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Evolution Exam 1
Undergraduate 4

Additional Biology Flashcards




Incidental Evolution

Evidence for Evolution Examples:

Tuberculosis Resistance


MRSA: Methicillin Resistance Staph Aureus


Selection for smaller animals due to trophy hunting (overharvesting)

1. drop in bighorn sheep horn size

2. decline in cod size at sexual maturity

Pepper moths and Industrial revolution


Why bacteria evolve rapidly:

Large colonies

High mutation rates

Rapid generation time

Evidence for Evolution: laboratory experiments

Examples include:

Selection for change in morphology (shape/form)

   i.e. leg bristle number in Drosophila


Selection for change in behavior

   ie. selection for running behavior in mice

Evidence for Evolution: selective breeding by humans outside the lab

Examples include:

Dog domestication (wolves --> dogs)


Crop domestication

    1. teosinte --> maize

    2. Brassica oleracea (diversification into many different species, like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts)

Evidence for Evolution: fossil record (shared ancestry of present-day species)

Examples include:

Transitional forms:

1. fish to tetrapods (Tiktaalik roseae)

2. dinosaurs to birds (Archaeopteryx - more dinosaur-like, Gansus yumenensis - more bird-like)

3. land mammals to marine mammals/Cetaceans (Ichthyolestes)

Evidence for Evolution: other disciplines of biology

Examples Include:

Molecular Biology and Genomics

1. Shared DNA sequences: degree of similarity (more similarity = more recent divergence)


2. Shared non-coding DNA sequences: nucleotide divergence


3. Homologous Structures: five digit limbs in different proportions in mammals (similar morphology, different function)


4. Vestigial Structures: salamander non-functional eyes in dark caves, hind Limb Buds in fetal whales, tail in human fetuses


5. Biogeography: similarity of species correlated to geographical proximity, similarities between mockingbirds on Galapagos Islands



Hypothesis, Fact, Theory

Hypothesis: proposition, conjecture (may or may not be well supported)


Fact: hypothesis supported by a large body of accumulated evidence, NO CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE


Theory (in science): not synonymous with hypothesis: integrated set of ideas, based on well-supported hypotheses, that together provide a coherent explanation for a wide body of observations (like gravity, atomic theory, thermodynamics)

Essentialism (Platonic Ideal)

idea that creatures had one perfect form, but all the creatures we saw were imperfections, deviations from the perfect form

(variation = imperfection)


Aristotle's 'Great Chain of Being' (Scala Naturae)


Medieval Great Chain of Being


all species arrayed along a single axis


less complex organisms at the bottom (plants/trees)

most complex at very top (humans)


Medieval Great Chain:

theologians added "perfection" to the vertical axis

(up --> God)

angels and God added to the chain, above humans

Special Creation

Biblical literalist's interpretation


1. Each species was created independently as part of God's perfect, ordered creation

2. Species are unchanging

3. Everything is recent - young Earth creationism (about 6000 years old)

Archbishop James Ussher

calculated Earth to be more more than 6000 years old using geneologies in the Bible


scholarly pursuit to find the age of the world

Irish Protestant Church

Carl Linnaeus

Father of Modern Classification: Taxonomy

To him classification in terms of similarities was describing God's great creation


Type Specimen: The specimen that has all characteristics of that species, representing ideal (mindset of essentialism.)

However this ignores variation within species.

Unintelligent Design

evidence that species are not perfectly designed, imperfect but workable solutions


Recurrent Laryngeal nerve in giraffes: This nerve is unnecessarily long, very inefficient


Rabbit Digestion: Bacterial fermentation of ruminant is past the large intestine. Rabbits have to re-ingest the excreted matter to absorb nutrients. ID would have placed the fermentation before the stomach.

What changes in the 18-19th centuries paved the road to evolution?

