Shared Flashcard Set


EXAM 1: Chapter 1, 2, 3 Multiple Choice
First Quiz + Important questions from the chapters that will--more than likely-- cover the first 15 multiple choice questions on Exam 1
11th Grade

Additional Business Flashcards





Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

This Book argues:

A) National culture is the predominant force all management decisions

B) National culture is always irrelevant to management decision making

C) National culture is one of several factors that may influence management decision making

D) National culture only influences management decision making in the poorer economies.

C, National Culture is one of several factors that may influence management decision making

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

Decisions taken by management are influenced by:

A) National culture only

B) A combinaiton of factors in the internal and external environments

C) Internal factors (e.g., strategic planning only)

D) Factors in the external business environment

B, A combination of factors in the internal and external environments.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

Ideally, the manager:

A) Understands the personality of each of his/her employees, and this is always possible

B) Understands the social constraints on each employee, but this is never possible

C) Applies cultural analysis as a support or substitute for personality analysis 

D) Applies personality analysis as a substitute for cultural analysis 

C, Applies cultural analysis as a support or substitute for personality analysis.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

On the basis of cultural analysis, the manager can assume:

A) A degree of uniformity in values held by the employees who belong to the same national culture group

B) A degree of uniformity in values held by employees who do not belong to the same national culture group

C) Uniform behavior in the past, but not in the future

D) Consensus in how employees view the world

A, A degree of uniformity in values held by employees who belong to the same national culture group.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

Hofstede defines culture in terms of a system:

A) That includes values

B) Consisting of values only

C) Consisting of values and technology

D) That members find it easy to articulate

A, that include values.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

A culture distinguishes:

A) Members of one nation from another

B) Members of one human group from another

C) Members of one ethnic group from another

D) Members of one generation from another

B, members of one human group from another.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

In all cultures, the children learns his/her cultural values from:

A) A range of sources including parents, teachers, other adults

B) Other children only

C) Parents only

D) Television and Teachers only

C, Parents only.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

Because cultural values are acquired so early in life:

A) They are shallow rooted and change quickly

B) They are immature

C) They are "engrained" and slow to change

D) They are held at a conscious level in the brain

C, They are engrained and slow to change.

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

Cultural Vlaues are:

A) Easily articulated by members of the group

B) Easily articulated when members are not busy

C) Normative, about how other people ought to behave

D) Can be observed in how they behave

D, Can be observed in how they behave. 

Chapter 1: Actual Quiz Quesitons!

The national culture of the workforce:

A) Is important only when they perform routine tasks

B) Is important only when they perform non-routine tasks

C) Influences how they choose their tasks

D) Influences how they respond to management systems

D, Influences how they respond to management systems

Chapter 2: Review Questions, at the end of the chapter

In Which Organization is the Manager more likely to participate with his/her subordinates as an equal?


Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck: Organizations where Personal relationships to nature are Harmonic, Personal relationships to one another are Collateral (collectivist), Human activity is a state of Being.


Hall's Model: Low-Context culture, where Authority is Diffused.


Hofstede's Model: A Low-Context culture, where PDI (Power Distance) score is low, UAI (Uncertainty Avoidance) is higher, because they can take risks, IDV (Individualism) score is lower, making it more collectivist, a lower MS (Masculinity) score, where roles between the sexes are not differentiated, and a lower LTO (Long Term orientation) Score, because there is a greater promotion of "equality."


Chapter 2: My own question

How is Hall's Model of cultural comparison different than Kluckhohn and Strodebeck?


1) Distinguishes cultures on the basis of context in communication


2) Context = The whole situation, background or environment connected to an event, situation or individual


3) Claimed that there were 3 variables observable:

1) High & Low Context Cultures

2) Dimension of Time

3) Relationship of Man with Nature and space


Chapter 2: My own question

What are the Differences between Low and High Context cultures in Businesses?

Low Context:

- Business before frienship.

- Credibility through expertise & performance.

