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Essay Questions EXAM 1
Essay Possibilites
Undergraduate 2

Additional Biology Flashcards




Describe the 4 Tissue Types
a. Description
b. Functions
c. Features
d. Major Subdivisons

1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscular
4. Nervous
1. a. sheets covering surfaces; external/internal
b. protection; products (sweat); exchange (diffusion)
c. supporting basement membrane; no blood vessels

2. a. diverse
b. binds and supports; transports
c. cells, fibers, matrix
d. loose-supports cells, nerves, blood vessels
dense-supports, muscles and bones
bone; cartilage;blood/lymph

3. b. movement
d. smooth-digestive tract, blood vessel walls (involuntary)
striated- skeletal (voluntary); cardiac (involuntary)

4. b. rapid communication
d. neurons- conducts impulses; neuroglia- insulate, support neurons
Describe Fertilization
1. jelly layer penetrated by sperm
2. fusion with vitelline envelope if egg recognition and sperm receptor proteins match
3. fertilization cone draws sperm head in
4. polyspermy prevention
a. FAST-electrical potential change to vitelline membrane
b. cortical reaction lifts vitelline envelope away
c. SLOW- envelope hardens= fertilization membrane
5. male and female pronuclei fuse
6. removal of inhibitors to egg metabolism
7. egg cytoplasm spatially reorganizes
Describe the following regarding the Liver fluke

a. Life Cycle
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention
*parasitic flukes
a. Life Cycle
1. adult in liver bile duct, eggs shed in feces
2. egg eaten by snail, hatch into ciliated larva (miracidium)
3. larva enters snail tissue, becomes sporocyst, producing redia
4. redia produce tailed cercariae
5. Cercariae leave snail, burrows into fish muscle
6. Cercariae encsyt
7. cyst eaten by primary host (humans)
-first secondary host= snail
-second secondary host=fish
8. young migrate back to bile duct and mature
b. symptoms: cirrhosis of liver, cysts form and liver attacks itself
c. prevention: cook fish, control snails
Describe the following regarding Plasmodium

a. Life Cycle
b. Symptoms
c. Prevention
1. gametes form zygote in mosquito (primary host)
2. zygote forms into sporozoites which can infect other organisms
3. sporozoites move from salivary glands into humans
4. sporozoites move to liver and kills liver cells
5. by schizogony merozoites are formed
6. merozoites feed on red blood cells
7. RBC burst and toxins are released into blood
8. merozoites produce gametes and they are sucked back up by mosquito

b. Symptoms-chills, fever, causes Malaria
c. avoid stagnant water, mosquito bites, use bed nets
Describe the following:

1. 3 major schools of classification

2. 3 major theories of taxonomy
-dominant theory
-theory trying to replace the dominant one
a. Evolutionary Tree
-all life rose from an ancestral first life form (macro)
-also adapts (micro)
b. Creationist Orchard
-God created kinds (baramin) that could diversify into different species (micro) and also adapts (micro)
c. Linnean Lawn
-each species was uniquely created by God, no diversification, but adaption possible (micro)

a. Phenetics- groups reflect overall similarity/appearance
-rejects mono, para, and poly
-claims those things are not knowable
b. Evolutionary Taxonomy
-evol relationship and amount of divergence is important
-accepts mono and para
-currently the dominant theory
c. Phylogenetic systematics
-evolutionary relationship is important
-only mono groups are valid
-trying to challenge/replace Evol Theory
Describe the life cycle of Aurelia and how it differs from Obelia
1. Medusa form produces gametes and a zygote forms (sexual)
2. zygote becomes swimming ciliated planula
3. Planula settles, becomes scyphistoma (polyp)
4. polyp becomes strobila, releasing ephyra (asexual)
5. Ephyra mature into medusa

*medusa form is dominant in Aurelia and polyp form is dominant in Obelia
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