1. World no longer believed to be an unchanging place

2. Heresies voices (Copernicus, Galileo, etc.)

3. Discovery of fossils

Significance of the discovery of Fossils

extinct species


implied changes since Creation, gaps in Great Chain


fossils were ancient: was Earth older than biblical account?

Lamarck (Lamarckism)

Darwin not the 1st to propose evolution of species


mechanism as inheritance of acquired characteristics


ex: giraffes stretching their necks to eat from trees would pass on stretched necks to offspring


doesn't actually work.

Uniformitarianism (Hutton and Lyell)

gradual, everyday processes over time (instead of catastrophism) can create major geological features (gradual erosion, deposition, can form canyons, mountains)


current processes are the same ones in the past


heretical because it negated the cataclysmic events of biblical creation

Charles Darwin

Voyage of HMS Beagle in 1831-1836 to Galapagos Islands (local variation in small geographical area)


Came up with descent from common ancestor: all species originated from one parent species (but no mechanism)


Notice the correlation between geographical proximity and phenotypic similarities (see biogeography)


Influenced by Thomas Malthus (the economist): resource limitation gives rise to competition

Thomas Malthus

exponential growth of populations


resource limitation gives rise to competition


traits with competitive advantage become differentially represented in the population

Describe Darwin's mechanism of evolution by natural selection.

All species have potential to reproduce exponentially; all species therefore face limited resources.

- always competition for resources within species

- best competitors will differentially survive and reproduce


Variation among individuals within species

- heritable traits that make some individuals better competitors will be passed to future generations

- over successive generations, change in the proportion of individuals with that trait

(evolution - change in mean characteristics of species)

Alfred Russel Wallace
Darwin co-present evolution with him to Royal Society of London

Five theories of evolution:

(1) Evolution as such


species evolve


idea not new or unique to Darwin, quickly accepted by contemporaries


species change over time



1. similar anatomy between contemporary and extinct sloths,

2. fancy pigeons bred with ridiculous feathers (domestication/selective breeding)


Five theories of evolution:

(2) Common descent


shared common ancestors; all life has one common ancestor


evidence: all organisms have L-amino acids; same chirality in R-DNA/RNA


supported by lots of paleontological, morphological data


quickly accepted by contemporaries


Five theories of evolution:

(3) Gradualism


evolutionary change through small incremental steps


not quickly accepted by contemporaries


To think that the world came about in miracles (large leaps of species transformation) is to leave of science

(- Darwin)


challenged again in late 20th C. with punctuated equilibrium


Five theories of Darwin:

(4) Species diversification


Divergence from common ancestors creates multiplication of species


Other side of common descent: looking from top-down

provides evolutionary explanation for biodiversity

(speciation is inherently a branching process)


Within species: evolution occurs by changes in the proportion of individuals in a population that have a trait


Accepted by contemporaries


Five theories of Darwin:

(5) Natural selection


Differential survival and reproduction of some individuals over others in a population due to phenotypic differences


if heritable, traits will be differentially represented in next generation


initially not accepted widely by contemporaries - mechanism of inheritance unknown


widely accepted as part of the Modern Synthesis


Every: Evolution as Such

Car: Common Descent

Goes: Gradualism

So: Species Diversification

Nicely: Natural Selection



Population Genetics



Microevolution: evolutionary change within species (often defined specifically as genetic change over successive generations)


Population genetics: biological discipline that studies microevolutionary processes


Population: group of individuals of the same species living in geographical proximity and potentially having reproductive interactions.