- Agreements by legal contracts

- Negotiations are efficient

High Context:

- Frienship comes before business

- Credibility through relationships

- Agreements founded on trust

- Negotiations are slow and ritualistic


Chapter 2: Questions Based on PowerPoint

In Regards to Hofstede's Model, define the "Individual Index" (IDV) dimension...

Refers to the strength of ties people have to others within the comunity.


High IDV = loose connections, lack interpersonal connections, more concern for self, family and maybe a few close friends. They also value time and need for freedom, enjoy challenges and expect rewards for hard work, respect privacy.


Low IDV = Collectivist. Would have strong group ties, large amount of loyalty and respect for members of the group, and everybody takes care of everybody's "well being." They also place more emphasis on building skills and becoming a master of something; work for intrinsic rewards, and Harmony is more important than honesty. 


Chapter 2: Questions Based on PowerPoint

In Regards to Hofstede's Model, define the "Power Distance Index" (PDI) dimension...

"The extent to which less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally."


High PDI = Society accepts unequal distribution of power and people understand "their place" in the system and do NOT question authority because they are too afraid to. Centralized companies, strong hierarchies.


Low IDV = Power is shared and well dispersed. Society members view themselves as equals. Supervisors and employees are considered almost as equals. 


Chapter 2: Questions Based on PowerPoint

In Regards to Hofstede's Model, define the "Uncertainty/Avoidance Index" (UAI)

Relates to the degree of anxiety that society members feel when in uncertain or unknown situations.


High UAI = Society avoid ambiguous situations. They are governed by rules and adhere to them stricktly. They seek a collective "truth." Differences are avoided and business is very formal.


Low UAI = Society enjoys novel events and values differences. There are very few rules; people are encouraged to discover their own self truths. They accept change and risks, and businesses are informal; more concerned with the long-term strategy too.


Chapter 2: Questions Based on PowerPoint

In Regards to Hofstede's Model, define the "Masculinity Index" (MI) dimension

This refers to how much society sticks with, and values, traditional roles for males and females.


High Mi = Countries where men are expected to be tough and competitive; the provider; assertive and strong. If women work outside of the house, they have separate professions than men do.


Low MI = Genders are not reversed, but roles are blurred. Women and men working together, equally across many professions. A woman can do anything a man can do. 


Chapter 2: Questions Based on PowerPoint

In Regards to Hofstede's Model, define the "Long Term Orientation" (LTO) dimension

Refers to how much society values long-standing-- as opposed to short term-- traditions and values.


High LTO = Family is the basis of society, parents and men  have more authority than younger people and women, strong work ethic, high value placed on education and training.


Low LTO = Promotion of equality, high creativity and inividualism, Treat others as you would like ot be treated. 



Chapter 3: (Beyond Hofstede) Questions Based on PowerPoint

What are the Criticisms of these new models of cultural comparisons?



- Research does not provide a clear set of assumptions and propositions that can form a single theory about the way culture relates to the leadership or influences the leadership process.


- Focuses on what people perceive to be leadership and ignores a large body of research that frames leadership in terms of what leaders do (e.g., transformational leadership, path-goal theory, skills approach). 


- GLOBE study measures leadership with subscales that represent a very broad range of behaviors and as a result compromise the precision and validity of the leadership measures


- GLOBE studies tend to isolate a set of attributes that are characteristic of effective leaders without considering the influence of the situational effects. 


Chapter 3: (Beyond Hofstede) Questions Based on PowerPoint

Explain Andre Laurent's model/research

It is anchored in primarilty 3 major questions:


1) To what degree do you believe that a manager carries there “Work Status” outside of the workplace?


2) Do you agree that managers / employees should by-pass levels in the organizational hierarchy to accomplish tasks?


3) Do you believe a manager should be a content expert and be able to answer all questions put forth by their workers?


