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Exam 3 short answer questions
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Undergraduate 1

Additional Biology Flashcards




Discuss the hormones produced by the adrenal medulla and their role in the fight or flight response that is stimulated by stress. Discuss the regulation of the adrenal medulla by the nervous system. Describe how epinephrine functions in its dual roles both as a hormone and as a neurotransmitter. 
The adrenal medulla produces Epinephrine and Norepinephrine. They are both catecholamines, a class of amine hormones synthesized from the amino Acid Tyrosine. They are released in response to stress; extreme pleasure or life threatening danger. THey increase the amount of chemical energy available for immediate use. They increase glycogen breakdown in he liver and skeletal muscles, promote glucose release by liver cells and stimulate the relase of faty acids from fat cells. the released glucose and fatty acids circulate in the blood and can be used by the body cells as fuel. 

Discuss vision in the human eye. Know the main structures of the eye; describe how light (stimulus) can be 

transduced to a nerve impulse.  What cells receive the light energy and change it to an action potential?

What visual pigments within these cells respond to light energy?

The main structures are the sclera, which includes the cornea, the choroid, which includes the iris; the retina, which contains the photoreceptors; and the lens, which focuses light on the retina. The photoreceptors contain a pigment, retinal, bonded to a protein (opsin). Absoprtion of light by retinal triggers a signal transduction pathway that hyperpolarizes the photoreceptors, causing them to release less neurotransmitter. Synapses transmit information from photoreceptors to bipolar cells, and then to ganglion cells, whose axons in the optic nerve convey action potentials to the brain. 

Describe the structures of the human ear and relate how a sound energy (stimulus) can be transduced into 

an action potential.  What is the role of each specific structure?

  • The tympanic membrane (eardrum) transmits sound waves to three small bones of the middle earr, 
  • which transmit the waves through the oval window to the fluid in the coiled choclea of the inner ear. 
  • Pressure waves in the fluid vibrate the basilar membrane
  •  depolarizing hair cells and triggering action potentials that travel via the auditory nerve to the brain.
  •  Each region of the bailar membrane virates at a particular frequency. 
  • leads to excitation of a specific area of the cerberal cortex. 

Understand the sarcomere and the sliding filament model of muscle contraction. 

Discuss the roles that the proteins, actin, myosin tropinin and tropomyosin have in   

muscular contraction.

  1. The sacromere is the repeating unit in skeletal muscle. It is the basic contractile unit of muscle.
  2. the sliding filament model of muscle contraction; neither the thin filaments nor the thick filaments change in length when the sacromere shortens
  3. Rather, the filaments slide past each other longitudinally
  4. Increases the overlap of the short and long filaments
  5. High Energy for of myosin binds to Actin 
  6. Tropomyosin: blocks myosin binding site on actin

 The peripheral nervous system can be further subdivided from sensory and motor divisions.  The 

sensory can be divided into internal and external sensing divisions.  The motor division is divided into 

somatic and autonomic nervous systems.  What is the role of each subdivision


1. Somatic Nervous system: voluntary control of body movements via skeletal system. 

2. Autonomic Nervous System: operates below consciousness, controls visceral operations of the body, heart rate, sweating etc. 

3. internal sensing: promotes return to a calmed state and self maintenance functions. 

4. External sensing: corresponds to arousal and enery generation. Fight or flight is an example. 

 Relate specific functions to the 4 major lobes of the cerebrum
  1. Frontal Lobe: Speech, frontal association area, motor cortex. 
  2. Parietal Lobe: Speech, Taste, Reading, Somatosensory Association area
  3. Occipital Lobe: Vision Association, Vision
  4. Temproal Lobe: Smell, Hearing, Auditory association area. 

 Describe the neuron as the functional unit of the nervous system and explain the roles of its basic 


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  1. Cell Body: contains nucleus and any other organelles
  2. dendrities: highly branchd projections that bring incoming nerve impulse to the cell body.
  3. Axon: fiberlike extension that takes outgoing message away from cell body to next neuron or to target effector. 
  4. Axon Hillock: conical region where axon Connects to cell body. Has integration role. 
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