Define phenotype.

all measurable traits where variation may affect survival and reproductive process


results from genotype and environmental interactions


Discrete (Mendelian) variation


Discrete variation:

qualitative traits, either/or trait


Ex: cyanogenesis in clover (either cyanogenic or not, no in-between)

- 2 compounds required: enzyme, substrate

- presence/absence of allele for cyanogenic glucosides (substrate)

- presence/absence of hydrolyzing enzyme


easily followed, easy to use as candidate gene for molecular analysis

Continuous Variation

Continuous variation: quantitiative traits


Ex: human height, disease risk, dermal ridges in fingerprints

- large, continuous variation with everything in between two extremes

- more common than discrete variation, typically polygenic

Phenotypic variation reflecting environment


1. Genetically similar plants under different wavelengths of light grow to different heights

2. Sex ratio in reptiles depend on temperature


Determing whether a trait has a genetic basis

(Super Party Cart)



1. Segregation of trait variation in crosses:

examine genotype and phenotype ratios & if they are Mendelian ratios




traits usually not Mendelian (not applicable to all traits)

not feasible with humans


2. Parent-offspring correlations:

plotting value of offspring trait as function of parent trait



correlations from similar environment (maternal effect)


Maternal effect: nongenetic effect of a mother on offspring's phenotype; reflects environment offspring were exposed to during gestation/rearing. (Hydrangea and soil pH)


3. Common garden experiments

Collecting organism from different environments and rearing them in the same environment (control for the environment)



seeds (maternal effects)

difficult to test a complex trait (ie. disease susceptibility)

List two definitions of a gene.

1. genes/alleles defined by phenotypes they produced,

defined as units of inheritance:

e.g. "Eye color gene" (red eye allele, white eye allele)


2. can also define genes/alleles at the molecular level,

defined in terms of genetic basis as units of transcription




Allele at the DNA level



Describe types of Genetic Variation at the molecular level (in haplotypes and in genes).

In haplotypes:

1. point mutation

2. indel - ie. Huntington's Disease


In genes:

1. synonymous substitution - no a.a. change

2. nonsynonymous substitution - a.a. change

3. frameshift 

4. microsatellites (SSRs) - usu. in noncoding areas; high mutation rate due to replication slippage (easy for polymerase to err with many repeats); used as genetic markers

5. recombination - crossing-over

Rate of Mutation

on avg, << 1x10^-6 mutations per bp per generation

(sufficient for evolutionary significance)


e.g.  How many mutations per zygote?

mutation rate = humans ~2.5x10^-8

haploid human genome ~3.5x10^-9 bp

25 x 3.5 = ~87.5 new mutations/gamete

~175 new mutations/zygote

if 2.5% of genome expressed, .025 x 175 =

~4 mutations/zygote


polymorphism as a function of divergence - amount of variation in the time since divergence

Is mutation random

With respect to genomic location: No, hotspots and coldspots

(more mutation at telomere, less at centromere)


With respect to whether it is advantageous for the organism: Yes


Ex. Lederbergs replica plating - only colonies that were already resistant showed resistance in the presence of antibiotic; disproves Lamarckian evolution

haplotype tree

gene geneology


unrooted - don't know which haplotype is oldest


info on movement between populations in a species

(buffalo are migratory but impala are not - haplotype change pattern is isolated)


Six assumptions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium


What happens when any of these assumptions are violated?


1. Random mating (panmixia)

2. Infinite population size (no sampling effects)

3. No migration (gene flow)

4. No new mutation

5. No segregation distortion (meiotic drive)

6. No natural selection: all genotypes have equal survival/reproduction


Violation of these assumptions leads to a change in allele frequencies in the next generation = Evolution.

Natural selection, fitness

Natural selection: differential survival and/or reproduction of individuals in a population due to phenotypic differences.


Fitness (W): a way to quantitatively compare the competitiveness of one phenotype relative to others

    Most fit allele/genotype: W = 1

    Less fit alleles/genotypes: W = 1 - s

    (s: selection coefficient = difference in the fitness of

         a given genotype relative to the most fit genotype)


What equation is used to determine what happens when the fitness of the heterozygote (WA1A2) is exactly halfway between the fitness of the homozygotes?

(see bottom slide, page 3 of 9/15/2010 lecture)


Δp = (spq)/[2(1-sq)]

Remember this equation!


As long as there's a non-zero Δp, there's a change in allele frequencies = Evolution!

