may not want to give a response that is incompatible with their gender role.
List the names and function of two external male and female sex organs.
  • Male:  Corpora Cavernosa- spongy tissue in the penis that becomes congested with blood and stiffens during sexual arousal.  Glans- the tip of the penis that is highly sensitive to sexual stimulation.
  • Female:  Mons Veneris- cushions a woman's body during intercourse and contains a supply of nerve endings.  Clitoris- only known function is to cause sexual pleasure.
Name one argument for and one argument against male cicumcision.
  • Cicumcision could have health benefits that may protect men and their sex partners against the transmission of HIV.
  • Circumcision might reduce male sexual sensation because of the loss of the nerve endings in the foreskin.
Compare and contrast the "Masters and Johnson's" and "Kaplan's" models of sexual response.
  • Masters and Johnson divided sexual response into four phases:  excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution.
  • Kaplan's model of sexual response has three stages: desire, excitement, and orgasm.
Name and describe three intersexual conditions.
  • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia:  a condition in a genetic female who has internal female sexual organs, but external genitals are masculinized.
  • Androgen-insensitivity syndrome:  a condition in a genetic male who is insensitive to androgens when prenatal so that his genitals are not normally masculinized.
  • Dominican Republic Syndrome: a condition in which a genetic enzyme disorder prevents testosterone from maculinizing the external genitalia in men.
Identify three stereotypes attributed to females and three attributed to males in our culture.
  • Male:  Reckless, confident, tough
  • Female: Forgiving, sensitive, emotional
Describe the four theories to gender typing:  psychoanalytic theory, social learning theory, cognitive developmental theory, and gender schema theory.
  • Psychoanalytic Theory: Sigmund Freud described gender typing as developing in childhood through identification.  Children resolve an Oedipus complex for the other sex parent and the complex is resolved by identifying with the parent of the same sex.
  • Social Learning Theory:  Gender typed behavior is explained in terms of processes such as observational learning, identification, and socialization.
  • Cognitive Developmental theory:  The view of gender typing explaings that children form concepts, or schemas, about gender and then conform their behavior to their gender concepts.
  • Gender Schema Theory:  Proposes that children develop a gender schema, a mental representation about gender typed qualities of each gender.  Once children acquire a gender schema, they begin to judge themselves according to traits that are considered appropriate for their sex.
Dicuss the possible effects of television watching on children's gender thinking.
Children watching television may compare themselves to others of the same sex on television; they may also learn behaviors associated with their gender.  Possible effects from this could lead to development of streotypical gendered behavior and reinforcement of ideas of traditional gender roles.
Describe four differe types of sexism.
  • Old-Fashioned Sexism:  Endorsement of traditional gender roles.  Greater belief in stereotypes.  Predicts overt sexism.
  • Modern Sexism:  Denial of continued discrimination.  Antagonism towards women's demands.  Predicts subtle or covert sexism.
  • Hostile Sexism:  Justification of male power and dominance.  Belief in traditional gender roles.  Exploitation of women as sex objects.
  • Benevolent Sexism:  Romanticized view of women.  Feel women need to be protected.  Are patronizing.
Name three things that tend to be associated with higher ratings of attractiveness in both men and women.
  • Clear eyes
  • Symmetrical face
  • Attractive names
Give evidence in support or defense of the old adage "opposites attract."
Opposites attract as far as genetics, so most choose a mate somewhere in between similarities and differences.
Name and describe each of the types of love in Sternberg's Triangular theory of Love and give an example of a relationship showing each.
  • Intimacy:  Closeness to another person characterized by deep knowledge and understanding.  Close friendships.
  • Passion: A powerful compelling emotion; involve emotional and physical attraction for one another. Infatuation.
  • Commitment:  A promise or decision to maintain a relationship.  Marriage is a ceremony made to remain committed to one another.
List Gottman's "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" of relationships.
  • Stonewalling
  • Criticism
  • Contempt
  • Defensiveness
Identify three key concepts that formed the views of masturbation in the 19th century.
  • Dr. Kellogg identified "39 signs of masturbation" and believed that sexual desires should be controlled by a diet of grains.
  • Many 19th century physcians also advised parents to take measures to prevent their children from masturbating.
  • Richard von Krafft-Ebing and Havelock Ellis condemened masturbation as psychologically dangerous.
Identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the intercourse positions discussed in the text.
  • Male-superior Position:  This position makes it difficult for the man to caress his partner while also supporting himself with his hands.  This position can also make it difficult to delay ejaculation.  Has the advantage of permitting the couple to face eachother.
  • Female-superior Position:  The man can give the woman manual stimulation. The woman can control her own stimulation. This position tends to be less stimulating, but it can help control ejaculation.
  • Laternal-entry Position:  This position has the advantage of free movement and easy access to each other.  The position may be awkward and can cause part of the body to "fall asleep."
  • Rear-entry Position:  The position is stimulating for both partners.  But potential disadvantages are that this position is associated with being animalistic.  And this position can create a sense of emotional distance.
Describe three positive functions of sexual fantasies.
  • Fantasies enable couples to have a feeling of sexual variety
  • Enhances arousal.
  • Enhances sexual response.
Present the evidence for biological influences on sexual orientation.
  • Male twin studies that show 52% of concordance with monozygotic twins.
  • There may be evidence that the brain indicates sexual orientation, but the evidence is inconclusive.
Name three demographic variable or attitudes that are associated with increased homophobia.
Homophobic attitudes are more common among males who identify with a traditional gender role, hold a conservative political orientation, and those who hold a fundamentalist religious orientation.
List three examples of intolerance and prejudice against gay men and women.
  • Using derogatory names.
  • Barring gay people from housing, employment, or social opportunities.
  • Taunting.
Identify the steps gay individuals take in order to "come out."