Chapter 3: (Beyond Hofstede) Questions Based on PowerPoint

Explain Trompenaars' Dimensions of Culture

1) It's 7 dimensional comparisons


2) The dimensions represent how societies develop approaches to managing problems and difficult situations


3) ***I am not getting into the dimensions!***


Chapter 3: (Beyond Hofstede) Questions Based on PowerPoint

Explain the GLOBE research program

- Consisting of 9 cultural dimensions

- Divided the data from 62 countries into regional clusters

-Clusters provide a great way to make similarities & differences between cultural groups

- Make meaningful "generalizations" about culture & leadership


1) UA


2) PD


3) Institutional Collectivism - the degree in which a society encourages social, collective actions. 


4) In-Group Collectivism - the degree in which people express pride, loyalty and cohesiveness in their org.


5) Gender Egalitarianism - the degree to which org. or society minimizes gender role differences and promotes equality


6) Assertiveness -- the degree to which people in a culture are determined, assertive, confrontatinal and aggressive in social relationships


7) Future Orientation - the extent to which people engage in future-oriented behaviors such as planning and investing in the future


8) Performanc Orientation - the extent to which an org. encourages and rewards group members for performance and excellence.


9) Humane Orientation - the degree to which a culture encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring...

What are the assumptions of Organizational Culture?

- It is invented, discovered, or developed by a given group.


- Lessons can be learned from coping with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration


- Considered valid


- To be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, feel in relation to problems. 


What does an Organizational Culture Do?






- Provides an identity


- Creates a sense of commitment 


- Acts as a source of high reliability


- Defines an interpretive scheme


- Acts as a social control mechanism


What are the problems with Organizational Cultures?






- Can create barriers to change


- Can create conflict within the org. 


- Subcultures change at different rates


- Can clash when mergers happen


- Can become a "Tower of Babel."

How do you measure an Organizational Culture?

1) Positive/Strong


2) Positive/Weak


3) Negative/ Weak


4) Negative/ Strong

What variables of an organizational culture does a manager have control over?

1) Artifacts projected to the members

(Ceremonies, Mission & Values statement)


2) Organizatinal Structures


3) Strategy


4) Leadership

(Listen to what is being said, strengthen commitment to ideals, taking full responsibility for ones beliefs and actions, reminding followers of their achievement)


5) HR process


6) Technology



What are the 4 Corporate-Culture Profiles?

1) Family


2) Eiffel Tower


3) Guided Missle


4) Incubator

Of the 4 Corporate-Culture Profiles, explain "Family."

Emphasizes personal, face-to-face relationships


Hierarchical with authority, structure based on power

Of the 4 Corporate-Culture Profiles, explain "Eiffel Tower."

Emphasizes division of labor


Coordination through hierarchy of authority


Atitute towards authority -Status is given to superiors and is set


Ways of thinking - Logical, analytical, very efficient


Ways of Changing - Change the rules and procedure 


Management Style - Manage by job description

Of the 4 Corporate-Culture Profiles, explain "Guided Missile."

Egalitarian, impersonal, task-oriented


Attitude towards authority - Status is given to group members, who contribute to targeted, group goals.


Ways of thinking and learning - Problem centric, pragmatic, cross-discipline


Ways of changing - Shift as target moves


Management Style - Manage by objective

Of the 4 Corporate-Culture Profiles, explain "Incubator."

Attempts to minimize organizational structure and cultures


Attitutes towards athority - Creative & Growth


Ways of thinking and learning - Creative, insperational


Ways of changing - Improvise, Attune


Management style - Manage by engagement

What are the elements of culture that Leaders can change?

- Employee selection criteria


- Socialization of new members


- Meaning of work


- Artifacts


Chapter 4: NEED TO KNOW


Explain the "Process" of Communication




- Thought

- Encoding

- Transmitting 


- Receiving

- Decoding

- Understanding

(then gives feed back to the Sender)


Chapter 4: NEED TO KNOW


What Is communication?

Communication is the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate and influence behavior 
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