The rate at which the favored allele is fixed depends on... (3 things)

1. Strength of selection (how unequal is W?)

2. Initial allele frequency

3. Degree of dominance (W differences between homozygotes and heterozygotes)

Components of fitness (zygotic)

Viability: probability of survival to reproductive age


Mating success: sexual selection (factored into fecundity when calculating fitness)


Fecundity: viable offspring per female


*Sometimes viability and mating success are at odds!

Example: water striders favor larger females (more eggs, better fecundity) BUT those larger females are more likely to be eaten (worse viability)

Calculating fitness from viability and fecundity components

Given the viability component of fitness (viability W) and the fecundity component of fitness (fecundity W):


                  A1A1    A1A2    A2A2

viability W:    1.0    0.92   0.97

fecundity W:  0.80   0.75    1.0


then the relative fitness is:

(1.0)(0.8)    (0.92)(0.75)    (0.97)(1.0)

   (0.97)          (0.97)            (0.97)  <--standardize

                                                     by highest value


W: 0.82            0.71                1.0

Evolution by natural selection requires... (2 things)

1. Heritable phenotypic variation (differential fitness)

2. Genetic change over successive generations (Δp ≠ 0)


Note: Natural selection is one mechanism that can lead to evolution. It is not evolution!


Evolution can also occur by violating the other H-W assumptions.

How did natural selection affect bill size in Darwin's finches? (hint: what happened during drought years?)

Hypothesis: different beaks developed to help birds eat different foods (seeds, insects, etc.)


Discovery: the birds all ate the same kind of plentiful seed!


However! This was observed during a rainy year, when food was plentiful. During drought seasons, birds with larger bills were favored. The small plentiful seed became scarce and the remaining seeds were rock-hard. Large-billed birds were better able to eat the hard seeds and were more likely to survive the drought.

Predation of horned lizards by loggerhead shrikes

Loggerhead shrikes (a type of bird) eat horned lizards.


Shrike flies lizard up a tree, sticks lizard to a branch by its horns, then eats the body. Selection for horn length occurs in the lizard: larger horns help it fend off the attacking shrike.


Significance: It's often difficult, if not impossible, to examine which phenotype was selected against in a population because they have already died off. Due to the killing method the shrike uses on horned lizards, we know what the horn length phenotype of the selected-against individuals were.


Modes of selection

(1) Directional selection


Directional selection favors higher or lower value of a character.

- The mean value of the trait is shifted (if heritable)

- Decreases variation



- bacterial antibiotic resistance

- maize oil content (selected by humans)

- Drosophila bristle number (lab)

- level of activity in mice (lab)


Modes of selection

(2) Stabilizing selection


Stabilizing selection selects against phenotypes that deviate in either direction from the optimal value for a character.

- The mean value of the trait is maintained

- Decreases variation (if heritable)

- predominant selective force for many traits

- often involves 2 opposing directional selection forces



- human birth weight (percent mortality goes up for very heavy or very light infants)

- gecko body size (gain territory/mates vs. exposure to owls)

- gall size in gall flies (wasps prey on smaller galls, birds prey on larger galls; selection favors middle ground)


Modes of selection

(3) Diversifying (disruptive)


Diversifying selection selects for two or more modal phenotypes and against those intermediate between them.

- Increases variation (if heritable)

- Mean value of trait may not change

- The only one of the three modes that increases variance.



- Black-bellied seedcracker (finch in E.Africa) feeds on sedge seeds, which have a large/small size dimorphism. Large-beaked and small-beaked birds are favored over birds with mid-sized beaks.

Why is there still heritable variation for traits directly correlated with fitness?


1. Balance between new deleterious mutations and selection: bad mutations always popping up, but not so bad that they are not viable.

2. 'Fisher's Fundamental Theorem' hypothesis: lots of great new mutations constantly arising! This creates genetic variation.

3. Diversifying selection, and/or selection favoring different traits in different times or places.


Frequency-dependent selection

(1) Negative frequency-dependent selection


Negative (inverse) frequency-dependent selection:

the rare phenotype is favored.