According to Rich Savin-Williams and Lisa Diamond the steps taken in order to "come out" are:

  • Identify attraction to members of the same gender.
  • Self-label as gay or lesbian
  • Have sexual contact with members of the same gender.
  • Disclosure of one's sexual orientation to other people.
List three major causes of infertility in men and women.
  • Low sperm count
  • Low sperm motility
  • Irregular ovulation
Differentiate between in vitro fertilization and gamete intrafallopian transfer.
  • In vitro fertilization is a method of conception in which ova are surgically removed from an ovary and then placed in a laboratory dish with sperm.
  • Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) involves inserting sperm and an ova into a fallopian tube to encourage conception.
Compare two advantages and two disadvantages of combination oral contraceptives and progesterone only oral contraceptives.
Advantages of oral contraceptives are that when used properly it is nearly 100% effective and it does not interfere with sexual spontaneity or diminish sexual sensations.  A disadvantage of oral contraceptives are that they provide no protection against STIs and also may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics used to treat STIs.
Compare the withdrawal and rhythm methods of contraception and their effectiveness.
The estimated first-year failure rate of both are 20%.
Discuss current legal abortion options, describing procedures used.
Methods of abortion include vacuum aspiration, dilation and curettage (D&C), Dilation and Evacuation (D&E), Intra-amniotic Infusion, Hysterectomy, and abortion drugs.
Name two factors that increase the incidence of teenage pregnancy.

Misunderstandings about reproduction.

Lack of contraception.

Identify three of the reasons why more people are remaining single.
  • There is less social stigma today associated with being single.
  • Some are single to pursue educaitonal and career goals.
  • Many are cohabiting and do not feel like they need to get married.
Discuss the impace of divorce on children and the types of problems identified in children of divorced parents.
Divorce is hardest on children in the first year.  Boys show problems earlier and girls show problems later.  Children have more psychological problems and conduct disorder, have lower self-esteem, abuse drugs and alcohol, and do more poorly in school.  Adjustments are easier when both parents maintain responsibilities and set aside difference in the child's presence.
Identify three physical changes in women that are the result of aging.
  • The vaginal walls lose much elasticity.
  • The vaginal walls grow paler and thinner.
  • The vagina also shrinks.
Identify three physical changes in men that are the result of aging.
  • Men take progressively longer to achieve erection.
  • Erections become less firm.
  • Older men may require more direct stimulation to achieve erection.
List the DSM's four categories of sexual dysfunctions.
  • Sexual desire disorders
  • Sexual arousal disorders
  • Orgasmic disorders
  • Sexual pain/penetration disorders
Compare and contrast hypoactive sexual desire disorder with sexual aversion disorder in terms of the clinical symptoms and potential causes.
  • Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: People with little or no sexual interest or desire.
  • People that find sex disgustin or adversive and avoid such contact have sexual aversion disorder.
Name three common bacterial STIs.
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
Explain why chlamydia is called the "silent STD," and the complicatons associated with untreated chlamydia infections.
Chlamydia is called the "silent STD" because it usually does not produce symptoms, as many as 25% of men and 70% of women have no noticeable symptoms.  An untreated chlamydial infection can spread throughout the reproductive system leading to PID and resulting in infertility.
Name the ways in which herpes can be transmitted.
Herpes can be transmitted through oral, anal, or vaginal sexual activity, the virus can also survive for several hours on toilet seats or objects.  Although genital herpes is more contagious during flare-ups, it can also be transmitted with no symptoms.
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