- frequencies of left-mouthed and right-mouthed scale-eating cichlids vary cyclically over time, depending on when the host fish "wise up" to which phenotype is more common at the moment

- self-incompatibility alleles in plants prevent inbreeding, so a rare allele can fertilize more plants - until it becomes common


maintains/increases genetic variation


Frequency-dependent selection

(2) Positive frequency-dependent selection


Positive frequency-dependent selection: the common phenotype is favored, fixed.


Different populations may become fixed for different phenotypes.


Example: Müllerian mimicry: several unpalatable species share a similar warning pattern (butterflies). Transplant experiments show that survival rate goes down if a butterfly is moved to a region where it does not look like the majority.


expect to lose variation.


Selection with environmental heterogeneity

(1) Spatial heterogeneity


Individuals vary between different environments.


Two types of spatial heterogeneity:

1. Fine scale (within population) - example: copper tolerance in bentgrass near a mine

2. Large scale (across multiple populations or species range) - example: frequency of cyanogenesis in clover decreases with colder temps (polymorphism may be maintained due to resource allocation trade-offs, favored in different environments)


Selection with environmental heterogeneity

(2) Temporal heterogeneity


Different phenotypes are favored at different seasons


Example: Darwin's finch beak size in drought vs. wet years (large beak favored in drought years)

Heterozygote advantage (overdominance)

Heterozygote fitness exceeds homozygotes

- active maintenance of variation occurs; no longer expect fixation of one allele.


Example: sickle cell anemia in humans

AAAA: no anemia, susceptible to malaria

AAAS: slight anemia, resistance to malaria

ASAS: severe anemia and early death


W values for these genotypes, from top to bottom, are: 0.89, 1.0, 0.2 (in Africa, where malaria is common)

Possible heterozygote advantage: cystic fibrosis

People with cystic fibrosis lack functional CFTR protein (found in lungs and intestinal tract), are susceptible to Pseudomonas bacteria (lung infection), early death


However! Heterozygotes are protected against Salmonella typhi (typhoid fever) infiltration in the gut: 86% fewer bacteria.


Thus, across 11 European countries, severity of typhoid outbreaks is correlated with frequency of ΔF508 in the next generation. (Allele is favored during times of typhoid outbreak.)

Define genetic drift, and describe the drunkard's walk metaphor.

Genetic drift will ultimately cause the fixation of one allele and loss of the other (loss of genetic variation). Breaks H-W assumption of infinite population size and no sampling effects.


Drunkard's walk metaphor: as he staggers crookedly down the train platform, he will eventually fall off one side (fixation) or the other (loss). Rare alleles are more likely to be lost; the drunkard is more likely to fall off one side of the platform if he starts walking at a point closer to that side than the other.

Founder effect, Bottleneck

Founder effect: The principle that the founders of a new colony carry only a fraction of the total genetic variation in a population.

- Amish community founded by about 200 individuals; greater frequency of Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome


Bottleneck: Instances in which populations are greatly reduced in size for one or more generations.

- population of Pohnpei descended from 20 survivors of 1775 typhoon; extremely high incidence of congenital achromatopsia (complete color blindness if homozygous for mutant allele)

- elephant seal population bottlenecked due to overhunting for blubber; population growth from ~10-30 to >175,000; no variation in 24 allozyme loci

What are the consequences of genetic drift on genetic diversity? List the equation to describe it.

Genetic drift leads to a loss of genetic variation:

# alleles/locus

# polymorphic loci (through fixation)


Heterozygosity frequency = 2pq


Average loss of heterozygosity frequency from genetic drift per generation:

Ht1= Ht[1-(1/2N)]

What are the effects of genetic drift on multiple populations within a species? (Think of the collared lizard example.)

For multiple finite populations, all with allele A1, at frequency p, we expect that a proportion p of the populations will be fixed for A1


i.e. the allelic frequency reflects the fixation

if p has frequency of 0.4 we expect that 0.4 of the populations to be fixed for the allele.


Describe the setup of the experiment:

Buri 1956 and bw75/bw Drosophila


In this experiment, the author had 106 populations, each with 16 individuals (N=16)


Randomly picking 8 males and 8 females from each of the parent generation the author showed that genetic drift reduced the frequency of heterozygotes in each population, they were becoming fixed for either the bw75 or the bw allele

Experiment: Buri 1956, the expected results

The predicted frequency of heterozygotes did not match with allele frequency: heterozygote frequency curve

Y axis: = 2p(1-p)

X axis = p where p is the allele frequency


The actual decline of heterozygous frequency matched more closely to smaller population


-Heterozygotes were counted by orange eye color as the phenotype was under incomplete dominance

-Under other types of Mendelian genetics like complete dominance, heterzygotes would be tougher to count


Ne: The effective population size


Census Population Size


Ne: The size of the theorectical (ideal) population that producesa the level of genetic drift observed in a real population


Census Population: The actual recorded population size based on the level of genetic drift


Reasons why Ne < census population size

3 reasons


1. Variation among individuals in contribution to the next generation

-Unequal sex ratios

-Fitness variation


2. Fluctuations in population size (Ne is predicted by harmonic mean, not arithmetic mean, since drift is stronger in smaller populations)


3. Overlapping generations (reduce heterozygosity by combining identical offspring and parental alleles)

Define Population Structure.

Patterns of genetic differentation among populations of a species


This includes:

- Quantification of population structure and genetic diversity within populations

- Interaction with gene flow

- Interaction between genetic drift, gene flow, and selection


Example: Collared lizards


Fst and how to calculate it


Standard variance in allele frequencies amoung populations


Measures the degree of genetic differentiation among populations


Fst: 0 means that all the populations are genetically identical(same alleles and frequencies)


Fst: 1 means that all populations are fixed for one allele or another (complete divergence)


Fst = (HT - Hs)/HT

HT = heterozygous frequency (2pq) calculated for allele frequencies pooled across  Total populations

Hs = heterozygous frequency from each individual subpopulation


Sample problem:

In population 1: In one population 60 alleles are A1 and 40 alleles are A2. In another population 160 alleles are A1 and 40 alleles are A2. What is the Fst between the two?


Ans: 0.046


p1 = 0.6

q1 = 0.4

2p1q1 = 0.48


p2 = 0.8

q2 = 0.2

2p2q2 = 0.32


Hs = [(100)*0.48 + (200)*0.32]/(100 + 200) = 0.373

HT = 2pTqT = 2[(160 + 60)/300 + (40 + 40)/ 300] = 0.391


Fst = (0.391-0.373)/ 0.391


Why Fst is not a measure of overall genetic diversity


Given two species, each with five populations


Species 1 Each population may be fixed for either one of two alleles

diversity is low (only two alleles) but: high Fst


Species 2 Each population has the same five alleles present at the same frequencies

diversity is high but: low Fst


How to measure genetic diversity in a population

2 ways


1) Measure expected heterozygosity for all alleles


2) Calculate genetic diversity at the nucleotide level

-Takes into account the amount of nucleotide divergence among haplotypes


How to calculate the expected heterozygosity for all alleles


Sample problem: If alleles A1 A2 A3 A4 have frequencies

0.8, 0.08, 0.1, 0.02, what is the measure of expected heterozygosity  


He = 1 - Sigma (p2i)

1 - the frequency of homozygotes


Note that for two alleles it boils down to 2pq

2pq = 1 - (p2 + q2)



1 - (0.8*0.8) - (0.08*0.08) - (0.1*0.1) - (0.02*0.02)

= 0.3432



How to calculate genetic diversity at the nucleotide level


Sample problem


Find the genetic diversity of these sequences


Nucleotide diversity: π = the average number of nucleotide differences pet site site between 2 sequences sampled at random

π = Sigma [pipjπij]


pi = frequency of allele 1

pj = frequency of allele 2

πij = average change = number of pairwise differences/number of nucleotides


A1 = 0.5

A2 = 0.25

A3 = 0.25


Sample question

π = A1*A2*(# difference nt/total nt) +

      A1*A3*(# difference nt/total nt) +

     A2*A3*(# difference nt/total nt) +


π =

(0.5)(0.25)(1/10) + (0.5)(0.25)(2/10) + (0.5)(0.5)(1/10)


= 0.04375


Breaking the assumption of H-W that there is no migration


Also define this term


This introduces gene flow: incorporation of alleles into a population from another population

This acts against genetic drift to homogenize the populations


note: Not all migrations lead to gene flow as an animal may migrate but fails to survive and add to the gene pool


Example: Dispersal of pollen grains and seeds


Gene flow and evolution: What influences the potential for gene flow to cause evolution

2 terms


The power of gene flow to cause evolution depends on:


1) The rate of gene flow (m): porportion of alleles derived from migrant parents


2) Amount of initial genetic differentiation between populations. The large the genetic difference between the two the less powerful gene flow is

What is the relationship between gene flow and genetic drift, and what is the equation that represents this relationship?

Gene flow counteracts genetic drift; there is an inverse relationship between the two.


Fst = 1/(4Nm +1)

Where Nm = effective gene flow or the number of migrants contributing alleles per generation


Name three models of gene flow and which model corresponds to the ideal inverse relationship with genetic drift


1) Island Model: Each population is equally distant from another and connected to one another

This model is assumed in the ideal inverse relationship as each population contributes equal gene flow


2) Isolation by distance: Each population is connected to one another but not by equal distances. Hence some populations contribute more to gene flow to others

For many species this is the realistic model


3) Stepping stone model: Populations are only connected to the neighbouring population, gene flow does not occur outside of these two populations


How can Fst be used as a tool for identifying genes evolving under natural selection


We assume that most allelic varaition is most genes is not under selection. For these genes, Fst and inferred Nm reflect only genetic drift and gene flow


Outlier genes reflect selection on that gene

What are two methods for estimating levels of gene flow? List 3 disadvantages that each method has.

Direct methods: For example, mark and recapture species

Use marker traits/alleles


-Migration does not equal gene flow

-May not represent other populations, seasons, environments

-Ignores rare, long distance events most difficult to detect


Indirect methods: Infer gene flow from level of genetic differentiation

-Assumes Fst reflects current gene flow: One can calculate gene flow for species that have been completely isolated but in the past were connected


-Assumes island model of gene flow; unrealistic for many species. Isolation by distance is more realistic


-Genetic markers are not under selection: selectively neutral; when tracking animals and where they end up using genetic markers if that genetic marker is under natural selection this will skew their results as it will affect Fst

            High Fst will result if favoring different alleles in different populations (+the genetic marker) is selected for

           Low Fst will result if selection for the same allele (our genetic marker) is favored for in each population

*This can be used to identify traits under natural selection


How can gene flow facillitate evolution by natural selection (2 ways)



Mitigate loss or rare alleles by genetic drift

Spread favorable alleles among populations

   -example a rare allele for pollen grain recognition that allows for self fertilization

Name two examples where gene flow can prevent evolution/fixation by natural selection.

Example 1: Wind blowing metal resistant grass seeds to non-metal areas hence preventing fixation of the metal resistant allele and non-metal allele


Example 2: Northern water snake; the gene flow between populations leads to large-scale heterogeneity, and thus no fixation

Using the example of cyanogenic clovers, how can a cline evolve through the interaction of selection and gene flow?

There could be a climate threshold below which acyanogenesis would be fixed if there is no gene flow.


Imagine that since herbivores are more common in warmer temperatures, cyanogenosis is costly in colder temperatures were there are fewer herbivores.

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